Chapter 8

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"Ser Erryk, I wish to speak with my uncle." Aerea demanded as she stood outside of Aegon's chambers in front of the guards.

"He is not in, princess. He has gone for the night." Ser Erryk answered.

"And where has he run off to?" She raised an eyebrow with her arms crossed.

"Into the streets of Flea Bottom, princess. But I must warn you, it isn't safe where he has gone." But she just rolled her eyes and turned. Erryk slid in front of her and gave her a stern warning. "He's not the boy he once was, Princess Aerea."

"Nor am I the girl I once was. Now tell me where exactly in Flea Bottom he's gone." She retorted, but the guard just stayed quiet. "If you will not tell me, I will find him myself. Though I will say, if you tell me it certainly would make my journey much shorter."

Ser Erryk sighed and gave in, explaining to her how to navigate to his location. Aerea thanked him and took off, sneaking through the secret tunnels she remembered from her childhood. Once she set foot in Flea Bottom, she followed the directions she was given and found herself outside a tall building where she heard nothing but cheers and screams.

With a deep breath, she opened the door and made her way through the rowdy crowd, scanning the room for Aegon. Her attention was stolen by the center of the room the people were gathered around. Children. Little children dressed in rags, clawing and punching at each other. They were covered in dirt and blood, ranging from the age of 4 to about 10. She gasped at the sight, covering her mouth.

"USE YOUR FUCKING TEETH!" A familiar voice shouted near her. She turned and saw Aegon, leaned over the ledge waving his cup of wine and cheering with the others. He was encouraging this. He looked happier than he had been in years from what she could see. He looked back momentarily and found Aerea's eyes. His wine dropped his hand as he rushed after her.

She ran outside with tears running down her face, her hand covering her mouth as she rushed down the alley with Aegon catching up to her. With one last step, he grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him.

"Aerea, please!" He panted as he slid his other hand behind her neck and curled his fingers into her hair. She stared up at him in pure fear at what he'd become over the years. She hated herself for ever loving him in her life.

"I don't know who you are anymore." She said, almost monotone.

"I'm still the same person you once loved! I am still the one who remains in your heart!" He pleaded and she shoved him off of her.

"You know nothing of my heart! You are not the one who resides there!" She hissed as she slapped him right across the face. His face tightened at her words more than her hit.

"Ah, Ser Leo, is it?" He pursed his lips, looking to the ground. But she was silent. He glanced up at her and noticed her hesitance. "Perhaps not then."

She clenched her jaw and threw the pouch in her hand at him. He caught it and dumped out its contents. His breathing stopped and a tear escaped his eye when he looked down at the ring in his hand. His ring. The one he gave her as a child. "I did not know I still had it when I returned to Dragonstone. I no longer wish to have it in my possession. Goodbye, Aegon."

Without sparing him another glance, she turned and stormed off from him. She found her way through the streets and ended up in the sands along the beach. Her stomping never ended as she trotted through the sand, nearing a hidden entrance to the dragonpits. Her steps came to a stop when she saw her father leaned up against the entrance.

"And just what are you doing out of bed, little one?" Daemon raised an eyebrow, strutting over to her with his arms crossed.

"I needed to return something to Aegon." She looked down and shook her head. "He's a monster, father."

"Well, that's nothing different." He chuckled, but her head snapped up with her eyebrows knitted together.

"No, I don't think you understand. That's what the greens want on the throne. Someone who rapes and enjoys forcing children to fight to the death!" All humor vanished in Daemon's face.

"Has he touched you?" He switched back to common tongue.

"No, absolutely not. Father...the night his betrothal to Helaena was announced, I saw a handmaiden run from his chambers. And the next day I saw him try to attack another. Just tonight, I found him cheering on little children beating each other. If this is him as a prince, we are in trouble if the greens try to usurp mother's throne."

"Then perhaps it may be time for you to try to claim a dragon." His eyebrow raised at her head shaking.

"I do not need a dragon to bring Fire and Blood to the greens."

"Then we need not worry about some cunt who can't walk in a straight line most of the time." They both laughed. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and led her through the dragonpits and into the halls of the castle. "You just worry about your little friend for now."

"He's a good man, father." She rolled her eyes at her father's disgust for her betrothed.

"I don't care if he's kissed by the gods. I still don't want him marrying my..." He found himself trailing off when he looked down at her protectively. He still hadn't told her she was his daughter after all these years, mostly in fear of losing the bond the two made when he married her mother.

"If you and mother had your way, I'd never marry and live out my days as a princess to be groomed for the throne one day." She laughed as she leaned her head onto his shoulder.

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