Chapter 22

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"Aemond, you must marry her. We want to secure our alliance with as many houses as we can and a marriage pact between you and Lady Baratheon will secure us that protection." Alicent explained to him as he kept his eye on the table, barely engaging in his mother and grandfather's plotting. Aegon had been roaming the halls, showing off his new station as the king and Aemond had made it a point to avoid his arrogant face since the day he was crowned. Alicent threw her hands up in defeat when she realized she was getting nowhere with her son. Aemond had been a ghost since Aerea had left him a month ago. He spent most of his time hidden from everyone unless called upon, and even then he was barely present in mind let alone in conversation. "And what of Rhaenyra? Did she accept our terms?"

"I fear she did not. Daemon refused and she seemed reluctant." Otto sighed. "And I have heard from whispers in the south that Princess Aerea is negotiating an alliance with Prince Qoren."

Aemond's head snapped up, finally invested in the conversation in front of him. "Alliance?"

"No doubt sinking her claws into the Prince." Alicent grumbled as she caught the glaring look in her son's eye.

"Regardless, if Rhaenyra secures the North, Driftmark and Dorne, we will need every alliance we can possibly muster." Otto eyed his grandson, implying the severity of his arranged marriage to Lady Baratheon.

"Putting our family's lives in the hands of the Baratheons, I see." Aemond finally spoke up.

"And should we put our faith in your precious whore that she won't burn us all to the ground for putting Aegon on the throne and not her mother?" Otto snapped, finally having enough of his grandson's brooding. Aemond rose to his feet prepared to fight the older man, but they were all interrupted by two guards entering the room.

"Your Grace, there's an urgent issue that needs your attention as well as yours, Lord Hand." The guard spoke up, but Aemond kept his stance.

"You will marry Lady Baratheon and that is final." Alicent declared and Aemond clenched his jaw once more before storming out of the room. Alicent looked at the guards with a forced smile. "What is it?"

"We've just taken Ser Leo Harrold as prisoner. He was found lurking through the red keep, looking for Aegon." The guard answered. Otto and Alicent exchanged a questioning look before following the guards down to the dungeons where Leo was laid on his back looking up at the ceiling. Alicent stared down at the nonchalant man as he drummed his fingers on his chest and hummed to himself as if he wasn't a prisoner of theirs. But little did Ser Leo know, a fate worse than death was awaiting him.

South of King's Landing, Aerea prepared to leave Dorne empty handed after Qoren avoided any conversation on the potential war. He spent what little time he had with her taking her through the gardens and talking to her about poetry and philosophy. Though she found her time with him comforting, she was there with a purpose. A purpose she felt she had failed as she grabbed onto Vermithor's ropes.

"Princess! Princess, wait!" Qoren called out as he ran towards her. She turned with a tight smile, muttering under her breath how she'd just wasted her time.

"Yes, Prince Qoren?" She asked.

"We never did discuss our terms, sweet princess." His smile shines even brighter than the sun above them.

"Ah, yes. The very reason I came to Dorne." She laughed.

"Apologies, princess. I knew my time would be limited and you can't blame a man for not wasting a moment he's given by such a beauty." Her cheeks reddened at his comment, but she held her head high to try and maintain her composure.

"Sadly, time for me is very precious, Prince Qoren." She said.

"Understandably so. Please inform your mother she has my full support should it come to war. If a Targaryen is to sit the throne, at the very least it should be the true heir to do so." He nodded his head and she couldn't contain her joy as she threw her arms around him.

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