Chapter 1

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It is said that when a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin. One side greatness, the other madness. A curse that would be the demise for most, but the success of others.

Aerea Velaryon would be no exception of this. She was the first born daughter of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon. The day she was born, she had the whole realm wrapped around her finger. With the exception of the Queen, Alicent Hightower. Alicent's eyes were skeptical of the child as Viserys held his granddaughter.

Blue. Blue eyes opened, staring straight up at the man holding her. White hair that vaguely covered the top of her tiny head.

Alicent looked between Laenor and Rhaenyra, noting the purple eyes of her mother and brown eyes of her father.

But their daughter's eyes were blue. It made no sense, but neither did any of the queer Targaryen customs to her. Once the child was in her arms, Alicent felt her chest tighten up. Something about this baby made her feel a darkness building inside her. Something she couldn't quite figure out.

One thing that was for sure, there was something off about the newborn and Alicent would keep a close eye on her.

10 years later

Aerea ran through the halls giggling with a particular destination in mind, simply wanting to flee her lessons. Septa Nella was requiring Princess Helaena and Princess Aerea work on their needlework, but Aerea had other plans in mind. Her brothers would be in the dragonpits while her mother was recovering from her labors of her newborn brother. Today was the perfect day she could get away with sneaking into the training yard.

Once her feet hit the grovel of the yard, she looked around making sure no one was around before she grabbed one of the wooden swords. She got into what she assumed was a fighting stance, beginning to blindly swing the sword as if she were in a battle. Her footwork was beyond sloppy and the fake sword was almost too heavy for her to lift above her head. But she didn't let that stop her.

Aerea wanted to be a fighter, but her parents wanted her to be a princess. All three of her brothers were born with black hair and dark eyes, while she was the only one with any resemblance to her father. Her parents knew she had to act as a princess and be as proper as possible. Their image was already compromised enough by the whispered rumors of their son's legitimacies. They couldn't have any issues for their daughter.

"Shouldn't you be with Helaena, little niece." Aegon chuckled as he and his younger brother, Aemond, were passing by the yard. She turned instantly and froze, hiding the sword behind her back.

"I...I was just on my way, I..." Aerea stammered as Aegon strutted over, snatching the sword from her hands as he smiled down at her.

"Then I suggest you make your way there now." Aegon tucked his fingers under her chin, bringing a scorching blush to her cheeks. She pursed her lips in protest, but sighed in frustration.

"But I want to learn how to use a sword, Aegon." She mumbled. Aemond stood far behind his brother, but smiled faintly at his niece's words.

"Do you think I cannot protect you enough myself, princess?" Aegon mockingly pouted as his fingers lightly stroked her cheek.

"Well, no, but-!" She began but he placed his finger over her lips, silencing her instantly.

"Then that's all that matters. Now go to your lessons and I will see you at supper." He gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek and she begrudgingly went back to her lessons. Aemond noticed the frustration still plastered all over her face and the smug ownership in Aegon's. It irritated him how his brother paraded around like he was on top of the world. It had been rumored for months that Aegon and Aerea would wed when she was of age, which only made his arrogance grow even more.

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