Queen of the Pirates

By Buttercup-Rosie

219K 7.4K 4.8K

After Gol D. Roger's dying words drove all kinds of people to the sea to chase after dreams that only the Gra... More

The Journey Begins
The Pirate Hunter
The First Fight with the Navy
Enter the Thief
Zoro VS Cabaji
Luffy VS Buggy
Guardian of the Forest
The Infamous Liar
Protecting the Village
The Meowban Brothers
Finally, a Real Ship!
Johnny and Yosaku!
The Baratie and The Flirty Cook
Hawk-Eye Mihawk!?
Sanji VS The Invincible Pearl
Gin the Betrayer
Luffy VS Don Krieg
Heading for Nami
The Girl Who Cried Help
Arlong Attacks!
The Town of the Beginning and the End
High School AU Filler Chapter 1
High School AU Filler Chapter 2
High School AU Filler Chapter 3
High School AU Filler Chapter 4
The Grand Line
Laboon's Tale
Whisky Peak
The Princess of Alabasta
Onwards to a New Island
Arriving on Little Garden
Trapped in Wax
Straight Ahead!
A Sick Nami
The Snow Country: Drum Kingdom
The Straw Hat's Doctor: Chopper
Royalty AU Filler Chapter 1
Royalty AU Filler Chapter 2
Royalty AU Filler Chapter 3
Royalty AU Filler Chapter 4
Mr. Bon Clay
Ace Arrives
A Journey Through the Desert
Heading To Rainbase
Trapped by Crocodile
Mr. Prince to the Rescue
The First Defeat
The Clock Tower
The Rain Returns
The Sign of Friendship
An Archaeologist Joins the Crew
A Run in with Salvagers
A Promise not to Fight
Noland the Liar
The Emperor Cloud
Search for the South Bird
The Knock-Up Stream
Off-Screen Events: Akari is Born
Off-Screen Events: Shanks in Foosha Village
Off-Screen Events: Akari Learns to Fight
Off-Screen Events: Ace Heads out to Sea
The Sea of Clouds
Skypiea and Angel Beach
Criminals in Skypiea
The Punishment Begins
The Challenge of the Ball
Reaching The Sacrificial Alter
The Search Team is Separated
The Question Corner! Part 1
Alone in the Forest
Respecting History
Shandora: The City of Gold
Refusing Endless Varse
Rubber vs. Lightning
Jumping Ship
The Question Corner! Part 2!
To the Top of the Vine
The Golden Bell Tolls
The Secret of Skypiea
Pop Idol AU Filler Chapter 1
Pop Idol AU Filler Chapter 2
Pop Idol AU Filler Chapter 3
Pop Idol AU Filler Chapter 4
Back in the Blue Sea
Long Ring Long Island
The Davy Back Fight Begins
The Foxy Pirates Choose...?
Zoro & Sanji in the Groggy Ring
Afro Luffy Appears
A Supreme Admiral!?
Frozen Solid
The Sea Train
The City of Water
Dock #1
Franky Family Fight
Luffy VS Usopp
Heading to Galley-La HQ
The Traitors: CP9
The Aqua Laguna
Journey on Rocket Man
The Nightless Island
College AU Filler Chapter 1
College AU Filler Chapter 2
College AU Filler Chapter 3
College AU Filler Chapter 4
Luffy and Akari Fight Together
Robin's True Wish
The Search for Keys
Luffy vs Lucci
The Buster Call
A Final Farewell
Off-Screen Events: Life on Going Merry Part 1
Off-Screen Events: Life on Going Merry Part 2
The Question Corner! Part 3!
Uncovering The Truth
Waiting for a Ship
A Ship of Dreams
Set Sail on Thousand Sunny
Domestic AU Filler Chapter 1
Domestic AU Filler Chapter 2
Domestic AU Filler Chapter 3
Domestic AU Filler Chapter 4
A Talking Skeleton!?
A Floating Ghost Island
The Humming Swordsman
A Fifty-Year Promise
The Despicable Dr. Hogback
Straw Hats VS Oars
Nightmare Luffy!
Luffy vs. Moria
Kuma the Tyrant
Bink's Brew
Honoring the Lost
Mafia AU Filler Chapter 1
Mafia AU Filler Chapter 2
Mafia AU Filler Chapter 3
Mafia AU Filler Chapter 4
A Real-Life Mermaid!
The Flying Fish Riders
The Face Behind the Iron Mask
The Yarukiman Mangrove Archipelago
A World Nobles Sighting
Shakky's Rip-Off Bar
Sold to the Highest Bidder
Rescued by a Legend
The Truth Behind Roger
Battle with a Pacifista
The Straw Hats Torn Apart
Awaking in Blacksmith Village
An Average Day in Blacksmith Village
Departing Blacksmith Village
Zombie AU Filler Chapter 1
Zombie AU Filler Chapter 2
Zombie AU Filler Chapter 3
Zombie AU Filler Chapter 4
Saved by the Devil
A Chat with Blackbeard
The Underwater Prison
Escaping Impel Down
Bon Clay's Sacrifice
Recounting Time Apart
Luffy's Tale to Impel Down
The War Begins
Battling Through Marineford
The Strongest Man in the World
Roger's Bloodline
Rescuing Ace
The End of an Era
The Question Corner! Part 4
Canon Side Stories #1: Paulie
Canon Side Stories #2: Iceburg
Canon Side Stories #3: Smoker
Canon Side Stories #4: Koby
Aboard the Polar Tang
The Island of Women
A Spirit Broken
Flashback: Meeting Ace
Flashback: Enter Sabo
Flashback: Troublemakers
Flashback: The Treehouse
Flashback: A Great Fire
Flashback: The Promise
Short Break

A Fist of Love

1.1K 36 16
By Buttercup-Rosie


Only two days have passed since the incident we caused at Enies Lobby. Once we made it back to Water 7, Iceburg set us up in a private pirate house at the temporary headquarters for Galley-La. For the first time in too long, every single one of us was able to sleep for as long as we desired. Every single one of our bodies had been pushed to their limits, and we needed time to recover before going about our days once again. After a day and a half of rest and relaxation, all of us had tasks that we needed to accomplish.

Usopp disappeared before we woke up, which I understand but wish he could just get over himself to apologize for his wrongdoings to rejoin the crew. Zoro went out to mull over the sword that one of the Marines turned to dust with a Devil Fruit power during the last battle before we escaped on Going Merry, yet I'm not sure if he's going to find a replacement in this city. Nami has been sulking at the circular table in the room; her head down as she can't even bring herself to look at a map since we have no ship to take us anywhere. Chopper and Robin have gone out to take care of anyone who was wounded that came with us, but they should be returning soon. Sanji and I got back to the house not long ago with groceries for a couple meals, and the blond has been making lunch for those of us that are still at the house.

Luffy is the only one of us that hasn't pulled out of his sleep. His body was brought to the brink of death too many times during his fight with Lucci, and I don't want to think about what could have been since he is still alive and kicking. The fact that he's learned to eat while completely asleep is enough of a shock to help me forget about how close we might have been to losing him.

"After everything we went through with Galley-La, I'm happy to wear their merchandise around," I plop down in a chair on the other side of the table that Luffy has been moved to in order to eat lunch. The outfit that I'm now wearing consists of a yellow t-shirt (showing off the many bandages on my arms) that has the Galley-La Company emblem on the front, jean shorts, white socks with embroidered ladybugs (that cover many bandages on my legs), and yellow high-top sneakers to match my shirt.

"You're adorable in anything, my darling," Sanji hands me a yogurt parfait as he walks back to get the trays of the food he's made for the others. He's changed into a light lilac button-up with a red tie along with his normal pants and shoes. There is a bandage on his cheek that Nami did press a kiss to before he woke up.

"Feel safe saying that since Luffy's out cold?"

"It would only help you get more compliments if he was awake."

"I honestly can't decide if I'm impressed or grossed about by what he's doing," I shake my head as I look at Luffy fully asleep but still stuff his face with the food Sanji has prepared this afternoon.

Before Luffy fell into his much-needed slumber, he did change into a white t-shirt with red trim and the Galley-La Company emblem in the middle, navy-blue shorts, and a pair of new sandals. There are also bandages wrapped around his head and arms that I made sure to give plenty of kisses to. He also said I could take his hat whenever I wanted if I missed him in any capacity, but I haven't felt the need to do that yet.

"How can the two of you be happy?" Nami grumbles. She's changed into a yellow mini-dress with a hood and kept her orange high-heeled sandals. "Don't you know we're stuck here? All our things gone to the Aqua Laguna, and our ship only a memory."

"But we're alive," I point my spoon at her before dipping it into my parfait. "We're alive and together, which is what matters most. We'll figure out a way to get money and buy more things, but we can't reverse death."

"I also get to spend time with two lovely ladies, so I am perfectly content staying in this place for however long we need," Sanji starts heading back to Nami's table with two trays in his hands.

Then a drunken laugh that I've begun to miss the last couple of days fills the air.

"We're here!" Granny Kokoro exclaims as she, Chimney, and Gonbe push open the doors and enter our house. "We're coming in!"

Yokozuna is the one that gets stuck in the doorway, bending the walls as he tries to force his way in.

"No you, Yokozuna!" she scolds. "You stay outside!"

"Oh, Miss Kokoro," Nami lifts her head for a moment.

"Chimney! Gonbe!" I widely smile as the two rush over to my side. "Did you apologize to your Uncle Iceburg like I asked?"

"We did, Miss Portgas," Chimney smiles. "He said that he was worried about us and seeing us when he found us out at see was a huge relief for him. Then he hugged us for like five minutes."

"Good, good," I gently pinch her cheek. "Never stop being exactly who you are though, Chimney. Even if you get distracted and wander off at times."

"Kero," Yokozuna has settled to look in on us from a window.

"Looks like you're all finally awake," Granny Kokoro grins. She's back in her conductors uniform, and it is almost hard to believe that her bottom half is a split mermaid tail. "I can't believe you slept for almost two days straight! You must have been so exhausted! But I guess it can't be helped."

"I'm surprised we were able to make it back here without passing out," I hand my parfait to Chimney to finish off.

"Oh my! It looks like the Pirate King is back on his feet."

I grimace, "I wish."

"Yeah, not exactly," Sanji frowns as he stops in the middle of the room to look at Luffy.

"What do you mean, not exactly?" Granny Kokoro asks.

"He didn't want to miss meals while he was passed out from a fight, so he learned how to eat in his sleep."

"What!? He's asleep!?"

"Wow!" Chimney blurts out. "He's super awesome."

"You sound like Franky saying that," I tease.

"What a great talent," Granny Kokoro laughs.

"He even knows when Akari is close by to wrap his arms around for cuddles," Sanji sighs. "Food and his girlfriend, those are the two things always on his mind."

"The Pirate King and Queen can't be separated, that's for sure."

"He is the love of my life, and I'll follow him wherever he goes," I smile.

She looks over at Nami, "The log for the Log Pose should be ready in two or three days. Where are you going to go next?"

Nami doesn't answer right away, and when she does, her voice couldn't come out any sadder. "Even if the log is ready, we can't go anywhere. Al the money we saved for our new ship, one hundred million berries, our clothes, our furniture, Bell-mére's tangerine trees...everything...the Aqua Laguna took it all away. I can't even move anymore. We had all that stuff kept at the inn we were staying at."

"Really? Maybe what's that what those visitors outside are here about," she takes a swig of her alcohol.

"Visitors?" Sanji sets the trays of food down at Nami's table.

"Better go check that out for us, Sanji," I tease, but that boy is out the door before I can tell him he doesn't have to actually go out.

In the next couple of minutes, two men bring in all the items that Nami was sulking about having lost. All our clothes, furniture, all the little things that were being stored at the inn. They leave the best for last as they bring in the tangerine trees that Nami was most heartbroken about.

"My tangerine trees!" Nami happily screams as she jumps out of her seat to hug one of the trees. All the sadness from moments ago has completely left her. "I thought I'd never see you again!"

"Why did you have all our stuff?" I ask the two men who returned our items.

"When we kicked you out because we thought you had tried to assassinate Iceburg, we considered it pirate's loot, so we confiscated it," the taller of the two men answers, nervously scratching his head. "Sorry about that."

"Not at all!" Nami giddily replies. "Thank you so much!"

Before they can get any more embarrassed, the two men leave with a quick goodbye to us all. Their reason to save our stuff wasn't nearly as morally right as I'm sure they wanted it to be after everything we did, but at this point not a single one of us cares.

"See? There was no reason sulk when our things were safe all along," I chuckle, taking the empty parfait glass from Chimney.

"Some might say that because I was sulking we got out stuff back," Nami looks over at me. "Is there anything that will make your optimism crumble?"

"Hm, probably, but I can't help looking on the bright side because of all the darkness I've gone through. If I wait long enough, there will be a rainbow waiting for me."

"Someone is wise beyond her years," Granny Kokoro takes a swig from her bottle.

The doors open once more, but this time it is two of our crew that have returned. Chopper and Robin step into the house and close the doors behind them.

"We're back!" Chopper happily announces. He's even cuter in a blue t-shirt with the Galley-La company emblem in the middle and little white pants. He has a bandage on his cheek that I have kissed many times for doctoral research. "I went to go check on the injuries of the Franky Family, and I made sure Robin was never out of my sight!" He looks at Sanji before giving a salute.

"Good work, Chopper!" Sanji smiles as he salutes back.

Robin lightly chuckles, "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." She's changed into a pink Galley-La t-shirt, a pair of black pants, and white high-heeled shoes.

"Now the only person we're missing is Zoro." I set the empty glass in my hand on the table next to me before swooping down to pick up Chimney and Gonbe. It also gives me a chance to see that Luffy has stopped sleep-eating. "I hope that he's figure out what he wants to do with his sword."

"Never mind that, look!" Nami exclaims, motioning at her trees. "My tangerine trees are alright! All our stuff is back! Now we can continue our voyage!"

"You're right!" Chopper smiles. "That's great!"

Chopper and Robin have barely had time to set down their supplies before the door is flying open again to reveal Franky, Mozu, and Kiwi in deep lunges with their backs facing us.

"Hey! Are you guys feelin' super!" Franky shouts. "Oh, wait-a-minute, you're not all here! Oh well."

"Franky!" Nami, Sanji, and I cry out.

"I need to talk to you guys!" He plops down with legs crisscrossed in front of us with a sister (their legs pulls up to their chests) on either side of him. His sunglasses are quickly pushed up, and I notice the single bandage above one eye. "Far, far away, there is a war-torn island-"

"What's with you all of a sudden?" Sanji shoves his hands into his pockets. "If this is some stupid story, I don't want to hear it."

"Just shut up and listen!"

I giggle, "Better listen up, Chimney. I think we're going to learn something."

"On that war-torn island is a tree. Whether the people on the island fight wars and rain cannonballs from the sky, or whether they all die off and their buildings turn to ruins, the tree always remains. It's a special tree. It can't be chopped down. People gather around it and create nations. There are only a few trees like that in existence. That strongest tree in the world is the Jewel Tree, Adam."

"And the tree is special because?" Chopper asks with an adorable tilt of his head.

"Every once in a long while, wood from that tree is solid on the black market. I wanted some of that wood, but it cost close to two-hundred million, so it was out of my reach, and that's when I happened to run into some pirates with lots of money. Namely, you guys."

"You scumbag!" Sanji screams right into Franky's face. "Don't tell me you bought that shit with our money!"

"Sanji!" I snap. "He's clearly going somewhere with this, so let him talk!"

"Yes, listen to me!" Franky screams back, getting Sanji to take a few steps back. Then his head drops in a bow. "A long time ago, I swore that I would never make ships again, but I wanted to follow the footsteps of my role model, and I found myself drawing blueprints before I knew it." He slams his fists into the floor. "My dream is to use that Jewel Tree and build a ship of dreams that can overcome any ocean!"

"That is one hell of a dream," I whisper.

"Now I finally got the wood, and the blueprints are finished! I'm going to build the ship starting now! That's why...once I finish it...can you please sail on the ship I made!?" His head snaps up to look at us while he makes the request.

Chopper's jaw drops open as he stares with bulging eyes at Franky.

"So, you mean you're going to give us your greatest ship?" Sanji pulls his cigarette out of his mouth and waves it around.

"That's right," Franky nods. "Nothing would make me happier than seeing the people I like sailing my ship. Plus, the money came from you guys anyways."

"It looks like we'll be getting a new ship after all," I smile.

"The one ship that ever managed to go around the world is Gold Roger's ship, Oro Jackson. It's said that the ship was also made with this wood. I'm going to make your ship just as good as his was."

"Oh my, you and Tom are just the same! Craftsman to the bone!" Granny Kokoro laughs.

"Yeah, at last," he closes his eyes as a smile creeps onto his face, "I can understand the pride that Tom felt as he died."

"You're the best, Franky!" Nami begins the celebration. "We'll be happy to take your ship! Thank you!"

"Now we can go to the next island!" Chopper bounces around.

I pop out of my seat with Chimney and Gonbe in my arms. "This is great! Luffy! Wake up! We're going to get a ship!" I let the two in my arms down to dance with them.

Luffy's only response to everything is a loud snore.

We've barely begun to rejoice in the idea of a ship that will get us back on our journey when it all comes crashing down around us. Literally. The far wall of the house Galley-La graciously lent to us during our time of recovery is completely destroyed, revealing a large Navy man with a cape a Vice-Admiral wears.

"What's going on!?" Franky jumps to his feet and raises his fists.

"Who are you!?" Sanji demands as he defiantly takes a stance.

"So, you're the Straw Hat Pirates," the gruff voice of an old man sparks many memories instantly within me. "I have some men that I want Monkey D. Luffy and Portgas D. Akari to meet." His face is blocked by a dog mask, but I can place him with just his voice after all the years I spent around him.

"The Navy!?" Sanji, Chopper (switching to Walk Point), and Franky exclaim as the get into fighting stances.

"Hold on!" I shout, taking a few steps forward. "You can't just burst through the wall like that! All these years in the Navy and you don't have any manners!"

The old man looks over at Luffy peacefully sleeping. "Wake up!" He slams his fist into Luffy's head, sending the boy crashing into the table.

"Ow!" Luffy reaches both hands up to cover the welt now forming on his forehead. "That hurts!"

"It hurts?" Sanji looks over at Luffy. "What do you mean!? He only punched you! It shouldn't work on rubber!"

"A fist of love cannot be blocked," Monkey D. Garp pulls the dog mask off his head to reveal himself. "You two seemed to be causing a lot of trouble. Well, Luffy? Akari?"

"Garp!" I can't help feeling giddy at seeing the man, even though I have a hundred reasons to be mad at him right now.

"Whoa!" Luffy looks up at his grandfather. "Gramps!"

"Grandpa!?" everyone else in the room exclaims.

Garp crosses his arms as he grins. He's still the same old man that I remember from his visits to Foosha during my childhood. A tall, tanned, broad-chested, muscular man in his late seventies with pure white short hair and beard. There's a scar over his left eye, and those blue eyes can hold more anger than anyone I know. He's wearing a typical white Navy suit with a cape that has gold and blue shoulder-pads that must be important in some way. "Well, Luffy, don't you think you owe me an apology?" He glances over at me, "I'll get to you next, young lady."

"Yes sir," I choke out.

"Wait, Garp!" Nami blurts out. "That's the name of the Hero of the Navy!"

"Luffy, is he really your grandfather?" Sanji looks over at Luffy.

"Yeah!" Luffy groans as he rubs the bump on his forehead. "Don't attack him, you guys! He'll kill you!"

"He really will," I add.

"I don't know how many times my grandpa almost killed me when I was young."

"Don't say things that'll give people the wrong impression," Garp huffs. "I threw you down that unfathomable ravine, I threw you into the jungle at night, I tied you to a balloon and watched you fly off into the distance! But I did it all to make you stronger!"

"Thank the seas you never did that to me," I mumble.

"I think I just saw the source of Luffy's endless endurance," Sanji frowns.

"In the end, I entrusted you and Ace to a friend of mine for training," Garp sighs. "But the moment I take my eyes of you two, look at what happens. And you dragged a sweet little girl into your trouble! I trained you to become strong Navy men!"

"I always told you that I wanted to be a pirate!" Luffy jumps to his feet.

"I wasn't dragged into anything!" I scream.

"This is all because of the red-headed idiot, filling you with stupid ideas!" The vein in Garp's forehead looks like it could pop. "You moron!"

"Shanks saved my life!" Luffy snaps back. "He saved Akari's life! Don't talk trash about him!"

Garp easily steps up to grab Luffy by the collar of his shirt. "How dare you speak to your grandfather in that tone of voice!"

"I'm sorry!" Luffy closes his eyes and looks away from his grandfather.

"This is no good!" Sanji shouts. "Luffy's already given up the fight against the old man!"

"You don't understand," I speak up. "Never count Garp out of a fight."

"Oh no!" Chopper screams. "Luffy's caught by the Navy!"

"Luffy!" Nami calls out.

Then, like a flame being extinguished, both Luffy and Garp instantly fall asleep. Both of them letting out loud snores a second later.

"I can't believe them," I shake my head in disbelief.

"What!? They fell asleep!?" Sanji, Chopper, and Franky exclaim.

"Wait! What am I supposed to do here?" Franky keeps shouting. "I've never been in a situation like this before!"

Garp snaps awake, "Oh, oh no! I fell asleep again!"

Luffy, unfortunately, continues to sleep with no regard to the hell that he's about to endure that is Garp's fist.

"Get up, Luffy! Falling asleep while I'm yelling at you!?" He starts to punch the poor boy's head. "Show some manners, boy! How dare you talk to me like that!" Then he tosses him down to the spot where he grabbed him from.

"Ouch!" Luffy groans as he holds his head now with multiple bumps.

"Luff!" I scramble down next to him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders to pull him towards me to press kisses to the side of his head. "Grandpa Garp is still mean and strict as ever."

"Do you have even the slightest idea what kind of pirate your red-headed friend is?" Garp asks.

"Shanks is doing fine, right?" Luffy hisses. "Where is he?"

"Yeah, he's doing 'fine' alright! Among all the countless pirates, he's considered to be on the same level as Whitebeard. He's one of the four greatest pirates in the world, who live in the second half of the Grand Line. They rule the lands there with an iron grip. People call them the Four Emperors."

I stop my barrage of kisses on Luffy as we both closely watch Garp.

"The Navy and the Seven Warlords of the Sea are allied together against these four pirates. If the balance between these three great powers is broken, the world will fall into disarray."

Luffy pulls his hat off his neck and looks at it. "I'm don't really understand what you just said, but did you hear that, Akari? As long as Shanks is fine, that's great!"

"I didn't know he was such an important person," I release him from my hold. "I wonder how long he's been such an awesome pirate."

"Man, this brings back so many memories," he smiles.

"I can't believe it was so long ago now."

A commotion begins outside, and with only one person not here, it makes sense that Zoro must have come back to see all the Marines now surrounding us. He wouldn't have waited to start fighting.

"It's Zoro the Pirate Hunter, sir," an officer outside tells Garp.

"Oh, one of Luffy's men," Garp grins. "He sure is a lively one. "You two, try and stop them."

"Yes sir!" two voices from close by respond to the order.

"Wait, who's out there?" I pop up to my feet, trying to catch a glimpse of the one that is after Zoro, only catching another swordsman with strange swords.

"Hey! Zoro!" Luffy shouts as he stands up, placing the straw hat back around his neck. "Wait! You don't have to fight them!"

In the blink of an eye, a boy has entered the house and attempts to kick up at Luffy's chin, but he's two slow even with how hurt Luffy is. Luffy even has time to push me out of the way.

"What!? Why you!"

"Soru!" the mystery boy is then gone in the blink of an eye using one of the six techniques we just learned about.

Luffy sends his fist flying at where the boy was. "This technique!"

I watch as the mystery boy ends up behind Luffy, but he's still lacking in other areas that would take down Luffy.

Luffy doesn't even look behind him, but I can tell that he knows the mystery boy is coming for him. At the last second, he reaches out to grab the boy's neck, and then slams into the ground with his other fist poised and ready.

In the same second, Zoro appears nearby with two swords at the neck of the guy that was fighting against him. Less than thirty seconds after they were ordered to fight, both of them have been defeated.

"Chief Petty Officer!" the Marines shout. "Petty Officer!"

Garp bursts into laughter. "You two were no match at all!"

"You're so strong," the mystery boy chokes out. "Just like how I remembered you. I yield."

Luffy and Zoro releases their opponents, and both losers start to dust themselves off. Their faces obscured as they look down to inspect their outfits, but then they look up at us and my entire whole spins for a moment.

"Luffy, Akari, and Zoro," the mystery boy smiles. "Long time no see. Don't you recognize me?"

"Who are you?" Luffy asks.

"It's me! Koby! Do you remember me!?"

The Koby before us isn't the one that I remember us meeting all that time ago, but he does resemble that boy in many ways. The glasses (pushed onto his forehead), the pink hair (now longer), and the sweet smile. There's a lot that is different, though. He's grown a couple feet since our last meeting, there's a scar on his forehead slightly hidden by green flower-patterned bandana, and he just seems a lot more confident than the boy we left back on whatever island it was. He's wearing a standard Marine jacket, pants, and neckerchief.

"Koby!" I squeal, rushing forward to jump into him with my arms around his neck. "I can't believe this! Is it really the same Koby? When did you get so tall? Now you're taller than me!"

"Koby?" Luffy asks.

Koby wraps his arms around me, helping as my feet are a couple inches off the ground. "I'm glad that at least one of you remembered me. It is good to see you, Akari. You haven't changed a bit."

"And you're still as cute as a button," I giggle.

"Koby?" Luffy asks again. Then he grabs my shoulders to pull me out of Koby's hold, wrapping his arms around my stomach and holding me firm against his chest. "We have a friend named Koby, but the one I know is a lot shorter, you must be some other guy. You can't just hug random people because they have the same name as someone you know, dumpling," he presses a kiss to my temple.

"No, I'm that Koby!" Koby smile grows. "The useless crybaby Koby! Akari is just the only one who could recognize me even though I've grown."

"What!? No way!"

I chuckle, "You did join the Navy right when we left, so it all started to click once you said your name."

"You're that Koby!?" Zoro blurts out. "What are you doing on the Grand Line?"

"I'm not a Commissioned Officer yet, but I heard that you three were in this area, and I had to come see you!" Koby explains. "We wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for you three!" Koby brings his hand up in a salute.

"Hmph, I wouldn't go that far," the man that was fighting Zoro says.

"A lot of things happened, and we ended up getting trained by Vice Admiral Garp himself!" He lowers his salute.

"Really!?" Luffy shouts. "But your growth spurt is huge! I didn't recognize you! The last time I saw you, you were a fat little kid! Akari was taller than you!"

"It's not fair," I pout, but I can't help breaking into a laugh a second later.

"I know that you must be tired after all that happened," Koby scratches the back of his head.

"That's okay!" Luffy releases one arm from his hold on me, using the other to tuck me into his side. Then he slaps Koby on the arm as the four of us (leaving that other unknown guy) turn to head back into the house. "It's been a long time! We should party!"

"Wait just a second, all of you!" the unknown man screams. "I'm here too!"

The four of us turn back around to look at the man. His long blond hair is pulled back into a ponytail, his eyes hidden by a black visor, a distinctive cleft chin, and he's a bit taller and lankier than Koby. He's wearing a white shirt with a pale green vest over it that has a small Navy emblem on it, purple slacks, and black gloves. His strange swords on his hip and pushed behind him.

"Who are you?" Zoro asks.

"It's me! Me!" The unknown man points at his face.

"I don't know you," Luffy says. "Who are you?"

"See, that's a stranger I wouldn't hug," I wrap my arms around Luffy's stomach.

"The answer is," he lifts his visor up, "Helmeppo! I'm Captain Morgan's son, Helmeppo!"

None of us say anything.

"I tied you up and almost had you executed, Roronoa Zoro!" He awkwardly chuckles as he looks at Zoro deeply frowning as his declaration.

"Oh, you," I sneer.

The boy's heads tilt to the side as they still don't recognize him.

"Come on, you guys!" Helmeppo screams. "Don't you remember!? I'm that idiot son that took advantage of my dad's name!"

"Oh, it's you..." Luffy and Zoro say as one.

"That's right!" He let's his visor fall back down to cover his eyes.

"Oh, now I remember that jerk!" Luffy shouts. "Don't even think about hugging him, Akari."

"I'm not," I scrunch my face up in disgust.

"I can't forgive them, Koby!" Helmeppo bursts into tears.

"Sorry Helmeppo," Koby looks over at the guy that almost shot him. "You just have to accept the past."

"Come on boys, let's head back inside," I look away from Helmeppo. "There's no reason to stand out here when we can catch up with some food!"

"Akari's right," Luffy turns us to lead the way back into the house.

"Now then," Garp speaks up.

"Yes sir!" the officers under his charge salute.

"Fix the wall."

"What!? But...but sir!"

I chuckle, "He's got some nerve to burst through the wall and then ask the others to fix it."

"If you're gonna ask us to fix it, why did you break it in the first place!?" an officer exclaims.

"Because it's cooler to make an entrance that way," Garp shrugs.

"Don't break walls just for that!" another officer screams. "Then you have to help us fix it!"

"What!? Okay, fine."

In the next couple of minutes, all the Marines, including Garp, start to work on repairing the wall that was destroyed. I know that the Navy is about protecting the lives of citizens, but it feels different to see them doing such a common job. It doesn't make me like them, but I do respect them a tiny bit more.

"Your grandfather is a really important person, isn't he?" Sanji steps up to Luffy and me.

"I don't know too much about his work," Luffy replies.

"All I know is he'd yell at Ace and Luffy about becoming like him, but I never saw that happening," I say. I've let go of Luffy, but he has grabbed my hand to make up for the lack of contact. "I bet he wanted me to become a housewife or something. Kept under the radar for my entire life, but then I fell in love with his grandson, and here we are."

Sanji steps away since we have no information to give him.

"By the way, Luffy," Garp glances over at us. "I heard you met your father."

"What? My dad?" Luffy asks. "What do you mean, my dad? I have a dad?"

"Everyone has a father, Luff," I pat his stomach.

"What?" Garp shoves his pinky finger into his nose as he continues to hammer nails into the wall. "He didn't tell you? He said he saw you at Loguetown."

"Loguetown..." Zoro says.

"That's where the Pirate King was born," I hum.

"Your dad was there, Luffy?" Sanji asks.

"Who's my dad?" Luffy asks.

"I'm interested in who Luffy's father is too," Nami speaks up.

"Your father's name is Monkey D. Dragon, the Revolutionary."

I blink once, letting the name settle in my brain. I've always known that Luffy's father was someone that Garp was hesitant to tell us about, but I never knew he was as well known and feared as the great revolutionary that is Dragon.

"Dragon," Luffy turns the name over in his mouth.

"WHAT!?" every single Marine screams before falling to the ground in horror. "Dragon the Revolutionary has a son!?"

"Luffy is Dragon's son!?" Koby shouts.

"Then Dragon is Vice Admiral Garp's son!?"

"What's wrong with that family!" Helmeppo screams.

"This is the first time I've heard Dragon's full name!"

"Hey, why is everyone acting so weird?" Luffy looks around at everyone.

"You come from a line of impressive men, Luff," I chuckle.

"You idiot!" Sanji screams at Luffy. "You don't know who Dragon is!?"

"Your father is a really dangerous man!" Nami adds.

"Hey, Robin!" Luffy looks over at the woman who knows everything.

"I don't know where to begin," Robin holds her chin in her hand. "Pirates usually don't attack the Government or Navy on their own, but there is a force that is trying to directly challenge the World Government. That's the Revolutionary Army. The man who is leading them is Dragon. By now, his ideology has spread to many nations of the world, causing them to rebel against the World Government. Many nations have already collapsed. Naturally, the Government is angry, and Dragon, the mastermind behind it all, is known as 'The World's Worst Criminal.' The Government is continually searching for him, but to no avail. He is a man of mystery. No one knows anything about him. Yet..."


"Oh, whoops," Garp slaps his forehead, finally having removed his finger from his nose. "Maybe I said a little more than I should have!" He laughs, "Um, well then, forget that I said it, okay?"

"WHAT!?" everyone screams.

Garp doesn't make anymore comments, and we're all left with this knowledge that we aren't meant to know, but there isn't much that we can do with it. The Monkey men are all working to change the world, just in different ways.

It doesn't take much longer for the wall to be fixed like Garp never even busted it down. The chance I have to talk privately with Garp is now the only thing I'm worried about.

"You're my grandson, as well as his sweet girlfriend, so I'm not going to catch you even though your pirates," Garp tells Luffy and I as we stand outside the Galley-La Company house. "That's what I'll tell the Navy. Don't worry about a thing!"

"That's not an excuse, sir," a detective like man says. "Let's just say they got away."

"Anyway, I really came here as a favor to these two guys," he motions to Koby and Helmeppo. "You can take it easy and talk about old times. I'm going back."

"It was a wonderful surprise to see you," I smile.

"Okay, bye," Luffy nonchalantly waves at his grandfather.

"Bye?" Garp's face contorts with angry. "Is that all you say to your dear old grandpa!?" His fist slams into Luffy's face.

"Warning next time!" I scream as I scramble out of the way, falling into Koby.

"At least look like you don't want me to go! I'm your grandpa, and you haven't seen me in ages!"

"What do you expect me to do!?" Luffy screams back, holding his cheek. "All you ever did was punch me!"

"I still want to be loved by my grandson!"

"Before you go, I need to speak with you!" I blurt out, hoping to stop the fighting as well as get what I need. "Privately, please."

"Hm, oh?" Garp looks over at me, and the anger washes right off his face. "I did say that I was going to get to you later, but I had a handful dealing with Luffy."

"Hey!" Luffy snaps.

"I can spend some time with you, since you asked nicely, Akari."

"Thank you, sir," I smile. "I'll join you boys afterwards, okay?" I look around at Luffy, Koby, and Helmeppo.

"We won't talk about anything exciting until you get there," Luffy walks up to press a kiss to my lips.

"It shouldn't take too long, I just have to ask some things."

"I know, so take as long as you need." He cups the side of my face for a moment, and then he leads the other two boys away.


Hope you enjoyed reading! I want you all to know that I love Koby with my entire heart, and his glow-up was the greatest thing to happen. Also a longer chapter since the last two were shorter. Anyways, I am so excited for Akari and Garp to talk next chapter! And as always, I would love to know what you thought! :D

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