Forgotten to Remember (Atem/Y...

By _Weeb_Writer_

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You were a simple reporter for duelists of Heartland City with this constant weird dream throughout all your... More

Chapter 1: Hello, My Lady
Chapter 2: Blending In
Chapter 3: Reunion, Dreams, and Friends
Chapter 4: Going Down Swinging
Chapter 5: We Meet Again
Chapter 6: Stranger Danger!
Chapter 7: All's Well That Ends Well?
Chapter 8: Shoot Your Shot
Chapter 9: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 10: Evil Spirit, Be Gone!
Chapter 11: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Chapter 12: The Lucky
Chapter 13: The Unlucky
Chapter 14: The Aftermath
Chapter 15: Noah's World
Chapter 16: Escape Plan
Chapter 17: Mission Impossible
Chapter 18: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 19: Risking It All (Pt. 1)
Chapter 20: Risking It All (Pt. 2)
Chapter 21: Risking It All (Pt. 3)
Chapter 22: Without You
Chapter 23: Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Chapter 24: Back to the Future
Chapter 25: Normal Lives
Chapter 26: Knights & The Night
Chapter 27: Cinderella & The Beast
Chapter 28: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 1)
Chapter 29: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 2)
Chapter 30: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 3)
Chapter 31: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 4)
Chapter 32: Save Your Tears
Chapter 33: We Need You
Chapter 34: Hope
Chapter 35: Here One Moment, Gone The Next
Chapter 36: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 1)
Chapter 37: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 2)
Chapter 38: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 3)
Chapter 39: Phantom of the Opera
Chapter 40: A Nightmare
Chapter 41: Shatter
Chapter 42: The 4th Legendary Knight - Maiden Jane
Chapter 43: Knight's Unite
Chapter 44: The Staff of Light
Chapter 45: Rise of the Great Leviathan
Chapter 46: Goodbye, My Lady & Pharaoh
Chapter 47: Together
Chapter 48: Roomies
Chapter 49: Girl Talk
Chapter 50: Friends Assemble
Chapter 51: Get Ready
Chapter 52: The Promised Date
Chapter 53: Special Night
Chapter 54: Wonderful Morning
Chapter 55: The Bad Traveler & The Powerful Traveler
Chapter 56: The 2nd & 3rd Traveler
Chapter 57: The 4th Traveler
Chapter 58: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 1)
Chapter 59: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 2)
Chapter 60: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 3)
Chapter 61: Help me, Help You
Chapter 62: Papa
Chapter 63: Boom! Plan!
Chapter 64: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 65: Eye for an Eye
Chapter 66: Let's Get Down to Business
Chapter 67: My Little Star
Chapter 69: Don't Give Up!!
Chapter 70: To Dream Is To Die
Chapter 71: Timeless
Chapter 72: The Beginning Of The End

Chapter 68: The Sand Woman

411 7 9
By _Weeb_Writer_


AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. The Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.

I have an announcement at the end of this short chapter.


The boys were barely able to hold on to their end with Yuma's special weapon — Number 39 Utopia. A number card that wasn't a card Paradox has ever seen or known to exist. This allowed them to regain a cunning comeback with the Dark Cosmic Wave of all their monsters and Yuma's number card.

The duel was over.

"That . . . Was AWESOME!!!" Yuma laughs in triumph. The teen boy was jumping up and down. High-fiving Astral and Yubel before he ran around the legendary duelists to high-five them all for their victory against Paradox. He was overjoyed and still processing how he dueled alongside these 3 legends and won a duel with them!! It was something none of his Heartland City friends or family were going to believe. Yusei chuckled at the young duelist gushing over their victory. Yami glanced over at Selene who lowered her shield and had a relieved smile on her young face.

Yubel glanced over at Jaden. Jaden seemed to have his attention elsewhere. Looking up. "Hey! What gives!?" Jaden exclaimed with his hands on his hips. "We won the duel! Why isn't this jello shield disappearing!?" He frowned. Acting a little petty. He was not anticipating this as to how their victory was going to look for them. This duel academy graduate was expecting the whole —— Saving the world shebang. With clear skies and everyone being serene once again. There was none of that happening here.

What was happening was the Malefic World field spell was still up and its purple domain was over them.

This raised many alarms for the group over their fair victory. A victory that seems to just be scraping the surface of what was going on here. Yami heard a shuffle and he shifted his attention to Paradox. He was crawling his way towards Selene "I was supposed to win . . ." He gritted his teeth. His eyes had this unhinged look in them. Each time he dragged himself closer, the fury he felt was shown growing as well as expressing across his face. "SHE PROMISED ME THAT I WOULD WIN!!!" He yelled out in hysteria. He crawled faster toward Selene and your unconscious body. Yami ran over to Selene out of instinct. He made it past the shield to Selene's side when Paradox suddenly froze in place. His hand reached out to the shield. Straining for air with his mouth agape. A small breeze started to swoop through the courtyard. "I never promised you anything." A woman's voice jest's within the wind. Their voices made Yami pull Selene close to him. The two of them witness Paradox's eyes become bloodshot. Tears of gold and gold liquid started to come out of his mouth. Dripping onto the floor. His muffled screams were struggling to get out. Suffering in silence as his skin became this dark red color. His eyes . . . were consumed by black ink. Becoming pitch black.

Paradox sat back on his knees and clawed his hand through his chest. Yami forced Selene to look away, forcing her to turn her head to not look. Yusei had his hands covering Yuma's eyes from this horrific scene. Paradox's body motions were weak and limping almost. He groaned as he pulled out his heart. Crushing it in his hands.

All that came out of Paradox's heart. . . Was sand.

Not blood.

The sand poured tremendously on the floor in front of Yami. It was a small pile of sand but it was spine-chilling nonetheless. He lazily threw his heart off to the side. 'Sand?' Yami wondered, curiously. He and the others gasped when the sand rose and swirled for a brief moment. "Ugh. Using that idiot as a decoy was annoying! He would not shut up about the dimension I destroyed. Fucking men." A woman appeared before them all. Yami felt Selene trembling "What's wrong? Selene?" Yami questioned his daughter until he saw her face when he pulled back a little to see if she was alright. The sheer horror and distraught that was expressed on her face. An expression no child should ever have to bear. She made it towards this woman. Selene was in complete fear of this woman standing before them all. "Pharaoh! Princess!!" Yusei called out to them, running to them with Jaden and Yuma following close behind. Selene forced herself out of her father's arms to stand up "DON'T GO NEAR HER!!!!" Selene screamed out and lifted her purple shield around them and her other world family. The boys ran into the inner shield wall. Stumbling over each other. Yuma scrambled onto his feet "Selene?" Yuma mumbled, confused. He saw the look on her face. "Hey!! What's wrong?! You know this chick or something!?" He banged his fist against the shield "Selene!!!" He called out to the princess. She was too terrified to respond to the young duelist. Her full attention was on the woman . . . The Sand Woman . . . Astelle.

Astelle's black dress was tattered and had some holes in the skirt. Her completely black eyes stared back at the trembling in fear princess. The sand rose from beneath her bare feet. Coming together. Forming into her ominous glass long-bladed sword. She dragged the tip against the pavement and sparks ignited behind her long and loud drag as she strolled around the shield. "Oh she knows me alright." Astelle snickered. Yami stood up beside Selene, she didn't notice he had gotten up at all. Her focus was watching Selene. "Don't you Lady Selene?" She taunted her with a sly grin. Yami glared at Astelle "You're the one behind all of this, Aren't you?" His glare at Astelle made her scoff in annoyance "Ugh. No doubt you're the pharaoh. You look just like that brat daughter of yours." He had the same glare Selene was giving at her. Selene clenched her wand in her grip. "I killed you!" Astelle rolls her eyes "Don't act high and mighty pipsqueak. You merely sent me away to this shit hole." She flipped her hair with unamusement. Within a blink of an eye, the millennium dagger was in Astelle's hand like a magic trick. Appearing in her free hand out of nowhere. "How did you –" Astelle whacked her glass sword against the shield. It had no effect but it made Yami cut off from his question. She stopped in front of them with a scowl. "I was sent here to this other world. My deity position was gone! Replaced by this other version of me! I was powerless!" She huffed and made sand swirl around the millennium dagger. She stared at the sand "But then I remembered . . . All good things come to people who wait . . . So I waited. I waited for a looong time as my strength came back to me. Of course, it wasn't as potent as before . . . But it was enough to kill The Sand Man in this world without a trace! At the same time as the queen's arrival here! Oh! How waiting truly helped!!" She watched as Selene's facial expression kept shifting from anger to fear to worry, a continuous cycle. All through the daggers blades reflection. "When I did kill the SandMan, I snuck my way into the underworld by sneaking on his dead corpse. I stole the God of the deceased, Osiris, sands to give me even greater strength!" A happy sigh left her lips. "It was then time for my revenge." she grinned. Pointing the blade at Selene "I transported myself back to our parallel world! I knew I had to make drastic things happen to make those damned gods revive you for the sake of the world! So I used that Paradox fool, other pawns, and that savage game you all created – Duel Monsters – to destroy the parallel world to the brink of extinction!! All of that just to lure you out!" Selene's face went into despair. All of this destruction . . . Pawning . . . Scheming . . . All of it was for Astelle's sick revenge . . . Her revenge on a child . . .

Astelle stabbed the shield with the millennium dagger. The millennium dagger went through. Its sharp golden tip almost hit Yami's eye . . . Had she pushed the dagger further in. Instead, she retracted the millennium dagger. "I got my blade and I have you where I want you . . . I have to save you for last." She turned her back to them, turning to sand. Reappearing in front of Yuma, Jaden, and Yusei from the sand. "I have to kill people you love in front of you, first. For old time sake." Astelle giggled with a sweet smile across her lips. Jaden and Yusei pulled Yuma back when Astelle jabbed the millennium dagger into the shield. Yuma barely survived almost being stabbed by the blade if the two duelists didn't drag away the young man. Yusei and Jaden pushed Yuma to be behind them. Shielding him from the soon-to-come nightmare. She dragged the blade down to cut through and it kept pulling itself back together by Selene's willpower to keep it shut. "YOU CAN KEEP THIS UP ALL YOU WANT PRINCESS!!! WE BOTH KNOW YOU ARE WEAK!!! YOU'LL RUN OUT OF POWER AND I WILL WIN!! YOU CAN'T EVEN SUMMON A WEAPON!!! EVEN WHEN THE SHIELD IS DOWN!!! YOU DON'T HAVE THE POWER TO KILL ME!!! NONE OF YOU CAN!! NO WIFE OF THE PHARAOH IS GONNA COME SAVE YOU!! I WILL SLAUGHTER YOU ALL AND RULE OVER THIS WORLD!!! NO ONE WILL RULE OVER ME ANY LONGER!! SO JUST GIVE UP ALREADY!!! IT'S OVER FOR YOU ALL!!!" Astelle was unhinged as she spoke with such anger. She was going to drag it further when the millennium dagger was stuck in the shield. "What the –" Astelle's eyes widen in shock as the color of the shield overcome its violet color to the unforgettable divine golden color she knew all too well. "NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!! IMPOSSIBLE!!!" Astelle whipped her head around to see you were standing beside Yami. Your chest wound was gone. You were holding his hand while his other hand had a hand over his millennium puzzle that glowed. His 3rd eye is upon his forehead.

Astelle's cheek was cut when the millennium dagger was pulled back by some unseen force. Out of her hands and into the hand you held up for the dagger and grabbed it with. It beamed its magnificent golden glow once in your hand. "The millennium dagger only listens to the wielder it chooses. It would have never listened to you." You stared at her without showing any sign of lies in your (e/c). They reminded the deity of how Neo Queen (Y/n) stared at her that day. The look of one who had power and authority but was always honest. A gaze the sand woman had grown to have pure hatred for. "You mortals always underestimate me!! Always think you're better!!! If I wasn't confident in my plan to take over the millennium dagger!?" She exclaimed out of rage. "UGH!! WHY DOES NO ONE JUST STAY FUCKING DEAD!?" Astelle exclaimed, enraged to see you alive. Astelle suddenly stiffened from this sharp pain in her chest. 'Funny," She looked down and saw a golden flamed violet blade that pierced through her heart. Astelle coughs blood as she slowly peered over her shoulder. Meeting the fury amethyst eyes of the princess. "I was going to say the same thing about you." Selene had her millennium dagger, now, for the first time — as a weapon. A sword. Her sword was the shade of violet. Its hilt was a golden star and the other the Horus eye. Upon the blade were its fiery flames that surrounded the blade in golden flames.

Selene drew back her sword out of the deity's chest. Letting the deity fall to her knees as she coughed blood. Selene stepped over to Astelle's side. "Your blood will be upon the sands you once were the deity of." Selene coldly said without emotion. Raised her sword, ready to do the final swing, and cut off her head to make sure Astelle was dead this time. "You damn mortals!! ALWAYS UNDERESTIMATING ME!!!!" Astelle's screamed out as sand started to swirl her. Selene didn't risk it and booked it back into the shield with you and Yami. The princess just only managed to make a weapon, she hasn't mastered summoning weapons and holding up a shield like you. She had no choice but to withdraw. The sand around Astelle started to turn black. The sand swirl became larger and larger. Until it towered over you all and broke the Malefic World field spell to the real world. She became tall as a skyscraper and there was an army of random and innocent civilians with red skin. All of them were under her possession. Under her control. They all were armed with glass weapons. Paradox's corpse was leading them. Astelle was this big sand monster silhouette that roared. It made everyone cover their ears.

You body shielded Yami and Selene, yourself included, and booked it to make it inside the other shield surrounding the boys. The boys activated their duel disks "You don't have to tell us the plan. It's obvious, you guys are on monster-killing duty. We are keeping the army busy and distracting the big sand lady." Yuma

Activated his duel gazer with a confident grin. 'Neo queen (Y/n) didn't have these guys and . . .' You looked at Yami and Selene 'She never had these two fighting by her side.' You firmly nod at Yuma.

The boys had their duel disks ready and had drawn their cards.

Selene was in a fighting stance, her sword at the ready. Her millennium puzzle beamed with golden light.

Yami and you held each other's hand as your millennium items glowed. You body shielded everyone before taking down the big shield.

Coming face to face with The Sand Woman and the Red Army — Ready for battle.


Hello everyone, I said I wouldn't leave this series and write once a month.

I am going to pause for now. Unlike last time when I went quiet and didn't upload for 3 months then made my grand return, I am going to inform you all this time.

Listen, I know, I would be devastated too with me leaving you all on a cliffhanger like this but . . . I am a menace and want to because I can lol.

I am not stopping this novel entirely — just going on hiatus with this novel.

Then again, maybe I might, it's up to what the future holds.

This series means a lot to me and a lot to you too. Heck, just look at these loads of chapters I wrote!

Again, I am burnt out with this series in particular. I have been for quite some time.

I feel guilty for not publishing a chapter and a little pressure. It's my most read novel and it's why I feel guilt and pressure, not by you guys — At myself. Honestly, this is a nasty habit I had and did before I stopped fanfic writing years ago.

This series was a random jump back into my fanfic writing and it's been great. I want to write but I don't want to write something that doesn't have my full heart or passion in it. I stepped back for 1 month uploading to regain it but I need more time with this than I anticipated. With this series at least.

For now, I am writing my other series that you can all check out. It's what I want to write for now and it's something my heart is in at the moment.

I hope you all understand. Thank you for reading this far! 

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