Kcris & Jeena

By Kcristy_

669 114 39

Kcris is a businesswoman who also loves to dance and create music and so owns a studio alongside many busines... More

Jeena misunderstands Kcris.
Kcris helps Jeena.
Kcris meets Alex, the girlfriend.
Kcris has a daughter?
Jeena makes Kcris walk away for good.
Alex is in the hospital.
Jeena learns the truth.
Finally, both meet once again.
Jeena and Alex end up fighting.
Kcris takes Jeena to meet Casey.
Casey died 5 years ago.
Jeena learns about Kcris' past.
Kcris finally visits Casey.
Kcris saves Jeena from an accident.
Dinner at Fabiolas' mansion.
Jeena is targeted in college.
Jeena finds Alex cheating on her.
Kcris can't see Jeena hurting.
Jeena learns all about Alex's lies
I'll be your cocoon.
Jeena wants to gift a bulb onion.
Kcris and Jeena, to live together.
Jeena is pissed off at Kcris.
Jeena is booked as a suspect.
Alex surrenders.
Kcris and Jeena end up fighting.
Kcris meets an old college friend.
Kcris goes missing.
Jeena tries to clear the misunderstanding.
Jeena to stay with Ayesha.
Kcris and Alaric go drinking.
Kcris learns about Jeena's smoking habit.
Alaric kisses Kcris.
Kcris and Jeena have a moment.
Kcris sees Dr. Sammy.
Will Jeena agree to Kcris' proposal?
Kcris is rushed to the hospital.
A day to date.
Is it a one-day relationship?
Kcris is back from the UK?
Jeena meets Kcris' mother.
Both start living together again.
Na Bi likes Kcris since her college days.
Kcris' arm is the new pillow.
Cat is out of the bag.
Jeena is poisoned.
Neil visits Jeena in the hospital.
Jeena goes to Angelica's office.
Jeena wants a sugar-mommy.
Arson in Kcris' office.
Jeena defends Na Bi in front of all.
Neil is Kcris' new investor.
Jeena picks up Kcris from the airport.
Name it as you like.
One fine day...

Jeena meets Mrs. Fabiola.

10 2 0
By Kcristy_

By the time, Kcris is done telling Jeena how Ria ended up with her, both are almost done with their lunch.
“Kcris, do you know, what all you just told me, I already knew most of it. Except for the fact that it was you who named Ria.”
Hearing this, Kcris swallows her last bite and asks, “Hmm… What?... You already knew. How come?”
“The nurses at the hospital talk a lot about you and as you already know I had a wonderful opportunity…”
Kcris interrupts her, “Ok…Ok…I know the rest of the story. You better finish your food instead of talking.”
Jeena starts to eat again. Jeena is about to say something but before she can, she almost chocks on her food. Kcris immediately gets out of her seat to tend to Jeena. Kcris gives Jeena, water and continues to pat her back until Jeena is like, “I am okay now. Kcris, please go back to your seat.”
Kcris goes back to her side. Jeena could sense anger just by looking at Kcris’ face. So, to calm Kcris down, Jeena apologizes, saying, “I am sorry Kcris. I’ll be careful from now on. Please don’t be angry.”
“Ok fine. I won’t be angry anymore but, you don’t make this mistake again.”
“I promise I won’t talk while eating.”
Kcris swaying her head sideways goes like, "Tsk (sound made when someone clicks their tongue)." It seems as if Kcris is annoyed with something. Kcris grabs a tissue and passes it to Jeena saying, “Clean your face properly. You have some food on your lips. How come you are such a grown-up girl and still eat like a child?”
After wiping her face clean, Jeena looks at Kcris and goes like, “Anyway, this child has finished her food so, can she ask you one more question?”
“Enough with the questions, Jeena. Let’s play this questionnaire game some other time. Right now, I have to drive you home, or else your friend Sky will accuse me of not taking good care of you.”
“Just one question, Kcris, please.”
“Grab your bag. Let’s get going. You can ask your question as we move.”
Before Kcris can get up, her secretary comes and tells her, “Ma’am, Mrs. Fabiola, and her daughter are on their way for the meeting. They will be here in 15 minutes.”
“Oh! I totally forgot about it. Can’t we postpone it?”
The secretary in a low tone says, “Sorry, ma’am. If you don’t meet her now, it would take more than a month or so to arrange for another meeting with her as she is going on a long holiday.”
“Ok. You go and arrange for the meeting.”
The secretary leaves and then Kcris looks at Jeena with an apologetic face to tell her, “Jeena, I have to meet this client of ours. If it weren’t important I wouldn’t ask you to wait. I’ll just need half an hour. Can you…”
Before Kcris can finish, Jeena asks Kcris not to worry as she can drive her way back home without a problem. Kcris holds Jeena by her arm and makes her turn so that both are face to face, only to say, “Jeena, please wait for me in my office for half an hour.”
The seriousness of Kcris’ tone makes Jeena instantly accept Kcris’ request and not argue any further.
“Fine. It’s ok. I’ll wait for you. You take your time, Kcris.”
Both enter Kcris’ office. Kcris’ secretary is already inside trying to reason with a girl to wait in the conference room instead of Kcris’ office. But this girl seems adamant about staying there only. Seeing this Kcris gestures to her secretary to leave. The moment she leaves, this girl turns back only to find Kcris and Jeena standing right in front of her. This girl immediately pulls her steps back as if she is frightened after seeing Kcris. After a few seconds, this girl almost screams, “Oh! It is you. You were hitting on me last night in the pub.”
Kcris almost laughs and asks that girl, “Ahh… that is why you didn’t give me your phone because you thought I wanted your number. You thought I was interested in you.”
Jeena is stunned to listen to all this as she never thought Kcris can be someone who goes around asking people’s numbers so as to flirt with them. For her, Kcris is more of a no-nonsense type of person. This girl, still acting frightened, speaks up, “If not for flirting, what else were you asking my number for? And don’t try to act smart. My mother is well acquainted with your boss and she can get you fired right away.”
This girl, unaware of who Kcris is, continues to threaten her. Amidst all this Jeena stands there, listening to both and trying to figure out what exactly happened last night. At the same time, Kcris gets that this girl is not gonna stop here. So after bearing this idiocy for some time, Kcris gives in and thinks of playing along. Kcris being Kcris, so to mess with the girl she goes closer to her and whispers something in her ear. Even before Kcris is done, this girl pushes her away and immediately hides behind Jeena. Jeena is all baffled and tries to move but fails as this girl doesn’t let go of her clothes.
Jeena has become a statue as this girl doesn’t let her move. While peeping from behind this girl shouts at the top of her lungs, “I am not into girls. I am straight. Get it in your thick skull.”
Kcris slowly makes this girl let go of Jeena and then makes Jeena stand away from the girl and close to herself. Kcris now looks slyly at the girl, more likely checking her out, all from head to toe, and then goes like, “Don’t you know, love? Spaghetti is straight until it’s wet.”
The girl takes a few moments before she can understand what exactly Kcris meant while saying this but Jeena understands right away. So Jeena immediately grabs Kcris’ hand and drags her to the other side.
“Kcris, don’t mess with her. Don’t do like this? Why are you… Tsk (Jeena clicks her tongue).”
Before Kcris could say anything to Jeena, her office door opens and a woman in her 60’s, all dressed in high-end white clothes, enters accompanied by Kcris’ secretary. Kcris immediately comes to greet this woman.
“Hello, Mrs. Fabiola.”
This girl who has been silent for quite some time now runs to Mrs. Fabiola and partially hides behind her. In a low tone, she tells Mrs. Fabiola, “Mom she is harassing me. Ask her to leave.”
“Who? Miss Pattinson?” and then Mrs. Fabiola lightly hits this girl on her head and goes like, “Amy, you should be thankful to her. If it weren’t for Miss Pattinson, only god knows where you would have ended up last night.”
Mrs. Fabiola turns toward Kcris saying, “Thank you for helping my daughter, last night.”
“Mrs. Fabiola, you don’t have to thank me for anything. I would have helped any girl in such a situation. And please, you don’t have to call me Miss Pattinson. You can call me by my first name, the same way you always do.”
“Okay, Kcristina.”
Listening to all this, Jeena says, “Oh! This girl, Amy was drunk in a pub last night. And Kcris happened to be there. So to help her get home, Kcris asked for Amy’s phone to call someone who can take her home.”
All start to look at Jeena. Kcris smiles before saying, “Well, this pretty much summarizes the entire situation.”
Jeena is confused and asks, “Did I think it out loud?”
Mrs. Fabiola answers her, “Yes, my child, but it’s okay.”
Kcris immediately introduces Jeena to Mrs. Fabiola, “This is Jeena, a friend from the dance studio.”
Mrs. Fabiola’s vigor and the current world know-how always attract youngsters to interact with her and Jeena is no exception to it. Both continued talking for some time, Jeena, telling how difficult it is to be a model along with managing college life, and Mrs. Fabiola, her struggle to balance family and kids while running such a vast business empire. When they are done Kcris asks Mrs. Fabiola if she can move to the conference room so that they can discuss work. Mrs. Fabiola ignores Kcris’ words and goes like, “Jeena, you are such a lovely child, full of life. How come you became friends with her? A total workaholic, who knows nothing about fun or for that matter anything about enjoying life. The only good thing about her is her being an astute businesswoman.”
Mrs. Fabiola then turns to Kcris and almost yells at her, “You go get the papers. I’ll sign them here only. I need to talk to this beautiful lady first.”
Kcris gestures to her secretary to get the papers. Amy takes out her phone as if nobody is paying any attention to her and starts to play phone games, swaying side to side while sitting on the swivel chair. Whereas Mrs. Fabiola and Jeena sit on the sofa and resume their conversation.
“Even when Kcristina was growing up, all she thought of studying harder.”
Jeena can’t hide her curiosity so she immediately asks, “Mrs. Fabiola, do you know Kcris since childhood?”
“Yes of course. Her mother was my distant relative. My elder daughter went to the same school as Kcristina’s. She was two years younger than Kcristina. Back then, my son was old enough to take care of himself but, my daughter wasn’t, so I used to leave her at Kcristina’s house. Our business was at a very early stage, so I could barely take care of her. My daughter and Kcristina were practically like sisters as they almost grew up together in Kcristina’s home. Kcristina’s mother was more of a mother to my daughter than I could ever be.”
Jeena is now curious about this person as for her, she can’t think of Kcris being so close to anybody because Kcris has this rude and arrogant behavior. So she asks, Mrs. Fabiola, “Where is your elder daughter now? Is she also a businesswoman?”
Before Mrs. Fabiola can answer, Kcris’ secretary brings the file. So, Mrs. Fabiola immediately takes the file from her hand to sign. But Mrs. Fabiola is stopped by Kcris, “Don’t you want your lawyers to go through this at least once.”
“Kcristina, my child, I have known you since you were a kid. Even if I chose not to trust that kid, I would trust this woman (pointing towards Kcris) who is known to run business only by fair means.” While signing the papers Mrs. Fabiola says to Kcris, “I am agreeing to all your conditions written in this contract.”
“Why do I sense a but after this, Mrs. Fabiola?”
Mrs. Fabiola smiles and answers Kcris, “Because there is. I have two conditions.”
“Please, feel free to tell.”
“Kcristina, first is that whenever I’ll ask you, you’ll bring this beautiful lady over lunch or maybe dinner sometimes.”
“Okay. I am ready. But you should ask this beautiful lady first if she wants to come or not.”
Jeena immediately answers, even before anyone has asked her, “I am totally cool with that. Who refuses free food anyway. (after a pause) Kcris please inform me beforehand so that there isn’t even the slightest possibility of me being busy on that day. “
“And what is the second condition, Mrs. Fabiola?”
Mrs. Fabiola asks Amy, who has been busy all this time with her game, to go outside. Amy’s game is more important to her so instead of arguing with her mother, she goes out. And then Mrs. Fabiola asks Kcris to train Amy personally. Without even thinking Kcris refuses to do it saying, “I can ask my best employees to help her learn but I don’t want to involve myself personally.”
“Kcristina, I don’t trust anyone with my daughter except you. You are the only one who can train her properly without thinking about whose daughter she is.
Mrs. Fabiola can make out just by looking at Kcris’ face that Kcris ain’t gonna agree, so to pressurize her she says, “If you don’t agree to my conditions, I won’t have a deal with you.”
Anybody can get just by looking at Kcris’ face that she is really pissed off, but still, she goes like, “Fine, I’ll train her. But I won’t involve myself directly. And please, just because I respect you, doesn’t mean that you can pressurize me or manipulate me like this. Please, don’t try to pull this ever again.”
“I did no such thing, Kcristina.”
“Oh! Really, then what was it?” You knew very well that at no cost I would let my employees’ hard work go waste. (After a pause) Anyway, I have some important work to attend to. Please let me take your leave, Mrs. Fabiola. My secretary will walk you out whenever you are done here.”
After saying this Kcris leaves but is stopped by Mrs. Fabiola and then Mrs. Fabiola with teary eyes tells Kcris, “Stop blaming yourself. Amy may not be as intelligent as her. But, unlike her, she is a strong-willed child. What happened with Casey is her fault, not anyone’s fault. Do you understand that? It’s only her fault.”
Kcris without saying a single word walks out. Kcris’ secretary is about to follow her but, Mrs. Fabiola sways her head sideways, gesturing her not to follow.
“Let her be. She’ll be okay in no time.” After saying this Mrs. Fabiola turns to Jeena, and before Mrs. Fabiola could say anything, Jeena asks her, “Who is Casey, Mrs. Fabiola? And what happened to her?”
“My elder daughter. Anyway, listen, child, I have a flight to catch. So, I have to leave now. We’ll continue our conversation next time we meet.”
Kcris' secretary walks out Mrs. Fabiola.

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