Amphibia insert AU

By -gayrat69-

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|cover not my art| You were teleported to a goofy frog land with your fellow classmate Anne Boonechuy.. what... More

Anne or Beast?
Best fronds (unedited)
Cane crazy
Flood, sweat & tears
Hop Luck
The Domino Effect
Taking charge
Anne theft auto
Breakout stars
Sprig V.S. Hop pop
Girl time
Dating season
Anne Vs. Wild
Contigi-anne (and yn)
Family shrub
Halloween special!!! 🎃
Lilly pad Thai
Planters last stand
Toad Tax
Grubhog Day
Hop Pop and Lock
Civil Wart
Croak and Punishment
Trip to the Archives
*not a chapter!!!*
Cracking Mrs. Croaker
A night at the Inn
Wally and Anne
Family fishing trip

Snow day!

359 13 7
By -gayrat69-

Kind of ironic, I'm working on this while I have a day off of school because of a blizzard lol.

Anne was making breakfast for the family,
"Perfecto!" She said placing a single basil on top of her omelet.
"What do you call these again?" Polly asked.
"Omelettes. Very popular where I'm from."
"We'll see about that." Hop pop squinted his eyes as he inspected his share. But as soon as he took a bite his pupils dilated.

"Holy crab apples! Until today, I've been eating garbage!"
Polly munched loudly from her plate, "I've seen the future.. and it's omelettes."
Suddenly, sprig came down the stairs, screaming about something, he suddenly paused,
"Oh, those look good."
"Oh... AHHHHHHH!! It's happening!"
"Are you sure it's happening?" Hop pop said grabbing his face.
"Dead sure."
"Is this a 'we gotta go now' kinda thing or can I finish eating?"
"Take it to go anne! Cause we gotta sound the alarm."
"Okay," anne pulled out 3 different sized containers, "I just gotta separate the stuff so it retains the flavors and doesn't get soggy-"
"Come on anne!"
"Get a move on!"
"Move anne!"
"Okay, okay."

Then they left the house, sprig making an alarm sound with his mouth and the three girls following them.

As they reached the town everyone was already gathered.
"Everyone, listen up! Today is the third morning in a row, where the temperature dipped below the frog line. Which means- Hiberday is almost upon us."
"Once a year, the temperature drops so low that it sends everyone into instant hibernation. Frozen in place until they thaw out the next day. And when we thaw, we feel refreshed, rejuvenated, virile.."
"Hey, that's pretty cool."
"Well, it's not. Every year one townsperson disappears, never to be seen again..."
"Annnddd, there's the weird dark turn."
"Oh I've been waiting for something like this."
"It's serious, anne, yn, look around you." Polly said as they all looked at the families saying their possible goodbyes.

"Possible goodbye Sprig."
"Possible goodbye hop pop."
"Possible goodbye family."
"And of course, girls.." hop pop said stepping towards anne and yn to hug them.
"Not so fast!" Anne yelled putting her arms out to block the small frogs from hugging them.
"Ur kinda spitting on tradition anne."
"There will not be any goodbyes this year. Because this year, Wartwood has us!" Anne grabbed yns hand, holding it up into the air for everyone to see.
"Huh?" The town questioned.
"Um, hello! We're warm blooded."
"That's kinda gross." Sprig said.
"It means we won't freeze." Yn said, finally catching on to what anne was implying.
"We can be your protectors! And under our watch," anne grabbed yns hand again and struck a heroic pose, "no-one will have to disappear again!"
The town cheered for the two, then begun chanting their names.

"Wow, you two have gone from town beasts to town protectors. Big fan of that narrative." Sprig said.

"Alright," hop pop came to the front of the crowd, "Hiberday isn't till tomorrow. So, everyone meet back here tonight. Then yn and anne can guard all of us."
"We're gonna live!" Wally cheered.
"Thank goodness those two beanstalks are here."
"I'm gonna burn my will!"

"Girls, are you sure about this?" Hop pop asked after the crowd had dispersed.
"Looking after the whole towns a lot of responsibility."
"Are you kidding? We've got this! We're anne and yn!"
"Yn and anne."
"{your name}nne for the win!" You two said at the same time.
But as you two looked down, the planters weren't there..

"Guys??" Yn turned, and saw the planters frozen.

Anne yelled out, "what the heck?"
A single snowflake fell from the sky onto yns head.
"This can't be good.."
And she was right, because next thing they knew the whole town was covered in snow and every creature was frozen.

"Oh no! Hiberday is here early. Everybody's all over the place by now. How are we gonna-"
Yn lifted sprigs frozen body off the ground.
"Oh, oh, wow. This is very light." Yn said.

After anne and yn got some warm clothes for the cold weather, they gathered everyone into town square, just like their original plan.
"Welp, thats everyone." Anne said placing the last person down.
"Huh, that was surprisingly easy. And now all we have to do is watch em." She said sitting down on a log, anne joined her and they waited and waited...

Yn eventually fell asleep, of course she was up all night re-reading old fan fictions.
"Okay I'm bored!" Anne shouted and looked over at yn, "and a bored protector, is a bad protector. So.. I'm gonna need to thaw someone out."
Of course she wouldn't wake up her girlfriend from her precious nap, she knows what happened last time..

"Let's see... eeny, meeny, miney.. sprig!"

Anne took him back to the house, leaving the townsfolk out in the open..

"Whoo, this is harder than I thought.." anne said wiping her sweat, "come on thaw already sprig!" Anne had him by the fire and was trying to warm him herself. Finally the ice cracked and sprig shook like a dog,
"Woah, where am I? What's goin on?"
"Sprig! Boy, am I glad to see you, buddy. Uh.. you okay dude?"
His eyes were bloodshot and facing opposite ways, "i is awake, yes?"
"Let's thaw out the others!"
"Uh.. I'm thinking we should let nature run it's course. You frogs don't seem to do well in the cold.."
"Why would you say that?" He said making water angels in the puddle on the floor. "Water angels."
"Well... since your already awake anyways, let's go have some fun. We've got the whole town to ourselves."
"Let's do it!" He yelled.

As soon as they were outside she realized she needed multiple layers on him to keep him from freezing, so they did just that.
"Hey Sprig, catch!" Anne threw a snowball at him, it landed in his face. A couple seconds later he reached his hands out, "eh, caught it."
They created a large snow sculpture that collapsed within seconds.
"Eh," they both shrugged. Then they looked over at the frozen bodies..

"Oh, mrs. Croaker, I never noticed how marry-able you are." Sprig said doing a wally impression.
"You too, wally. Come in for some kisses. Muah, muah, muah, muah"
The two giggled and took many photos.

Then they used the bodies to slide down a hill, and they even used them to create a statue out of the bodies.
"Look at it Sprig, it's beautiful." Then the statue begun to lean, "no, no! Don't hurt mommy!"

They even went bowling with the bodies, which in retrospect does not seem like the best idea.

Suddenly, anne stopped her giggling, "alright, enough. We had our fun! But it's time for a little protector duty. Let's do a head count, make sure everyone is still here."
"You got it!" Sprig said, still extremely loopy. ".. am I still here??"

"We got Tom, soggy Joe, hill cashmere the soft, hop pop, check, polly, check, sprig, check, Ivy, check." She went down the list, double checking twice. "Yup, everyone's accounted for!.. but something feels.. missing.."
"What about.. your other friend?"

"Yn! Oh crud, yn!" Anne ran over to the log they were resting on earlier, no footprints or anything. "Oh no, yn! I'm such a horrible girlfriend.." anne said sinking onto the log. "This is all my fault. We've got to get her back." She stood up with a new determination."
"Alright!.. is something wrong with yn?"

After walking for what felt like forever sprig finally decided to say something,
"Wow, never tracked anything in snow before.. it's hard." He hopped into a nearby tree and started climbing. Once he reached the top he kicked his leg, "hey! Who wants a nap?" He fell down to the ground half asleep. Anne barely caught him, "just hang on sprig, you can go back to hibernating as soon as we find yn."
"Yn..." he sniffed the air with his non-existent nose. "I smell a yn!"

They followed the scent, "yns in that creepy cave."
"Of course she is."

As they entered the cave there were frog and animal bones everywhere, "you know, no matter how long I'm in this world, I'll never get used to the piles of bones just lying around.
"Hey," sprig interrupted, "that icicle looks just like yn!" He said pointing at a frozen body on the roof.
"Ah, yn!!" Anne covered her mouth.
"How'd she get up there? Is she magic?"
Suddenly a loud set of rumbling came from the distance.
"What was that?"

A pile of snow came in, knocking them off their feet and doing circles around them. It soon revealed itself to be a snow lemur.
"Maybe we can ask this lady, excuse me miss-"
The lemur made a move to bite him but anne pulled him out of the way just in time.
"That's what's been taking the frogs? I'll keep it busy," she said picking up a frozen bone for her weapon, "you go get yn."
"Uh, okay."

The lemur lunged at anne, then sprig said,
"Wait, you mean me?"
"Mhhhhmmmmm" anne said keeping the lemur from using its large teeth to rip through her body. Sprig did a thumbs up and then used his tongue to get on top of the roof.

"Yn, stop dancing around so much. I'm trying to save you..." sprig said while yn was really staying truly still in frozen form.
The lemur suddenly stopped attacking anne as soon as he heard sprig,
"Hey! Sprig, look out!"
The lemur crawled onto the roof and covered yn with its tail. It roared at Sprig.
"Ooo pointy!" He said touching the largest tooth.

"Hey, you big furry freak get back here!" Anne yelled trying to distract it so nobody gets eaten.
Suddenly Anne's ears could hear a high pitch squeak from behind her, she looked around and opened a moss curtain, and she found babies! The lemur hissed at sprig one last time and jumped down to defend its kin.
"No way, you didn't kidnap yn just to feed yourself? If we take her, you'll starve.." anne thought for a moment, "unless!"

Anne got down on her hands and knees and started taking out the containers from this mornings breakfast, remaking the omelette and offering it to the lemur. It sniffed the food, it's eyes widening, then it took it.

"Huh," anne said, "I guess the power of omelette is universal."

Then she quickly ran and grabbed sprigs legs, and he had yn, so all three fell onto a large price of wood that started to slide out of the cage like a sled. Anne and the lemur had an understanding nod before they left.
"Now that's a protector." Anne said.
"Mhm. My face feels squishy.."
"Man, I really shouldn't have thawed you out. It's alright tho, let's go get yn unthawed."

As soon as they made it home anne realized she left the fire running, "not the smarted decision but very convenient for the time."
Anne gently placed her girlfriend down by the fire, "I'm sorry yn." She said starting to rub at the ice.

The ice was melting quick, she was almost conscious by now..- which makes me think, how did she get frozen in the first place? Maybe it was cartoon magic.

As the ice broke away yn opened her eyes and chattered her teeth, "woah!" She rubbed at her arms, "I feel really refreshed.. I should do ice facials more often.."
"Yn!!" Anne yelled and hugged her, "yn I'm so sorry.. I shouldn't have left you unprotected. You were almost eaten!"
"What now?"

"You must think im a pretty crappy girlfriend.." anne looked down at the floor. Yn grabbed her chin and lifted the girls face so they could meet eyes.
"Anne, I could never hate you," (toh reference, get it, ha.) she said grabbing her hands for reassurance, "you saved me, did you not?"
"Well then, I'm pretty happy that my favorite person in the world saved my life. And as long as your safe.. I'll always be happy.."
anne smiled, hugging her again, and then Sprig came in.
"Sorry to interrupt whatever this is but the towns gonna unfreeze soon." He was suddenly talking all normal, "woah, what happened to you?"
"A long nap. Like a very, very, long nap."

The three arrived at the town and took a look at the thermometer,
"Five, four, three, two, one.." they counted down as the temperature went up.
"And thaw, baby, thaw!"

The townsfolk broke free from their icey-bonds and started talking..
"Oh thank goodness!"
"We're all here!"
"Yay I'm alive!!" Polly yelled.
"Three cheers for anne and yn, the best town protectors there are!" Hop pop yelled.
"Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray-"
"Hold it!" Anne interrupted.
"I was a terrible town protector you guys. I slacked off when I should've been watching you, I unfroze Sprig when I got bored,"
"I'm fine!" Sprig said looking loopy again.
"And worst of all, yn almost got eaten by a giant weasel. I'm no town protector, I'm just a irresponsible kid."
"I was sorta unconscious the whole time so.."

The townsfolk looked around at eachother,
"Anne, you admitting that means you are more responsible than you think."
"Yeah, if you hadn't fessed up, we never would've known anything happened."
The town people all agreed.
"You may not be perfect but you proved that we can depend on you. And most importantly, this is the first time in years no-one's disappeared!"
"All because of you!" Polly said.
"Happy hiberday everyone!" Hop pop yelled as the town cheered.

"Aw, thanks you guys."
"Hey everyone!" Sprig suddenly came in with the loopyness, "check out these funny photos we took!" He said holding Anne's phone up for everyone to see.

"Sprig no!"
"That's my body!"
"Oh, my.." the townsfolk gasped.
"Did you use our frozen bodies as bowling pins?" Hop pop asked.

New episode, 10/10, amazing, wonderful, glorious, I have school tomorrow, it's 2 am, I'm tired, bye.

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