Cane crazy

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It was a peaceful morning on the planter farm.
"Wow Anne, look at all your cool stuff!" Sprig said amazed. He then picked up a toenail clipper and asked "what's this? Oh I get it, torture device."
"That's a toenail clipper"
"Oh, ok ok sure... ooh how about this, what does this do?" Sprig asked picking up a pump and putting it in his mouth.
"It's painful!"
"Oh and this!" Sprig says picking up a pen and he started clicking the end fast.
"Oh I love this." He said continuing "this is amazing"
"You know what? You can keep it." Anne said
Suddenly a bell began ringing from upstairs "kids! Chow time!!" Hop pop yelled from upstairs.

"Time to eat! Time to eat! Time to eat!" The children chanted as they awaited their cricket stew.
"Hold on you kids hold on" hop Pop said getting their plates ready. He slid two bowls across the table to Yn and Anne, they were filled with a green gooey goop and bugs.
Yn and Anne took one look and pushed it away.
"Uh, you know what? I think I'm gonna pass." Anne said
"My gentle California stomach can't handle it" Yn said
"Why? Is my food not good enough for the princesses?" Hop pop asked.
"Nope, just got digestion problems man."  Yn said.
"Well if we're the princesses then your the king of bad cooking" Anne said. Sprig dropped his spoon and him and Polly yelled "oooohhhh"
"Oh yah! Well you... I..." hop pop said trying to think of a comeback
"What's the matter hop pop? Frog in your throat?" Anne asked
"Oh she got you again!!"
"Oh dang it!" Hop pop yelled throwing down his spoon "you know what? I'm gonna take a nap. I don't believe this, I feed you, I house you and this is how you repay me? If you two don't shape up soon, I'm throwing you two out!!" Hop pop said angrily slamming the door to his room.

"What did I even do?" Yn questioned out loud
"Whatever, don't worry about him. 'Hi I'm hop pop and I cook bad and have a temper problem!" Anne said impersonating hop pop, even yn let out a little giggle. Anne went over and grabbed a cane, "eat your aphids, don't play with them. Elbows off the table!!" Anne said bending over with a back like an old person, and sprig and polly were eating it up.
"Sometimes I ever wonder why I bother putting up with you at all!!" Anne says slamming the tip of the cane on the table, causing it to break. Sprig and polly gasped loudly.
"Oopsies, guess I don't know my own strength. Right? Guys?" Anne asked while sprig and polly were still in shock.
"You guys ok?" Anne asked, yn sideglanced at the frogs and shrugged.
"What's the big deal? It's just one cane." Anne says
"That wasn't just any cane. It was hop pops special cane," sprig said pointing to some old frog portraits on the wall. "passed down from his father Hop Poppity Pop, all the was from his father Hop-and-Lock-Drop Soppity Pop"
"That's an odd play of words" Yn commented inspecting the portraits
"Ohh, you guys gotta help me! He's gonna kick us out the second he finds out about this. We cannot go back to living in a cave!" Anne says and yn had a flashback of the storm nights with spiders all around them. Anne cringed and yn said "the nights were the hardest"

"Don't worry Anne, Yn. We'll do whatever it takes to help you" sprig says
"Ehh count me out." Polly says
"What??? I hardly know them"
Anne and Yn shared a knowing smile before Yn reached for something from her bag.
"Would you help us for one of these?" Anne asked as Yn pulled out a Snackers candy bar.
Polly gasped
"Candy from another world?!? Ladies, you got yourself a deal."
"Glad to hear it, now, let's try to save our skin!"
Sprig tried using Hop Pops green goop to stick it back together but it easily broke off again.
"Okay maybe we can't fix it but someone else can? Some one hood with.. wood?" Anne questioned
"Anne," sprig said jumping on her face "your a genius!! We'll just take it to Leopold Loggle, the woodsmith! He loves wood!.. almost a little too much"

Loggle held the broken cane in his hand, he inspected it with his goggles.
"Oh, oh, yes.. well aren't you fascinating? Yes you are." Loggle said talking to the wood.
"So can you fix it?" Anne asked
"As a matter of fact I can.... not"
"Huh... can you make a new one?" Sprig asked
"Absolutely... no way"
"Do you have one we could buy?" Polly asked clearly irritated.
"Of course I do.... Nt. I don't"
"Why do you keep doing that?" Anne asked
"Old smithing accident, you don't want to know" Loggle said acting mysterious.
"Uh, ok so-"
"Tripped on an anvil. Landed neck first on a metal pipe. Pierced my voice box clean through!!" He says showing us his impaled voice box
"Dude come on"
"Switched over to wood after that. Anyhow I'm afraid I can't do much for you. That cane was made with wood from the incredibly rare, and extremely dangerous, Doom Tree!!" Loggle said slamming down a book and showing a drawing of the doom tree.
"Few have made it to the Doom Tree alive, fewer have returned. It holds many secrets that mortals dare not-"
"Dude, it's a tree. Just tell us where it is." Anne says
"Yeah Loggle cut the chit chat!"
"Your bald!"
"and stop talking like that"
"Ok ok, I hot a map to the doom tree right here. But it'll cost ya" he says holding his hand out for money.
"Click" anne says while taking a photo of the map with her phone.
"Or you could do that, for free." He says
"Cmon guys we gotta hurry. Hop Pop could wake up at any second!"
"Be careful you kids! It's cursed I tell ya, cursed!!!" Loggle yells.
"To the doom tree everyone!!" Anne yells
"Still cant believe he let you do that" Yn says
"I know right" anne says and they walk out

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