Sprig V.S. Hop pop

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Hello guys! I'm feeling a little better except my social anxiety is killing me so I need something to distract myself.
Wattpad it is!

Yn, anne, sprig, and polly we're picking weeds from the dirt in the hot summer heat. Sprig sat up and sighed, sweat dripping down his face. He then noticed that the cow-worm creatures were eating some straw plant and he gasped with a new idea.
"Hop pop, hop pop, great idea! What if we trained the cowapillers to eat these weeds? Then we wouldn't have to-"
"Hup bup bup, suggestion barrels over there." Hop pop said pointing to the empty barrel.
Sprig ran over with excitement. He then jotted down his idea on a piece of paper.
"Suggestion 89..." he wrote.
Anne, yn, and polly came up from behind him.
"Hey think he actually reads these?" Anne questioned.
"The chances are low.." Yn responded.
"Yeah, I suggested a swimming pool months ago and that never happened." Polly said.
"Oh, come on guys. Have a little more faith in hop pop," sprig said shoving his suggestion letter in the barrel, getting his hand stuck in the process.
"Oop, hehe.. hands stuck." He said hopping on top of the barrel and hastily pulling his hand out. The barrel tipped over to reveal a pit of fire underneath.
"Anndddd there it is."
"What the..."
"Huh, a fire pit? That's the opposite of a swimming pool!" Polly claimed.
"Why hop pop? Why?" Sprig cried dramatically.
"Because your suggestions were ridiculous. You can't just dig swimming pools anywhere. It attracts pests. Running a farm ain't easy kids." Hop pop said crossing his arms.
"Maybe, but if I were in charge, I'd listen to other peoples suggestions, not burn them."
"You? Run the farm? Ha! Run it into the ground maybe." Hop pop teased in his face.
They did their weird little croaky thing and polly gasped,
"Is that an official challenge?"
Sprig then ran to a nearby pole and rang the bell that was at the top.
"Sprig planter, you have rung the planter family challenge bell! What is your challenge?" Polly asked.
"I want to replace hop pop and run the farm my way."
"Hop pop?"
"I do formally accept this challenge."
"I'm sure this will make sense in a moment." Anne claimed.

"Never mind," anne said watching sprig and hop pop rub mud all over themselves in tight outfits. "What the heck's going on?"
"I'm not sure but I'm seeing a lot of old man skin that I don't want to see" Yn said covering her eyes.
"The planter family challenge."
"An artful test of skill where the winner takes all!"
"They push eachother until someone falls off a lily pad. It's dumb, but fun to watch!"
"Has sprig ever won?" Yn asked
"I've won in spirit."
"So no,"

"Enough chit chat, let the challenge begin!" Polly yelled, hitting the bell.
The two tackled, slapped, and threw eachother and polly was right, it was quite entertaining.
"Give it up boy! I've got the experience and the upper body strength."
"Oh yeah? Well I've got the moral high ground!"
"What? Ahhhh!" He yelled as sprig kicked him over his head and into the mud.
Anne and polly gasped at the same time,
"Sprig won?!?"
"Sprig won?!?"
"I won?!?"
"Nice work dude." Anne said lifting him up by his foot.
"I don't believe it, I'm head of the farm!"
The four then went back to the farm chanting 'sprigs head of the farm' leaving poor old hop pop in the mud.

"Sprig, sprig, sprig!" The girls all chanted as they entered the farm.
"Alright alright that's enough." Sprig said proudly. "Okay, maybe just a few more."
"Sprig, sprig, sprig!"
"Love it! First order of business. As long as I'm in charge, no suggestions are bad."
"Swimming pool?!?" Polly asked excitedly
"You betcha."
"An updated house library?!?" Yn asked
"Why not!"
Dance parties?!?" Anne asked excitedly.
"Let's have one right now, baby!" Sprig yelled as Anne started playing one of her favorite songs.

After a pretty long montage about sprig accepting all their ideas and.. slowly ruining the farm, sprig looked at their new building plan. "Soak it in gang, this is what good leadership looks like."
"Uh, anybody worried about hop pop? I haven't seen him since we got back." Anne asked
"Eh, he's probably off licking his wounds." Sprig shook it off.

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