Taking charge

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Quick question: who's ur fave amphibia character? If u guys can't tell mine is Marcy :)))

Another day at the planter family farm, hop pop was readying a book on the couch with sprig next to him, bouncing polly on his legs.
They all stopped and looked to the basement when Anne screamed.
"Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys! Look!" Anne said showing her phone.
"What are we looking at here?" Polly asked.
Yn squeezed through the door and said
"Just some dumb show she's obsessed with."
Anne gasped, clearly offended,
"Suspicion island, the best show in history? Dumb?!?"
"Oh clearly you haven't lived, just watch." Anne said grabbing yns arm and clicking play on the recap.
"Previously on, suspicion island."
Yn groaned but continued watching. A group of teenagers walked through the woods one of them said,
"I've got a lot of feelings about this place."
Yn stuck her tongue out at the horrible writing.
"Look! More yns!" Sprig yelled
"Haha! They have noses!" Polly laughed
"I feel like everyone on this island is suspicious, Peruvia, except you!" A blonde dude said cupping the girls cheek.
"But, Randy," the girl said touching his hand, "I think you're suspicious!" She yelled knocking his hand away.
"Noooooooooo" he yelled dramatically.
"Suspicion Island, if you don't stay suspicious, you won't stay alive."
Just as the camera zoomed out of range it showed a beautiful girl in a cave of bones.
"Woah" Yn breathed, if she was a cartoon character hearts would have replaced her pupils. Hm, it almost felt like she was a cartoon character...
As the recap ended yn quickly said
"Let's watch it."
"What is this demonic nonsense?" Hop pop asked, clearly not impressed.
"Hop pop, this shows got beautiful people people doing dumb things while stuff explodes! It's literally perfect." Anne claimed
"Let's do it!"
"Now hold on," hop pop interrupted, "instead of that garbage, how about I treat you to some real entertainment?"
"Oh no" sprig and polly both said at the same time.
Hop pop pulled a scroll out of his coat pocket,
"A scene from The Shallow Pond! Sadness. The world was sadness. But look, there, a pond! Is it deep or shallow?"


"Suspicion Island!" The kids all chanted until hop pop gave in.
"Okay! Fine!"
"Whoo-hoo! Yeah!"
"But just one!"

Hours later... they had binged almost the whole season and yn thought she was in love.
"It can't be Vivia. These pterodactyls are clones of... my dead brother!!" A man said dramatically.
Anne, sprig, and polly gasped.
"No way" Anne said
"Huh what?" Yn asked
Hop pop rolled his eyes dramatically.
Suddenly a pterodactyl swooped in and stole Vivica.
"Will these beautiful teens ever make it off the island? Find out next time on—"
Anne paused the screen and turned off the phone.
"Anndddddd that's enough for tonight."
"What?!? No!" Yn shouted distressed
"Aw come on!"
"This is torture!"
"Trust me, guys, you gotta pace yourself with this stuff." Anne said
"All right, you two grubs, off to bed." Hop pop interrupted. Sprig and polly both groaned and rolled off the couch.
"How am I supposed to sleep without knowing what happened to Vivica and Chad?" Sprig asked
"Your gonna sleep?" Yn asked and Anne elbowed her.
"Stupid sleep! I wanna watch it right now!" Polly yelled bouncing up the stairs. Anne grew a stranger smile on her face,
"So.. what do you think, hop pop? Better than that boring stuff you read to us right?" Anne asked
"That 'Boring stuff' is called literature, Anne. Anne maybe, if you had an ounce of culture, you wouldn't reject it in favor of your substandard puerile garbage show!" Hop pop yelled slamming the door.
"Sheesh, tell me how you really feel." Anne yawned. "So yn, what do you think of suspicion island."
"Eh I dunno, it's ok I guess" Yn said trying to play it cool.
"You seem to be pretty fond of one of the characters... may I guess..." Anne said pausing dramatically,


"I dunno she's pretty I guess" Yn said hoping the dark lighting kept her blush away.
"Ha! I knew it! You're in love!" Anne teased.
"Shut up" Yn shoved Anne off the couch
Yn yawned "well I'm tired, cya tmr roomie"
"No wait I'm tired too." Anne said following yn, leaving her phone exposed in the open...

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