Family shrub

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Another afternoon on the planter farm, what exciting thing could our protagonists be doing today?

Creating a family shrub.

"You know hop pop, back home. We would call this a family tree." Yn commented.
"That's cause everyone in your world is crazy." Hop pop claimed, "now, where was I? Hmmm. Oh yes, great AuntGertrude. She was a mastered dirt tiller. I mean how cool is that!" He said reading from a book titled, 'Planter Family History'.
"Eh," all the kids said.
"Oh, and you can't forget second cousin Alfred. He was the king!"
The kids all gasped,
"A king?!?"
"Yeah! The king of singe-tiered irrigation systems."
Polly and sprig groaned, Anne sighed, "yep, you lost me."
"Our ancestors were boring!"
"Were they really all just farm frogs? Where are the artists? The poets? The dreamers?!"
"Just farm frogs? Kids, the point of the shrub is to give you an appreciation for your past. The planter family has layers. You just have to know where to look."

"Layers, huh? Okay then. Well, what's so special about her?" Anne asked pointing to a green girl frog on the shrub.
"Polliana? Oh, brace yourselves. She wasn't just any farmer!" Hop pop said, getting everyone excited.
Polly gasped in anticipation,
"She was a turnip farmer!"
Polly, anne, and yn groaned.

"Welp, as much as I'd love to help, not gonna find any of me or yns ancestors on your shrub, so..." anne and yn sat on the couch and watched anne play slacker stackers.

"Don't have to be blood to be a planter, anne."
"No, but you do have to be a master stacker to get to level 46." Yn said, her inner-nerd awakening, "I've been watching her try about 40 times and she just barely gets closer each time."
"If I can just..." Anne commented, too focused on her game. Unfortunately, she lost. Anne groaned, "curse you, sudden death round! Why you so hard?" She complained.

"Anne, this is based on nothing at all, but I'm most certain that game will rot your brain!" Hop pop tried to squeeze glue on the back of a picture but the bottle seemed empty. "Uh-oh, looks like we're out of glue!"
"Does that mean we have to stop?"
"Can we do something fun now?"
"No fun until the shrubs done. Just gonna run to the store real quick and get more glue. Be back in a jiffy. Don't go anywhere!" He said shutting the door and walking to the store.

"Ah! You're lucky you're an outsider anne. Our family history is weak." Polly complained.
"They didn't do anything weird. Or different. Or fun." Sprig hopped to the portrait above the fireplace, "I mean, look at this. Even this paintings making me feel depressed." He claimed resting his hand on the portrait, which seemed to trigger some mechanics that opened up the fireplace, leading to a dark passageway.
"Sprig, you broke the house!" Polly yelled.
"Woahhh," Anne said looking down into the spiderweb filled corridor.
"Oh wow, this looks unsafe." Anne said,
"We have to go down there!" Yn finished for her.
"There could be treasure."
"Of dead bodies! Let's do it!" Polly exclaimed.
Anne grabbed the lantern from the table and they started their way down the steps.

Yn couldn't help but notice it got darker, and when she turned around the door had closed, "uh, did we just get locked in here?" She asked.
"No, no, no."
"Help! Wait!"
"Let up out! I'm claustrophobic!"
They all banged on the door,
"Come on, let's just find another way out, you babies." Polly said calmly.
"Kind of an odd thing for a baby to say." Yn commented.
"You're a baby yn!"
"Okay okay, sheesh"

They continued their way down the hallway, until they met a room full of jars of unknown substances and cobwebs.
"Woah!" They all breathed.
"All this was under your house?" Anne asked, "oh, there's dust everywhere."

"This place is amazing!" Sprig was clearly amazed by the room they were in "woah! Oh, what this?" He pulled a lever that shot him into the air, he landed on his head but continued laughing anyways.
"Hey, why do you think the entrance was hidden like that?" Polly asked.
"To keep it a secret, obviously. Who wouldn't want to steal this stuff?"
Anne tapped a jar and it turned to reveal an ugly looking turnip with an ugly face.
Anne shuddered and had a weird look on her face, "uh, me, me. I don't wanna steal this stuff."

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