A night at the Inn

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IMMMMM BACK BABY!! (Toh finale reference cuz I'm cool like that)

So my thoughts of discontinuing this book came to me many many times because sometimes I feel I'm just not good enough at updating- or writing and I think nobody wants to read it. But I literally read a comment today and it tugged at my heartstrings so here I will feed another chapter! Idk if it's gonna be annual updates anymore Idfk.

Anne, yn, and the planters stood in the middle of a road that was labeled 'mountain pass' , and there was a huge chunk of ice blocking the whole thing.

"Well anne... I don't want to say I told you so but-"
"Yes you do."
"Okay- you're right." Hop pop paused, "I told ya so! Hehe- still gonna be a few weeks before that showpack melts."
Anne groaned, "but we've waited so long! And getting out of this valley might find us answers on how to get home."

"I still dont see why your in such a rush to go home, anne. I mean- sure we're stuck in a disgusting frog world with no way home, but we can at least make the best of our situation while we still have a chance." Yn shrugged, "I dunno, to me this land is just so... new. And different. I... I don't really want to leave."

"I know it stinks, anne, but maybe Yns right. How about some careless misadventure to take your mind off it? I think there's a creepy lagoon nearby." Sprig said pointing to the opposite direction of the large ice block.

"Ooh!" Anne wiggled her fingers, "think we'll find some bloated remains?"
"Here's hoping!" Sprig said cheerfully.
The two giggled and ran off.
"Wait up guys!" Yn ran after them.

"Hmm." Polly thought aloud, "and while they're doing that, I'm gonna check out this scary forest." She began hopping away before hop pop grabbed her by the tail.

"Oh no ya don't! Not by yourself." He sat her down on the snail. Polly groaned,
"But why not?"
"Cause you're a pollywog. You're too young to go off on your own."
"But the other kids did!" Polly argued, and then a loud screech was heard in the distance when the three kids came running back to the snail.
"Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" The kids chanted.

Hop Pop used his reigns and the snail drove off.

Once they were at a reasonable distance away from whatever they were running from, anne sighed, "whew! Who knew leeches could run so fast?"
"Or had legs?" Yn added, while writing it down in her journal.
"Glad I got to see them, though. Truly a once in a lifetime experience."
Polly angrily grumbled in her seat, and suddenly Bessie hunted to a stop.

"Oh, shoot. Snail trouble, everyone. Snail trouble."
"Hmm. Stranded, eh? Well, couldn't have picked a nicer day." Sprig said pointing to the clear, blue sky. And that's when thunder struck and the rain fell.

Hop Pop attempted to lift Bessie's shell from the ground, only to slip and fall onto his butt.
"Whoa. Dang it.. it's too darn muddy for me to squeeze under Bessie to see the problem."
"Hey, I can fit under Bessie!" Polly suggested.
"No, you stay up there where it's safe." Hop pop cood, and pat Polly's head while she remained seated on Bessie. The little pollywog sighed in disappointment, why couldn't she just grow up already?

"My research is getting wet!" Yn yelled, attempting to shield her many books and notebooks from the drops of water.

Anne stood next to the other human, attempting to cover her belongings with her body. "Don't worry- I gotcha my ladybug" she winked,
"Oh why thank you- my knight" yn laughed, before polly snapped.
"Ugh- will you two stop with this sappy stuff? Because look there's a bed in breakfast right there!" Polly pointed to a sign that was attached to a building.
"Forget it! We ain't spending coppers on lodging. We've got a perfectly fine tent-" hop pop pulled a small green tent out of his pocket using cartoon magic, only for it to be blown away, and zapped by lightning.

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