Contigi-anne (and yn)

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Instead of the normal sunny, sticky, and hot weather of Wartwood, today, it was rainy, cold, and windy. Anne and yn were relaxing in the basement by themselves.
"Nothing like sleeping to the sound of rain.."
Anne sighed while wrapped like a burrito in her blanket..
Hop pop suddenly opened the door as loudly as possible. "Anne, yn, move! This is the third time I've called you!"
"What? No it isn't."
"No? Ok, then this is the first time I'm calling you!" Yn visibly facepalmed. "Let's go! We've got work to do."

"Okay, we got a full day of hard work ahead of us. Here ya go, put this on! Polly, there you go sweetie." He said giving everyone bags to wear. "Frog of course, where's yn?!?"
"Eh she's looking a little down..." Anne said nervously.
"Okay then, but we'll have to see for ourselves. YN FRONT AND CENTER!!"
Yn came out of the bathroom with a bucket.
"Hey Hp" she said sounding congested.
"Holy frog! What happened to you!"
"Human sickness," she shrugged, "I-it'll go away s.........soOOOO" she shoved her head into the bucket and started vomiting.. the frogs shuddered and hop pop interrupted,
"Alright! Alright! Your excused from your duties today. Now," he said facing his working crew again.

"Rain gear?" sprig asked, "hop pop, we're frogs we should actually be taking off our clothes. Woohoo!" He said starting to take off his clothes and dance around.
"Keep your pants on, boy. This here ain't no ordinary rainstorm." Hop pop said pointing to the window where the frog wally just got washed away by a tree. "We gotta cover up the crops before their destroyed! It'll be hours of back-breaking work in the mud and the muck. Thankless, hard, character-building labor—"
Suddenly anne interrupted with a totally fake cough.
"Woah, anne, everything alright?"
"No.. I think I'm.. sick." She doubled over and started fake coughing again.
"Oh no, sounds like I got a bad case of the... mocha lattes!"
"That sounds horrible! Is that what yn has??"
"No.. she has the worst case of the bobas."
"Come on kids, let's stay away from these humans and their sickness."

They were almost out the door,
"Rest up anne, we'll handle the work today."
"Rest up!"
"Feel better anne!"
"I'll try my best, bye." She said majorly exaggerating her weak voice. Once they were out the door she straightened up, "you done did it again girl!" They we're gone, her plan had worked!
"Yn your a real genius for getting the idea to fake a sickness! Like cmon how dumb can they get!"
"Not faking" yn coughed but anne was too busy in her own little world of excitement.

After a long while of playing around anne finally settled on watching the new movie, Ab-Snatchers 2. Yn had finally decided to join her friend, seeing she's calmed down.
"Best... decision... ever!" Anne said with her mouth full of ice cream.
Just then the planters opened the door to their house.
"Oh.. you're back?" Anne said with her fake weak voice. "I hope you got along without- woah, are you guys okay?" Her voice changed back to normal.
Hop pop snorted and coughed, Polly's eyes were swollen and she sneezed, "oh me? I'm fine." Sprig smiled.
"Looks like polly and I have come down with something, too."
"Who said that?"
"Oh, it was brutal out there anne. Good thing you two stayed inside. I mean, sure, the work would have gone much quicker if you were with us, but you probably just would've gotten sicker."
"Yep, sicker.." Anne said looking pretty guilty.
"But nobody has to worry because I'm going to take care of everyone- ah ahh ACHOO-" he yelled, his long yellow tongue shot across the room.

"Oh no!"
"Yep, it got sprig too."
"Wait what? So your all sick?"
"Sure looks that way" Polly said hopping into the trash,
"Polly no!" Sprig tripped over his own tongue.
"Oh dang, I'm sticky." Hop pop said with items sticking to him left and right.
"It's alright guys I got y... y.. yo-BLECH"
Yn stuck her head in the bucket and puked yet again,
"Who's gonna take care of us?" Polly asked.
"Me, I'm gonna take care of you guys." Anne said grabbing polly out of the trash.
"But, anne, you're sick too, ah!" His tongue hit him in the mouth.
Anne fake coughed,
"Sure am, buddy, but you're all way more important to me."
"Thanks anne."
"Thanks anne,"
"T-thanks anne" yn trembled. Her stomach was so empty there was nothing to puke up anymore, and it probably would be best to keep it that way.
"Wow, that's uncharacteristically generous of you."
"Aw, you know. I do what I can. Now let's get you all better!"
Polly sneezed and flew out of Anne's arms, and started bouncing around the room,
"ahh! Kill me."

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