Trip to the Archives

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You guys see the toh leaks? I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!! But sad the show is ending way too soon :(( (also I feel so bad for the writers and animators.. after they spend so much time and effort making these episodes for us and someone leaks the whole thing..) I'm trying to avoid the whole episode leaks. Im only looking at the ones that were intentional because it feels disrespectful (and I want to feel right watching the episode) okay, enjoy another chapter!!
btw the image is from a sneak peak!! ^^

"Now remember gang," the family was riding down an old road, everyone somehow managing to fit on bessie. "The mountain pass will clear up in one week. Meaning, it's almost time to leave this valley and find Yn and Anne a way home!"
"Whoo! Love that!" Anne cheered.
"And you know the best way to start a quest?"
"Research?" Yn questioned.
"Research." Hop pop confirmed.

All the kids groaned, except for yn of course.
"Come on guys, research isn't even that bad. It's kind of crucial for a quest like this. You need to know wha-"
"What Yn said kids. Well never get these two home if we get bitten to death by a venomous snake fly. Or eaten to death by a camouflaged sod skink. Or crushed to death by a sand liger."
"Okay, okay, okay. Enough death already. Sheesh, I'm beginning to think you guys are obsessed."

They approached the Archives, all it was, was a very small opening and a very small sign that read 'The Historic Wartwood Town Archives'.
Sprig groaned, "the town archives? This place is dustier than Dusty's dustbin."
"Who?" Polly asked.
"Come on. You know dusty. Local dust merchant.? Friendly, always smiling, sells dust."
"Oh, yeah, yeah. Right."
"I get this place! It's like a library from back home. Zoo books and manga, here I come!"
"Enough chatter! Your four, time to hit the books."

"Wait!" Sprig suddenly jumped up, "wouldn't we be better off by diving headfirst into deadly situations?!"
"Absolutely not." Yn snorted,
"Huh, yeah, maybe sprigs right hop pop! Research is overrated." Anne said.
"Overrated, eh? How's diving into adventure been working out so far?"
"Exactly." Yn said while anne and sprig thought about their past adventures.
"I can still smell that skunk juice.."
Anne shuddered, "yeah, fair enough. Research it is!"

"What? You're siding with hop pop?!?" Sprig followed the others down the doors of the archives,
"This trip is gonna take us beyond The Valley, sprig. Who knows what we'll run into out there?"
"Thank you!!" Yn yelled.

As they entered the large library sprig groaned,
"The archives."
"This place seems pretty cool to me."
"Sure, it seems cool, until you realize all you do here is read other people's cool adventures."
"Alright, enough dilly-dallying, we gotta get a move on before we're locked in here."
"Uh, come again?" Yn asked
"The door to this place is as on a sunlight timer. It opens when the sun rises and deadlocks when the sun sets." Hop pop explained.
"That is some steampunky nonsense right there." Anne said in a country accent, before yn grabbed her hand and dragged her over to the far corner of the archives.

"Woah! Slow down!" Anne laughed.
"I can't, we need to learn as much as we can about this world. We need to be prepared for anything and everything." Yn said grabbing multiple books off the bookshelves and handing them to anne.
"Bugs?" Anne asked after reading the titles.
"Well yeah, bugs are like lions here. We need to read up as much as we can."
"Okay.." anne said as yn sat them both down at a table-desk, thing, and they started reading.

A couple minutes later anne was just finishing up very interesting chapter about ladybugs,
'Ladybugs bites are known as vicious, yet, their bites carry no diseases, except for maybe a scar or two.'
Anne shuddered, then continued reading.
'If you happen to come across a ladybug and leave unharmed, it's considered good luck! Ladybugs represent love, prosperity, and good fortune. Stumbling on a ladybug, perhaps love lies ahead!'

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