Redemption || Oberyn Martell

By Krazy_Kupid

135K 7.3K 344

The Red Viper and the Tempest. An unlikely match from the beginning. A moment of attraction, fleeting and m... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI

Chapter XI

3K 173 10
By Krazy_Kupid

[XI.] Crown of Flowers

281 A.C.

Cassandra clapped, cheering along with the crowd as Prince Rhaegar unhorsed Ser Arthur Dayne in a showy move. 

Robert roared loudly from beside her, caught up in the festivities and smelling of wine. She had heard from Ser Richard Lonmouth that they had been having a drinking competition before the jousting even began. 

She wrinkled her nose at her brother before focusing on the next set of riders. The final tilt would be between Ser Barristan Selmy and Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. To say that everyone was at the edge of their seats with excitement would be an understatement. 

This was the biggest tourney of the year, with everyone from all over Westeros traveling to Harrenhal to participate in the melees, jousts, archery tournaments, and tourney of singers. Lord Walter Whent had spared no expenses, wanting nothing but the best for his fair daughter. 

Robert had chosen not to participate in the jousting, already content with the victory he had gained for the seven-sided melee in the ancient style. He had unhorsed many knights and lords the previous day, celebrating well into the night afterward. 

Cassandra turned to the man on her other side, smiling softly when his eyes met hers. Ned returned her smile, a sight that he reserved only for his betrothed. 

"I have news." Ned spoke, his voice low so that only the two of them could hear. 

"What would that be?" Cassandra asked, her eyes following the two now facing off for the joust, their lances extended in front of them as they charged at one another. 

"Brandon is getting married to Catelyn in the winter of the coming year." He informed her as the two clashed though they remained upright on their horses, returning for another round. 

That caught her attention, making her turn to look at him with wide eyes. "So that means we will..." 

"If you wish it, we can be married by this time next year." He finished, his gaze hopeful. " That is, if you are still agreeable to the match."

"Ned," She started, about to assure him that nothing could dissuade her from marrying him. He was a good man and she knew he would be a good husband. One day, he would be a good father. She was luckier than most to have such a man as a betrothed. 

However, before she could say anything more, the crowd erupted into cheers with many jumping to their feet. Expressing what she wished to say through her actions, Cassandra slipped her hand into his, squeezing his hand. 

Ned's grey eyes glimmered with joy, lifting her hand to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to the back of it. The two turned to the jousting, just in time to see Prince Rhaegar named the champion of the event. 

Their hands remained intertwined as the prince received the crown of blue winter roses. The smiles remained on their faces as he rode to his wife, expecting that he will be crowning her his Queen of Love and Beauty. 

But the cheers died and the smiles faded when Prince Rhaegar rode past his wife and laid the crown of blue winter roses upon the lap of Lyanna Stark. Ned's younger sister and Robert's betrothed, a young girl who was barely a woman. 

Everyone went quiet, wondering how the young girl would react upon being recognized and granted such an honor by the Silver Prince of the realm. She should have refused the crown graciously and offered it to the wife of the man who won it. But that was not what she did. 

What Lyanna Stark did was smile a proud smile, her young face filled with glee upon receiving the attention of the beloved Crown Prince. That's when all the merrymaking ended and the sound of applause was replaced by the sounds of protests and angry shouts. 

Elia Martell was being escorted out along with her children though everyone had seen her face. Her beautiful, kind face with tears streaming down was something that no one present would ever forget. The look of complete and utter heartbreak shone through her face while her children were too young to know how much their father had shamed their mother.

Robert sat still beside his sister, his fists clenched at his sides as anger radiated from him in multitudes. It was not just Elia who was shamed by the prince's actions but also the betrothed of the woman he crowned. Robert was stone-cold sober as the events that had just taken place repeated over and over in his mind. 

"Robert," Cassandra tried to say, hoping to get through to the angry haze her brother was trapped in. 

However, it was no use as he stood up from his seat and left, disappearing among the crowds of people in the midst of chaos despite the whispers of pity following his every step. 

Lyanna was led away by her eldest brother and her father, intent on going back to the tent reserved for their family. She now had the crown of blue winter roses upon her head as if she took the role very seriously. 

Not wanting to leave her behind when Robert had left, Ned held on to Cassandra's hand as he followed after his family. They moved against the surge of the crowds, everyone and everything now descending into mayhem. 

Before Ned could reach the tent, Cassandra planted her feet and refused to move a step. "Ned, I can't. I have to look for Robert." 

"He will have gone on his own. You could get hurt by this crowd. Robert can handle himself. He just needs time." Ned contradicted, not wanting her to be lost in all the disarray. Everything was unpredictable. Anything could happen now, seeing how quickly everything went wrong. 

"Elia needs me too, I have to go. After everything, she is my friend. She is a sister to me." Cassandra shook her head, knowing that she needed to be there for her. It was no time to be angry at young girls or stupid princes. She needed to be there for her dearest friend. 

Ned opened his mouth to protest, thinking that the princess already had people with her. "Cassandra-" 

"Tell Lyanna not to wear the crown. Please." Cassandra cut him off, her tone now imploring.

"It is just a crown of flowers. It's worthless. Nothing more is meant by it." Ned tried to wave it off.

Cassandra said, looking around at the throes of people who were bustling with anger in confusion. "You and I both know that's not true. Look at what's happened because of it." 

"Cassandra," Ned began, hoping to calm his betrothed. 

"Enough damage has been done. Throw it in the fire, hide it from sight, it is of no matter as long as she does not wear it to the feast." Cassandra pleaded,  grasping both of his hands desperately. "Please Ned, for me."

Ned sighed, closing his eyes before opening them with renewed conviction. He could never refuse her. He would never refuse her, especially when it was something so trivial. "Very well. I swear it."

"Thank you. Thank you, Ned." Cassandra breathed, embracing him tightly. It was a simple thing but right now, all she could focus on was putting out the fires that had been lit all around them, starting with this one.

"Aye, of course. Now go, as you said, your friend needs you. Just be safe." Ned answered, holding on to her just as tightly, his arms wrapped around her waist. 

With a final smile in his direction, Cassandra ran to where she knew she would be needed. 


Oberyn barely contained his rage. 

His fists were clenched and he shook with anger. Indignation poured out of him in waves and he was sure that everyone could see it. All who looked upon the Dornish prince found themselves turning away immediately for fear of what he could do. 

Everyone had heard the stories of the Red Viper, of his mastery of poisons and warfare. They know of how he could kill a man for he had done it before and would do it again with the look in his eyes. 

No one stopped him as he led his sister to her designated chambers, her children already waiting for her there. Little Rhaenys was sitting on the divan, reading a book while Aegon was sleeping soundly, both of them oblivious to what was happening. 

Oberyn led Elia to her chambers, helping her into her bed and pouring her a cup of water before tucking her in. He sat by her side as she calmed, her breaths slowing significantly. 

"I don't understand. Have I done something wrong?" Elia whispered to her brother, her tears now long dried as she thought of what she could have done to displease her husband so. 

"No, you haven't done anything. It is your fool of a husband. I ought to kill him for this." Oberyn said, his hand on the hilt of his dagger. 

Elia grabbed his arm, her tone desperate as she begged him. "Oberyn, you can't. He is my husband." 

Oberyn was not discouraged, in fact, he only felt angrier upon seeing that his perfect sister was broken by the events of that day. "And you are my sister, I refuse to let this insult stand." 

Elia continued speaking, justifying her husband's actions, and his reasoning for why he could have done such a thing. "It is not an insult. The girl is beautiful, Oberyn. It is just a crown of flowers. Let it be." 

"I can't just do nothing." Oberyn protested, enraged at the thought of the prince not suffering some type of repercussion. 

"You must. As your older sister, I command it." Elia insisted, her tone stern. She lay on the bed, turning away from him. "Now please leave. I am exhausted and I need rest." 

Knowing that he could do nothing but obey her wishes, Oberyn left the room, his rage not diminishing even by a bit. He poured himself a cup of wine, draining it dry as quickly as he could. 

Rhaenys, ever the sensitive soul, looked up from her book at her uncle. She could not quite understand what was happening but she knew enough that her mother and uncle were upset. "Is mother alright?" 

Oberyn nodded, playing with her hair in an attempt to distract the child. "Yes, she will be fine. Now, why don't you go off and play with your toys?" 

At the mention of toys, Rhaenys ran to her chambers excitedly, one of the servants following after her with Aegon in tow. Oberyn released a sigh as he sank onto the empty divan, covering his face with his hands as he tried to keep his composure.

He stayed that way for what felt like hours, breathing heavily, when the door to the chambers opened to reveal Cassandra Baratheon, her face reflecting concern and worry.  He had been worried for her but he had seen her leave with her betrothed.

She was a sight that would usually bring him comfort but from the events that occurred, nothing but resentment remained as Oberyn demanded. "Where in seven hells have you been?" 

Cassandra turned to him, frantic as she asked. "I came as soon as I could. Is she alright?" 

"Don't act as if you care now! I'm sure you couldn't wait to leave with your betrothed and his whore of a sister." He scoffed, standing in her way. 

"How dare you? Ned has done nothing to you and Lyanna is a child, a stupid idiotic child." She glared up at him, not understanding why he was acting this way.  They had their arguments, to be sure, but nothing beyond petty disagreements. At least, until now. 

He continued to speak, provoking her even more, wanting to hurt her with his words and wanting her to hurt him back. He did not know why he was saying such words only that he craved her anger, he craved pain from her. "Am I not correct? Then again, perhaps Lyanna Stark simply wanted to shame your drunken whoremonger of a brother." 

In a rare burst of violence, Cassandra shoved him away from her harshly, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. "Don't you dare speak of my brother that way, you immature brute." 

"I spoke nothing but the truth. The whole realm knows it." Oberyn carried on, willing himself to continue despite his words faltering from his chest the moment he saw the tears in her eyes. He wanted her anger, he never wished to see her upset.  

"I did not come here to argue about your quarrels with my brother or with my betrothed of all people. I came here for Elia. Not you, not anybody else." She said, elbowing him harshly and forcing her way past him. "Why don't you get angry at someone who deserves it for a change?"

For a second, he wanted to pull her to him and apologize, explaining that he did not know what on earth he was doing, only that he was so lost. Deep down, he did not want her to hate him. In fact, he admired how devoted she was to his sister.

However, he did not do so. He merely watched as she entered his sister's chambers and did not leave, not even for the feast. She stayed there with Ashara Dayne who followed after some time though when Ashara called for servants, she sent him a scathing look, letting him know that she knew about what he did to her friend. 

It was only when he was about to leave for Dorne that he heard some knights speak about how Lyanna Stark had not been wearing the crown of flowers during the feast. All he could see then was the image of a certain woman with tears in her eyes as she defended her brother from his accusations.

Oberyn knew that he had made a grave mistake as the hurtful words he threw at Cassandra rang through his head, realizing now what she had done for his sister. What she had done to fix the mess and how he had insulted her in return. He wanted to apologize. To ask for her forgiveness. 

But it was too late. She had already gone and he would not be seeing her anytime soon. 


Hello everyone! We all knew it was coming but I don't think anyone could be prepared for what comes next heeheehee. It all goes to hell from here and I would just like to apologize in advance. :)

Anyways, I hope you're all ready. The characters certainly aren't. Stay tuned and sending you all my love <3!

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