Chapter III

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[III.] Inevitable Purpose

"Ned, you twat, let's go!"

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"Ned, you twat, let's go!"

Robert knocked loudly upon his closest friend's door, not caring for all the glares that the others shot at him for being too loud. It was the middle of the night and he knew there were others trying to sleep but for him, the night was young and there was alcohol to drink. 

He pounded his fist against the door once again when there was no response or indication of having been heard. Knowing Ned, Robert knew that he was probably being ignored. It wouldn't be the first time but with some coaxing, Ned always gave in. 

The door opened to reveal Ned in his bedclothes, looking unsurprised at the sight of his friend. "I could do without the name-calling, Robert."

"And I could use your company to the tavern, you lazy fiend. I have heard that the lovely barmaid will be there again." Robert drawled, his eyes taking on a dreamy fog.

"Thank you for the rather colorful invitation but I would rather not go." Ned answered, beginning to close the door. 

"What? You? But you've never refused to go with me." Robert blocked the door with his shoulder with his foot lodging to stop it from fully closing. 

Ned nodded, pushing against the door and trying to close it. "Yes, that may be true however I am not in the mood for the tavern at the moment. Besides, we have lessons in the morning and I would prefer to learn without the headache you are sure to have."

With a strong push, Robert forced his way into the chambers. "What are you even busying yourself with?" 

"Nothing." Ned said, trying to grab the letters on his bed before the other man could see them. Unfortunately for him, his friend intercepted one of the letters. "Robert!" 

"You don't want to go to the tavern to read letters!" Robert declared, his mouth dropping at the sight of the parchment scatted in his friend's bed. "When did you become such a bore?" 

"I am not a bore." Ned defended, gathering the rest of the letters and trying to reach for the letter in Robert's hand. 

"Dearest Ned, I am glad to hear from you. I certainly miss your company." Robert recited, waggling his eyebrows at his friend as he waved the letter around. "A love letter? Gods, you charmer." 

"Give that to me!" Ned demanded, throwing a feather pillow harshly in the direction of the other man. 

Robert continued, his tone getting higher and higher to mimic that of a woman's. "I assure you no one else compares when it comes to conversations. I particularly enjoyed your stories about escaping your tutor with Robert. Seven hells, you even told her about me." 

Ned threatened, closing in. "Robert, I swear to all the gods I will murder you."

"Sincerely, your friend, Cassandra Baratheon." Robert finished, his voice fading as his eyes scoured over the last words written in blank ink upon the yellow parchment.

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