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[XXXVIII.] Laughing Eyes

Cassandra grasped the reins in front of her tightly

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Cassandra grasped the reins in front of her tightly. 

The loose skirts of the Dornish dress she was wearing brushed against her legs, a stark contrast from the leather saddle of the light chestnut horse she was riding.

She followed after Oberyn, keeping enough distance but still keeping him in her sights. Their small retinue was even farther away from the two of them as if he had asked them to stay away.

She wouldn't be surprised if he had.  

When he had knocked on her door that morning, she had been tempted not to open it. After the dinner party, she had been doing her best to avoid him with the stirred feelings within her being all too much. 

But all things considered, she still had a role to play and despite everything, she had promised herself that she would try, even if it hurt. 

Upon opening the door, she was greeted with news that visitors would be arriving for Arianne's name day. With Doran's condition worsening, it would be up to them to greet these visitors. 

Tilting her head in cordiality, she had hastily gotten ready and met him at the stables where she had expected to see a carriage. 

She was pleasantly surprised to see the Dornish prince holding the reins of two beautiful horses, already saddled and bridled. She had missed riding her horse and there was a hint of gladness that he somehow knew that. 

"I was hoping it would be alright if we rode horses to get to the docks. It's a beautiful day, would be a shame to miss it by hiding in a box." Oberyn offered, his voice a mixture of hope and an accepted sadness. 

His smile brightened when Cassandra responded by taking one of the reins from him. "Lead the way." 

As they rode across town, she could not deny that it was in fact, a beautiful day. The wind rushed past them and the delicious scents from the market wafted all around. 

It reminded her of the time when they visited the countless stalls and she was able to taste all of the delicious Dornish delicacies. 

Once the sea came into view, Oberyn turned from his mount to look at her as if he needed assurance that she was still there. 

On instinct, she smiled at him comfortingly and in turn, he chuckled under his breath. Even from far away, she could almost hear the low tones of his laughter. 

As the hooves of their horses clambered upon the wooden planks of the docks, they dismounted from their horses. It was just in time as a large ship emerged from the horizon. 

Cassandra joined Oberyn as they walked side-by-side along the long pathway. She could tell that his eyes turned to her every now and then as if gauging her reaction to him. 

Redemption || Oberyn MartellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora