Chapter XIV

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[XIV.] Farewell's Sorrow

Cassandra looked out the window and wished for escape

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Cassandra looked out the window and wished for escape. 

The birds flew among the clouds while the citizens of King's Landing bustled unknowingly, going about their lives as they usually would. She wished she could be among them, visiting Owain and the other children. She wished she could sprout wings and fly from this prison, be free to do as she wished 

Her heart longed for home, for the sweet comforts of Storm's End. When she had been there, she wanted nothing but to leave. She had wanted nothing more than to leave a place that reminded her of her parents' deaths. 

Now she longed for the warm solar she spent her mornings in. She longed for the weirwood tree at the godswood that had heard many of her prayers. She even longed for the high white cliff overlooking the sea. 

She just wanted to go home. 

Cassandra sat on her bed, staring at nothing at all. She could not even muster the effort to write letters anymore, the parchment she had used was now scattered messily around the desk. Her food remained untouched on the bedside table. 

Every time she would hear a sound out of the ordinary, she could not help but flinch. Everything felt wrong like it was on the brink of exploding. One wrong move could get her killed. Her fingers reached out for her hair, one set of strands shorter than the rest. It felt like a threat. 

The doors to her chambers opened but she couldn't be bothered to look at whoever it was. She could only pray that it was not a guard sent by the king to torment her even further. 

"Cassandra," A familiar voice breathed, her tone clouded with emotion. 

Cassandra turned around quickly as tears sprang to her eyes. She ran to the woman and embraced her, having missed her dear friend after having gone through so many things without her. "Ashara." 

"It's alright. Shh." Ashara comforted her though she looked ready to burst into tears as well. She could not even let her go. 

Cassandra pulled back, recounting everything that has happened, her voice cracking as she finally found herself speaking of the tragic events for the first time. "Ashara, everything's gone wrong. Brandon and Lord Rickard, the king, he-" 

Ashara nodded, pulling her to sit down as they sat across from each other. "I know. We heard. Ser Jaime told us." 

Releasing a breath, a somber smile made its way onto Cassandra's face for the first time in days at seeing such a familiar face. "How are you here? I thought no one was allowed to be here." 

"A favor from one of the guards who's friends with Arthur. I can't stay long but I needed to be here for you. It's urgent." Ashara said, her hands reaching out to Cassandra. 

"I have missed you. I have missed you and Elia, Rhaenys and Aegon. How are they? How are you?" Cassandra asked, squeezing her hands. 

"We are well, alright? Don't worry about us. We can handle ourselves. I've asked for a message to be sent to Owain to prepare and hide, he will be fine too." Ashara assured her before frowning, noting her friend's sallow skin and thinning cheekbones. "How are you?" 

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