Chapter XXVII

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[XXVII.] Certain Truths

It took more than exchanged words to make one question a friendship

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It took more than exchanged words to make one question a friendship. 

Once two people have bonded and have established such a vivid connection, it would be almost impossible to render it as nothing. Battles fought, taverns enjoyed, and victories won made it hard to forget. 

However, all of these things faded from Ned Stark's mind as he found himself returning to King's Landing. Having returned from Dorne to venture back to the North, he had decided on a whim to stop by the Red Keep. 

His excuse had been that he wanted to speak to Robert and perhaps, repair their friendship after the raging argument they had before he had left. Yet truthfully, his reason for returning was much more selfish.

After such a treacherous journey to Dorne wherein he acquired a dangerous secret, he only wanted to see Cassandra again. He knew it was foolish and cowardly, but it was difficult to forget her. 

Only a madman, a fool, or an idiot could ever forget her. 

He was ashamed to admit it but she had never been far from his thoughts. The last time they saw each other, he felt as if he had let her down. He never ever wanted to do that to her. 

After his men had settled in and the infant he had claimed as his son was accounted for, Ned had made his way to Robert's study. 

On his way there, he had been hoping to get a glimpse of a certain raven-haired beauty only to be hit with a bout of disappointment as there was no sign of her anywhere. It was as if she had disappeared from the keep completely. 

After he entered the king's study and they exchanged pleasantries as well as apologies, Ned attempted not to look antsy. The last thing he wanted was for his friend to guess at his true intentions. 

Although it seems as though it was all for naught as Robert remarked rather bitterly. "You don't have to make excuses, you know. You wish to see Cassandra, is that not why you are here?" 

Ned only wanted to see her one last time before he retired to the North for the rest of his life. Back to Winterfell, back to Catelyn, back to where he belonged. 

He just needed this one thing. He had made enough sacrifices in the rebellion and saying goodbye to the girl he had loved for years seemed a reasonable request. 

Ned asked, heaving a sigh, knowing that there was no point in hiding it. "Where is she?"  

Robert replied, looking as if the last thing he wanted was to keep talking about his sister. He had enough problems with his own wife. "She is gone. For her own good." 

Ned faltered, not having expected that she was not here. Maybe she had gone home to Storm's End or some other part of Westeros to heal from her traumatic experience. "What do you mean? Where is she?" 

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