Chapter XXI

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[XXI.] Begin Again

Cassandra gazed at her reflection

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Cassandra gazed at her reflection. 

In the past, the people of the Stormlands had called her the perfect doe, a testament to her mysterious beauty and graceful manner, embodying a gentle creature to represent her family proudly. 

She had taken this title in stride, smiling when it was proper and always doing what was expected of her. Still, even after accomplishing all that was asked of her, the reality of her present remained unchanged. 

She may have been proud of her appearance before but whenever she looked at the mirror, she could not help but cringe at what she saw. She had always been proud of her long but now her raven locks were cut jaggedly, only reaching her shoulders with their length. 

Suppressing a sigh, she reached for the white veil and covered her hair with it. She looked at the mirror once more, forcing her lips to form a small smile, one that would be acceptable to all present. 

Once she was content, she stood from her vanity and opened the door to her cabin. They would be docking any time now and what she needed now was to come to terms with her situation. She was to be wed and she needed to make a life in Dorne. 

Her hand paused on the banister of the staircase leading to the deck. She would be seeing him again. After so long, it appears as if fate had different plans set aside for the two of them. 

Oberyn Martell. 

Gods, it seemed so long ago since she had first seen him in Storm's End, throwing his javelin spears without a care in the world. She barely knew the man. All she knew about him were from stories Elia had shared with her and their fleeting exchanges. 

At first, she had thought that they could become friends, especially after their teasing bows and dances but after what he had said to her at Harrenhal, all hopes of friendship faded into nothing. 

Their exchanges in the past had been playful and almost endearing before becoming estranged and disdainful. She could not imagine how her life would be being wedded to him but as everyone liked to remind her, the fate of the realm depended on it. 

With that, she climbed the wooden steps and was met with warm air and salty winds as she walked toward the edge of the deck. Sure enough, she could see that in a few minutes, they would be arriving at the docks of Sunspear. 

From a distance, Cassandra could see the bustling crowds of merchants and townsfolk around the docks, conducting businesses of their own. Amongst them was a retinue of noblemen and guards dressed in fine silks of orange sunburst. 

She tried to decipher which among them was the Dornish prince to whom she was promised but it was difficult from this far away. She could only guess that he was one of the men standing near the front if he was even there. 

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