Chapter X

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[X.] Petty Battles

DragonstoneLate 280 A

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Late 280 A.C.

"It's a girl!"

The three friends met eyes before tears streamed down their faces at the happy news. Cassandra and Ashara embraced Elia, who had been in labor for hours before finally giving birth to the infant princess. 

"Is she healthy?" Elia asked, her face pale and sunken with exhaustion evident. Her health had always been weak but giving birth to the child has taken much out of her indeed. 

"Very healthy, Your Majesty." The midwife answered, cutting the cord and handing the plump baby girl to her mother who cradled the infant to her chest.

"She looks like you, thank the gods." Ashara remarked, gazing down at the small baby with adoration.

Cassandra smiled at the comment, noting that the infant did have Dornish features and dark hair. "What Ashara means to say is that she'll grow up to be very beautiful like her mother." 

Elia laughed weakly, pride in her eyes as she stared at her newborn daughter. "After all that arduous work, I sure hope so." 

Suddenly, Elia winced in pain, her skin paling even more. The midwife gently took the baby from her and handed the infant to Cassandra. "The afterbirth is coming. Swaddle the child." 

Cassandra looked at Ashara with wide eyes, silently pleading for help. The two fumbled to the side table where they had stitched a blanket made of red cloth. After getting the child cleaned, they successfully wrapped the infant in the blanket. 

Luckily, no more cries escaped Elia's daughter, making the two breathe a sigh of relief. Cassandra simply held her as she had carried her younger brother in the past, observing that the child in her arms was much more behaved than Renly. 

"Congratulations, Cassandra. You are ready to be a mother." Ashara stated, tapping her on the shoulder. 

"Shut up." Cassandra raised her foot lightly to kick her friend in the shin. 

"Ow! You don't want to wake the baby, do you?" Ashara taunted, jumping out of reach. "Am I right, Elia?" 

The two turned to the birthing bed, expecting to see their friend shaking her head at their antics as she usually did, only to see the Dornish princess breathing heavily with her eyes closed. They rushed to her bedside, Cassandra being careful of the baby in her arms. 

"Elia, are you alright?" Cassandra asked worriedly, not wanting to think the worse. 

Elia blinked her eyes open and even that looked like it took a lot of effort on her part. "I am just tired. I feel I could sleep for ages." 

"The princess has lost a lot of blood. The maester recommends milk of the poppy or dreamwine to help the princess sleep." The midwife announced before looking pointedly at the two ladies-in-waiting. "What she needs is rest and quiet." 

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