Chapter XXIII

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[XXIII.] Dearest Darling Betrothed

The last thing she expected on her first night in Dorne was a celebration

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The last thing she expected on her first night in Dorne was a celebration. 

After having been trapped in the Red Keep for so long, it was close to impossible to remember what it was like to have opulent dinner parties and balls. 

In the back of her mind, she could vaguely make out the balls she had danced at as a worry-free girl. Celebrations she attended with Ashara and her brothers. The dance she shared with her current betrothed before he left her out of the blue. 

Sitting at the vanity in her new chambers, she worried that she would not be able to present herself as the noble lady she was raised to be or that people would see right through the facade she put on. 

Her welcome to Sunspear was certainly an unexpected one. Honestly, with Oberyn she should have learned to expect the unexpected. Through his antics, his apology surprised her the most. 

His actions reminded her of the man she met long ago, the man whose path she had crossed at the heart tree in the godswood. Even as he led her through the Old Palace, he was perfectly hospitable, stating facts about Dorne and Sunspear. 

Oberyn never once mentioned her more reserved words, their arguments in the past, the events in King's Landing, or the veil she wore on her head. 

It was as if the man who had despised her was gone, replaced by this kind person. She did not know what it was but he was somehow more tolerable this time. 

Shaking her head at such a thought, she focused on putting together her appearance at tonight's dinner party. 

Oberyn had assured her that it was not a ball but a rather lavish dinner to welcome her to Dorne and most probably to announce their betrothal. 

Though they had not formally spoken of the arrangement, Cassandra knew that they should address it as soon as possible. She would hate to overstep or cross a boundary she should not.

Rumors spread fast across the realm of Westeros and she had heard countless stories about the Red Viper. His skills as a warrior and as a lover were renowned, some of which made her blush. 

Cassandra knew she was not familiar with the traditions of Dorne and what he might see as ordinary in a marriage might not be what she herself knew. An unwanted feeling of jealousy crept up on her as she thought of his past lovers. 

Gods, this would be so much easier with her dearest friends. She had written to Ashara the day before she left for King's Landing about her betrothal and everything else that had happened, asking her if she was alright. 

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