Pulled from the fire by Kevin...

By Priceisrightrusher

1.7K 27 8

Okay this story is going to be based off the original story that i had and tried to fix up again and that end... More

I'm pregnant or i'm not pregnant that is the question
The little dumpster girl
Shopping and getting Boston settled her new home
Boston's first night part 2
Bostyn first night part 3 & Fawn sees the little girl
Bringing Adilynn home
Getting Addilyn settled in
Addy's first night
Heading to texas for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving with mommy
Getting ready for the holidays and Christmas at last
Swim lessons part 1
Part 2
Finding Lily's dad
Searching for Bostyn
Getting the new babies checked out
Wishing everyone merry Christmas and happy holidays
Part 2
Final part
Getting admitted
On hold
Part 3

Part 2

30 0 0
By Priceisrightrusher

"Boston honey you are going to be staying in the hospital for a couple of days until you are fully better cause of the bacteria that is in your system from the dumpster Okay, but don't worry we are going to be right here with you cause our friends are going to watch your sisters while we are here with you and helping to get you better so you can go home" Kevin says as he looks at her as her and mommy were cuddling right now cause she loved when mommy cuddled with her cause mommy's cuddled were something special to her

Boston got closer to mommy cause she was really scared right now what was going to happen to her

"They are going to give you medicine so you can get better do you can come home" Fawn tells her cause Boston hated to take medicine as well and that was not going to be an easy task at all for the hospital

"You have to be a girl and take it and if you take it daddy will bring a sundae tonight and he will bring you a stuffed animal as well cause you are going to need a lot of help adjusting to this new season of life as well cause it is not going to be easy on you either so we are going to help you with this and get through this as well too" Kevin says to her cause he wanted to help her and she was a daddy's girl as well so she deserved anything under the sun as well

Boston nods and she was going to take her medicine like a good little girl as well too and cuddle next to mommy for the time being for the moment as well cause all she wanted was to have mommy with her as she was being examined cause she hated any guy who came close to her and she did not want daddy to be too close to her at all either so Kevin had to keep his distance from his little girl as well so he stayed with the babies as they were being checked over by the doctors and the nurses as well cause they were going to need the most treatment abuse of them being n the dumpster for however long and if they were going to have medical problems as well he was going to make sure they were going to have the best care possible as well since they were kind of little but they were super cute as well and Kevin could not take his eyes off those two girls that were going to be joining the family whenever they had gotten released to come home once again

"See that was not too bad" fawn tells her after she had taken the medicine in question and the nurses flavored the medicine too so she took it for her without a problem

Boston shakes her head no and she still cuddled with mommy as well cause she wanted this to be over with as well and she knew that daddy was going to be bring her a sundae later on once she gets situated in a room and in her crib for the night so she could sleep

"I think that deserves a toy on top of the sundae" Kevin says as he was looking at her cause she was being a very brave girl about the whole situation right now and they had to make it as easy as possible on her as well

Boston perked up at the toy cause she loves toys especially dolls of course cause she loved to play mommy as much as possible as well too

"That got her maybe daddy will bring you a new doll if you get admitted and I think you are going to be staying in the hospital" Fawn says as she looks at the little girl that was cuddled next to mommy right now

Boston was happy about the doll that she might be getting as well if she gets admitted to the hospital and it looked like she was going to be getting admitted to the hospital cause of her scratches and the cuts that she had on her little body as well cause they might get infected and the hospital wanted to watch for infection from the cuts that she had on her body from the dumpster and the fence as well

"That's the smile I was looking for princess" Fawn says as she was looking at her daughter right now cause she could tell that she was going to be really scared about having to stay in the hospital overnight cause of her injuries that she had on her tiny body cause her and Kevin were going to need to take turns staying with her while she was in the hospital getting better and recovering from her injuries that she had on her tiny body then the baby might be able to come home as well in time once they are able to put some weight on her tiny body cause nobody wants her cause she is so small and so tiny as well so she needed to stay in the hospital until she was fully better as well which was not going to be an easy task at all either

Kevin left to get her ice cream and her doll cause she deserved some ice cream as a treat of course before she got moved up to her room and she gets settled in or she could have her ice cream after she got settled in if she goes up while he was gone too

"Time to take her up to her room" the nurse says as she came in to get Boston to take her up to the pediatric floor

Fawn picks Boston up and she makes sure she has everything that was with her cause she did not want to forget anything at all either

"Here we go big girl and don't worry I'm going to text daddy to tell him our room number so he could get you ice cream" fawn says aa she Carrie's the little girl in her arms to her hospital room where she was going to be at hopefully her room has a window and is private as well and she could look up to the stars at night to make a wish too

Boston was very happy that daddy was going to be there for her that night and mommy was going to be going home to sleep in the big bed and she was going to get daddy all to herself that night which she was real happy about cause she was a true daddy's girl and she loved it and she loved her new siblings that she was going to be having later on when they were going to be released to come home to live with her and her parents as well which she was excited to have younger siblings

More will come hopefully when my schedule isn't playing roulette or I'm going back and forth once again as well or I'm still playing catch up with all of my stories and luckily that might happen more cause I might be done going back and forth for a little bit which I am very happy about cause it was getting really old and I was getting tired of going back and forth so watch for more updates if I'm off on Tuesday in the near and far future as well too cause you guys would want me to get back to updating more then this as well

New chapter maybe next or the following week depending on my work schedule I'm thinking the end of the month or another Tuesday off that I might have off from time to time as well and other times I don't get it off and the stories have to go on hold for the time being until I can officially update and most of the time that isn't for a while like weeks on end cause of the little to no help at all and we are going backwards once again with help cause our other one is quitting now as well and it will just be four people in the department once again

Happy thanksgiving

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