The Stronghold

By pleasantly_wholocked

2.1K 569 252

All the Super Glitches are grown up and have got on with their lives. Rebecca runs a school for assassins, Ge... More

Parcel Or Letter?
Contract Of Doom
The News
First Day On The Job
Riddle Me This...
Fire! Fire! Fire!
Hair Is Dangerous
Picture Not So-Perfect
Crazy Nights
Ding Dong, Wedding Bells
Search Party
Body Swap
Have You Heard The News That You're Dead?
Message Of The Mind
Rebecca Is Satan
Escape On Unicorns
DI Rogers and DS Rogers
Connected Via BrainFi
Pool Partay!!!!!!!!
Something's Bugging Me...
Dark Magic
Missing: One Sanders
Curse Breaking And Adam Levine
Flying Like A Rounders Ball
Dancing Queen
Be Original, Evil People
Escalators Are Simply Moving Stairs
Water Is Thicker Than Blood
Bench Is NOT A Name
Ready To Go
Tippex Is Evil
Purgatory Is Not A Nice Home
Close The Goddamn Door!
Sass Battle
Panic! In The Town
Creepy Baby Demon Thing
Every Angel-Demon Makes Mistakes
Count The Scars
Trees Are More Dangerous Than Chainsaws
Land Of The Free
Home Of The Brave
Friends Can Be TOO Close
Tom's New Crush
Friend Fights
Did I Mention I'm Armed?
Ghostly Trix
Trusting Can Be Dangerous
Every Jeremy Packs A Punch
Here All Week!
Famous Last Words
Walking On Water
Take That, The Beatles!
Question Time

Connection Errors

28 10 1
By pleasantly_wholocked

We had yet another mad party, hosted and organised by Shaade (who invited the entire hotel, of course) and then settled down to our month or so of freedom. I was considering whether or not to go back to the Stronghold, seeing as no-one would stalk me anymore. Hopefully, anyway.

"I mean," I said, waving my hands around, flinging toast crumbs everywhere, "it's not as if the Gormans are chasing us anymore. We're free, remember?"

"We don't know for certain that they were working for Hurricane," Salt pointed out. "so they could still be following us."

"Are they in this room?"


"This hotel?"


"This city?"


"Good enough for me!" I stuffed the remainder of the toast into my mouth and sprang to my feet, knocking over the little sofa I was sat on.

"Get out," I mumbled, shooing Salt away, "out out out."

"Why? I haven't done anything," my brother protested.

"I know. Now get out." I shoved him into the hallway and shut the door firmly. A second later it was opened again, this time by Tom.

"Were you two having a domestic?" he teased, ducking his head to get through the doorway.

"Salt is my brother and Georgina is... somewhere." I frowned to myself. "I should really know where she is."

I can't sense her, if that helps, Salt sent me.

It doesn't help, no.

"I can connect with her, if you want," Tom offered. I shook my head and sat back down, glaring at the toaster as it pinged to announce the arrival of more toast.

"I'm still annoyed that you can talk to her and I can't," I grumbled. "In theory I should be able to, but..."

"I know," Tom said, patting me on the shoulder and snagging a piece of toast, "I know."

"Where is she though?" I sighed, folding my arms and staring at the ceiling. I'd taken to doing that a lot recently, having nothing better to do with my life.

"She vanished before, didn't she?" Tom said, thinking out loud. "Just before we threw Salt into the pool."

"Oh yeah..." I fell silent for several minutes, thinking hard. Eventually I gave up and broke the silence.

"Tom, do the screen thingy and contact her."


A lot of deliberating and experimenting with ice later we were ready. So that I could see her too Tom had to make the screen otherwise they would just communicate in their mind's eyes. If it worked, that is.

"Last time it was sheer fluke," he warned. "Luck got me to do it."

"Shut up and get on with it."

Tom waved his hand at the screen and it vanished. He cursed and re-created it, the ice shimmering and appearing to melt.

"I'm through," he said suddenly. "George, can you hear me? See me?"

"I can't Goddamn see," I growled, leaning further and further sideways to try and see the screen. In a sudden rush of movement I overbalanced and fell, landing with my elbow in Tom's crotch and my face in his chest. He burst out laughing and I felt myself slowly go red, untangling myself and immediately blurring across the room to sit on the windowledge.

"Should I throw myself out?" I wondered mournfully. Tom was doubled over with laughter, sliding off his seat onto the floor.

"That," he choked, "was brilliant! Oh my, Pepper..." He broke down into more laughter whilst I swung my legs out of the window and jumped, landing lightly on the ground and then walking up the wall to climb back in.

"You really don't care, do you?" I said in exasperation, seeing Tom still rolling on the floor, clutching his sides.

"I care," he said, wiping his eyes. "And you obviously do."

"I'm jumping again."


Once Tom had finally calmed down, thanks to several electric shocks provided by Rebecca, we tried again to contact Georgina. It took a few more tries but eventually we made it, this time without any embarrassing falling overs.

"Why are you two harassing me?" Georgina asked, scowling at us. "I've got a pounding headache thanks to you two and now I can't see more than an inch in front of my face."

"Look past the fabulous and the beauty," I said wisely. Her eyes went out of focus briefly and then she nodded.

"Now I see a pair of vain gits," she smirked. "Both with stupid hair."

"My hair isn't stupid!" Tom protested. I tossed my hair and struck a pose.

"Fabulous, darling," I drawled. Georgina laughed and shook her head.

"You are the campest straight person I've ever met," she said. I wrapped an arm around Tom's shoulders and grinned.

"I'm afraid I have something to tell you..." I began.

"I never liked you much anyway," she interrupted, shrugging and cutting us off. I yelled in annoyance and punched the screen, successfully hurting my hand and getting a small ice burn in the process.

"Get her back!" I shouted, blowing on my hand to warm it up and then shaking it to try and get rid of the pain. Tom was howling with laughter again, shaking the chair he was sat on.

"You are such a prat!" he yelled back. "Seriously, that is something you do not say to someone like Georgina."

"Someone like Georgina?" I echoed.

"Y'know, someone who's stubborn. Quite quick thinking but rash. Grumpy, too."

"Watch it. She's my wife, remember?"

"I thought I was?" Tom said, mock-pouting. "Or maybe you were joking..."

I threw the toaster at his head, just to irritate him.


"Okay, we're not going to be stupid this time," I said to Tom just as the connection was picked up once more by Georgina.

"No idiocy," he agreed.

"Are you two done canoodling?" she said dryly, looking at something she had in her hand. "Because I'm right outside."

"Thank the bananas," I muttered, racing to the door and throwing it open. Georgina laughed at my haste and then shrieked as I grabbed her hand and dragged her into the room.

"I'm leaving," Tom said hurriedly, diving for the door before it had a chance to close. "I didn't block all of that out in your head only to see it in reality."

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