By louise07h

507K 7.3K 847

The man that I thought I hated. Was now holding my waist and I was sat before him in a quite compromising pos... More

Going out in style
Arriving in style
Run ins
Risky business
Talking things over
"Rest and heal"
Home bound
Coffee date
St Charles Leclerc the Twat
Outing your bestie
2 A.M. arguments
First spark
Plot twist
Ratted out
The drive home
Warm and un-warm welcomes
"Your having..."
Accompanied trip
There is no more formula love
Australian Grand Prix
Bathroom pt2
A later date
Dress shopping
My birthday morning
A Mistake
Fucking prick
Mental face palm
So Wrong
For her
"I can't deny it anymore"
New beginnings
"I hope so"
Dear world ...
I can breathe
Charles Leclerc loves me!
The chase
Left to drown
The steps to launching a grenade
Touching touchy subjects
Desperate times call for desperate measures
Is this the end of Formula Love?
Tiny and big
J + M Dwight
Route of the problem
"Give me time"
Good luck to you Mr Leclerc
Abu Dhabi
*Promotion of another book*
*Big News*


2.8K 30 8
By louise07h

It's 7pm sharp and I'm sat at a small table overlooking the River Thames, waiting for pain-in-the-arse's brother. I followed the location he sent me and I'd made it all the way here - to a small fancy pub that only had 6 people currently seated.

I stared off into the cold October night sky contemplating everything you could ever imagine.

A lot happened this year and I mean a lot. It was my first year racing and it turned out to be one of the worst years of my life. But I cannot fault the little glimmers of happiness from this year.

My best friend of forever is having twin girls, I'm literally going to be an auntie in 2 weeks!

I realised I was pulling a shocked face accidentally towards the waiter so I moved my focus back onto the River. For God sake Sadie!

But then there was other events that happened. My brother passing away being one of them. Not to mention my abusive ex boyfriend and my current boyfriend not wanting to see me.

Life is great right now! Ignore the sarcasm.

And on top of all that I don't know what's happening between me and-

I stop dead in my thoughts as I hear a French accent. One that sounded exactly like Charles.

I completely forgot who I'm meeting in that moment and jump up to my feet, turning to face the French man. Who I hoped to be-


I stand there with my arms open wide. My mouth hung open in surprise and a lot of disappointment and sadness washed over me.

"Thought u was Charles for a second." I break the silence. And bring Arthur in for a hug, it was a very light hug to avoid comfort or I'd start bawling my eyes out in-front of the whole pub.

"Nope sorry to burst your bubble. But I am the better looking version of the Leclerc brothers." Charles' brother let's go of me and jokes. He could tell I was a bit upset so in my head I thanked him for not making it awkward.

"Shall we?" He says to me as he holds my chair out. I thank him and sit back down. As soon as he's perched in his chair opposite me the waitress runs over to us with her flirty voice, "Hey there, Arthur right?" She smirks.

"Yep that is me."

Well ... this is awkward.

I'm now watching an episode of who wants to break the silence first. And neither one of them seemingly wants to. The waitress obviously doesn't because she's so mesmerised by him and Arthur seems rather weirded out.

"Hey yeah could I get a gin and tonic." I take the liberty of breaking the silence. They both flash their eyes at me.

Arthur - relieved.
The flirty waitress- unrelieved.

"Yeah." She says to me fakely with an even faker smile. "And for you." She turned back to him glistening her pearly-whites at him.


She nods and walks off, giving me one last side glance to show how annoyed she was that I interrupted... whatever that was.

"Sooo?" I start not even wanting to waste another minute. At first he stared at me with a confused look, "about your brother?"

"OHHH. Yeah, basically believe it or not - he did it to protect you." Arthur announces as his beer was put on the table by another waiter and he picked it up in a split second - starting to down it.

"Huh?" I reply not understanding where he was coming from.

What could I possibly need protecting from?

Arthur begins to explain but the TV in-front catches my eye. I stand up pointing at the screen and Arthur too, turns around in unison. And before I knew it everyone in the pub was staring at Charles on the TV.

"Hey! turn that up please." I demand to the waiter working at the bar. As soon as he looks up at me and realised who I was he basically fell over the whole pub just to reach the remote.

I watch as the volume increases from 10 to 30 and I could hear it much clearer.

"What have you done now you fucker." Arthur says next to me still drinking his beverage. He sounded quite sincere - like he wasn't expecting it to be good news.

I arched my eyebrow in unison until I heard my name - I shifted my complete focus to the TV not paying attention to the eyes watching me.

"Charles Leclerc as we have now inferred is the ex of Sadie Brando as of 3 days ago. The Ferrari driver has had a tape leaked of him describing his ex girlfriend - when we heard it for ourselves it was very unpleasant."

My mouth hung open listening to the broadcaster.

"Damn girl, you and my brother sure do get into trouble with scandals don't ya?" Arthur says trying to lighten the mood. I put my finger up to tell him to shut up and he did. Thankfully.

This can't be true. Charles would never had said something bad about me. In the beginning we had rivalry but that was just pure rivalry - not hatred. Right? 

Then before I knew it the tape started playing:

"What do you think about Sadie Brando?" Lucia asked Charles.

"Worst driver ever!" I hear Leclerc slur his unpleasant words.

"I dare you to pretend to be jealous that she is basically on a date with Lando. Stop her in the bathroom. Why don't you get that bad boy persona back of yours, huh?."

"Easy as pie. Sadie's easy anyway, even heard she's got some brother that had cancer way back."

My heart started to break. And a lump had formed in my throat. How could he talk about Mattie like that? How could he talk about anyone like that.

"I'll just talk to her about that - make her vulnerable. That girl has got bad stuff just waiting to happen all around her. About time I get my "bad boy/ heartbreaker" self back."

Yep my heart has split into two.

I hadn't even realised that everyone's eyes were on me now as I'd had my head down to the floor.

I was utterly fuming at Charles. We have had trouble in the past and this was at the first ever Grand Prix I've had, but the way he spoke about me and especially my brother. I cannot forgive him for that.

I look around and then to Arthur for support. He too has his mouth hung open. He had no idea what to say and neither did I to be honest. I just couldn't stand being in there anymore.

And with that thought I ran as fast as I could out onto the car park - as I managed to find my Bentley in the pouring rain.

Oh how ironic! Pathetic fallacy at its finest.

But just as I was about to close the door it was held open by strong arms. "Sadie I wanted to tell you about all this before it all came out. Charles never meant what he said. It's a miss understanding." Arthur shouts to me over the noise of the heavy rain.

"You fucking knew!"

He was drenched now from head to toe, his black shirt was stuck to his tanned and muscular body. He was the literal image of his brother.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. I've got to go. Thanks for meeting me." I say to him, brushing him off before closing my door and speeding away. He doesn't protest but instead stands there in the rear view mirror watching me leave.

I'd imagine he wanted to apologise on his brothers behalf. But that won't do anything. Charles is just a liar and a user - a spiteful one. I let him him into my life not realising what he had said about me. To his ex girlfriend and most likely to every other driver.


I drove around for what seemed like hours. And indeed it was - 5 hours. The clock struck twelve on my phone as I glanced at it. I needed go find somewhere to stay. I couldn't go back to my mums or Ellie's, their probably asleep.

Luckily, I found a hotel right in the heart of London. Hopefully they have space, I thought to myself as I jumped out of the car.

I made my way up the old looking steps towards the doorman who greeted me with a big grin. Looking genuinely happy which was not my mood right now. But nevertheless I gave him back a small smile as he let me through. Once at reception I waste no time in booking a room.

I wanted to go to sleep now and wake up and for all this mess to be over. But that wouldn't happen, not with the tons of people who have seen the news tonight - including the receptionist and her colleagues who were staring up at the news.

It's been 5 hours since it first aired. Why is it being re-ran. Just what I need.

"I feel so bad for Sadie poor-"

I interrupted the front desks' conversation awkwardly. They was talking about me and I magically appeared in-front of them. Trust me I'd be weirded out too.

"Hey could I get a room please?" I ask politely wanting to leave as soon as possible. They were all staring at me like I was fragile, like I'd break or explode any second from now.

"Yes of course madam. Is the 6th floor okay for you?"

I must hand it to the woman - she knows how to be a professional. Which most people say I lack in that department.

I nod my head at her. I already felt the first wave of emotions coming. In the car I was just numb but now I had to face people.

"Okay that will be-" She starts before someone cuts in.

"Oh no put that on my card."

My eyes go wide. Who the fuck is standing behind me and being so nice. I whip my head around finding Lando Norris gripping his cheek.

What happened?

"Thanks Sayd. Just whipped my cheek." He laughs whilst pretending to be hurt as he slides his card over to the woman.

For the first time this night I actually laughed out loud. Weird, I thought.

"Sorry Lando." Me being the nice person I am took his hurt cheek in my hand. I regretted it after a while after the whole room fell silent - watching me and Lando's exchange. I retrieved my hand from his cheek and stood awkwardly back.

"Tha- thanks so much for the room. You really don't have to." I tell him trying to hide the redness from my cheeks.

"No problem. I'm staying here too tonight so I'll maybe see you tomorrow?"

"Maybe." I reply taking the card from the receptionist - giving it to Lando and then walking towards the lift.

Lando walks backwards until he's out of the hotel doors probably out to party. Smirking at me the whole way with his piercing blue eyes and contagious smile, his dark hair falling over his face.

Now, I'd be lying if I said that wasn't making me flustered.

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