Royal Troubles {A Ninjago Fan...

By SixEared_Lotus

14.2K 524 1.9K

Kai never understood the looks people gave him. Or the reason they were talking about marriage. And what in N... More

World Building
This Chapter Is Really Just Filler
An Unfamiliar Feeling
Thinking Thoughts
Back Home
Meeting The Family
Back To Gaya
Filler And Nothing Else
It Will Be Okay
Filler Again(I'm Sorry!)
Kai's Boutta Go On A Killing Spree~!


516 12 83
By SixEared_Lotus

It's been a bit since I last updated. It has to have been like a week or something. But I have returned.

Also I checked my drafts and realized I have 14 drafts. 10 of which are Ninjago.

Also I was up until three am last night looking at Ninjago memes. I now have an absurd amount of Ninjago memes saved.

Anyway hope you enjoy.


Kai felt himself being shaken and tried to swat the hand away.

He was more comfortable than he had ever been in his life and he was not going to let whoever was shaking him ruin that.

"Come on, Kai. We're having dinner soon and I don't think you've eaten since before we left your kingdom." He heard a voice say.

Oh. It was Cole. Cole was shaking him.

He groggily opened one of his eyes.

Crouched next to the bed so he was at eye level, there was indeed Cole.

He smiled upon seeing Kai open his eye.

"Okay you're awake, good."

He help Kai sit up on the bed.

"How'd you sleep?" Cole asked once Kai was positioned upright.

"Ih waz gud." Kai said tiredly.

Cole laughed at his muddled speech.

"Yeah, I can tell."

Cole helped Kai stand up out of bed.

He put his shoes and accessories back on and Cole led him to the dining room.

On the walk through the many halls they engaged in some small talk.

"What is your bed made of? If I didn't know better I'd think I was sleeping on a cloud."

Cole chuckled at that.

"I don't really know honestly. I've never really bothered to check."

"Seriously, I think I slept better on that bed than I ever have on any bed I've slept on before."

",Well I'm glad you're comfortable." Cole said smiling.

'Oh. Oh wow' Kai thought to himself. 'His smile is really pretty'

Kai quickly banished this thought from his head. This was purely a marriage of convenience. No feelings involved.

That's an interesting thought. He barely knew Cole, and yet...

He locked that thought away to think about later.

"Well I am very comfortable." Kai finally responded.

"Good." Cole said still smiling.

They were silent for rest of the walk to the dining room.

And like the rest of castle it was also huge.

The table looked big enough to seat at least a couple hundred people.

The windows were even bigger than the ones in the halls.

And the chandelier... Kai had no words.

There were probably thousands of tiny crystals suspended in the air by the golden rings.

And it appeared that just about everything had golden accents.

The whole table was lined in gold as well as the chairs.

The window frames were gold. The lining on the walls was gold. Even the patterns on the walls were gold.

The awe Kai was feeling must have been showing on his face because he heard Cole laugh beside him.

"What so funny?" Kai asked him.

Cole laughed again before responding.

"You just seem so amazed by everything. I mean, didn't you grow up in a castle?" Cole responded, his voice full of mirth.

"I did, just everything here is so much bigger and..." He trailed off looking at all the gold. "Flashier." He finished.

"Well, my father has always had a thing for the more extravagant things in life."

Cole led Kai over to a seat near the head of the table.

"It looks like my parents are a little late to eat, but I assure you they'll be here soon."

That didn't really comfort Kai, seeing as Kai was scared of Cole's parents.

But he didn't tell Cole that. He just smiled.

"While we wait, I'll introduce you to our advisors." Cole suggested.

Kai didn't really want to meet them but he agreed since he didn't really have a good reason not to.

So he met the kingdoms advisors.

He tuned most of our after Cole told him their names, but he at least pretended he was listening and it seemed to fool Cole.

About twenty minutes after he met them all, Cole's parents arrived.

They had the same intimidating aura as they had when kai met them earlier, they just dressed in different, but equally fancy and expensive, clothing.

They sat down next to each other at the head of the table.

Shortly thereafter food was brought out and they began eating.

A few minutes later though Coles mother started speaking.

"So Kai. How have you liked the castle so far."

Kai was a little taken aback by the kind smile on her face. Almost exactly the same as the one Cole had on so often.

He took a moment to respond.

"Um, it's been pretty good so far." He said with a nervous smile.

"That's wonderful to hear." Coles father said kindly.

This was kind of surreal.

Just a few hours ago he felt like they were about to bite his head off and now they were smiling at him.

The rest of the dinner went smoothly with a few questions directed at Kai from Coles parents.

After they were finished they all parted ways and went back to their rooms.

After the door was closed, Kai collapsed on the bed.

"You good?" Cole asked.

"Fine. Just not used to your parents is all."

"Understandable. My parents can be a little strange at times."

"I'm going to go get ready for bed, okay?"

Cole gave a thumbs up.

So Kai gathered his things and entered the connected bathroom.

It was equally overwhelming as the rest of the castle but the author is incredibly tired and cannot bare to describe another room right now.

So after he finished with all that he re-entered the bedroom.

He saw Cole starting to gather his things.

"I'm done now." He told Cole.

"Okay." Cole responded and went into the bathroom.

So Kai got under the covers and laid his head on the pillow.

And then he was out.


Fucking finally.

This got out a little later than I had wanted, but at least I got it out before Saturday.

Which reminds me. I have forgotten to tell you the last TWO CHAPTERS. I'm going to try for weekly updates.

I won't be posting any specific day, just sometime in the span of Sunday to Saturday.

I was extremely unmotivated to write this and suffering from a bad case of writers block, but I pushed through and wrote it.

Also we made it to five chapters! How exciting!

It is slightly under my usual quota of a thousand words but again. We're lucky I even wrote it at all. But sorry if it seems rushed and choppy. Since it was.

But hope you enjoyed anyway.

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