when we were young (JEM#1)

By spicytuna22

31.8K 1.5K 243

Jamie Ashanti Robinson had worked hard to get where she is being a young black lawyer in New York when an opp... More



937 51 24
By spicytuna22

Jamie had to call out of work cause she was still sick so she decided to take a much needed nap.

But waking up to thousands of notifications wasn't apart of the plan.

"The fuck?" She muttered she sluggishly opens one of the notifications.

It was a message from Chance.

Your dating Kareem? Chance

No, why do you ask? Jamie

Cause that's what everyone is saying. Your name and picture is all over theshaderoom. Chance

Staring at a the text message she just received Jamie felt annoyance boiling up inside.

Going twitter she checked the shade and saw all the posts.

A look of confusion washed over her face when she saw a number of blogs and post talking about her Kareem.

Their faces were posted were posted everywhere. Saying all types of shit about them being together, which irritated Jamie to no end.

She had people that didn't even know her commenting the worst things they can think of about her. She felt as though people were already judging based on her appearance alone which gave her immense anxiety.

Opening her contacts her finger hovered over Kareem's contact before calling him.

The phone rang three times and when she has about to hang up he answered.

"Hello?" She questioned. He could tell he was there due to his heavy ass breathing, which was a sign to her that he was aggravated. He always breathed heavy when he was stressed even when they were kids.

"I'm sorry Jamie. I didn't mean for any of this to happen I- Kareem it's not your fault I know you had no control over the situation. But if you feel bad enough you can buy me some food than I'll really forgive you." She cut him off. She honestly felt horrible for even being mad at him when it also affected him.

He let out a deep chuckle. " You and your damn food, I'll bring you something after I go home and shower." She could practically here the smirk in his voice.

"Alright don't forget my food, bye!"

"Bye." Ending the call Jamie instantly wiped the stupid smile off her face. Lately, she has been smiling a lot anytime she was around or talking to Kareem. And she hated it,


An hour later Kareem kept his promise and showed up which left her very happy.

Munching on her foot-long chicken teriyaki sub from subway,she felt eyes on her. Shifting her gaze from her sub she locked eyes with Kareem who was starting at her intently.

He looked fine as fuck sitting with his eyes on her. His usual straight locs were curled and hanging barely to his shoulder. He was sporting a grey sweatsuit with a black dry-fit t-shirt underneath. His usual appearance slightly changed as he wore his thick-rimmed prescription glasses.

She thought that made him look extra fine.


"Finish chewing your sub and let's talk about our predicament."

Slightly upset about not getting to finish her sub she knew they had more important matters on hand.

Nodding she finished chewing her food and took of a sip of her before wrapping up her and turning toward him.

"I just really want to apologize again for everything. I never meant for you to get caught up in this. I was just really excited to see you again." The remorse and guilt he felt were immense. People are already painting her as a good digger for even being seen with him in the first place.

"You know it's not your fault. But I have to ask how did they get the photos anyway? I mean didn't your sister only post a few pictures?"

"It was one of my uncles, he took a few pictures and sold them to the gossip page that paid him the most." A bitter chuckle left his lips. "People would do the craziest things for money, even if it meant selling out your own family."

He couldn't even be around his family without someone wanting to exploit him.

Starting at Jamie kareem realized she had a whole bunch of sauce surrounding her lips from her sub, And started cracking up. He had been too focusing on the situation on hand to notice.

(if you don't put a bunch of sauce on ur sub your weird.🤷🏿‍♀️)

"What? What's so funny?" she said at his random outburst. He was sulking 30 seconds prior

" Girl you really must have loved that sub cause you got a whole bunch of sauce surrounding your lips," he said as he continued to laugh.

"So you were just going to let me sit here with sauce on my face? Wow Kareem your wicked."

That didn't to stop kareems boisterous laughter, which pissed Jamie off even more.

Jamie kissed her teeth. "Man,you don't want me to be great."

"Aww, I'm sorry let me give you a hug." a small snirk sat on his face as he reached his arms out to her.

"Fuck your hug." she said which caused him to laugh harder as he leaned forward and warp his around her. "I'm sorry, ill wipe it off for you."

Rolling her eyes Jamie allowed Kareem to wipe of the sauce with a napkin he grabbed.

"See, all done nothing to get salty about."

"Man let go to of me and your bullshit." she said as she tried to escape his arms as he tightened them around her.


"My nigga what do you mean no? Let me go"

"No." This time said with with smirk as he pulled her down on top of him. One of his hands slipped from around her neck and sild down towards her waist.

"What are you doing." she asked slightly out breath. She couldn't think straight with his hand rubbing on her waist. It was a sensitive spot for her.

"Apologizing" he said in a whisper as the hand on her neck slowly pushed her face closer to his.

Before she could think a pair of soft lips pressed against hers, in a sweet and simple peck.

Pulling away from her lips Kareem was about to apologize when she kissed him back.

The soft sensation of her lips had him groaning when she slid her tongue into his mouth. Their tounges fought for dominance to which he eventually lost.

As their kiss became more heated the hand that resisted on her waist made its way down into her sweatpants where he gripped her ass.

Groaning from the sudden contact Jamie slid her hand to his head and gripped his locs. Sending a pleasuring pain to his scalp.

Pulling away to catch some air, the pair started at each other.

"You wanna fuck?"

Surprise shawty❤️

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