Sonic's Unwanted Harem

By LeJesterVixen

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Alt. Universe - The blue blur just does what he does best, saving lives and living free as the wind while oc... More

01. One Year Ago
02. Home
03. Letters
04 Crystal Cavern Part 1
05 Crystal Cavern Part 2
06 Crystal Cavern Part 3
07. Talk Part 1
08. Voices Part 1
09. First Part 1
10. First Part 02
11. First Part 03
12. Voices Part 02
14. Talk Part 02
15. Rest Pt 01
16. Letter Pt. 02
17. Searching Pt. 01
18. Searching Pt. 02
19. Talk PT. 03
20. Deal Pt 01
21. Deal Pt 02
Sonic Train - PT 01
22. Home Pt. 02
23. Presence
24. Home Pt. 03
25. Haywire
26. Countdown Pt. 1
27. Countdown Pt. 2
28. Countdown Pt. 3
29. Troubled Pt. 01
30. Birthday Pt. 01
31. Birthday Pt. 02
32. Birthday Pt. 03
Characters ! PT 1
33. Haywire PT. 02
Characters! Pt. 2
34. Searching Pt. 03
35. Rest Pt. 02
36. Friend
37. Countdown Pt. 04
38. Showtime Pt 01.
39. Showtime - Part 02
40. Rest Pt. 03
41. Promise
42 Talk Pt 04
43. You
44. Talk Pt. 05
45. Just Another Normal Day 01
46. Just Another Normal Day 02

13. Reunion

877 24 418
By LeJesterVixen

Warnings: This chapters contain sexual themes, dark themes, violence, and blood. Please be advised. Thank you

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Eggman's Base: 9:30 a.m.

Papers litter the desk, threatening to fall off the surface as more metal frames are thrown on the ground, their only purpose now is to become scrap. Along the experimental table is a deep gash made from the laser that was used to put Metal Sonic's frame back together, but the creation had refused to obey his creator's order and now is missing the shell to his right arm.

The scientist lets out an exasperated sigh as his sits himself down in his chair, the furniture rolling back a little from the force, and he covers his closed eyes with a hand. This is the third time this week he's been trying to work on his robot, yet the latter would abruptly get up from the table and walk to the window, just staring out of it in the same direction.

Eggman rubs the side of his head as he lets out a tired groan. "If you're going to be a nuisance," he opens his eyes and gets out of his chair.

Metal turns his head just the slightest to let his creator know he's listening but keeps his focus on the scenery out the window.

"-then you can stay in this room." The doctor turns and walks to the door, throwing his wrench over his shoulder. When he reaches the door, it opens but he just stands at the threshold for a moment. "When you're done with your attitude problem, you know where to find me."

The door slides close, and the main lights are shut off. Metal turns his head back to the window, giving the view his full attention. Even though he can't see it, he has his gaze in the direction that Acorn Kingdom is located, scanning for any signs of him.

Outside Acorn Kingdom: 9:40 a.m.

Fingers caress the soft, peach muzzle as red eyes drink in the green ones staring back. He's taking in every detail of the beautiful eyes: their gorgeous color, the way they glisten as they reflect the sunlight, the way they shake just the slightest as they're trying to contain their excitement knowing that he's here finally here.

Sonic is trying his hardest not to let himself tremble in front of his stalker. To say that he's scared is an understatement; he's absolutely terrified of the hedgehog and not because of the letters. No, they were more annoying than anything. Yes, some did actually scare him from the intensity of the words about killing his friends or just anyone in general, but they just mainly got on his nerves, especially when they came late at night or early morning or when they talked about doing it.

Sonic breaks his gaze from the other's as he closes his eyes and brings a hand up to softly grab the hand on his face. He doesn't dare do anything to set the psychopath off, especially since he reeks of blood. 'I can do this...'

Letting out a soft breath, Sonic opens his eyes only to see a flash of blood go in his vision, startling him. His breath gets caught in his throat as his lip starts to quiver.

The darker hedgehog brings his free hand up to the other cheek and softly caresses it with the back of his hand. "What's the matter, Love?"

It takes a few seconds for Sonic to calm down before his vision focuses, realizing that whatever he just seen wasn't happening. No, it was something he had already witnessed when he first crossed paths with this... this hedgehog.

Sonic brings his gaze back up to look into the bloody eyes. He desperately wants to turn around to see if his family is safe, but he can't chance them getting attacked by this psycho if he does. "N-nothing, just surprised that you got here... so soon."

Exe stops petting the cheek and moves his hands to hold his love's, gently pulling it away from his other hand. "Love," he kisses the back of the hand and watches how his soon-to-be mate turns his head to the side, 'Clearly out of embarrassment.' A smile goes on his face before he licks the back of the gloved hand, all the while watching how green eyes widen for just a second before they hide behind closed eyelids. "-you're too cute for your own good, do you know that?"

Sonic probably would've been a bit embarrassed from being called cute if the stench of old blood wasn't the only thing he could smell. He opens his mouth to say "yeah, I've been told," but quickly stops, knowing that if he did then the other would question him and it'd just create more problems then what he's ready for. At least one Mobian would be spared from him keeping quiet.

"But I thought I told you,"

Sonic feels his arm being tugged on quite harshly, forcing him to move forward. He stops himself from bumping into the other as he begrudgingly looks back up into the red orbs.

"-I was coming to see you very," he tugs on the arm again, forcing his beloved's chest to touch his own. "-soon."

"Yeah... you did..." Sonic does everything not to grimace as that awful stench in going in his nose. 'It's like this psychopath just bathes in blood before he uses more as cologne. It's sickening.'

Exe slowly lets his tongue lick his bottom lip as he finally has his beloved in his grasp. His blue beauty is everything he remembers... and more: The vibrant blue quills, which are in an odd style, but it just makes his love look even more desirable. Those gorgeous green eyes that he loves so much. So much that he can gouge them out and put them in a jar just so he can stare at them until the end of time. That beautiful peach muzzle of his. So soft to the touch. It's a good thing that his gloves are nearly ripped to shreds or else he wouldn't be able to touch such velvety fur. And those beautiful lips of his, those lips that have-

Red eyes narrow just the slightest, examining the bottom lip. He notices that they have teeth indentation in them. He can feel his blood start to rise. "Love?"

Sonic inwardly flinches from hearing the quiet yet harsh tone in the other's voice. Following the red gaze he quickly realizes where the other is looking. 'Crap!'

"What. Happened. To. Your. Lip?"

'I gotta think of something now! Hopefully he won't notice I'm lying!' Sonic gently pulls his hand from the other's grip only to place his hand on top of his stalker's in hopes to calm him down. "A few days ago I went on a run, and since it was still dark I didn't see I was head'n towards a pothole-" he watches the red eyes just staring into his own, making this even more difficult.

"Shhhh," Exe places a finger on those delicious lips, stopping them from moving. Red eyes dart back and forth, trying to see if there's any hesitation in the eyes or voice, but the calming tone in that beautiful voice of his and the gentleness in those precious eyes let him know it's the truth. "-say no more, my Love." He whispers as he leans himself closer to his beauty. "You were injured on a run and decided to swallow the pain instead of cry out." He runs his finger down the lip, down the chin and down the right side of the neck. Once he reaches the collar of the brown jacket does he quickly move his arm to wrap around the blue waist. "I didn't know you wore clothes."

Sonic is trying to keep himself together when he feels the hand graze the side of his rear before it rubs the side of his thigh. "Y-yeah, wanted to try something new, y-ya know?" 'Get your hands off me, damn it!'

"Although I'm not a big fan of them myself," he puts more pressure into his hand as he runs it over the rear again before he promptly grips it, watching as green eyes widen from the suddenness of his action. "-I have to say," he leans his face closer to the left of side of his love's. "-they make you look absolutely delicious." Exe ends by slowly licking the jaw up to the left eye.

Sonic quickly moves his head to the side, just enough to get the vile tongue away from him before he shudders. He feels absolutely filthy right now. That tongue that was coated in b- That tongue that forced its way into his m- 'Chaos, I would rather deal with Fleetway right now. What the actual f- Fleetway! I know you can hear me!'

Exe runs his tongue over his own lips, delighted he could taste his love, even a small amount is so satisfying. "You taste wonderful," he sees green eyes turn to sternly look at him, making him smile. "-a beautiful combination of peaches and spice."

Sonic reaches behind him and grabs a hold of the hand on his rear, only for the appendage to tightens it's hold.

The darker hedgehog leans his face in close again, his nose touching Sonic's. "I'm not letting you go, not again."

'Scared or not, I've had it with him.' Sonic narrows his eyes as he looks into demented ones. "What do you want with me?"

A low rumble leaves Exe's throat as he chuckles. "I want to see you."

"Then take a picture, it'll last longer." Sonic snarls as he's trying to yank the hand off his behind.

"To hear you."

Sonic cuts his eyes to the side. "You already do that when you stalk me in my house."

"To feel you."

Sonic quickly turns his attention back to the psycho when he feels his rump getting squeezed even tighter. "H-hey!"

"To smell you." Exe moves his head to the blue neck and takes a deep breath, inhaling his love's scent as much as he can.

'Is he really-' Sonic shakes his head and brings his other hand up to the back of the dark blue quills, needing to pull him off. "Knock that off, will ya!" He can feel his heart speed up knowing the other will only continue this whatever he's doing. 'Is this what all stalkers do?'

Exe lets out a deep, relieved sigh and brings his smiling face back up, inching it closer to Sonic's, whispering, "to taste you."

Sonic narrows his eyes at the psychopath. "You already di-mmmf!" Narrowed eyes instantly go wide at the contact. 'No!'

Sonic moves to take a step backwards but is stopped when clawed hands grab his upper arm, the claws digging into his flesh as they pull him forward.

A satisfied moan leaves Exe's lips as he licks the other's, desperately needing to go inside that wonderful mouth once again.

Sonic grits his teeth together, refusing the other to go in. It's bad enough that he has to smell blood, he doesn't want to taste it again.


Both blue hedgehogs' ears perk up at the name being called and Sonic sees a murderous look go in the red eyes. 'Damn it!' Quickly he swallows his pride and grabs the darker face with both hands just as the other is pulling away to deal with whoever is interrupting them. Red eyes turn back to green ones, not expecting the sudden motion before he sees them close. Exe's eyes widen when he feels the tongue hesitantly lick at his own lips, which he automatically opens his mouth to greet the tongue with his own.

Sonic wants nothing more than to gag at the feeling and taste. He was right, the other does taste like blood. Still, he doesn't break the unwanted kiss. 'If this is enough to keep him from going after anyone, then no matter how much I hate this, I'll do it.' Even though he's thinking bravely, his body is not. His hands are slightly trembling as they feel the tongue moving against his own and he can feel his stomach churn with each passing second.

Exe releases the arms and lowers his hands to grab the waist, moaning into the kiss just from touching them before he presses his front against his love's. A louder moan erupts from his throat, making Sonic's ears lower. He moves his hands behind the waist down to the rear, tightly grabbing it with both hands.

Sonic lets out a gasp and feels the other thrust his tongue into his mouth as the psycho thrusts his front against his own. Sonic clenches his eyes shut as he sees unwanted images from their first encounter flash before his eyes, making the churning in his stomach get worse.

Exe twists and twirls his tongue all around his love's, absolutely delighted at the taste, the feel of it. It's so easy to move around, so flexible. Oh, all the potential this precious, wet muscle has to give him so much pleasure.

Sonic's eyes fly open as he feels himself sinking. He glances down to the same red portal he's unfortunately used to from those darn letters before it dawns on him that the psychopath is taking him somewhere. He quickly releases the face, trying to pull himself away but is stopped when arms tightly wrap around his torso, trapping his arms to the side. Even though he's still struggling against the grip, the stalker isn't releasing his face, not before they finally make it through the portal, and it closes above them.

"Sonic!" Tails cries as he reaches the area where his brother was just at. He hears footsteps coming closer, letting him know that everyone else had the same idea as him but he hardly pays attention to them. He's just trying to figure out where they went.

Amy quickly turns her gaze to Rotor, who's examining the ground along with Chuck and Tails. "Is there anything we can do?"

Chuck picks up a handful of dirt and quickly expects it, but there's nothing abnormal about it from what he can see. The older hedgehog just shakes his head.

He, they just witnessed someone who had been stalking his nephew for months kidnap him through some kind of portal after kissing him.

"That's his stalker?!" Tangle questions, completely in disbelief about what she just witnessed. She looks over to the inventors who are just clenching their fists, but no one answers her. "Why does he look just like Sonic?"

Again, no one answers her question. Not because they don't want to, only because they can't.

Reversed World: 10:24 a.m.

Sonic feels the other finally release him from that cursed lip-lock session and he leans his head down, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Ragged breaths leave his mouth as he straightens himself up. He takes a deep breath and slowly exhales as he opens his eyes only for the breath to get caught in his throat. "No..."

Absolute fear is seen in Sonic's eyes as he sees where he is. The sky, the grass, the water. They're all red. The trees are all soaked in blood from the leaves down to the root. There's decaying bodies and skeletons scattered all over the place. The only good thing is that he doesn't recognize any of them.

He looks to his left and sees a ledge that has a skull cut in half and the rest of the body a little further away, causing his eyes to shrink and he stumbles back only to feel arms wrap themselves around him before a voice whispers in them.

"Welcome home, Love."

More memories of being in this place flashes through Sonic, making him slightly panic in the other's arm. He swallows hard and grabs the arms around him, forcing them away before he shakes his head, ridding himself of those ungodly images. He then turns to face his stalker. "Why did you bring me here?"

Exe can see how excited his Love is. So excited that his body is trembling. Just from seeing it makes him lick his bottom lip as he takes a step closer to his blue beauty, who in returns takes a step back. 'Ah, a game of cat and mouse I see.' He slowly licks his top teeth as he takes another step. "To give us some much-needed time alone."

Sonic shakes his head, trying to make his fear die down, at least a bit. When he opens his eyes he sees the hedgehog still stalking his way towards him. Sonic suddenly bumps into a cliff wall, making his heart race since he knows he's now trapped. 'Darn it!' He sees the grin only get wider at this.

Sonic raises an arm, in hopes that the other will at least stop his movements. "Okay, hey, look. I get that you have a, uh, thing for me. Totally flattered about that, and kinda spooked if I'm bein' honest," The stalker is getting way too close for his liking now. "-but maybe we can just, uh, ya know, talk? Like... you tell me about yourself since yo-you know,"

Exe reaches Sonic and places a hand on the wall next to his love's face before he leans his head down and licks the left side of the neck, dangerously close to where Mephiles had bitten him.

"-k-know abow-about m-m-me..." Sonic screws his eyes shut when he feels teeth sink in neck, instantly drawing blood from him. He barely feels the other hand grabs his waist or his front being pushed against the other's since his focus are on the teeth in him. "Nnnggh... s-stah-p...!"

Exe pulls back enough to takes his teeth out but laps up the blood, completely oblivious to the bite marks he didn't make. A throaty moan leaves his mouth from the taste. He kisses the neck and pulls back before he loses control of himself. He only brought his Love here for a certain craving, only one that the blue beauty can fulfil.


Sonic feels a hand under his chin before his head is turned to face the psychopath as harsh breaths leave his mouth.

"-I'll tell you everything about myself in due time," he runs thumb up and down the peach cheek, only to feel the other turn his head from him. He harshly grabs the face and forces his Love to look at him. "-but for now," a smile reaches his face as he lets his eyes slowly drink in the perfect body before him, completely ignoring the glare he's receiving. "-I'm quite thirsty."

Sonic swats the hand from his face, making the red eyes look back at him. "Then go get yourself a drink and–"

"Oh Love," Exe grabs both shoulders and slams them against the cliff, stopping his Love's movements before his eyes travel back down, specifically to the pants. "-that's what I plan to do." Exe moves his hands to grip the hem of the pants and begins to lower the zipper.

Sonic clenches his eyes shut from feeling the back of his head smack the hard surface. He brings his hand up, intending to see if he's bleeding but stops halfway when he hears the zipper go down. Green eyes widen but his vision is blurry. Even so, he can feel the hand reach inside and feel around his crotch, trying to take it out, making his heart race as he starts panicking. "W-what do you think y-you're doing?!"

Exe hears the shyness in his love's voice. He lowers himself to his knees and kisses the peach stomach, feeling it quiver from his touch as he continues to look for the much-needed organ. He looks back up to see shock in his Love's eyes. A smirk makes his way on his face as he kisses the exposed blue pelt in front of him. "Don't worry, Love. I'm just taking a drink from the source," He moves both hands to grab the thighs, forcing them apart as he licks at crotch once more, finally revealing the tip.

Sonic can hear his heart pounding in his ears from seeing the mouth put the tip in and slowly pulls back, exposing his – "Wh-what're are you doing...? S-stop!" He moves a hand to grab the dark blue quills, to pull the head away from that sensitive spot but the moment his hand touches the quills does he feel his wrist being grabbed.

Exe moves his tongue along the side of the soft flesh and lets out a moan before he kisses the side, all the while looking at the green eyes. He feels his Love tremble before he pulls himself back, a grin plastered on his face. "Baby, this is your first time so I'll be gentle milking you." He uses his free and to grab the base of the length, slowly moving it back and forth.

"M-milking...?" He has never heard that term used outside of a milk-farm. He is not a cow, he can't produce any milk, and he certainly does not have any udders to milk from so what on Mobius is this psycho talking about? "W-what is-"

"Shhhh," Exe coaxes as he gives the precious flesh before him another kiss, feeling the hero shudder again. "-all you have to do, baby, is push and pull my head." He lets go of the wrist only to place it on top of the hand on his head, bringing it to the back of his head.

'Push and pull...? What is he talking about?" Sonic is completely confused on what the other is trying to do. So Mephiles was right about him being completely oblivious about this type of stuff, but Sonic doesn't care about this. Heck, he doesn't even know what the other is trying to do with that part of him. And what does that damn mouth have to do with this?

"Mmmmhm," he licks the tip, feeling the other shudder again before a surprised gasp leave those precious lips of his. "-just push my head as far as you can." He abruptly puts the tip into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, earning another gasp, before he pulls himself back. "I want it to go down my throat, baby," He unwraps his hand from the base and places it on the hip before putting the flesh back into his mouth, taking in half of it before slowly pulling back, all the while still looking into those gorgeous eyes. "I want it so far down my throat," He closes his eyes and moans and the sensation. "Mmmmmm... I want to choke on it~"

Green eyes widen at the crazy request. 'He wants to-WHAT?!'

Exe takes most of it back in his mouth and feels it poking the back of his throat, moaning at the sensation before he pulls himself back, breathing just a little heavier. "Make me choke." He takes his hand off the hip and brings a finger to the middle of his throat. "I want to feel it down here. I need to feel the bulge in my throat, baby~"

All Sonic can do is stare at the psycho. Even with all of those cursed sex letters, none of them had to do with this part of him being in the other's mouth. And that still doesn't explain what milk has to do with any of this!

Exe closes his eyes and licks his lips before he nuzzles the side of his face with the soft flesh. "Make me struggle to breathe as you ram my head down.... Aaaah~ Baby~" He startles his love by harshly sucking on the tip before biting down on it, hearing his breath get caught. "Choke me~" He takes the flesh and instantly deep throats it, feeling it hit the back of his throat as he moves his tongue along the underside of it, all the while moaning. "Mmmmmmn~"

Sonic is completely frozen. This hedgehog, his stalker, wants to purposely choke on... this? What is wrong with this guy?!

He feels the sharp teeth scrape against the underside of his length, making him close his eyes and bite down on his tongue to make sure he doesn't cry out. There is nothing gentle about any of this. He can feel the psycho's nose dig into him as the head is quickly going back and forth and every time Sonic tries to pull his hand free from the other's head, the hand holding his own digs deeper into it. He's pretty sure his hand is bleeding.

Exe moves his tongue side to side against the underside of the cock, trying to make it harder as he feels the tip just reaching past his throat. He needs more. He needs it to grow, to get stiff and slam the back of his throat. He needs to feel the pain, to struggle to breathe while pleasuring his Love.

'I don't want this!' Sonic covers his nose and mouth with his free hand. Not because that stupid sound is trying to leave his mouth. No, nothing about this is making that sensation run through his body. It might have if the other wasn't drenched in the scent of blood.

'Fleetway! I know you can hear me!' Sonic waits for a response but the only thing he gets is silence. He harshly bites down on his tongue when he feels the head move back enough just to keep the tip in before digging his teeth right under the head. He can feel slight tingling before its drowned out by absolute pain when teeth just break the skin, causing Sonic to let out a muffled cry.

Sonic lowers his head and clenches his eyes tighter, feeling the claws dig into his thigh and the teeth then bite down on the shaft, drawing more blood before the tongue laps it up. He completely ignores the loud moan the other makes as he's trying to focus on getting help. 'Fleetway... please...'

Exe takes the length out of his mouth, a moan on is tongue and he moves his hands to the hem of the pants, quickly pulling them down just enough to fully get a good grasp on it. Grabbing the flesh, he lifts it and places his mouth at the base of it, harshly nipping at it, earning more muffled cries from his Love. Unfortunately for the hero, this only turns Exe on even more as he grabs the tip of the member and digs the tip of his claw into the slit, hearing a muffled scream.

Sonic throws his head back and he bites down harder on his tongue, instantly tasting blood afterwards. This is absolute torture. If this is what milking truly is, then he never wants to get milked ever again in his life. Hell, he'd rather let Mephiles have his way with him ten times over than deal with this right now.

Exe slowly runs his tongue over the vein as he brings his head to the tip. Once he reaches the tip, he slowly licks it, instantly moaning before his switches between sloppily kissing it and harshly sucking on it. 'It's not enough.' He puts half of the member back in his mouth and sucks on it hard, moaning with each movement. A smile reaches his face when he feels the hand on the back of his head barely tighten its grip. He's encouraged by the sudden movement that he forcefully presses his tongue against the underside then moves his jaw side to side, making his teeth grind again the vein, earning a loud whine. He stops for a moment and lets his eyes roll to the back of his head from such a sound as he himself moans in pleasure before he goes back to deep throating the member.

That stupid sensation is starting to course through the hero's body but abruptly dies when he sees blood once more, only this time, he can see the bodies its coming from. Different versions of those he know, of those he loves. One after one all being slaughter by this psychopath. He moves his hand from his mouth to cover his eyes, not wanting to see anymore but it doesn't stop, they just keep coming. All the blood, the mangled bodies, the final war-cries or the helpless cries for help. All of it.

'No...!' He presses his hand against his eyes even more, wanting to darken the visions but that does nothing to help. If anything, the action is only making the tears he's trying to hold back to slowly come out the corners of his eyes and run down the side of his face.

"Sonic," A different version of Vector holds the hero's shoulder as a large wooden spike is coming out of his stomach. He coughs up blood and some lands on the side of the hedgehog's face. "S-Sonic..."

Said hero is trembling and his fearful eyes are trying to look past the large crocodile only for his body to be shaken. "I-I... I..."

"L-look at me...!" Vector demands as he can feel the spike being tugged backwards, only to spit out more blood onto the hero.

Sonic forces his eyes upwards as his body trembles even more. He has never felt so useless in his life. Everyone is dying and he can't–

"Sonic... S-swear to me... to all uv' us-kkgh" the crocodile tries to swallow the blood caught in his throat, not needing to choke on it.


Said detective turns his head to the side, coughing out a large amount before turning back to the other version of their hero. He's suddenly stabbed through the right side of his chest with another spike, forcing him forward and spraying more blood on the blue hero but he stops himself from falling as he's trying to protect the hedgehog. Vector looks up and tears are just rolling down his face. "SWEAR TO US... THAT YOU'LL DO ANYTHING... T-TO MAKE S-S-SURE... ... ... THIS DOESN'T HAP-P-P-P-PEN... T-T-T-T-TO... Y-OU-R WOR-LD...!"

Sonic lowers his head, tears flowing down his cheeks as his bottom lip is quivering uncontrollably but even so, he's able to keep his voice steady. "...I SWEAR!"

A smile reaches the crocodile's bloody lips, knowing that this version of Sonic will be true to his word and that this is one less universe that will be destroyed.

Vector uses the last of his strength to push the hero through the closing portal, getting him out of harm's way.

Sonic doesn't land gracefully as he hits the ground hard but instantly gets back to his feet, running to the closing portal.

"I'm sorry..." Vector starts, " put... s-s-s-s-so-oo... ma-much... ah-on y-y-y-ya..."

The portal closes but the last thing Sonic sees is a spike go through the crocodile's head, making the hero drop to his knees.

Exe is getting frustrated. No matter how much love he's giving this beautiful flesh, it won't get hard. 'Why isn't he getting an erection? I'm doing everything to him! I'm giving him full permission to choke me! FUCK MY MOUTH ALREADY, DAMN IT!'

The frustrated hedgehog pulls the length out of his mouth, about to yell at his Love but the moment he sees tears running down the face does he completely stop himself. Exe gently takes the hand from his head and stands to his feet, caressing the side of the face. "Baby, what's wrong?"

Sonic folds his ears down and cowards back, wanting to become one with the cliff behind him. He doesn't want to be touched by this psychotic demon.

"Baby?" Exe moves his thumb to wipe the tears before he pulls his Love into his arms, tightly embracing him. "Oh baby, I scared you." He hears a choked sob as the body is trying to get out of his grasp, which he just wraps his arms tighter around his hero, needing to comfort him. "Shhh, I'm sorry, okay? You weren't ready and I forced you," he kisses the top of the head before pulling his Love away from the wall. "I'll take you back, okay? Will that make you feel better?"

Sonic finally calms his shaking down but refuses to answer his stalker. He doesn't want any part of the demon.

Exe tightens his hold, hearing a bone crack, before he opens a portal and walks them both through.

Great Forest: 12:16 p.m.

Exe gently sits his Love down against a redwood tree, knowing that the hero's view will be easily blocked by anyone passing by. His Love had finally settled down but is keeping his eyes completely closed. He's not asleep, Exe had already checked. His Love had answered a few simple questions, he just doesn't want to open his eyes, saying that he's tired and just wants to sleep.

Exe leans his head down and kisses the top of Sonic's before caressing an ear, only to feel it flinch from his touch. "I'll be back in a few days, okay my Love?"

Sonic just simply moves his head to the side, refusing to speak at this point. He just wants the psychopath to leave.

Exe opens the portal. "I love you," he waits for a response but gets nothing. A sigh leaves his mouth before he walks through the portal. 'I guess I scared him too much from that.'

Once the portal closes does Sonic move to his hands and knees and instantly starts retching. He feels whatever he had this morning rise up into his throat but doesn't even try to stop it from coming out, vomiting. Even after his breakfast is out does his stomach keep churning, making bile come out right after. Unfortunately, he doesn't taste the terrible aftertaste, he only tastes blood, which only makes him vomit even more.

A hand reaches down and softly rubs the hero's back. "Sonic..." The voice carefully whispers.

Green eyes open wide before Sonic swats the hand away from him. He looks behind him only to see an astro body of Fleetway. "Why didn't you help me?!" Sonic gets to his feet and completely turns around, only to sway and almost lose his balance.

Fleetway reaches out to steady his other self only for the hand to smack his away. Because of this form, he phases through everything he touches, everything except for Sonic. They never figured out why that was but it wasn't looked into for too long either. And he can only use this form when Sonic is either completely angered or stressed.

"Sonic," Fleetway starts as he sees fear, hurt and anger in his eyes as he's trying to keep his composure. "-if I had done anything," he takes a step closer to the blue hedgehog, "-then he would have noticed I exist." He sees the hurt overtake the fear and anger in the green eyes as he steps closer, before the eyes shut. "We know how strong I am..." he reaches his other self, "-but we don't know his true strength."

Sonic lowers his head, knowing that his other is right. He doesn't know anything about the psychotic stalker except that he's obsessed with him and that he's a murderer.

"Sonic," Fleetway carefully pulls his other into a gentle hug, "-if he's able to kill me then you would die too." He's surprised to feel arms wraps themselves around him tight, and he tightens his hold in return. "And if that happens, then everyone you love, everything you fight for will be destroyed."

Sonic clenches his eyes shut but the tears keep coming out. He tightens his hold around the other's neck before he feels himself move.

Fleetway sits himself down away from the vomit puddle and brings Sonic to sit on his lap, all the while embracing him. "Sonic, I will always be with you."

Sonic brings his head to the crook of Fleetway's neck and just lets himself cry, not wanting to hold back anymore. Everything that Fleetway said is true. Everyone will die if he messes up.

The golden hedgehog has to be careful to not let himself phase through the tree as he tightens his hold on his blue self. "If it's to comfort you like this, or to torment you, know that I will always be with you."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Does anyone need a tissue, cause I'm pretty sure I need one.

So, uh, we got a little bit of back story regarding Sonic and Exe. Trust me, writing that was, um, interesting to say the least. Heck, writing Exe like that was completely different from what I'm used to.

So I had drawn this like a looooong time ago, way before I even thought about this story and hey, it fits the story. (Totally forgot I had this picture by the way.)

But yeah, different note. First update of the new year. Woohoo

Next chapter will be a lot chipper, scout's honor!

Until next time, take care of yourselves Luvs!

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