Make Up Your Mind | Endeavor...

By SandraJacks0n

42.4K 1.5K 169

Y/n L/n, a pro hero on the rise, recruited for Endeavor Agency as his secretary. What happens when your feeli... More

Chapter Zero | About You
Chapter One | Day One
Chapter Two | Meeting
Chapter Three | Hate
Chapter Four | Guilt
Chapter Five | Memories
Chapter Six | Cocktail
Chapter Seven | Family
Chapter Eight | Uber
Chapter Nine | I Spy
Chapter Ten | Work
Chapter Eleven | Getting Ready
Chapter Twelve | Dinner
Chapter Thirteen | Coincidence
Chapter Fourteen | Heights
Chapter Fifteen | Mystery Woman
Chapter Sixteen | Dumbass
Chapter Seventeen | Mistake
Chapter Eighteen | Bet
Chapter Nineteen | StoryTime
Chapter Twenty | Emergency Pt.1
Chapter Twenty One | Emergency Pt.2
Chapter Twenty Two | Dinner or Date?
Chapter Twenty Three | Tolerance
Chapter Twenty Four | Deception
Chapter Twenty Six | Operation, Begin!
Chapter Twenty Seven | Separated
Chapter Twenty Eight | Eri
Chapter Twenty Nine | Team United
Chapter Thirty | Final Battle
Chapter Thirty One | Aftermath
Chapter Thirty Two | Confession Pt.1
Chapter Thirty Three | NightEye
Chapter Thirty Four | Confession Pt.2
Chapter Thirty Five | Reunion
Chapter Thirty Six | Brainstorms and Conclusions
Chapter Thirty Seven | Discharged
Chapter Thirty Eight | The Next Day
Chapter Thirty Nine | Announcement
Chapter Forty | Time Skip A Year
Chapter Forty One | Wedding
Thanks ;)

Chapter Twenty Five | Morning Of

811 34 3
By SandraJacks0n

Beep Beep Beep

I jerk my head towards the source of the loud noise, eyeing my phone with the intent to kill. "I really need to change that ringtone," I muttered, reaching over to grab my phone.

Just when I grab my phone, I go stiff. My brows furrow at the familiar scent. "Where did this come from?" I continue to sniff the sheet like it's going to answer me at some point.

"Am I delusional, or is this really—" I sniff my pillow case one last time, my mind shutting down at the too early internal debate at 6:30 in the morning.

Instead of resuming my debate, I decide it best not to make this morning awkward between me and Enji before a big operation that very much requires communication.

I slip on my hero costume, throwing on a coat since this morning in particular was colder than usual. I grab my phone and keys and bolt out of the house, getting into the car and driving off.

Just when I park in NightEye's agency's parking lot, I take a quick glance at the clock: 6:55. "That should be early enough." I heave myself off of my seat and out of the car, walking away when I hear my car lock.

Just to my luck, I see a familiar face. Enji jogging down the lot...towards me? Not sure, I stand there awkwardly until he slowly comes to a halt a few feet away. "Hey y/n."

"Hey Enji!" I wince at the obviously forced enthusiasm, quickly fixing my tone. "Did you just get here too?"

"Yep. Hope we're not considered late." Enji takes a glance around us in the parking lot. "There's so many cars parked here already."

Just when panic was starting to get to me, I spot a few cars pulling into the parking lot to prove me wrong. "Look—there's still some heroes arriving. Maybe if we hurry into the agency, they won't notice our absence."

"Good idea." Enji and I look at each other and nod our heads, jogging towards the entrance and past the front desk, slowly coming to a halt down the halls. "You think they started the meeting?"

I take a few steps closer, pressing my ear against the door frame. "I don't hear anybody talking. I think they're gonna wait for everyone to get here first."

"Thank god." I slowly open the door, thankful that everyone didn't decide to turn their heads and undivided attention toward us, or I'd probably die from embarrassment.

We swiftly make our way into the room, turning the doorknob all the so that it didn't make any noise. "Is it okay if I sit next to Aizawa?"

"Go for it. I'll see you later?" I turn to Enji and nod, giving him a quick smile before going over to the empty seat next to Aizawa.

When I get closer towards Aizawa, he's giving me a cautious look. "Everything okay with you?"

"Where have you been?" Aizawa demands, crossing his arms.

I plop down onto the seat, turning the chair so that I'm facing him. "I woke up not too long ago. Am I late?"

"No—but you cut close to it. The meeting starts in ten minutes. Everyone was supposed to be here and ready by the time there's only ten minutes left, not when." Aizawa scolds.

"My bad, dad. I didn't know you were so bothered by it." I playfully punch him on the arm, quietly laughing when I see the taken aback look on his face. "What matters is that I made it on time."

"Whatever you say."

Both me and Aizawa advert our attention towards the front of the room, a set of double doors opening, revealing NightEye once more. We all get out of our seats, exchanging bows with Nighteye before sitting back down altogether.

NightEye clasps his hands together in a businesslike manner, staring at us with intense gaze. "I'm glad almost everyone made it on time. The meeting will be pushed back half an hour to assure no one gets left out on the plan."

I know he wasn't directing it towards me, since I got here on time and in my seat before he came through the doors, but I still wince at his words. I look over to see Aizawa had saw my reaction, shaking his head in a disappointed manner.

"Whatever. Still on time," I counter, holding my head up high.

Aizawa leans closer to me, his lips near my ear. "Your expression says otherwise."

I whip my head towards him, rolling my eyes. "That's just because I like to be early."

"Sure, I believe you," Aizawa says, his voice coated with sarcasm. A smirk appearing on his face.

I play on the sarcasm, putting on smile. "Thank you."

Aizawa nudges my arm, jerking his head in the direction of Enji. " was last night? You forgot to tell me about your dinner, so I'm guessing that the two of you..?"

My cheeks redden almost immediately. I gently smack him on the arm, a laugh escaping his lips. "What—no! We didn't do anything, you pervert."

"Me? A pervert?" Aizawa scoffs, confusing me. "Tell that to the man who left your house at four in the morning."

My eyes widen, realization striking me. That's why I smelled a familiar scent on my sheets. "S—so? That doesn't mean anything..."

"Really? For a man who didn't do anything, he sure did take his time getting from point A to plan B." Aizawa teased, seeing my burn bright red.

I turn away from him, trying to collect myself with a fake cough. "I was drunk, for your information. He carried me into my home."

"It took him five hours to get you into your house?" Aizawa leans down towards me, his mouth right next to my ear. "You sure that's all you did? You did say you were drunk."

I smack him again, glaring at him with a playful smile. But deep down, I was doubting my own statement. I remember him laying next to me-but I pulled him to me-unless I made a move after that and don't remember.

"Ugh, never again am I touching another bottle of alcohol..." I lift my head when I realize I had said that out loud, adding more fuel to Aizawa's theory.

Aizawa points an accusing finger at me, covering his mouth with his other hand. "So you two did do something..!"

"What-we did not..! " I bury my head in my hands, groaning in them.

Aizawa pats my back rather roughly, causing me to drag my face to the side of my hands, glaring at him. "You don't have to be so shy about it, we're all adults here."

"I seriously doubt that you're an adult." I mumble, the both of us laughing.

Just when we stop laughing, NightEye returns to his seat and clasps his hands, surprisingly shutting everyone up. When the room finally goes quiet, NightEye motions a signal with his hand at his sidekick.

Just when he does that, Bubble Girl opens the door to the meeting room and reveals the Chief of the Police Department, to which doesn't have a good relationship with heroes for a number of reasons.

After an awkward silence of everyone, including me, watching the Chief taking his time walking towards the center of the room next to NightEye, sitting on the chair next to him. "As you know, this is the Chief."

When NightEye nods his head at the Chief, he clears his throat and straightens out his posture. "We have made a warrant and gathered a team to be able to successfully take down the Yakuza, providing a quirk list."

When the Chief pauses, NightEye takes over. "Even though it's guaranteed that there are going to be undocumented quirks, it's better to have intel on a good majority of the gang."

The Chief takes over again. "Yes, and while there are some undocumented, we should also take into consideration that their quirks can be anything imaginable, so it's best to treat them as a ticking bomb."

NightEye and the Chief stand up simultaneously, the rest of us following suit. "That being said, we have about thirty minutes 'till the designated operation time. Head out."

Without another second to waste, we all file out the room and rush to the squad vehicles provided by the police force, everyone's faces ranging from determination to cheerful and excited.

Just when I get to a vehicle, I flinch when I feel something tap me on the shoulder. When I turn around, I see Enji standing in front of me. "Hey."

The very last person I want to see after the conversation I just had.

"Hey. Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Just letting you know that we're assigned to the same squad." I nod my head in understandment, then my eyes widen.

I got put in the same squad with the very same man that I'm not even sure what I did with last night?!

When I realize that he can probably see me spaced out, I shake my head clear of thoughts...sorta. "Oh, cool. Nice to have someone I know in the same squad as me." "Oh, cool"? I should just stop talking.

I point at the spacious vehicle, trying to cancel out the internal monologue scolding me. "Should we get going? Everyone's clearing out the parking lot."

"Yeah, good idea." Enji opens the door, stepping to the side to let me in first.

"Thank you," just when I was feeling good about the whole thing, I see Aizawa in the vehicle, and he's grinning at me. "You've got to be kidding me..."

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