
By its_tsd

52.6K 6.8K 547

His face is leveled to mine and I can see tiny droplets of water on his face and lips as he draws closer to m... More

Second Chance


1.1K 119 12
By its_tsd



"Did you get an update on the case?" I press my phone to my ear, zipping my bag to head out.

"We did. We were able to match the DNA with the girl and we found traces of her fingerprints through the magnetic powder you lended us."

"As you guys motherfucking should." I laugh at Hiral's choice of words.

While grabbing my keys I ask her, "How's you and Aditya?"

"We are great, just really busy with our baby."

"And how is your baby?"

"Our baby is training badasses. I swear the results are off the charts."

Hiral's baby was Black Training. She became manager, working right along her boyfriend. Many of our younger agents in training go there to train instead, leaving more training areas for our established agents whilst giving the little kids a great foundation to combat.

"Actually, Adi wants to say hi to you."

"Tell him I said hi, I'm getting in the car right now so I'll talk later-"

"What about a dinner? You, Karan, me, Adi, Himanshu. Like old times. Please? Please? Pleaseeee-"

"Okay okay, God you didn't even give me time to answer. Check with all of them first."

"They'll be down, they have to. And if they are busy they're gonna make the time."

"Okay love, I gotta go. See you." I start my car and head to my apartment right near Harvard Campus.


I turn the keys in, taking my shoes off and heading to my bedroom to pick out my BlackLight outfit.

Being the Boss has it's perks, I can wear whatever and do whatever. But I still prefer wearing all dark whenever I go. I open my drawers picking through my black clothing when the door of my bathroom opens.

I snap my head to the side, and there he is.

Karan coming out in just a towel. Hair wet and even with the distance I can smell his body wash on him.

He stops drying his hair when he sees me.

He freezes.

I freeze.

I haven't seen him much this week, only a kiss here and there when we would be walking the opposite way at headquarters.

He sighs deeply when he scans my face, satisfaction radiating off of him. I walk to him and he opens his arms. I step in and rest my head to the side of his slightly damp chest, inhaling his body wash and his comfort.

He sighs as well, running his hand over my hair.

"I missed you", his low voice murmured.

"Mmm, I missed you more."

He hugs me tighter. "Impossible."

I look up at him, my chin on his chest and he smiles, giving me a forehead kiss.

"I'll wait for you to get ready, we can go together."

He nods as he puts a pair of black jeans on and a black turtleneck with a silver chain. The black and silver combo on his warm tanned skin made him look spicy, his biceps and shoulders sculpted through the turtleneck. He shakes his hair a little, cute little waves forming. I stop him and instead dry his hair for him, way less aggressive than he does. He just looks at me with a small smile on his face.

He always likes it when I do little things like this for him.

Once I'm done I put the towel down and grab my bag. "Ready?"

We both enter the agency, scanning our bands for access. We go towards the entrance only for upper authority like Karan and I, and we enter our office. It's the same one Boss used, but we modified it so its more spacious and practical for the two of us. We set our stuff down and put our BlackPieces. Karan heads out right away since he has been more active in the missions than me since I am also juggling college.

He's always running the moment he is here.

I sigh, plugging in my password and getting caught up on mission reports and shipments.

A knock raps on the door.

"Come in."

Raven steps in with her laptop in hand. "Hey Boss, I wanted to run over the new training simulator."

BlackLight started working on training simulators that train the agents instead of humans. Of course we would still teach trainees because human contact is important for combat, but this saves so much energy. Raven shows me the model and the new components and we add some more before I go observe the training grounds.



"Good job guys. I've been checking the reports and all of you have improved your skills well enough. I am so proud, and so will your parents when you show them tomorrow!", I walk around the small class of 8-10 year olds learning self defense. Majority were kids of agents, and Aditya and I thought it would be cute to showcase their progress.

After dismissing the class I get into the elevator to go to the office, sighing deeply. The door opens and I step out walking towards the office when a pair of strong hands grabs my waist and pulls me back.

I squeal lightly and those hands turn me around abruptly. His eyes are playful and he has a small smile on his lips.

"What are you doing?", I softly whisper, head turned up to look at him.

He caresses my hair. "Aditya called. They want to go to dinner tonight."


"As in 45 minutes. At Tokyo's Bar."

My eyes widen. Tokyo's Bar was a cute modern restaurant with the sexiest lighting and ambiance I've seen in downtown Boston. The sushi was good too, something I've been craving.

"I knew you'd like it", he whispers. "Let's go get ready."


I hopped in the shower the moment I got to my apartment. I wrapped myself in a towel and started my skincare and light makeup.

Karan knocks on the door.


"Can I come in?"

I smile and decide to be playful. "What for?"

"I need to ask you something."

I smile. "Ask me through the door."

Karan groans in frustration. "Amor."

I laugh and open the door. Karan immediately scans me up and down, clearly liking the fact that I am only in a towel.

I lower my voice. "What do you need to tell me?"

He still scans me up and down, getting distracted. "I'm wearing red."

"Good for you."

His eyes snap to mine, getting lost for a good few seconds.

The affect I have on this man.

"Match with me."

"Fine. Dress or skirt?"

"How about I pick?" Karan smirks.


I close the door on him and finish getting ready.

Karan wore a black turtleneck with maroon pants and a chain while he chose a black turtleneck, maroon skirt and black thigh-high boots. We looked like a deadly sexy couple.


Tokyo's Bar

The moment the doors opened into the restaurant, sensual music filled my ears and the smell of soy and sushi delighted my nose. I shiver a bit at the new change of ambience and we follow the seating to Hiral and Aditya. The moment Hiral sees me her eyes light up and she squeals. I open my arms to hug her but a much large figure embraces me instead.

I laugh. "That hug was for Hiral."

Aditya pulls away to show me his pout and I laugh, hugging him again. "I'll give you a hug, don't worry."

"How are you beautiful?"

"Doing good, how are you?"

"Never better."

Karan and I switch hugs, me hugging Hiral and him hugging his cousin.

We all take a seat, Hiral and Aditya in front of us. Karan places me towards the inside of the booth because he knows that's my favorite spot.

"Where's Himanshu?"

"Teaching a class. He's on his way."

"I miss him", I pout. We all don't see each other much anymore even though we work together.

"Hey you didn't say that to me." I roll my eyes at Aditya playfully.

Hiral scans the menu. "I'm so having pad Thai."

"I'm craving garlic shrimp", Aditya adds.

Karan reads the menu.

"What are you craving, Karan?", I ask seriously, scanning my menu.

"I'm craving you", he murmurs ever so slightly. I look up at Hiral and Aditya to see if they noticed but they were busy on who's splitting what with each other.

I glance at Karan from the side, and he pretends to not notice.

"I'm in the mood for pad thai and a California roll", he says much louder. He finally looks at me with a twinkle in his eyes. "And you?"

"Just sushi."

"Their pad thai is so good here, I have never had a better pad thai", Hiral raves on and on about the food and I try my best to listen, but Karan spreads his wide palm across my thigh, gripping it tightly.

My skin was electrified, and I move slightly so his hand rests between my thighs. He gently strokes my inner thigh and I start to lose my breathing. I grab his hand, telling him to slow down and he complies. He rubs circles on my legs, and he leans closer to me. His cologne, his scent engulfs me and I almost wish we were alone.

"Don't tell me you've ordered without me?"

"My twinnnn", Hiral exclaims, hugging her tightly.

Karan stands up to hug Himanshu, his hand leaving my thigh and I actually frown a bit.

I would have been more sad if Himanshu wasn't here. Karan holds my waist as I shuffle against him out of the booth to hug Himanshu.

I give him a tight hug, one that showed I really missed him. He hugs me back just as tight.
We didn't have to say much. He's always been my guy best friend and he knows I miss him as much as he misses me. Himanshu kisses my hair and my forehead.

"You look so pretty."

I smile. "You look hungry."

He makes a sound that indicates "duh". "I always am, the fuck you talking about?"

He grabs a chair and sits at the edge and rubs his hands. " I am having chicken ramen. That sounds perfect."

Once the waiters order our drinks and food we all start conversing with one another. There were about 5 different conversations going on at once. We were all excited to see each other again and were catching up on everything.

The moment the food came our table got quiet.

We were all fat asses.

The silence gets broken when Aditya snatches a piece of chicken from Hiral's pad Thai. Hiral looks at him like he committed a crime. "I know my eyes deceived me. You did not actually-"

"I did. Got a problem?"

Her eyes widen. "Yes. Yes, I got a problem. A big fat problem." She grabs a piece of shrimp and they both start play fighting. The sight was comical- who knew these two were trained spies and ran a combat training facility.

"If you want my chicken you can gladly have it." I turn to Karan who plays around with his food as he looks at me expectantly.

"See? That's a gentleman right there. Learn from your cousin bitchass", Hiral retorts.

Smiling, I take Karan' plate and take the chopsticks out of his hand. I swirl the noodles on the chopsticks making sure to get the perfect amount of chicken and vegetables in a bite. Everyone watches, thinking I am eating it for myself. I turn to him and lightly hold his jaw with my other hand to feed him. His eyes widen at the gesture and he stares at me longingly while he chews.

"See, Aditya? Tejasswi and Karan are so cute", Hiral breathes.

They start bickering while Himanshu starts talking to us. "Enough of the sappiness you two are so fucking annoying."

"You're only bitching because you're single", Karan retorts, kissing me on the forehead.

"Yeah, what happened with that girl you were talking to?", I tilt my head to look at Himanshu.

He shrugs. "I'm not anymore."

I frown. He's the sweetest guy and the only one in our group who has not found love yet.

"When are you gonna settle-"

"You'll find her. You will." I cut off Karan and assure Himanshu. He gives me a sweet smile and continues eating.

We spend another hour just talking and enjoying mochi before heading back to our lives.



I try to visit Drishti as often as I can. With college and lessons and training and the few missions I end up finding myself with 0 days to myself. Some days Karan and I just crash on the bed, too tired to do anything else.

We made it a mission to say hi to Drishti and Reyansh.

I ring the bell with a small suitcase in my hand. The door flies open and I see Drishti with her baby boy on the side of her hip. She squeals and crushes me into a hug. The cute boy and I are now 2 inches apart because his mother is squishing me. He giggles at the close contact and I give him a kiss.

"You finally made time for me. Get inside! Karan can get the rest of the bags."I step inside and Reyansh comes from the kitchen with open arm. I give him a tight embrace and he gives me a kiss on the forehead.

"How are you?"

"I'm good, how are you?"

"We are all doing great. I'm making Turkish rice with chicken."

"You know I always come here for your cooking", I smirk as he heads back into the kitchen.
Karan enters the house with the bags in hand.

"Thanks for the help", he rolls his eyes and huffs."

"You're welcome", I joke back.

Drishti embraces Karan tightly. I think she misses him more than me now. She pulls him into the kitchen to show the new appliances she's added while Reyansh and I speak about work.


I unpack a few things and add a few stuffed animals I found in my room on my bed. I look at my minimal sage green and white room- all the memories of high school and Karan.

As if he knew, he knocks and then enters in.

"He has grown up. He was babbling at me about my watch." Karan has a cute smile as he shuts my door.

I smile at his content face and he looks at me intently.


Shaking my head I cross my arms. "I'm just glad you get along with my family."

"You're my family. They are yours, making them mine."

From across the room Karan' eyes burn unto me, the effect sending an ache down my body and between my thighs.

There's been some sexual tension. We want each other but we made a promise to wait.

A few strides later his fingers dig into my waist as he drops me to the bed behind me. His gorgeous face is in perfect view.

Dark eyes with pretty lashes, angular tan face, narrow nose, full lips and the black hair I love.

He scans my features too. "You're so beautiful, amor. So pretty."

He eyes my lips and his lips smash on mine. He kisses me feverishly as my hand winds up in his hair. He groans softly, loving anytime my hands are on him.

Karan kisses me with adoration and I spread my hands over his shoulder blades. He makes out with me slowly at first before his emotions of missing me takes over and he kisses me with need. His hands roam my body just as mine does to his.

In a need to touch my skin, Karan lifts up the sweater I'm wearing and places his cold palms on my warm stomach, running his hands on my skin. The cool hands send a sensation over my body and I close my eyes while he kisses me.

"I have the most beautiful girl ever", he murmurs.

I smile and wrap my fingers around his curls again. I didn't realize that he placed his lips on my lower stomach, right above the jeans I was wearing that hit mid-rise. He kisses my stomach and slowly goes up leaving goosebumps behind.

My breathing gets choppy and I have a mix of tingles and butterflies around my stomach. He pulls my sweater up more to reach the band of my bra. He doesn't take it off, but instead kisses the soft tissue of my breasts through the bra.

His love language has always been touch. He can't get enough of me and I'm okay with it, because I love it when he's physically close to me like this. I pull his head up to me with my thumb and his eyes show me how turned on he is right now.

Without leaving eye contact I run my fingers from his chest to where the buttons of his jeans meet and his eyes close at the sensation. I do it again and then wrap my hands around his back. I slip my hands underneath the shirt on his back and run my hands across the toned back muscles. His head falls on my shoulder as I send shivers down his spine.

"Tejasswi you aren't helping", he whispers.

"Who said I wanted to help?"

He laughs softly, still turned on. I go from his back to the sides of his hips to his lower abdomen and he inhales deeply. I know that he likes that.

"Fuck you", he breathlessly whispers.

Feeling funny, I bite back. "Why don't you do it for me?"

His head snaps up to see my face, seeing if I was real or not.

The look on his face is priceless. Dark eyes, turned on, beautiful, and now in shock.

A knock on the door and the door opening crashes our moment.

"Tejasswi! Lunch is ready."

Drishti doesn't look in the room and leaves, which I'm so freaking thankful for.

Karan exhales in relief that she didn't come in because my sweater was all the way to my bra.
He gives me a quick kiss below the band of my bra, pulls my sweater down and helps me up to go eat.


Two years later...

This was how our days went by. Months and, well 2 years passed this way. I'd sleep at his apartment, some days he will sleep at mine, other days we wouldn't see each other for a week or two.

There was even a time where Karan needed to go to Japan in order to close a case. It was so confidential he couldn't contact me even once for a whole month and a half . It was the hardest thing we had to do and we both cried when we finally saw each other.

His eyes were red and full of emotion as he hugged me like he won't let go. That's the day we realized that no matter how busy, we need to be with each other more.

I currently have one semester of college left till I get my bachelor's, so Karan surprised me with keys to our very own modern- apartment. It was the most beautiful and modern apartment, overlooking the city of Boston.

Karan hugs me from behind as I stare into the bay window of our living room.

He kisses my cheeks. "Are you happy?"

"Is that even a question?", I breathe putting my hands over his. "I am so happy. We needed this."

"I need you, always. I miss you on mission with me."

I frown. "I'm sorry love, I haven't had much time I'm always handling everything else."

He nods in understanding. "I still miss it."

A beat of silence goes by as he and I contemplate our thoughts.

"I'll go with you."


"To the next mission. I'll work alongside you. Be your partner in action and in life." I look at him for this last part. "Just like how we met."

The handsome smile on his face is worth more than diamond that he had given me for my ring finger.

He gives me a smile full of love and affection and I can't help but give him a kiss.

"I'm ready for that."

I smile. "Me too."


Hey People,

Here goes the first and the last bonus chapter of this book. You all can even consider this as an epilogue.

Do shower your love & votes on this and the whole story.

~Lots of Love

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