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By celestial_blooms_pad

303K 11.2K 3.3K

"Oi! Turn around, ya Mute!" "I see that your manners only got worse, Katsuki." "And I see that you only grew... More

now playing: 0.0 - i'll show her that loud noises aren't scary.
now playing: 0.1 - the girl who had been afraid of her own voice?
now playing: 0.2 - just for a small moment, he felt lucky.
a guide to Kazumi's quirk !
now playing: 0.3 - how unattractive...
now playing: 0.4 - don't deceive me too.
book playlist !
now playing: 0.5 - you think I'm nice?
now playing: 0.6 - fucking traitor.
now playing: 0.7 - indiscriminate volts !
now playing: 0.8 - intimidatingly gorgeous
now playing: 0.9 - you want me to use you?
now playing: 1.0 - a downright sausage fest.
now playing: 1.1 - dulcet
now playing: 1.2 - 'Zumi
now playing: 1.3 - see ya later, dad!
now playing: 1.4 - a heavy rock is a heavy rock.
now playing: 1.5 - I'm not some little kid anymore.
now playing: 1.6 - you can trust me
now playing: 1.7 - correct me if I'm wrong.
now playing: 1.9 - Kazumi did.
now playing: 2.0 - you're a good dad.
now playing: 2.1 - one year out of sixteen years
now playing: 2.2 - quite the killer visual
now playing: 2.3 - go home, kid
now playing: 2.4 - he's all yours, Ura !
now playing: 2.5 - not anyone else
now playing: 2.6 - my future?
now playing: 2.7 - I don't deserve her
now playing: 2.8 - but I didn't
now playing: 2.9 - do your best, Dulcet!
now playing: 3.0 - an eye for an eye
now playing: 3.1 - my daughter
ending note <3

now playing: 1.8 - his name.

6.5K 274 27
By celestial_blooms_pad

now playing: 1.8 - his name.

01:43 ━━━━●───── 03:50

⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻

tw ! : kidnapping, mentions of blood, mentions of abuse & child abuse, loss of a loved one.


"This is my daughter, Kazumi Chisaki."

"Kai, I wouldn't believe it if she were your daughter from a mile away! She barely takes after you."

Her father scowled under his mask. She couldn't see it, but she knew from his tensed features that he indeed had disgusted expression on his face.

"She unfortunately takes the likeness of her wretched mother."

"Your wife."

"My deceased ex-wife."

Kazumi's dark eyes watered, clutching her father's hand tightly. She would rather have not been holding his hand in the first place. But she had no other form of reassurance but his cold hand.

Feeling her tight grip on his hand, her father suddenly knelt down to her height, bringing her in closer as he eyed her carefully.

"Don't be afraid, my pretty Dulcet." His tone was honeyed, his fingers stroking the side of her face. "I'll form you into my likeness so you'll no longer resemble that wretched woman."

She suddenly screamed, feeling the skin her father's fingers touched being deeply ripped apart, atom by atom, painstakingly slow.

"Let's put you to use, shall me, dear?"



"Quiet would you, I'll kill you!"

Kazumi blinked slowly as she felt an ache in her neck. She opened her eyes fully, realising her head had been hanging forwards, her hair falling to cover her face.

She slowly raised her head, her breath getting caught in her throat as she spotted the villains staring at her.

She quietly turned to her left, her eyes connecting with Bakugou's as he eyed her carefully to check if she was okay. She looked a lot more roughed up than him, a trail of dried blood under her nose and down the sides of her jaw from her ears.

Her hoodie, the zip undone, hung off one of her shoulders where her shirt was slightly singed. Her arms were pulled back, a dull ache in her shoulders because of how tightly they were tied.

"Finally, our princess is awake." Dabi teased, coming forward to glare down at Kazumi. "This is what happens when you are too nosy, you get captured too."

Kazumi simply stared down at her lap. She knew better from her own experience to not get angry.

Two fingers suddenly grabbed her chin, leaning her head upwards to look up at him. Bakugou's jaw tensed, his teeth grinding discreetly as he watched Dabi lick his lips.

"Our operation nearly failed because of you, so we had to take you." Dabi said, turning his chin up at her with a grin. "Who knows what you've heard with your hearing quirk... I've read all about it, it's impressive. If Bakugou keeps rejecting our invite to the League, you're more than welcome to accept it."

Kazumi's leg shook slightly, Bakugou holding back a sigh. He was secretly annoyed that Kazumi had gotten herself captured, that meant he had to keep an eye out for her.

However, he didn't expect her to yank away from Dabi's grip before biting down on his fingers. He made a loud noise of disgust, holding his wrist as he glared at the girl.

She innocently looked up at him through her lashes before a devious smile appeared on her face. Her hair stuck to her sweat covered face, casting an ominous shadow over her face.

Bakugou felt his blood run cold. That was a bit ballsy of her for his liking.

Especially when Shigaraki came over and suddenly put eight fingers on her neck, his thumbs hovering dangerously near the base of her throat.

Kazumi didn't falter though, her head leaning back as she tightened her grip on the belt around her hands.

"You know, I respect Stain's ideology. There's truth to it." Kazumi stated fearlessly, Bakugou whipping his head to her with wide eyes. "But it's insane to preach about how the system is built on heroes wanting to be heroes for superficial reasons while you're out here kidnapping two students. Isn't that a bit of a high standard when you put the bar so low?"

Shigaraki growled, about to place all ten of his fingers on her neck until Spinner raised a hand, his face contorted into interest.

"Wait, let her talk." The strange ninja turtle knock off said before pointing to her. "You know Stain's ideology?"

Kazumi adjusted her neck in Shigaraki's grip.

"Dumb ass! Don't fucking move!" Bakugou hissed, Spinner shushing him.

"Of course, I understand it even. The hero system is flawed. " Kazumi responded, "But, Stain's ideology is also depotism disguised as some altruistic ideology. One foot out of line and a hero — whether or not they receive fame and fortune for their heroic deeds who has saved millions of people — is killed. If you're going to rampage to such an extent, be more clear on what makes a true hero."

Dabi eyed Kazumi in interest. He didn't like how her argument made sense.

"Alright, Miss Theoretician, shut up or I'll kill you for real." Dabi said and Kazumi obeyed, leaning back comfortably in her chair. "You're respectable, I'll give you that."

Shigaraki moved his hands away from her nape, walking over to the rest of the League who crowded around the television as Twice kept an eye out on the two students who sat quietly.

Bakugou couldn't help but be slightly impressed with how Kazumi talked her way out of the situation; she always had a way with words.

From how the villains reacted, it was as if they had no intention of harming her.


Aizawa sat at his desk in the empty Class A Room with his head to his desk. He was going into a meeting soon with the detective and All Might about the situation.

But regret stained his mind: how could he be so reckless to let Kazumi go after Bakugou? He'd gone through countless theories in his mind as to how he let his students get taken, but looking back, none of those reasons were good enough to let Kazumi track Bakugou.

She'd subconsciously gotten to his head, her insecurities becoming his. Contrary to her own beliefs, he knew she was strong, he knew she was capable. He was her guardian and didn't want to see her holding herself back from being her best possible self.

But he knew better than to let her prove herself to him in such a dangerous moment. He knew that he didn't deserve to be her parent – her father. He didn't know anything about raising a kid and he never thought he could be a good father.

When he was close to breaking apart, his head in his hands as he held back an onslaught of tears, his ears twitched as a rhythm of tapping suddenly caught his attention. He didn't think much of it at first, he just assumed it was the curtains making a noise or a nearby bird tapping on the roof.

But he realised it was Morse Code, specifically his name spelled out on repeat in morse code.

He sat up from his desk.

"Kaz...?" He said aloud, feeling stupid momentarily until a different rhythm began playing.

His eyes widened. She had memorised morse code from the book he'd given her.

We are fine. The villains won't hurt us under my watch.

Aizawa's eyes watered at her words. Half relieved, half concerned.

"What's going on?"

Write this down.

Aizawa hurriedly grabbed a notepad from his drawer and pulled out a pen before getting a blank page.

6 Villains with us, many Nomus nearby. Possibly more villains.

Come soon. Kamino, Yokohama at a Bar and Nomus in Factory. Here are coordinates: xxxxxxxx. Bring backup.

Aizawa sighed, "we'll be there tonight. Try not to die."

Wouldn't dream of it.


Kazumi sighed as she listened to Principal Nezu's announcement, Aizawa's face appearing on the screen before Shigaraki turned off the TV.

"Dabi, release his restraints."

Her eyes widened as she heard Dabi question Shigaraki's words. She looked over to Bakugou as if silently telling him to stay calm. But he avoided her gaze, simply glaring at the villains as Twice made his way towards him.

A small part of Kazumi hoped that they could work together to take down the group of villains. But she knew better than to take that risk; there were six of them and two of them. The best way to get out of this situation was to wait for Aizawa.

Bakugou unfortunately didn't know her plan given that they couldn't talk with the Villains around.

Kazumi clutched the belt around her hands as Twice untied Bakugou, muting her ears. She watched as Bakugou burst through the chair, chucking an explosion with his right hand at Twice and Shigaraki as he bared his teeth out, seething with pure anger.

"I listened quietly to your endless talking... idiots can't get to the point, so they're always talking for a long time." Bakugou growled, smoke rising from his hands. "Basically, you mean 'We wanna harass people, so please join us,' right? Don't bother."

She watched as Shigaraki raised his hand, the warp guy yelling at him to calm down.

"Don't touch him, any of you." He announced, leaning down to pick up the hand that fell off his face. "I just wish you would listen to me, at least take what I said into consideration."

Before putting the hand back onto his face, he glanced at Kazumi who had been watching him the entire time before he covered his face.

Kazumi watched as Shigaraki suddenly talked to someone and she adjusted her hearing hoping to hear the voice too, only to be unable to pinpoint who he was talking to.

Before Kazumi could open her mouth to speak, Bakugou began to criticise Shigaraki for not even being the leader of the league, Shigaraki telling Kurogiri to put Bakugou to sleep.

As he approached, Kazumi remained calm as she glanced at the door just before a small knock came from it.

"Hello, this is Pizza-La, Camino store." Kazumi held back the urge to sigh.

How corny.

In a small moment of silence, Kazumi bursted through the belts around her body before tackling Bakugou to the ground, the wall breaking apart as All Might smashed his way through.

She and Bakugou watched as Gran Toronio and Kamui Woods swung into the bar, grappling a few of the villains as she stumbled onto her feet with Bakugou.

All Might came over and took the two students into his arms, checking on them gently. However, something didn't sit right with Kazumi and she clutched Bakugou's arm where she stood behind him.

Shigaraki seemed to be muttering to himself, his body trembling. It wasn't until he began yelling that Kazumi's hand tightened around Bakugou's, many nomus appearing out of portals around them.

Kazumi suddenly turned her head, noticing a black substance taking over Bakugou's face and she trembled as his eyes connected with hers. He tried shaking her grip off of him but she simply threw her arms around his shoulders, jumping on his back.

"BAKUGOU! AMANO!" All Might yelled before they disappeared.


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