The Sparda's War( Vergil x HB...


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Vergil has risen after defeating the almighty Mundus he has taken the throne of Hell next to him Charlie Magn... More

Report: Vergil
Report: Charlie
Report: Octavia
Report: MISC Characters
Ch.1 Sparda Life
Ch.2 Trial of War
Ch.3 Sleepover
Ch.4 New Group
Ch.5 Training
Ch.7 Declaration of War
Ch.8 Overthrown
Ch.9 Sister of Charlie
Ch.10 Sibling Battles
Ch.11 Alliances
Ch.12 Hideout
Ch.13 Ambush
Ch.14 The Old Tower
Ch.15 Rise of the Dark Emperor
Report: Dark Emperor Vergil
Ch.16 Return to Hell
Ch.17 The Knight of Darkness
Ch.18 Imminent War
Ch.19 The Spark Ignites The Fire
Ch.20 Human Collaborators
Ch.21 Return of the Qliphoth
Ch.22 A New Army
Ch.23 The Hunter
Ch.24 Alliance
Ch.25 Preparations
Ch.26 The Battle
Ch.27 True Power

Ch.6 Rising Tensions

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*At Zegan's palace

Silver: Dad you got a second?

Zegan: Depends on what it is.

Silver: It's about Vergil.

Zegan: I am not ungrounding you.

Silver: No. I figured something out.

Zegan: Figured something out?

Silver: Yes. A secret that he would never want to get out.

Zegan: What secret?

Silver: Look at this...

*Silver opens the book

Silver: Amphorn found this and it talks about the dark knight Sparda and his fight.

Zegan: I have heard.

Silver: If you keep on reading it begins to talk about his life after the war. Something no one knows. It talks about how he went on to marry a human and later have two kids.

Zegan: Two kids eh? Why does that matter?

Silver: The two children named Dante and Vergil.

Zegan: Your telling me a demon has been a human this whole time?

Silver: Yes.

Zegan: Quite impressive. Managed to marry a demon and adopt one I was unaware that demon hybrids were possible and I must add the fact he managed to become king of all Hell.

Silver: Your ok with this?

Zegan: Remain here, I will deal with this myself.

Silver: What are you thinking?

Zegan: I'm going to bring him down. If I need your help I will call you and when I do send troops from the army to the palace. Clear?

Silver: Yes Father.

Zegan: Good.

*At the Sparda palace

Alastor: HAs it not been lonely with them gone?

Charlie: It has but it's been SUPER quiet.

Guard: Hey give that back!

Griffon: Come and get it then! HAHAHA!

Charlie: Most of the time.

Guard: Damn you bird!

*Charlie uses magic and summons a spiritual hand and grabs Griffon

Griffon: *SQUAWK! I'm sorry!

*Griffon drops the guards spear.

Guard: Thank you my queen.

Charlie: Knock it off Griffon.

Griffon: What it's been boring.

Guard: Go shit on some cars or some shit!

Griffon: I'll think about it.

Alastor: Where did Vergil take the dear Octavia?

Charlie: Started training her. 

Griffon: They have been gone for quite a while, I figured they would return for a quick break.

Charlie: Eh he said he was going all out, extreme type of training. Wants only the best out of her.

Griffon: Little birdy is in for a ride, she's probably crying right now.

*On Earth Vergil and Octavia in Demon form and SDT form fly above the ocean water around 50 ft. very fast, Octavia's fury screech roaring across the waves as water follows behind them. The two weave through a flock of birds, Vergil sharply pulls up as Octavia follows him into the cloud layer. Vergil sharply turns and weaves through the clouds as Octavia follows him. Octavia catches up to Vergil and the two go inverted over a cloud and dive bombs and quickly flies up. Vergil spins while climbing and the two stop in the air as they fall back down through the clouds, leveling out and slowing down.

Vergil: You want to give this another shot?

Octavia: UGH!

Vergil: It will be fine.

*The two spread their wings 

Vergil: Ready?

Octavia: Get it going.

*Octavia returns to her normal form and begins to skydive, Vergil remains in SDT form and forms up with her as the two spin

Octavia: WOOOHOOO!

*Octavia looks at Vergil

Octavia: Yeah!

*Vergil looks and gives a thumbs up

*The ocean becomes seeable and Octavia summons her full demon wings and uses them like a wingsuit and glides through the clouds. Via looks back at Vergil as he gives a head nod.

Octavia: WOOHOO!

*Vergil begins to shoot projectiles intentionally missing.

Octavia: This is amazing!

*A big rock comes into view

Octavia: No not amazing! Vergil!

*Vergil begins to fly to Octavia

Octavia: Jesus FUCK!

*Vergil shoots projectiles and a mirage blade and teleports near Octavia and grabs her wrapping his wings around her to protect her. The two land on another rock with trees and roll down the rock

Vergil: Ugh.

*Vergil opens his wings as Octavia gets up retracting her demonic wingsuit.

Octavia: Well that came out of nowhere.

Vergil: You put all your stamina in your wingsuit.

Octavia: Yeah was not expecting that rock.

Vergil: You need to prepare for anything even the simplest things.

Octavia: *Sigh Almost had it though. Do we keep going?

Vergil: Your progress over the past days have been outstanding. You deserve a little break.

Octavia: I don't feel like taking one now.

Vergil: Change. Perfect.

Octavia: What now?

Vergil: We fly back to the manor.

*At the Sparda palace.

Charlie: Yeah everything has been peaceful and very relaxing.

Alastor: Do you still have regret for killing Ms.Vagatha?

Charlie: Sometimes I wish I knew about it earlier but it's like Vergil said, what's done is done.

*Shadow gets up and begins to growl

Charlie: Um Shadow?

Alastor: Does he always do this?

Charlie: No.

*Griffon flies in out of breath

Griffon: There...are some....demons knocking at our door....very...very aggressive like.

Griffon: Did not have enough-AHH!

*A piece of debris hits Griffon

Zegan: Charlie.

Charlie: What are you doing Zegan?!

Zegan: I am here to bring demons back into power.

Charlie: What do you mean?

Zegan: Your husband is part human. Those disgusting humans were only meant to bow to us not rule us.

Charlie: You can't just walk in and take it!

Zegan: Which is why I will kill all of you.

Charlie: Your mad. 

Zegan: Not mad. I want a future for the demons a future not in slavery.

*Charlie switches to her full demon form

Charlie: You have no right to storm in and take the throne!

*Charlie leaps at Zegan and get's shot by Silver

Silver: Sorry my queen.

Charlie: He will kill you all.

Zegan: We will see how strong that human is. Truly. Bag her up and get her going.

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