Clouded thoughts (hxh~bnha)

By automatic_11037

64.1K 2.3K 1.9K

Killua finds himself in a unfamiliar world. Things are different here and he doesn't understand them one bit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 25

1K 53 58
By automatic_11037

[third person pov, switches later on]

The next event was the cavalry battle, the way the event would take place was shortly explained by the r rated hero Midnight. And it wasn't until she revealed one thing did Killua really regret all of his past life decisions. He had gotten second place, meaning he was absolutely screwed. Well, less screwed then Midoriya but still fucked.

The event would be partaken in teams of four. Killua decided To sneak off to find Shinso while all eyes were on Izuku, good choice too seeing as when some realised they had no chance to go after the top they went to the second, only to find he had mysteriously poofed into thin air.

"TOSHI!!!" Killua shouted, tackling the insomniac boy from behind. Needless to say, both of them fell on their asses. Killua didn't care at all whether Shinso had plans for another team or not, he was self inserting himself into the other boys team whether he liked it or not.

"Get off of me!!" Hitoshi protested, shoving the albino boy off of him so he could brush himself up and get back into a standing position. It took one look at Killua and he could see right through him. He knew exactly what he wanted with those sickening yet oddly adorable cat eyes of his. "No, find a different team. I cant have second place on my team, it'll only draw more attention to us." Killua pouted, crossing his arms.

"But toshiiiii" he whined, latching onto the older boy's leg despite him trying to kick him off. "Pleaseeee! I'll make you my special coffee for an entire week!" The continuous kicking came to a halt as Shinso contemplated the offer.

"A month, and you take the closing shifts." Killua's face dropped, he didn't mind taking the closing shift sometimes. But every night for an entire month! That's asking for trouble. He opened his mouth to argue, but if the look on Hitoshi's face told him anything at all, it was that he wasn't up for bargains.

"Deal." He nodded his head, detaching from the other boy's leg and standing up to brush himself off. "But that means you take the morning shift!" He replaced his smile with his cat-like grin once again. Yet before Hitoshi could argue back this time, the speakers boomed as the countdown started. He mouthed a quick 'I hate you' to which Killua responded with an "I love you too" as their team got into position.

As soon as the battle started, almost every single team had gone after poor Izuku Midoriya's team. But they had themselves covered, so it wasn't for them to worry about. It was also as expected to have a few instantly go after Hitoshi and Killua, seeing as they had a specific fabulous looking fela- sorry sorry, since the one who got second place in that last round was on their team.

It wasn't that hard to stay out of the reach of the other teams, so what if Killua used a tiny bit of his power, his running, and so what if one of their teammates face planted halfway through the match. Point is that Hitoshi stayed in the air, and kept his points as well.

Killua was able to pass with Shinso's team. And the break started shortly after. Most of the other students wandered off to greet others, or pick up snacks before the next half of the tournament. Shinso had already walked off with the others, leaving Killua to stare as Izuku walked off with a strangely determined face.

And being the polite sweet bean he is, and how he would definitely never snoop. He followed Izuku only to find him and Shoto having a deep ass convo about childhood trauma. Honestly not what he expected, safe to say he left them to

Not knowing really what else to do while he waited for his classmates to finish eating, and for the crowd to die down so they could announce the next games. Killua sat in the crowd, at his own seat, far enough back not to cause attention, yet close enough to cheer on his friend. Because of course the first match had to be Izuku against Hitoshi.

The match started, and the crowd grew silent as Izuku froze mid place right after responding to Shinso. Killua smirked, there's no way the green bean would be able to break out of Shinso's quirk right? I mean, Killua was able to do it once but thats becuase hes fucking fabulous- sorry.

"FUCK YEAH!!" Killua shouted, pumping his fist in the air as he cheered....the rest of the crowd was now silently staring at the strange boy. "BEAT HIS FUCKING ASS TOSHI!!" Class 1A, scratch that, every single class was surprised. Not only was some kid from class 1A cheering on a general studies student, but also had been booing his own fucking classmate.

Shinso ignored Killua as the silence grew and Izuku began to walk away, presumably to the end line. And then it happened, he broke his fucking finger to snap himself out of Hitoshis quirk. The match quickly turned into a hand to hand combat with Hitoshi mostly on the receiving end. Izuku grabbed Hitoshi by the arm, swinging him over his side and slamming him into the ground.

He was out. Shinso was passed out, most likely from a concussion. Yet the crowd was anything but cheering. Silence reigned, even Izuku was still. Yet he was for a different reason. A certain pair of blue eyes were glaring into his soul from the crowd, wide and full of bloodlust. The speakers boomed once again, announcing that Midoriya had won the battle. He sighed, leaving the field and heading to the nurse's office.

But to his surprise, a small boy with messy white hair stood in the hallway, hands in his pocket and a glare on his face. Izuku was beyond confused, not only had he just seen this kid in the crowd, but he was quirkless above all that, so how had he made it here so fast?

In the blink of an eye Killua stood directly behind Izuku, holding his arm behind his back and pointing at his neck. This certain boy had been pissed off, so here he was. His hand was morphed into his own sharpened weapon, lightly grazing the other boy's skin, causing a small drop of blood to spill. Izuku did not dare speak, he couldn't, his mouth wouldn't open.

"Where'd you get that?" Killua's voice asked, it didn't sound menacing, but it most definitely wasn't kind. Killua gestured to a small bracelet on Midoriya's hand, it had been uncovered. He gasped for air just as the bloodlust died down, finally being able to speak.

"A little girl gave it to me before the match, she said it was for good luck!" He responded hastily, stuttering slightly as he spoke. Killua let go of his grip on Izuku and began walking away without a word. "Wait, I thought you were quirkless? What was that about?" He questioned a safe distance—or so he thought— away from Killua.

"That wasn't a quirk, idiot." Was all he said before he left, leaving Izuku to scramble off into the direction of the nurses office. Killua walked away, his bloodlust uncontrollable at that point. He walked past a few people, leaving them to collapse on the ground.

That bracelet, Alluka made it. Killua, Gon and Alluka were making bracelets together due to the smaller girl's request. And the fact that Izuku had it? It pissed the boy off greatly, it means Alluka is somewhere in this stadium alone. Unprotected. He was absolutely willing to tear the entire place down to find his sister.


[Killua's pov]

I searched and searched and searched. Yet the only fucking thing I found was some stupid kid i mistook for Alluka. I swear I'm going insane, and it isn't helping that I ended up being disqualified from the matches for quote on quote 'attacking' the fucking green bean. I swear to god when I get my hands on that bastard I'll

"Killua." My thoughts were interrupted by a loud Pom Pom. I turned around to face Katsuki, he had a look of absolute disbelief on his face. "You too huh." He mumbled. At first I was confused, until I assumed he had heard about my little incident with Izuku, I tried to play dumb but that was no use.

"I have no clue what youre talking about." I responded, giving him a light shrug. There was a prolonged silence before he began walking towards me. He stopped directly in front of me. Then it happened, he punched me. In the fucking face. In all honesty I let him do it.

"You know, you were the one who asked to be friends with me?" He spoke sternly, backing up. I lifted my head, wiping the blood from my face. It wasn't much but still existed so whatever. "You're just like that fucking nerd. You lied to me." Oh, so that's what this was about. He's upset cuz he thinks I lied about being quirkless.

"I didn't lie. Sorta." Okay that time i deserved the second punch, though this time I hit the wall. "Okay okay jeez- calm down! I didn't lie, I am quirkless." He didn't respond, just glared at me. I sighed, please for the love of god, why did the first person I talk to about this have to be the fucking Pomeranian.

"Then what the fuck happened with Izuku. He said your hand sharpened like a knife, and Your speed was beyond anyone else in the school. Not to mention he couldn't move. Wanna explain that?" I paused, taking a breath and wiping away the excess blood from my face once again.

"The hand thing was a technique I learned when I was a kid. The speed was nen, and the whole not being able to move thing? That was just him being a pussy." Katsuki was quiet for a moment, but he didn't hit me this time, instead he sighed and backed up, leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

"Am I supposed to know what nen is? Or is that some spicy word for quirk." I internally slapped myself. No reason in particular, mostly because I'm deciding him of all people to tell.

"You really wanna know Katsuki?" I asked, he paused before nodding his head. "I'm not from here. You know that part already" he nodded his head again, telling me to continue. "Where I'm from, nen is a kind of aura power thingy? Does that make any sense?" It was silent.

"When you say you aren't from here, you mean you aren't from this world. Don't you." I opened my mouth to respond but froze. How the fuck did he guess that, and why the hell is he so chill about it? "Eh, I've seen enough from you to guess."

"Okay first off, offended. Second off, do you actually believe I'm not from this 'world'" he nodded, waving his hand in the air for a moment.

"It isn't that hard to believe, just answer this for me. Who are you really? And I don't mean your name. Back in middle school you mentioned being a 'hunter'?" I thought for a moment, oh yeah, when I had my y/n moment and told Katsuki that I was a hunter. Honestly looking back on it, I regret my life decisions.

"I wasn't lying, being a hunter is kinda like a job? Or a title I guess where I'm from. Don't get me wrong, it is nothing like hero work. I wont get into it too much, just cuz it's hard to explain." I tried thinking of other ways to explain a hunter. "Strange beasts and monsters, vast riches, hidden treasure!" I began, there's no stopping me now. "Evil haunts, uncharted frontier. The mysterious unknown!" I reached my arm out, closing my eyes.

"The people who are captivated by the magic in those words. Are called." I paused for a more dramatic effect. "HUNTERS!!" I waited for a moment before opening my eyes to be met with a confused Pom Pom.

"Fucking weirdo." He mumbled "so, what did you mean by technique?" Why so many questions? What did I ever do to deserve this shit? Oh right, nevermind forget I even asked the question.

"I'm from a family of assassins." I waited for the wide eyes, or surprised face from Bakugo but it never came, he just listened. "I'm not with them anymore though, I sorta slashed my mom in the face and stabbed my brother. Then I ran away from home of course." I sort of let the words flow out, kinda reminding me of when I told Gon about my family. "So, you gonna tell everyone?"

"I'm not a snitch. Plus you're a trained assassin right? I wanna fight you before you go." I'm not surprised at all. Katsuki didn't say another word before leaving, and I don't exactly blame him. He still has a spot in the festival, and I do not.

And there goes that, once again I stand here telling myself this. That I just told a fukcing POM POM. My secrets, why am I like this? Don't answer that, I think I might know the answer.

To explain what had happened earlier, the bracelet Izuku was wearing was just some normal ass bracelet that some kid gave him. He wasn't lying to me, but recovery girl told me I should be getting more sleep, apparently not enough sleep is why I'm quote on quote, 'hallucinating'. Bullshit.

I sigh, leaning into the wall further before sitting down. My nose was still bleeding from Bakugos little outburst. But hey, a little crimson never hurt anyone right?...

Being able to just sit and think wasn't exactly something I have the liberty of doing most of the time. Yet something strange had been on my mind for a while now. Ito Tachihara, that kid I was investigating a while back. Even after talking with him and getting everything solved, something still messed with me. His words from that day.
'Are you lost, you aren't where you are supposed to be.' At first I had just assumed he meant trespassing, or messing with his illegal shit. But that couldn't be it, he knows more than I do.

His words flew around my head for a while as I continued to think back, quirks...he never mentioned having a quirk. In fact not once did anyone I talked to say anything about the little squirt having one. I just assumed the reason he was bullied was because he was quirkless, seeing as that was a common thing in this place.

Holy shit. Not where I'm supposed to be. Did he mean this world?! Fuck! I should have asked him more about it when I had the chance. God fucking damn it. Aizawa mentioned asking principal nezu if Tachihara would be allowed into the support course, as a way of keeping the kid safe.

I groaned, slouching more onto the floor until I just lay there, staring up at the ceiling. I don't know why I didn't think about it before. Squirt has some fucking explaining to do.

Words: 2564

Okay okay, before you come at me with a knife, it's the holidays, I've been busy! (Sorta) anywho- hey at least I finished the chapter confirming your guy's theory, and who knows maybe you have been right about other things as well. You never know ;)

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