
By tcsxkierra

11.6K 987 1.3K

-possession of control, authority, or influence over others- having too much power can be overwhelming, can... More

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316 22 81
By tcsxkierra


It was about 8 in the morning , We were all getting ready to hit the road the kids decided to ride with me and Rashun.

"Make sure y'all pack everything y'all need ! i don't want y'all forgetting anything" i slightly yelled.

Rashun finished packing bringing all of our suitcases downstairs "Baby why do you need 2 suitcases ? we only there for the weekend" Rashun chuckled

"A woman has to change her outfit for every event baby" I giggled , Rashun helped me bring the luggage into the car.

"Auntie we ready" Kierra and J drew came outside , they quickly hopped inside the car "Let me grab my phone " i went back inside.

I was hoping this trip would help us as a family, especially since Jacky decided not to come.

"Doe baby come on" Rashun yelled , i quickly ran down the stairs and went to the car.

My phone ranged "Yes mother" i say "Dorinda you better be out that house ! i don't have time for you being late " mattie yelled over the phone.

"Mama we about to go on the road now " i said as i put on my seat belt.

She hung up the phone "Make sure y'all buckled up" i said to the kids.

As we finally hit the road it was a bit quiet, i start to feel pain in my arms . i curled up on the passenger seat.

"You okay ma?" Rashun asked looking over as he rubbed my thighs "Mhmh" i replied

"Baby we here" Rashun gently tapped me and kissed my cheek , i sat there still curled up from the pain.

J drew & Rashun helped me out the car, i began limping "Hallelujah we made it!" Karen said getting out the car.

Karen instantly came over to me as she seen the condition i was in "Dorinda what happen? is everything okay?" She asked.

"I'm just a bit stiff today but i'm alright" i said with a fake smile , My mother also came over to make sure i was okay.

We walked into the cabin "Aw man, there's so many memories here , Karen and Twinkie was conceived here" Mattie whispered to me and Karen.

"Mama really" Karen spoke , we all laughed

Rashun and Me decided to go pick a room, i always had to have the best room when it came to trips.

"I love this! this is definitely ours" i smiled as i slowly sat on the bed "Baby you sure you wanna stay here all weekend? i don't want you stressing ma"

Rashun began to unpack "I'm sure babe, i promise i won't put my hands on anybody" i chuckled.

As we unpacked i heard some ruckus downstairs, Denise and Twinkie had arrived.

"Where's D?" Denise asked, i rolled my eyes walking down the stairs.

"Hey Doe!" Twinkie came slightly running to me "Hi big sister!" we hugged.

I walked over to check out the rest of the cabin, i seen baby pictures of myself and my sisters "Wish i could heal this little girl" i said to myself.

Staring at the picture i felt someone's presence behind me "You were adorable" My mother said rubbing my back .

I smiled "So you and Daddy use to come here a lot?" i asked

"Yes , especially when we were arguing a lot we decided to come here to help with the fighting so it could bring us closer" Mama says.

"I'm hoping y'all will continue the tradition, especially you and Rashun" she smirked.

"if we even stay together for that long" i shrugged my shoulders "Dorinda y'all will, he's a good man" my mother winked and walked away.

"Where the liquor !" Karen yelled and my mother hit her arm , i giggled

Karen quickly pulled me to the side "Doe, Denise wants to talk to you" Karen says

"I don't have anything to say to her" i spoke, Karen shook her head "Be nice Doe"

Denise continued to look at me with puppy eyes and the corners of her mouth down , but i didn't fall for it .. i wasn't ready to bond with her in any kind of way.

"Look who's here !" Jacky bussed through the front door making a big entrance, me and Karen instantly rolled our eyes "I thought she wasn't coming" i whispered over to Karen.

"I need a cigarette" Karen walked away, i quickly went upstairs as the others greeted Jacky

Rashun came out the shower with just a towel covering his bottom , staring him down i bit my lip "Don't start nothing ma" he said with a smirk

I playfully rolled my eyes "Baby i don't know about this dinner tonight , Jacky just arrived and i don't wanna have to jump across the table" i laughed

"That won't be happening Doe, don't let her upset you, pretend like she isn't there that'll help ma" He said as he dressed

I quickly grabbed a simple outfit to wear for Family dinner , with Jacky arriving i knew there was going to be some kind of drama tonight.

I went back downstairs as i heard my mother Karen & Kierra in the kitchen "Where's J?" i asked

"Upstairs on the game like always" Karen chuckled "Dorinda stir this for me" My mother said , i went over to the stove.

"I didn't know you could cook Dorinda" Jacky walked in the kitchen with a smirk , Karen quickly turned around "Jacky, please " Karen spoke

I ignored Jacky, i didn't want this trip to go wrong because of me or her.

"I can't simply say one thing to her? Karen please shut it" Jacky said

My mother walked Jacky out of the kitchen "No, not today Jaqueline"

After an hour of cooking the food was offically done, "You look good baby" Rashun pecked my lips

"Thank you babe" I quickly grabbed his hand as we walked downstairs

The food was set on the table so beautifully , it reminded me of when we had sunday dinner when all of us were younger.

"Y'all hurry up ! i'm hungry" Twinkie said we all sat down at the table "Alright let's do prayer" My mother and all of them gathered hands

"Come on Dorinda" Denise said, i hesitated but soon i joined them as my mother prayed

"Father god thank you for this food you have blessed us with tonight, continue to bless my family as we heal the pain that we have gone through over the years amen" My mother spoke

"Amen" we all said in sync, we began to dig in "So Twinkie and Karen have y'all thought about coming to the next session? i think we made some progress" My mother said

I sat there quietly as they spoke "Why you so quiet Dorinda? you giving up on the therapy sessions already?" Jacky said

Rashun looked over at me "Ignore her Doe" he whispered, i felt myself about to get upset as Jacky continued to pick with me

Twinkie shook her head at Jacky , i quickly finished my food.

Kierra and J drew finished their food "Kids y'all can go upstairs if y'all want" Karen said , they kissed her cheek and went upstairs

"So Dorinda how's prostitution going ? you know sending all thoses girls on the street to shake their ass for dirty money" Jacky said

I let out a small laugh "Jacky stop please" Denise said, she continue to keep her head down playing in her food.

I quickly got up "i'll be back, i have to use the bathroom" i brushed myself off "Yeah, do what you always do run" Jacky tried to mumble.

My Mother rubbed her head "Lord please" she spoke, i tried to keep my calm but i found myself walking over to Jacky.

"Look bitch!" i yelled as i punched her, she fell out of her chair .. glass shattered onto the floor

I continued to punch her, i told myself i wouldn't hit anyone but i felt my anger take over.

Everyone ran over to grab of me off of her, but my body wouldn't come up off of her.

"I'm tired of you ! why won't you die!" i yelled loudly "Dorinda no!" My mother yelled, as i continued to hit her tears slipped from my eyes

"Baby stop!" Rashun yelled in my ear , Jacky got on top of me and began smacking me . I threw glass on her face making her fall.

"Y'all stop !" Twinkie grabbed Jacky and Rashun grabbed me "Baby chill , it's okay" he spoke in my ear

My heart was palpitating wildly , i began to sweat "Let's get you cleaned up" Rashun spoke

I didn't talk , i wanted to but nothing would come out .. this was happening way to often. i would be in a uncomfortable situation and couldn't speak.

"Dorinda i'm sorry , mama i told you Jacky didn't need to come" Karen said as she helped Rashun get the blood off me

"Karen we don't know when Dorinda is gonna pop off, y'all don't need to be fighting like this"My mother spoke

"Just make sure they aren't near each other the rest of this weekend" Rashun said, he carried me upstairs

"Dorinda why aren't you speaking ? what's wrong" he helped me changed my clothes, i felt stuck.. the words were flowing through my head but i couldn't respond.

"Baby, it's okay talk to me" he lift my chin up seeing my eyes fill with tears.

"I'm just so tired of her shun, i'm so tired" i cried into his arms finally being able to speak.

Hey y'all ! Happy new years 💕...


how we feel about this chapter ?

Do y'all think Mattie is protecting Jacky's Actions ?

How do y'all feel about Dorinda's Diagnosis?

Was Dorinda wrong for continuing to put her hands on Jacky?

Can the trip recover from tonight ?

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