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  Dorinda rushed over to Karen's house , she was so upset that Drew would do something like that to his Son .

Dorinda parked the car in the middle of the one way street and banged on the door

"Don't be knocking on our door like that Dorinda!" Drew yelled , Dorinda punched him in the face

He fell to the ground making Kierra and Karen run down the stairs "You gone stop talking to me like i'm a bitch Drew !"

Kierra instantly grabbed her Auntie as she watched her kick her father in the face

Karen also held Dorinda back "Where the fuck is my nephew !" Dorinda yelled , "Auntie he left we don't know where he went" Kierra said in a shakey voice

"Karen and Kierra let's go " Dorinda said closing the front door , they followed her lead and went inside the car .

"Where do y'all think J could be at?" Dorinda said with blood on her hand "Doe if you need me to drive i'll drive " Karen said looking at how shaken up Dorinda was .

"N-No it's fine , Kierra do you know where J drew could be ?" Dorinda said ,

"He's always at that boy house , he could be there" Kierra replied , Kierra gave a address and Dorinda went J drew could possibly be located .

Once they arrived Dorinda knocked on the door and a young teenage boy came to the door "Where's J drew tell him let's go" Dorinda said to the young boy and J drew came to the door

"Auntie i ain't going back to that man house" J drew said , "Shut up boy you going to my house" She said pulling him by his ear

He let out a smile , They got into the car and they drove to Dorinda's house

Karen sat in the car with her head down disappointed with Drew

They made it to Dorinda's house , Dorinda showed the kids where they would be sleeping .. they was just excited to be over there aunts house .

Dorinda and Karen sat on the couch "Karen it's gonna be okay , Drew is just being a typical asshole right now .. until then the kids can stay here" Dorinda said as she rubbed Karen back

"I know Doe i'll be fine, how's everything with you though ?" Karen asked

"Well , when you called i was in the middle of something with Rashun" Dorinda said , Karen dramatically gasped

"Oh my god D i'm sorry , if i knew that i would of called mama" Karen said

"No Karen you did the right thing by calling me, it didn't mean anything anyways" Dorinda said brushing it off

"What do you mean Doe ?" Karen asked

"I mean i just feel like it's another situation,I don't think i could have anything special with him" Dorinda said

"Dorinda don't block your blessings just because you're scared , when's the last time you been in a relationship? . Just give him a chance" Karen spoke

Karen was right , Dorinda did block her blessings a lot when it came to men .. she was just afraid because she never had a real relationship.

It's been a few days since J drew & Kierra been at my house , i loved having them around .. they were great helps and had great manners

"Kierra make sure to clean your room , y'all might have to go get some stuff from home" i yelled by the stairs

Karen has been coming over everyday to check on the kids , i knew she was going through alot with Drew & J Drew fighting so i decided to let the kids stay with me .

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