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  Rashun dropped Dorinda off to Mattie's house and headed back over to check on the girls .

Dorinda knocked on the door and sat there waiting for a while for someone to come open .

She quickly turned around getting ready to leave but they finally opened the door "Auntie Doe??" Dorinda heard a young women say , she turn back around to see her niece Kierra

"Auntie doe !" She ran up to Doe and gave her the tightest hug , Doe let out a small smile "Kiki!" Doe yelled ,

Kierra was like a daughter to Dorinda , the only people Dorinda was worried about before leaving was Kierra and her brother J drew .

Dorinda didn't want to leave her niece and nephew because when she left she knew it would change them the most .

"I missed you so much auntie come in! " she said grabbing Doe's hand .

They walked inside the house and there was J Drew and Twinkie on the couch and a cooking Karen in the kitchen .

J drew sat there for a while before he noticed Dorinda "Auntie !" he ran up to Dorinda like he use to when he was younger .

"J drew you gone mess up my dress !" Dorinda laughed as he kept twirling around her like he would do his mother .

She kissed their foreheads as they laid on her chest hugging her , they even started tussling .

"J drew move !" Kierra slightly pushed him off of Doe "This is my auntie too nigga!" he yelled

"Excuse me J drew watch yo mouth, Kierra and J drew go eat" Karen said coming out the kitchen .

They went in the kitchen and Dorinda sat down on the couch , "Hey Dorinda , how's everything going ?" Twinkie asked

"Um, everything's fine i guess " Dorinda replied while looking around "If your wondering is Jacky and Denise here they aren't " Twinkie said making Dorinda feel more comfortable

Karen came out of the kitchen and hugged Dorinda  "I'm so sorry about the other day , today it's just us.. Jacky and Denise went out with Denise's Husband and mommy is upstairs" Karen said

Dorinda looked over at Karen and Twinkie smacked her forehead, "Her husband.. when did she get married ?" Doe asked ,

"She got married to Damon a few years ago" Karen went on . Twinkie looked over at Karen trying to tell her something with her facial expressions

"Damon !?" Doe yelled , "The fuck you mean she's married to Damon ?" she continued "Lord help us " Twinkie said shaking her head .

"Let me guess you wasn't suppose to say anything?" Dorinda looked at karen

Damon was Denise's boyfriend that sexually assaulted Dorinda.. because of him everybody thought Dorinda was a liar .

"Dorinda calm down" Twinkie said grabbing Dorinda "No i'm not gonna calm down when she's still married to a rapist ! what kind of sister is that ?" Dorinda shouts

Kierra and J drew ran out to see what was going on "Is everything okay Auntie?" J drew asked .

"She's fine guys go finish your dinner " Karen said shooing them away ,

The front door flew open, there was Jacky with bags in her hand with Denise behind her

"Oh lord" Twinkie said shaking her head

"So we got the.." Jacky's words cut off as she seen Doe standing up with a angry look .

"Why is she here?" Jacky asked "Jacky don't start today please , this is our sister and she deserves to be in this house just as much as us" Karen said

Dorinda stood there pacing back and forth , she couldn't even look at Denise .

"Every time i step in this house it's some bullshit" Dorinda spoke to herself

"I don't speak to liars ! where's my mother " Jacky yelled going up the stairs .

"Hey Dorinda" Denise said , Karen instantly shook her head "Uh uh " she said letting Denise know not to say anything to Doe .

"Dorinda what's wrong ?" Denise asked continuing to pick with Dorinda

"You wanna tell me why you married Damon ?" Dorinda laughed

Karen and Twinkie moved the table back as they heard Doe laugh .

Denise couldn't speak .. she gave Dorinda a look as if she was nervous "Dorinda i can explain" She said

"Okay explain to me how your younger sister was raped by your boyfriend and you continued to be with him and then later on marry him" Dorinda said with a laugh

"Your lying .." Denise whispers with her head down , Karen let out a sigh, Dorinda's eyes instantly seen red .. before she knew it her fist hit Denise eye .

Dorinda was the fighting type , she didn't care to hear the talking she just instantly wanted to fight .

Denise grabbed Dorinda and pushed her to the floor , Dorinda instantly got up and kicked her constantly .

"Oh my god they're gonna kill each other !" Karen yelled , J drew and Kierra came out the Kitchen trying to pull Dorinda off of Denise .

Dorinda wouldn't stop , it was like something had gotten into her "Auntie ! Auntie Stop !" Kierra yelled with tears .

She knew how crazy her auntie was .. she didn't want her to go too far and kill her other aunt .

"My husband didn't do that to you ! " Denise yelled with blood flooding from her mouth .

Dorinda didn't respond , tears didn't even come out she just stood there in J drew's arms looking at Denise .

"Dorinda listen to me, ignore her " Karen said but Dorinda didn't respond .

Jacky rushed down the stairs seeing blood drip from Denise mouth .

"What would it take for y'all to believe Dorinda is lying ? a person who isn't lying wouldn't constantly beat on her sisters for saying the truth !" She yelled

"Jacky you're provoking her stop !" Twinkie yelled ,

Twinkie was the only one who could get everyone to calm down , when she yelled you knew to stop .

Dorinda was still in J Drew's arms at this point , she stood there quietly hearing everything her sisters were saying .

"No twinkie ! you know you don't believe her either !" Jacky said "I believe my sister , she would not lie just to lie!" Twinkie yelled again

Dorinda finally spoke "If he didn't rape me why do i have Avascular necrosis?" Dorinda spoke

Karen gasped hearing what her sister said "Huh Jacky ? why do i have that Disease if Damon didn't beat me so badly ?" Dorinda continued

Denise slowly looked up hearing Dorinda's words , they were all shocked because their mother had the same Disease due to childhood trauma .

Tears dropped from Denise face "What Dorinda?" Jacky said in confusion , Kierra's tears stopped as she heard her aunt .

"I have Avascular necrosis" Dorinda repeated with tears in her eyes , J drew hugged his auntie tightly as she cried in his arms .

"Oh my god .." Twinkie said with her hand covering her mouth , Jacky was still in denial but after the others heard her diagnosis they instantly felt for Dorinda .

Mattie slowly walked down the stairs due to her being on bed rest "What's going on in my house ?" Mattie said with her cane .

"Mama .. Dorinda has something to tell you" Jacky rolled her eyes with her arms folded .

"Why is my baby crying J drew ?" Mattie asked "Grandma she has Avascular necrosis" J drew said , Mattie's jaw drop and she ran over to Dorinda hugging her .

"It's okay Dorinda its okay " Mattie rubbed Doe's back , this confirmed a lot for them due to their mother having the same disease .

Hey yall ! how do we feel about this chapter ?

Is Denise wrong for marrying Damon ?

Do you think the sisters will be there for Dorinda more now ?

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