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"Dorinda! Dorinda" i heard my mother's voice yell through my house, i rolled my eyes as i rolled over in the bed

"I know you heard me girl!" My mother snapped seeing me still in the bed

"Mama im not in the mood to hear you blame me if that's what you came to do" I sigh

"Dorinda you can't run every time someone say's something to you, You and Jacky are too old to be bickering like children" Mattie said

All i could do was rub my head, everything Dr loveland said went in one ear and out the other

"You been like this for years Mama, i was sexually assaulted by Denise husband who she is currently still married to if you didn't know" I said sarcastically

"Your daughter Jacky wanted that to happen to me just because of jealousy and wanting to be with her sisters husband.. but when i attack Jacky because im defending myself it's a problem?"

"Jacky is the main one you need to be concerned about 'I don't understand how you can't see something is mentally wrong with her, but that's your first baby girl right?" I snapped

My mother looked at me as her lips started to shiver "Dorinda you cannot continue to use this over and over for an excuse of your behavior.. we've tried to get you help-" I cut her off before she continued

"Tried to get me help? what are you talking about?" I asked, my mother sat in silence with her head tilted to the side

Everything started to come together, My mother's idea for getting therapy wasn't so the family could heal together but because she thought i was the problem

"Y'all think i-i'm crazy?" tears started to fill up my eyes i wiped my eyes before any could fall

"Dorinda" She tried to grab my arm but i instantly yanked away "No" i cried

I grabbed my keys and left out the house, so many thoughts were running through my head

Everyone thought i was crazy which hurts me the most, i expected my family to be there for me especially since we've grown up

"Dorinda! don't you drive that car!" my mother yelled as i got into the car

I quickly drove away, i wasn't sure where i was going but i needed to get away from everyone

My phone was ringing, i looked down to see Karen's name flashing across the screen

I answered the phone quickly, i knew mama probably called her but Karen & Twinkie were the only ones who atleast cared

"Dorinda where are you going?" Karen's tone was loud, i could tell she was upset

"I-I don't know" i cried

"Dorinda come here now, stop crying you shouldn't be driving while your emotional" Karen said over the phone

"Okay" i said and hung up, i switched lanes and headed to Karens

When i arrived she was on the porch with her robe on standing with Kierra

"Auntie" Kierra yelled, she ran over like a little girl and hugged me tightly.. i gave her a slight fake smile

"Don't cry" she whispered in my ear as she held me

No matter how many times someone told me not to cry it felt like those words made me break down anyways

Karen joined us as we hugged "Come on let's get you in before it started raining"

I sat down on Karen's couch and laid my head back "Kierra let me talk to your aunt" Karen spoke

Kierra huffed and Karen gave her a look, she instantly ran up stairs

I chuckled a little a bit "That girl getting besides herself, i'll bring my bag of belts out" Karen laughed

"Now what's wrong with you? why is mama crying panicking "Dorinda done left this damn house crying" Karen mimicked my mom making us laugh

"Mama came over telling me how me and Jacky are too old to be bickering, then she mistakenly said "We've tried to get you help" i explained

Karen's jaw dropped "So the therapy was basically just for you?" Karen questioned, i nodded

Karen sigh "i'm so sorry Dorinda" she hugged me tightly "S-She think's i'm crazy" i cried

"Dorinda you are not crazy, your pain isn't healed and that's okay everyone needs healing in this family.. we've all been through some traumatic things but i know god got us" Karen said

I nodded and laid on her shoulder


Years ago..

"Hey baby girl how was school?" Elbert hugged Dorinda, she had just came from her first day of school which she was nervous about

"Hey daddy! school was okay, i just felt nervous about it but once i got settled i was okay!" Dorinda smiled showing her braces

Karen came into her daddy's office with a smile on her face "Hi daddy!"

Dorinda left the office to see Damon and Jacky arguing, they got silent after they seen Dorinda

"Dorinda bye" Jacky waved Dorinda off and rolled her eyes "Hey Dorinda! how was school?" Denise came from around the corner with a wide smile

"It was good" Dorinda gave her a smile back, Twinkie and Mattie were away on a trip

"Come on let's go set up for practice today" Denise said to Dorinda

Dorinda was confused on what Damon and Jacky could of possibly been arguing about


Hey everyone! heres a fill in chapter for Over-Throned

Should Dorinda remove mattie from her life again?

What could Jacky and Damon arguing about?

Opinions on the book in general?

Do we want to see Madam Dorinda again?

Is Dorinda using SA as an excuse?

Let me know your thoughts! i love hearing you guys feedback <3

ᴏᴠᴇʀ-ᴛʜʀᴏɴᴇᴅ ☆

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