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"Karen that hurts!" i yelled as she was fixing up my hair "Well maybe if you wouldn't sleep with your wig on" Karen rolled her eyes as she brushed.

"Hey baby" Rashun walked in with grocery bags "Hey babe, thank you for going shopping i haven't been able to do anything" i rubbed my forehead

"Baby relax, it's cool i don't mind" he kissed my lips and Karen giggled, I hit her arm

"Karen let me talk to him" I spoke, she nodded and went upstairs.

"Wassup baby? what you wanna talk about?" He asked "I need to tell you something, i wanna be honest with you before you found out from someone else" i say

He nodded "Travis from the club came over here the other day, for some reason he wanted to check up on me" i explained

"So? what happen?" He sat down on the couch giving me his attention.

I felt myself become nervous, i didn't know how Rashun was gonna react to such news.

"Nothing much, he was just making sure i was okay since people were saying i was laying low. but i wanted to let you know that before our relationship i did have something with him" I played around with my hair as i spoke.

"You mean a sexual relationship Dorinda?" i heard the tone in his voice change "Sadly yes, but baby i promise it's not happening anymore i just wanted to be honest with you" i spoke in a quavering voice

His leg began to shake as he rubbed his head.

"Baby, i ain't mad at you i understand you had to do what you had to do but i don't want him coming around here at all Dorinda, if y'all don't got nothing going on anymore what he coming over here for?" He asked

"I don't know Rashun, it's been on my mind ever since, i really don't know"

He came over and held me tightly "Dorinda i'm not upset, just don't let that nigga come back around here"

I nodded, i gave him a few pecks on the lips and went to go get dressed.

Karen decided to finally let the kids go with Drew "Dorinda what if he hits J" Karen paced back and forth.

"Karen he isn't gonna hit my nephew, he knows better" i winked "Dorinda no, you are suppose to be on bed rest. Your lucky we have this session today or else your butt would be in the bed" Karen scolded

I rolled my eyes "Come on let's hurry before mama be calling us" I said

I grabbed my purse and coat heading out the door with Karen, Karen said her goodbyes to the kids.. hugging them tightly and kissing their foreheads.

"See y'all later, call us if Drew does anything stupid" i yelled

"Bye Auntie!" J Drew & Kierra said in sync, Rashun blew me kisses and i giggled.

"So today we have your sister Karen here, we're gonna have Twinkie next week. i wanna bring them in slowly i know this can be overwhelming for you all " Dr Loveland spoke

We all nodded, "Denise always got her head down" Karen whispered over to me, i shook my head.

"So how was the trip?" Dr Loveland began writing on her notepad.

We all sigh, "It was definitely something" Mama said "Dorinda why don't you start off, what was your opinion on the trip?" Dr Loveland asked

"Well, i thought the trip would be relaxing and a great time to reconnect with my family but.."

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