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I woke up to knocking on my car window "Dorinda ! Dorinda" my mother yelled behind the window , i jumped up seeing her .

"Girl get yo butt home !" she said , i shook my head and drove away ... i didn't even notice that i fell asleep last night .

Once i got home my phone ranged "Here we fucking go" i said to myself .

"Dorinda can you please come over , i need someone to talk to J drew" Karen cried

"Karen don't cry , i'll be right over i promise" i hung up the phone and quickly ran out the door .

Getting into my car i pushed my foot down on the gas pedal driving away quick .

I didn't know what was going on with J drew but i knew if Karen was crying it was serious .

After making it to Karen's i knocked on the door , my niece Kierra came to open "Hey Auntie!" she said excited

"Hey baby , where's everyone at " i asked , she walked me into Karen's front room .

All i heard was Drew yelling at J drew while he sat on the couch with his head down embarrassed .

Karen was in the back of Drew with her arms folded .

Drew looked over at me and was stunned "When they said you were back i didn't believe them " He said with his hand on his hip

"Well i'm here now" i rolled my eyes and walked over J drew .

"What the hell happened boy ? why is he yelling at you this much" I asked J Drew

"Go ahead and tell her J drew" Kierra said with a smirk

"Kierra shut up bro !" he yelled and she giggled , "Kierra don't provoke him " Karen said

"While i was at the club that night , i took drugs but i didn't mean to i just got caught in the moment and i wasn't thinking Auntie" he spoke

"Pops being the controlling father he is , he made me take a drug test" J drew said

I let out a sigh "J drew" was all i could say , "Hell right you weren't thinking ! i am not being controlling because i want to make sure my son isn't out here doing ungodly things! i should beat the shit out of you !" Drew said

Drew was always the most hard on J drew , he wanted J drew to have such a perfect life but J drew wasn't up for that .

"Drew stop !" Karen grabbed Drew and took him upstairs .

"Kierra come sit" i said , she sat in the middle of me and J drew .

"Look , i know y'all might think what i do is cool but it isn't .. i do what i do so i could survive while i was distancing myself from this family, J drew drugs is not okay .. it can turn you to a whole other person , you'll never be yourself again " I spoke

"I know auntie and i was wrong , i just wish pops was more understanding like you .. it was hard when you were gone because i never had anyone on my side" he explained

I rubbed his back and hugged him tightly "I understand J drew , but now since you chose to do what you did you have to deal with the consequences, your father is speaking the truth he's just bad with speaking in a normal tone" i explained

"Kierra comfort your brother , im gonna go check on your parents" i spoke , Kierra shook her head and i walked upstairs .

I could hear the madness in Drew's voice and Karen trying to calm him down, The noise began to quiet down as they seen me walk through the door .

"We don't need you coming to save our family after all theses years , you haven't even asked god to forgive you for your sins you trick !" Drew yelled

Karen smacked him "Don't you ever speak like that to my sister ever again ! They are like her children too !" Karen yelled

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