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"Damon I'm pregnant" Jacky cried feeling embarrassed "What you crying for Jacqueline! that's a good thing" Damon quickly kisses her forehead sprinting around the room excited.

"Damon do you know what could happen? my father will kill me and you, not only my father but Denise too. I know I'm already in this too deep with you but I still care about my younger sister" Jacky tears continued to fall

"Look I'll raise the child if you want since you care about Denise that much, Jacqueline when will you understand that you don't give a fuck? hell you made me rape Dorinda! you're a sick person and you need to understand that" Damon buckled his pants

Jacky took Damon's words in and began to cry more, she wanted Damon to scare Dorinda off so she wouldn't wanna be around him. Even though Dorinda was younger than him Damon found Dorinda attractive, she had the prettiest eyes and the brightest smile when she entered any room.

"Damon how could you use that against me? I asked you to scare her off, so she wouldn't want to be acting all grown! I care about all of them" Jacky yelled

Damon grabbed Jacky's neck "Jacqueline calm that shit down! whether you like it or not Dorinda will always be better than you and you can't accept that" He chuckled

Damon kissed Jacky's neck before releasing her from the hold he had her in.

"I'm so sick of you!" Jacky wiped her tears as she grabbed her purse heading out of Damon parent's house.


"Alright Ms Clark you're free to go I'll be back with your discharge papers" the doctor smiled at Dorinda, Rashun made Dorinda go to the hospital after she wasn't feeling well.

As Dorinda got herself together she heard a slight knock on the door "D-Dorinda?" she turned around to see Travis standing in the door way

"T-Travis what are you doing here?" Dorinda stuttered, she knew the last conversation she had with Travis didn't go so well.

"I hurt myself playing ball with the boys, you okay?" Travis walked up to Dorinda

"I-Im fine just had a problem but I'm fine I promise" Dorinda chuckled

"Did my dad do this to you?" Travis lips began to quiver as he seen the bruises on Dorinda's arm

"N-No what? Travis what are you talking about?" Dorinda felt herself become nervous not knowing how Travis would react

"Doe you told me you hope my father rots in hell, he had to do something to you"

"Travis I told you I'm- Dorinda what did he do to you?" Travis continued to ask

Dorinda nervously chuckled feeling Travis glaring at her with his chest tight and fists clenched.

"Travis your father has been sexually assaulting me since I was a pre teen, and he recently just did it again" Dorinda laughed

Travis gave her an confused look as she laughed "I thought he would never do it again, but he has his sneaky ways and eventually he caught me by myself"

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