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For the most part everything was going good, I've felt better since I've stopped going to the therapy sessions. Surrounding myself with Jacky & Denise did nothing but upset me.

Karen and I decided to go over to Twinkie's house, we had a-lot of catching up to do with Twinkie.

"Hi sister!" I ran up to Twinkie as we seen her already standing with her door opened.

"Hey D!" Twinkie smiled

Karen soon hugged her after me, after we greeted Twinkie we sat our things down and went over to her kitchen. Karen grabbed a bottle of wine out of Twinkie's cabinet.

"So I know y'all have something to tell me, I can tell from the look on y'all faces" Twinkie laughed

Karen looked over at me, insisting I begin first

"Well, you know how I was messing around with that boy Travis?" I asked, Twinkie simply nodded.

"Basically I went out one day after leaving Karen's house, As I sat down Drew walked up to me starting his bullshit" I explained

"Once Drew walked away my whole mood changed seeing him so I decided to leave, As I was walking out Travis stopped & greeted me. He told me he was here with his "dad" which threw me off because the only children Drew has that we know of is Kierra & J drew" I continued

As I spoke Twinkie's eyes lit up "So me & Karen put two & two together and- I think He's Denise's child" Karen cut me off.

Twinkie chuckled "That could be a possibility , but at the same time Jacky supposedly took Denise to get an abortion" Twinkie added


"So, y'all looking at it the other way around" Twinkie laughed

Me & Karen stared at each other for a while "Lord help us" Karen rubbed her head looking away from me.

It was all started to add up in my head, I chuckled to myself as I was caught into my thoughts. Could Jacky be so angry at the fact that she had to hide her child because Damon wanted nothing to do with her?

"Dorinda" Twinkie snapped her fingers in my face

"Sorry y'all I'm just thinking" I giggled

"Well enough about them, Doe have you been okay mentally?" Twinkie asked with a smile at me.

"I feel a lot better after skipping out on those therapy sessions, the sessions were making me feel crazy and nobody want's to feel like that" Karen & Twinkie nodded

We sat in Twinkie's kitchen for about an hour switching from different topics.

"Well I'm gonna head to mamas house, no telling what Jacky putting in her head" Karen shook her head

"I'm gonna go get ready for tonight" I added

"Aht aht, where you going D?" Twinkie asked

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