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Dorinda fell asleep in her car after being so worn out , she had a habit of over-working herself even in uncomfortable situations .

It began to get dark as she slept there without a care in the world while her car was parked in the lot behind her house .

"Ugh" Dorinda whines as she woke up from her nap , her head was still pounding from last night events .. she decided to finally get out the car .

She dragged herself to the front part of her house "Fuck" she whimpered in pain .

When she settled in her house she flopped her body onto her bed "Finally" she thought to herself , she was barely home thats why she never thought about having kids or even getting married .. that just wasn't her thing .

Dorinda still wasn't feeling well , this was making her upset with herself because she hated being sick .. she didn't have time to sniffle in the bed . she had to get that money .

Dorinda walked into her bathroom and grabbed a bottle of medicine out the cabinet , after taking the medicine she looked at herself in the mirror .

She was never ashamed of her new lifestyle ..she always thought "it is what it is" and she didn't care if people didn't like it .. especially her family .

She couldn't look at her mother in the face anymore knowing her mother let somebody hurt her kneebaby ..

It made her sick to her stomach when someone spoke about her family .

Getting out of her thoughts Dorinda grabbed a pregnancy test that she always kept in the bottom cabinet in her bathroom .

"I bet not be pregnant!" she said out loud , a few moments later she peed on the stick . She sat it down on the counter waiting for the results .

Soon she washed her hands with extra soap , Dorinda didn't play that gems shit .

She stood there tapping her fingers on the sink

The results finally started to come in , "Aw hell nawl ! i can't be no damn pregnant !" she yelled .

She thought to herself for a while "Dammit Dorinda ! we always use a condom why didn't you do it last night !" she spoke smacking her hand onto her head .

"I'm not keeping this baby , sorry but you have to go ." she said pointing at her stomach , she knew she was going to planned parenthood in the morning without a hesitation.

She threw the test away and went to bed .

  Dorinda woke up to loud bangs on the door "Who the fuck is knocking on my door like that !" she screamed and the knocks quickly stopped .

She walked over to the door , she was surprised cause everybody on the block knew not to knock on that door early in the morning .

Once she opened the door she was stunned , there was her two older sisters Jacky and Denise .. the two she couldn't stand the most .. but out of everybody she mostly hated Jacky .

Jacky was basically the girls second mother growing up .. she always had to stay responsible for her siblings ... at one point Dorinda did admire Jacky .. but all love for her was lost after that day ...

"What the fuck are y'all doing here ? How do y'all know where i live ? " Dorinda tried to shut the door but Jacky instantly pushed it back open .

"When you are the Detroit Hoe everybody knows where your pussy is at" Jacky said rolling her neck .

"Who the fuck are you to push my door back open ? don't start with me i'll beat yo ass Jacky !" Dorinda strained her voice trying to yell .

"Sucked so many dicks you can't even remember it's your mothers birthday today ." Jacky said with her arm folded

Dorinda felt herself about to become angry , she balled her fist up ready to beat Jacky's ass , but she stopped herself

"Y'all two chill ! we are sisters .. we haven't seen Dorinda in 5 years Jacky cut her some slack " Denise said looking over at Jacky .

Jacky rolled her eyes hearing Niecy's words "Dorinda , we get you have distanced yourself from the family but the least you can do is come by and see your mother .. she has been worried sick about you ." Denise said

"Was y'all worried sick about me when y'all let that happen to me ? i don't think so .. so why the hell should i care that Mattie is worried about me !" Dorinda yelled

"Look Hoe , either come see your mother or don't .. but it would be a wonderful birthday gift if she seen you .. put your feelings to the side for your mom atleast " Jacky yelled

Dorinda pushed Jacky roughly "Bitch don't you ever call me a hoe! maybe i wouldn't be like this if y'all would of just been there for me, Tell Mattie i said Happy birthday.. but i'm not going back to that house !" Dorinda shouts in Jacky face .

Denise sat there trying to move Dorinda out of Jacky's face "Get off me ! leave me the hell alone ! i was happy before y'all popped back up ." Dorinda felt tears beginning to fill her eyes .

She quickly ran into the house and shut the door "Bitch i'm a thug , fuck i look like crying ." she said

Her phone ranged and she ran upstairs to her bedroom , she rolled her eyes seeing it was Rashun "What nigga?" she spoke with a attitude that you could see through the phone .

"You got some niggas down here for you"Rashun said mocking the way she spoke, she giggled a bit

"that's the first time i seen you laugh in a while" he said with a smile, Dorinda rolled her eyes and hung up the phone .

He was right though , she barely smiled .. if she did it was really small ..her happiness was taken away from her at such a young age

Elbert Clark ..

Two chapters in a day ?? i'm on a roll ! , let me know how y'all feel about this chapter ..

Should Dorinda go to Mattie's birthday party ?👀

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