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Karen decided to call Rashun after noticing Dorinda's behavior changing, he was pretty busy now that Dorinda wasn't on her Madam duties that much

He didn't mind, He actually wanted Dorinda to leave the industry and try to go back into singing but he knew she would need some real convincing

Dorinda sat on the bed in Karen's guest room with dried up tears on her cheeks, no matter how many therapy sessions her and the family went to she somehow always was the one everyone pointed fingers at

Dorinda heard a knock on the door "Come in" she said softly

Rashun opened the door with a wide smile on his face, Dorinda's eyes slightly lit up as she seen him "Hey ma" his arms held her waist as she jumped up

"I missed you" She said making him chuckle a bit "I missed you more but we gotta talk though"

Rashun wasn't prepared to talk to Dorinda 'knowing all the things she's been going through the last few months with her family, He knew Dorinda was tired of hearing everyone complain about her behavior

"What's going on witchu?" He asked

Dorinda sigh before speaking "This family is really taking a toll on me, the last few day's i've questioned myself on why did i even come back.. for the last few months any situation that has happened was my fault.. im just tired" Dorinda explained

Rashun could see her eyes becoming glossy which made his heart shatter

"I understand ma, the therapy sessions not helping?" He asked her

"Not really for Jacky and my Mother they act like they do nothing wrong, and i don't even know what's going on with Denise and to be honest i could care less"

"Everyone wants me to feel bad for her when she decided to stay with a man that sexually assaulted her sister" Dorinda shrugged her shoulders as she spoke

"I've tried everything Rashun.. i even went back to church for the first time in years, all i heard was whispers and even rumors about me sleeping with my sisters husband" Dorinda cried

Rashun pulled her in kissing her forehead "Baby we all know the real reason.. don't let those church folks get to you, everybody gone have they own opinions but that doesn't mean there true" Rashun said

Dorinda knew Rashun was right, usually she wouldn't give a fuck about what anybody had to say about her.. but ever since she got around her family again it was like she was more fragile and emotional

It seemed like her family had this hold on her which she didn't understand.. she thought it was just her inner child who wasn't healed

Rashun rubbed her back as she laid on his chest..all he could do was be there for her, Dorinda just wanted someone in her corner for once.. Luckily she had Karen, Twinkie, Rashun and of course her niece and nephew

Rashun pecked Dorinda's lips a few times "I love you and i gotchu forever" he said

"I love you more Rashun" she slightly smiled

"Kierra slam one more door! and imma slam my hand on yo ass!" Karen yelled outside the door, Rashun chuckled a bit

Dorinda walked out to the hallway "What's going on?" Dorinda asked Karen

"That girl is getting on my nerves D! i don't know what's gotten into her but you better get her before i remind her who her mother is!" Karen yelled hitting Kierra's door

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