Their Golden Heart

By StrayKids_LOV3STAY

22.6K 1K 377

Yeona is an ordinary girl, just like you and me. No horrible past, nor any other thing that makes her stand o... More

Before we start
1 - Han Jisung
2 - Lin Yeona
3 - Han Jisung
4 - Lin Yeona
5 - Bang Chan
6 - Choi Hyeon
7 - Han Jisung
8 - Lin Yeona
9 - Han Jisung
10 - Lin Yeona
11 - Han Jisung
12 - Lin Yeona
13 - Lin Yeona
14 - Hwang Hyunjin
15 - Lin Yeona
16 - Han Jisung
17 - Lin Yeona
18 - Choi Hyeon
19 - Lin Yeona
20 - Han Jisung
21 - Lin Yeona
22 - Bang Chan
23 - Lin Yeona
24 - Lin Yeona
25 - Lin Yeona
26 - Bang Chan
28 - Lee Felix
29 - Lin Yeona
30 - Lin Yeona
31 - Bang Chan
32 - Han Jisung
33 - Lee Felix
34 - Lin Yeona
35 - Lin Yeona
36 - Lin Yeona
37 - Han Jisung
38 - Hwang Hyunjin
39 - Han Jisung
40 - Lin Yeona
41 - Hwang Hyunjin
42 - Lin Yeona

27 - Lin Yeona

400 20 4
By StrayKids_LOV3STAY

As the end of the week is finally here, the classes today having passed without much happening. Just the usual amount of homework, annoyed teachers and bored students. After arriving home from school, I received a text from Jisung, asking me if I wanted to join him and the guys. They were planning on going to a pub together, wanting to have a fun night. Wanting to have some fun myself, I quickly responded with a 'count me in'.

So here I am, in a for me unknown bar, with the first shots of alcohol already in my system. The guys had suggested going here, saying that it wasn't too known, but that it had a great ambience. 

Turned out they were right. The music is great and the people here seem quite fun, at least that's my guess based on distant looks and actions. Ever since we have arrived, the eight guys have somewhat kept me in a corner, out of sight of anyone. They mean well of course, not wanting anything to happen to me, but I just want to have a good time, and I can't really have that when they keep me in this corner.

As I down another shot an idea pops into my head. The alcohol is already making its way into my veins and I know that it will soon enough show in my actions. "I'll get us another round!" I shout over the music, before walking towards Changbin, to pass him. Instead of him moving out of my way he stubbornly stays put, not allowing me to leave.

"Lee Know will get it," he says with a smug smile, to which I roll my eyes, groaning at them.

As my eyes follow Lee Know, who walks towards the bar, they land on a stranger. The guy seems to have noticed me trying to get passed the guys. Seeing the unknown male's worried looks, I use it at my advantage, glancing at the stranger with a begging look.

The male hesitantly walks up to the guys. Tapping Jisung on his shoulder, the stranger catches everyone's attention. The eight pair of eyes that are now on him seem to make him nervous, the male swallowing slightly before his eyes land on me. "Are these guys bothering you?" he asks, eyeing the seven guys with a bit of unease.

"Yes." I answers without a second thought, glaring at the guys who keep me stuck in this corner. Taking that response as his que, the stranger's hand wraps around my arm, pulling me out of the guys' circle.

The guys seem somewhat stunned, looking at me with wide eyes. Sticking my tongue out at them I happily follow the stranger away from the group.

Two arms wrap around my waist. A yelp escapes me and I quickly glance over my shoulder to see Felix holding me. Lifting me up, he effectively stops me from walking any further, my feet no longer touching the ground. "You aren't leaving us!" he says loud enough to be audible over the loud music, annoyance clear in his voice. The stranger's hand is still wrapped around my upper arm, the male looking quite unsure as to what he should do right now. "She came here with us," Felix tells him.

"Is that true?" he asks me, confusion eminent in his voice.

"Unfortunately..." I mutter while rolling my eyes. "They're my friends."

With that the guy chuckles before wishing me good luck with them, which I'm definitely going to need. The stranger shakes his head as he walks away. "Take me with you!!" I yell after him, kicking my feet to make Felix let go of me.

"Hey, stop it." Felix' hold on me tightens slightly. "I'm not letting you leave with some random guy."

Realising that moving won't make him let me down, I stop moving, crossing my arms in front of me with a huff. I pout at him while saying: "But he was nice, he wanted to safe me from you weirdo's."

"You're drunk, I'm not letting you leave with anyone but us." Felix shoots back, cocking his eyebrow at me before setting me down.

"I'm not drunk," I whine, "just tipsy."

Felix chuckles at that, shaking his head while taking me back to the other guys, who are chuckling at what just happened.

As I'm stuck between them again, Lee Know arrives with the new round of drinks. Taking a couple sips I let the alcohol flow down my throat. It doesn't take a lot of drinks for me and some of the guys to become visibly drunk.

While we're chatting and laughing, I suddenly realise what song is playing. My eyes widen and I start smiling brightly. Bouncing up and down on my toes I frantically tap Jisung's shoulder, trying to get his attention. As he turns towards me I shout in his ear: "This is my favourite song! Dance with me!" With that I pull him after me, away from the rest of the guys and towards the centre of the dance floor.

I barely notice how Felix, Hyunjin and a few of the others follow Jisung and me, joining us to dance. Swaying my body to the beat I close my eyes, letting the music taking control.

"You're not a bad dancer when you're drunk," Hyunjin says in my ear so I can hear him over the music.

"I'm not drunk! Not yet!"

"Right, whatever you say," chuckles Felix in response.

I just shake my head at them, dancing my heart out some more. Before I know it many songs have passed and me and the guys have danced without a break. Unlike them, I'm panting heavily. Shocked about their good stamina I watch them dance some more. As I turn around I trip over my own feet, barely managing to steady myself before wobbling back to Chan and Lee Know, who stood on the side line, keeping an eye on everyone. Stupid feet, why can't they just do as I tell them. "No tripping," I mutter to them.

Chan must have noticed my wobbly steps, quickly steadying me with his hands. "Yeona?" he asks, looking me over, before chuckling, "Oh my God, you're really drunk."

I groan at him, slapping his hand away. "I swear to drunk, I'm not God!" I explain to him for what feels like the thousandth time. Why does everyone keep saying I'm drunk? I'm just tipsy, and fun. Yeah. I'm fun.

"You're not God?" Lee Know snickers at me. I just shoot him a confused glance. I thought he and Chan were staying sober, guess I was wrong. Lee Know is clearly getting tipsy too, his random question not making any sense to me.

"Where is you're shoe?" Chan asks, confused.

"My shoe?" I look down at my feet. My left shoe is missing, showing off my brightly coloured sock. "I left it on the dancefloor." I explain the two males who look at me with confusion.


"To find my prince Charming of course," I explain the two dimwits.

"Your prince Charming?"

I roll my eyes at the two before sighing. "Have you never heard the story of Cinderella?"

"No, we have," Lee Know says snickering softly.

"Then it's simple right? I leave my shoe on the dance floor. Prince Charming finds it and brings it to me. I try it on, it fits, and we get married."

"You've never wondered why no one had the same shoe size as Cinderella?" Lee Know chuckles. I look at him confused, my mind trying to understand what he means. "There is definitely someone else here with your shoe size," the male explains.

I laugh at his dumb thoughts. "Of course there is, but no one here is wearing only one shoe, dummy," I snicker at him.

Chan joins me in my laughter, muttering something along the lines of 'she does have a point,' to Lee Know.

Our laughter stills as Lee Know taps me on the shoulder, catching my attention. Cocking his face to someone behind me he says: "Your prince Charming is coming." At that I quickly turn around.

"Yeona! Your shoe fell off!" Felix shouts as he walks up to us.

"Told you it would work," I mutter at Lee Know, sending him a wink before walking up to Felix.

The boy hands me my shoe with a sweet smile, which I return with a probably wobbly drunk one. Balancing on one foot I shove my shoe on, hopping from left to right to avoid falling. Someone suddenly shifts the floor below us, and unlike the others, who don't seem to notice, I lose my balance. With a yelp I fall towards the ground, only to be caught by Felix. The boy laughing at me, his deep chuckle barely audible above the music.

"Truly my prince Charming," I mutter under my breath as he helps me up. Muttering a thank you, I finish tying my shoe.

The rest of the night appears to be nothing more than a hazy blur; laughter of me and the guys, some drunk jokes, Seungmin tripping over his – or maybe someone else's – feet, some more terrible dancing with Jisung, way too loud singing along with music, kissing a guy while pressed against a wall, cold drips of rain on my face as the music seems to disappear, the engine of car and me falling asleep against the cold window.


Kissing a guy while pressed against a wall?!!

I kissed someone?

Who the fuck did I kiss?!

"Oh God, fuck," I mutter softly as I open my eyes, my head pounding and making it hard to think properly. I really need some painkillers, maybe I can ask my mom to make something to help without the hangover? Maybe it will help me remember, who the fuck I kissed. Please let it at least be somewhat decently looking.

Trying to push myself up something keeps me down. Blinking confusedly, I realise an arm is laying across my chest.

No, not one. Two.

One arm around my waist, another around my chest. Only now do I realise there are bodies on either side of me. Glancing left, I'm met with Jisung's sleeping figure. A soft smile spreads on my face. Careful to not wake him up, I lift his arm up, laying it beside me.

The second arm appears to belong to Felix, who is also still asleep. A soft smile is remaining on his face. Does he ever not smile?

Carefully sitting up and stepping out between the two guys, I stretch out, a yawn escaping my mouth. I freeze at the sudden realisation that this living room is not mine. It's the guys'. So I never got home? I quickly take out my phone, scared to see how many missed calls I must have from my mom. Yet when I open my phone, not a single missed call can be seen.

Auch. Did she not care at all?

Confused I open my messages, only to find that I have send her one last night. Never mind, I did not. Chan did. 'Yeona is quite drunk, just like some of the guys. She'll stay the night at our place. Don't worry ma'am, we'll take good care of her. -Chan,' the message reads. How did he get into my phone? Guess drunk me doesn't care about my privacy. At that I roll my eyes. Scrolling down a little further, my mouth falls open. A picture of myself, cuddling Felix and Jisung is send to my mom, with the text 'They're fast asleep,' below it.

I groan softly. My mom did not have to see me in that drunk state. Although, the picture is kind of cute.

Speaking of cute, as I was focussed on my phone, Felix seems to have noticed a missing body. Stretching his arms the sleeping boy finds Jisung. Rolling towards him he wraps his arms around him, the two now spooning each other, both still fast asleep.

Smiling at them, I quickly take a picture, the two too cute not to capture this moment. With that adorable picture in my phone, I walk towards the kitchen, making myself something to eat, while trying to get myself to remember the guy I kissed.

Why did I kiss someone, only to forget who it was? Groaning at myself I force my thought back to last night. I remember how a hand was holding the back of my head, the other hand on my hip. I do remember that his lips were really soft and that he was damn of a good kisser, but his face. No, my mind seems to find that unimportant as it made me forget only that part. 

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