Digimon Sonic Cyber Sleuth

Oleh metalgreymon2

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Sonic entered the Cyberspace of EDEN for the first time. However, he ends up draged into the core of EDEN, Ko... Lebih Banyak

Deep into EDEN! The Digital Monster program!
The Black Monster of EDEN!
Cyber body? The Kuremy Detective Agency!
Welcome to Hudie!
EDEN Syndrome!
Compassion and Bravery!
A Determinated Battle!
Chasing Mephisto!
Armor Digivolution!
The Black Winged One!
Roar! MetalGreymon!
Dark Reflection!
Sayo, the Night Claw of the Digital World!
Light of Hope!
Avalon Server!
K's Invitation!
Disapearing people!
Storm of flames, Vritramon!
Demons, Judes, and Evolutions!
Gold Miracles! Perfect Bonds Awaken!
The Noble of Darkness!
Raidiant Moon, Crescemon!
Team Dreamin!
Burning Courage, Fladramon!
Roaring Passion, Dynasmon!
The Sistermon Sister's Gym!
Security Hack
Hybrid Digimon!
Jogress! Shakkoumon!
Violet Moon, Dianamon!
Matrix Evolution!
CEO Kishibe? The Eater's evolution!
Deep into the Digital Sea!
Light of Life, Ofanimon!
Flame Dragons! KaiserGreymon!
Speed of Light, MagnaGarurumon!
Seven Hells, BlackSeraphimon!
Take Dive, MetalSeadramon!
Idol or not? Fly, AncientIrismon!
Protect the future, KaiserKnightmon!
Break into the Secret Room!
Warp Ultimate! Nokia's Decision!
Account Server!
The Tenth DigiDestinated!
The Final Presage
Akari's Decision! Awaken Rosemon!
VS Zaxon! The Holy Knight, Omegamon!
Beyond Ultimate! Burst Mode!
The Digital Wave Trap!
Kishibe's Secret! VS LordKnightmon!
The Paradise Lost Plan!
Rescue Yuuko! The Dimensional Door!
Chaos, War, and Arkadimon!
Lost Digimon!
Trap Ryuji!
Memory Bug! Burst Mode of Honor!
The Truth of The Eaters!
Hackmon's Ordeal!
Arata's Betrayal!
Yuuko's Decision! Rise, Siriusmon!
Knight of Avalon! Craniummon!
The True K!
The Eater Network!
Gluttonous Case!
Parallel World! VS Barbamon!
Dragon's Island! VS Examon!
Gulus Realm Burst!
Tower of Digital Waves!
Chasing Ryuji!
Cut the Heavens, SlashAngemon!
Awaken! The Imperial Dragon!
Hudie to the Rescue!
Hudiemon, awaken the dreams!
Long Lost Memories!
LordKnightmon's Final Stand!
Infiltrate the Metropolitan Building!
Digital Hazard! Dukemon!
Defeat Duftmon! DigiDestinated United!
The Will of Yggdrasil!
Into the Digital World!
The Mother Eater!
The Ture Enemy! Ragnamon!
The Final Miracle! Lunardramon!
From the New World!


81 1 0
Oleh metalgreymon2

Opening - Mikakunin Hikousen

Oh yeah! Tsuyogatte tobinotte kaze ni natte
Oozora kidou wo koero

Osaekirenai maenomeri na speed
Miraneta machi ga diorama ni naru

Futoumei na sora tsukinukerunda

Nayami toka fuman toka futtobashite

Manual doori no tabi nanka irane
Mayottemo furuetemo koudo agete

Oh yeah! Igigatte shikujitte tatchiagatte
Kimi to mitsumeru michi naru chiheisen

Saa tsuyogatte tobinotte kaze ni natte
Asu wo terasu taiyou mejirushi ni shitesa

Tonde ike jiyuu na GLORIOUS WORLD!

Episode 11 - Digital-Shift!

«MAY 18, 2018, 10:06AM»

A new day dawns in Tokyo. We enter Erika's room the Hudie Shop. Erika was still sleeping. Wormmon, however, was awaken. He looked at Erika, as saw her sleeping. Erika started to stir. She finally woke up.

Wormmon: Good morning, Erika!

Erika: Wormmon. Were you awake all night?

Wormmon: Nope! We Digimon too take out time to sleep!

Erika: You and the other seven behave so much like earthlings... (*knock knock*) Come in! (Akari opens the door)

Akari: Good morning, Erika! I hope I didn't wake you up!

Erika: I was awake already. Are you gonna stand at the door, or come in.

Akari: Uh, I'm pretty much holding a cop of coffee! 

Erika: It's fine. Just don't let it slip out of it.

Akari enters the room, holding her coffee. She sat down besides Erika, and placed her Digivice on the table, allowing Erika and Wormmon to see Palmon.

Erika: Akari, I've been menting to ask. Where are you getting the clues on the hackers that were raiding accounts lately?

Akari: You mean like Shiga and Mephisto?

Erika: Yeah. Are you investigating it off screne?

Akari: ... Not exactly. I got a friend helping me with it.

Erika: You may have played everyone else for fools, but not me. Come on.

Akari: ... Ok. The moment I started using my current account, everyone started suspecting I was hacking. Only my friend Yu believe me... I then got a call from this hacker named K.

Erika: K?

Akari: He gave me the names of those two hackers we took out. However, I'm starting to think he's just using me to take all hackers out of his way...

Erika: I see... You know, you should tell this to everyone.

Akari: He's one step ahead of me! I'm afraid that telling this to anyone could... (*knock knock*)

Erika: Come in. (Shadow enters the room)

Shadow: Morning. 

Erika: Morning.

Shadow: Akari, now of all times, you tell someone about K?

Akari: Huh?

Picodevimon: Don't play dumb! Shadow and I knew about it already! We heard him caling you!

Akari: Oh...

Shadow: Akari, hear me out. What ever happens or whatever K plans on doing, I'll keep my close eye on you, to make sure he doesn't do anything! I promiss we'll come to the bottom of this, and get your account back.

Erika: You got me as well. Just don't expect it to be free! But don't worry. I don't want money.

Akari: Well, what is it that you want?

Erika: Well, there's been a lot of Digital Wave abnormalities all over EDEN lately, right? So I asked Wormmon to look into it last light.

Palmon: What did he found?

Erika: He found an area in Shinjuku where the Digital Waves are really messed up.

Akari: So, you pretty much want me to take you there, right?

Erika: Correct.

Akari: Sounds fair. Shadow, you're comming?

Shadow: Can't go. I got a report to fill in fro GUN.

Akari and Erika noded. Akari took her Digivice, and Erika transfered Wormmon to her Alliance. A little while later, the two of them were also reaching the spot. However, Erika took one of her hands to her head.

Akari: Erika?

Erika: I'm fine. I haven't been out on such a clean day like this in so long. 

Akari: I think a little energy bar wasn't enough. You're sure you don't want to eat anything else?

Erika: I'm sure. (starts walking but bumps into someone) Whoa! (the person catchs her) Whoa! (looks up to see Sonic)

Sonic: Easy there! Are you ok?

Erika: Yeah. I wasn't looking. Sorry.

Sonic: Don't be! I to was distracted. Oops, gotta go!

Sonic went straight to his client. Arata was looking at his Alliance, trying to track down the out of normal signal of the Digital Wave. Suddenly, he felt someone taping his shoulder. He looked down to see Sonic.

Arata: Yo! I haven't heard of you since we got out of Kowloon!

Sonic: Sorry, I didn't have your phone number! So, I heard you called for a Cyber Sleuth to help you with the Digital Waves, right?

Arata: How come you know that? I called a professional agency!

Sonic: Pretty much because I work there! Soni Casterwill, your Cyber Sleuth for the day!

Arata: Well I'll be! Why am I not surprised?

Sonic: So, fill me in on the details. 

As Arata proceeded to tell everything to Sonic, Akari and Erika moved closer to the station entrance. As they did, they spoted a suspicious looking old man, who to looked like he was studying something.

Akari: That man...

Erika: He looks clearly suspicious.

Akari: You think he might know something?

Erika: I bet he does. Let's get going. (the two aproche the man who notices them)

Old man: ... Hrrm? Could it be that you have some interest in me?

Akari: Not really. You're just looking suspicious.

Old Man: Suspicious? Meeeeee? Gotta say I don't see it. No wonder people on the street kept shooting looks at me. They thought I was suspicious looking.

Akari: Well...

Old man: But that's odd... I got premission from the police to investigate and everything.

Akari: Uh, I think people are judging you by your looks.

Old man: What's that? It's my looks you say? What's so funny about them? Whoops, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Suedou Akemi. I am a resercer for the Kamishiro Enterprises.

Akari: Suedou Akemi...

Suedou: There's an abnormality in the Digital Wave values in this area. I came here to investigate.

Erika: ... me too.

Suedou: Oh, you too? My, my, what a coincidence! You came to investigate the Digital Waves too?

Erika: I, uh... I thought it could the cause of the recent phenomena...

Suedou: Oh... Yes, oh yes! What a fortuitous thing! It sees I've met some quite promessing youth!

Erika: Huh?

Suedou: Truth to be told, I've come here under the same suposition. What say you? How about we look it together? The wisdom of youth would prove invaluable.

Erika: What a nice guy!

Akari looked slightly suspicious. Back with Sonic, Arata was pretty much telling him everything he got, as he was looking at the signals from the Digital Waves within the area. However, as they were talking about it, something happened. They looked over to see something weird happening at the entrance of the station.

Akari: What in the world?!

Erika: Could it be that the high readings of the Digital Waves are what caused this?

Suedou: He... Hehehehehehehehehe!!!!

Erika: S-Suedo-san?

Suedou: ....Marvelous! Simply marvelous! I never thought I'd witness the moment physical objects would turn into information! Without a doubt, this is the cause of the phenomena!

Akari: W-What do you mean? What's going on?

Suedou: A state variation caused by the localized increase of the Digital Waves! A mutation? Transformation? No... "shift"! Yes! I'll call this phenomena a "Digital Shift"!

Akari: Digital... Shift...

Suedou: Oh, I wonder what's happening inside! Hehehe! I can't wait to see!

Akari: S-Suedou-san!

Erika: Let's go to! It could be fun!

The two girls followed Suedou inside. They entered the station, but didn't went to far, as they noticed that both Wormmon and Palmon were out of their Digivices. 

Erika: Our Digimon! It's--

Suedou: Oh, so you're hackers to, huh? The Digital Shift has entered deeper into the station! It's transforming it into the same in EDEN, right down to the Digital Monsters!

Palmon: Everything here's starting to turn into data?!

Akari: I can't believe this!

Erika: Digimon materializing into the real world... 

Suedou: I see. The interior is within the whirpool of a special Digital Wave! In other words, this is both the real world and a world made out of Digital Information.

Akari: Huh?

Erika: In other words... this place is starting to turn into a digital world! A world where we can hack!

Suedou: This phenomenon is still incomplete. Were it to envelop the entire world, all matter could be transformed!

Erika: The impossible would become possible... Amazing!

Akari: Transform all kind of matter...

Suedou: Hehe... My that's some flexible thinking you have! It's been a while since I've met someone that could follow my line of reasoning! The speed of your insights is unusual. Like, hmm... Are you... Mishima Erika-san?

Erika: H-How do you know my name?

Suedou: Well, if you must know, I'm--

Before he could finish the sentence, something apeared in front of them. It seems that the "Black Monster of EDED" also apeared in the Digital Shift.

Akari: LOOK OUT!!!

Suedou: Oh my, so there were some of these here! That's troublesome.

Akari: Huh? You know those, Suedou-san?

Suedou: Oh, so you have found an Eater before, have you?

Erika: Eater?

Suedou: Indeed. That's my reserch subject. I call it "Eater". Do be careful. Data in EDEN is endored when eaten away, its structure and algorithms sent into disarray.

Akari: In English, please.

Suedou: In other words, it glitches out. I can't say for sure to what extent the Digital Shift affects our bodies, in this space... Still, I doubt we'll get off scot-free.

Akari: So... what do we do about that Eater?

Suedou: Say lad. Would you do me a favour and try fighting that thing?

Akari: Fight him?

Suedou: I want to do a field study on wfether Digital Monsters have Resistance to Eaters.

Akari: I don't think we should use our Digimon as ginea pigs!

Suedou: Well, doesn't look like we hace a choice. That one's trying to aproche us.

Erika and Akari looked at the Eater. It was indeed aproching them. It unleached its move, the Endor Terminal on them. Everyone avoided it. Akari raised her Digivice.

«Them song - Be the Winners»

Akari: Ok, he wants to pick up a fight! Palmon!

Palmon: If that's how it's going to be, let's get him!


Palmon started to change. From one small plant, to a big cactus like Digimon. Not only that, the Digimon had boxing gloves on his hands.



Togemon unleashed her attack onto the Eater. However, it didn't do damage. The monster wasn't hurt at all, shocking everyone.

Akari: Togemon's attack didn't do any damage?!

Erika: How is that possible?!

Suedou: Oh, the Eater seems to be invunerable.

Akari: What are we supposed to do?!

The Eater charged up his attack again, the Endor Terminal. He unleashed it, hiting Togemon. However, she only took damage. Suedou took notes on everything that was happeninig. Togemon charged in.

Togemon: Try resisting to this! COCONUTS PUNCH!!!

Togemon tried to punch the Eater. However, the monster was invunerable to anykind of attack at all. However, after unleashing the Endor Terminal, he had to recharge. He backed away, to recharge.

Erika: He's getting away!

Suedou: Don't worry. There's no need to chase him. I already got all the data I need.

«Them song ends»

Suedou: No abnormalities, despite direct contact. It apears that the Digital Monsters have resistance to the Eaters after all.

Akari: That might be truth, but they don't damage us at all!

Suedou: Still, the fact that they can resist the Eaters te slightest... I thank you for your cooperation. We've also learned how to fight them, and we can performe a legitm investigation--

??: Hey, who's there? Hurry up and take shelter!

Suedou: ... I am in no mood to let anyone interrupt my investigation. You two go back already. Oh, and fo keep my investigation off record, will you?

Suedou turned deeper into the Digital Shift, and went inside. Erika wanted to follow him. Akari, however, grabbed her shoulder. The two of them returned to the surface. A soilder from GUN took them to a safe place.

As the two of them got out of there, there were two people that were also watching everything. Sonic and Arata to noticed the weird event happening at the entrance of the underground station. 

Sonic: Wow! 

Arata: You have any idea of what it could be?

Sonic: Not exactly. Could it be that the Digital Waves caused this thing to apear?

Arata: No idea! This whole phenomenon's hard to warp around my head! Still, there has to be a way to get inside, don't you think?

Sonic: Possibly! Let's take-- (spots something) Drats!

Arata: What is it?

Sonic: GUN'S soilders! They won't let us inside so easily!

Arata: Aren't you from GUN?

Sonic: I am, but the Commander must have sent them to mobilize the area! Plus, I told him I was on vacation, as an excuse to work with Kyoko-san! We won't break through them that easily! Unless...

Arata: You got a plan?

Sonic: I do. (grabs Arata's arm) CAMOUFLAGE!!!

Sonic and Arata suddenly became invisible. They went arount the GUN squad that was blocking the entrance, and got inside. They looked inside, and spoted something out of normal. The physical world became digital.

Sonic: W-Whoa!

Arata: Is this place real? Or digital? What's going on here? This is to strange!

Gaossmon: Sounds like the two world are interacting! Urgh, I can't make any sence out of this!

Sonic: Gaossmon?! Who told you could come out of the Digivice! Wait, hold on, scratch that! How are you out of the Digivice?!

Gaossmon: Wait... WHAT THE HECK?!

Arata: Your Digimon apeared out of your Digivice? Well, since that happened, this must be the Digital World!

Sonic: I doubt we'll get pass here, without seeing a few Digimon! Arata, you shouldn't do anything to risky!

Arata: Well, these Digimon sure have a bit of a wild vibe. And so, knowing that's what they were like... (releases a Chrysalimon)

Sonic: Oh, Chrysarimon.

Arata: Tsk. I got my hands on a very interesting Digimon.(spots something) Hold on.

Sonic: What's up?

Sonic looked in the direction Arata was looking. He spoted a man aproching them. It was Suedou. And he seemed very curious with everything happening int he place.

Suedou: Oh dear, oh dear, good day to you.

Sonic: Just what we needed

Suedou: Whoa, easy there! Let's not get hasty! I'm nothing to be scared of, I assure you!

Arata: Who are you? What are you doing here?

Suedou: My name is Suedou Akemi. I'm a researcher for the Kamishiro Enterprises. (Sonic sharpens his look) I am currently studying this strange phenomenon.

Gaossmon: Do we call ourselves lucky to have found this man?

Arata: You're alone?

Suedou: Yes, I am alone. I'm very much the only specialist capable of making this breakthroughs, though I'd still very much apreciate if they gave me an assistant!

Sonic: That does sound terrible.

Suedou: I'm telling you. It's a terrible company. I hadn't thought there were humans who made it farther in that I had. I wanted to observe things for a bit.

Gaossmon: Still, you kind of apeared out of nowhere!

Suedou: Did I happened to unsettle you? There's no excuse for that. I apologize.

Arata: Well, I guess it's not big deal.

Sonic: You mentioned you were investigating this place, right? Tell us, you know what this... thing is?

Suedou: Oh dear, put it that way, and I can't hardly refuse! I trust you won't go around, blabbing about this to anyone?

Sonic: It stays between us. Whatever we tell each other will be top secret, even to GUN.

Suedou: Very well, then. I shall tell you. But my tale comes out of my work process and is, at best, the result of inductive reasoning. I caution you that it's not a final conclusion.

Sonic: Even so, it might be the best explanation we can get.

Suedou: Very well. To begin, let's discuse the space we're in. This space exists within a certain phenomenon. We're in a whirpool of a special Digital Wave.

Sonic: A whirpool of Digital Waves? Wow, I never expected that th flow of energy that carries digital information could cause this kind of reactions!

Suedou: Precisely. This may still be the real world, but it's still a world made up of digital information.

Gaossmon: Huh?

Sonic: To put it simple, the real world transformed into a cyberspace!

Suedou: Briliant! Straight out of the books! And as a result, everything within this area, even us earthlings have become data.

Arata: That's quite the leap of logic, isn't it?

Suedou: Tee-hee. I won't deny that. My colleagues offten deemed my ideas rather... heretical.

Sonic: Some might say crazy. Do people compare you to Nikola Tesla?

Suedou: Offten. Well, that's more than well and good, but I do try not to let the praise get to my head. But enough of that. Have a look at this. (points at the flow of data)

Sonic: GASP!!!

Arata: What is it?

Sonic: The irregularities of this internal structure... Is this cyberspace made out of digitized data from human memories?

Suedou: Oh, well done, Sonic! I didn't know you recognized this!

Arata: How come you know what kind of data is this place made of?

Sonic: Take a trip inside cyberspace at the Starfall Islands, and you'll know what I mean!

Suedou: They mearged with reality, giving rise to this bizarre and complex space. That's my theory in essence.

Sonic: Yep, very similar to the cyberspace back in Starfall Islands.

Suedou: Now, allow me to ask you a question.

Sonic: What is it?

Suedou: Have you encountered an "Eater" yet?

Sonic: A what?!

Arata: "Eater"? What is that?

Suedou: That's the term I've coined for these entities that devour and eat away all things.

Sonic: Does a yellow mutant ball of fat count?

Gaosson: What in the world is that, Sonic?

Sonic: Ask me another time.

Arata: That eat away all things... Could it be that thing that looks like a black and white nautilus shell? That freeky program?

Sonic(thoughts): Nautilis shell? Could it be... "The black monster of EDEN"... 

Suedou: Precisely!

Sonic: We DID see one of those! It's the cause of the EDEN Syndrome that a lot of people have!

Gaossmon: Whoever gets eaten by those in cyberspace, falls into a coma in real life!

Suedou: To have escaped an encounter with an Eater unscatched... you don't know how lucky you are!

Sonic: Why the sudden question about why we ever seen one?

Suedou: Oh, and they are the cause of this, and the Kamishiro told me those just devoured data and all-- oh whoopsy.

Sonic: Hold on, the Kamishiro know about this?! With everything that rumors tells about them, and now this coming straight to day light!

Suedou: I told you it's not a good company. Anyway, I've noticed that you posesse Digimon within your line.

Sonic: Pretty much. Why?

Suedou: Frankly put, I want to fight the Eater that is likely rumming around here somewhere.

Sonic: There's an Eater here?!

Suedou: Did you not see a strange apparition around here? As people might know it, they call it the "Ghost of the pale boy" right?

Sonic: Huh?

Arata: That ghost could be here?!

Suedou: That's the indicator of an Eater apearing arround here. I suppose you can call it a harbinger. An Eater's existance both impacts with the Digital Wave, and serves to endure it.

Arata: So, whenever this kind place exists, an Eater might be lurking around, sustaining it, right?!

Suedou: That's my thought on the matter, though.

Sonic: The Digital Wave can be impacted by the Eaters... Suedou-san, you mentioned he was lurcing arround here, right?

Suedou: Pretty much.

Gaossmon: If so, we cut of the head, and the body should wether away, right?

Sonic: Pretty much!

Arata: Hold on. You barely couldn't land a single hit on that thing!

Sonic: Yeah. Those things degoured Greymon's Mega Flame like it was nothing! Still, we were newbies to it. Now that we actually know something, we might be able to find a way to take those out!

Suedou: Indeed you can. So, this can make the Digimon Programs the most efective way to take out the Eaters.

Arata: It would be better, if we could actually deal any damage first.

Sonic: We'll figure out how to do that after this. And after all, wiping out those things are our objective, right?

Arata: You make a valid point, Sonic. Let's take care of that thing, and find a way back to the real world! The more we're here the weirder my head gets!

Suedou: Oh, excellent! Best of luck to you!

Sonic: Very well, let's get going! (leaves with Gaossmon)

Arata: We're off for revenge! (follows Sonic with Chrysalimon)

Suedou: I shall wait here! If you have any question come straight to me!

Sonic: Don't push your luck to far, Suedou-san!

Suedou: The real word, he says... Where might that be, I wonder.


Ending - Twill, New World

Sora wo koete, umi wo koete
Chiisana fuan kibou ni kaete

Arukidashita kono sekai de
Dona deai wo sagashi ni ikou

Omoi kuzuresou demo zawameku kokoro osaeru
Kimi no koe ga tsutsumu saki shinjite

Bokura no tabi wa mada hajimatta bakari
Doredake no yume wo kizuna wo tsunaide ikou

Atsumaru kokoro wa tatakau tsuyosa ni naru yo
Yami wo koeta asu no sono saki e

Next Time...

Sonic and Arata venture deeper into the Digital Shift. However, due to the Eater's invunerability, they have no way to face him. But Sonic is not willing to give up. And something new will rise.

Next time, on Digimon Sonic Cyber Sleuth: Roar! MetalGreymon!

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