Two Rejects

Galing kay zero_gravity500

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"Oh Mia," Alpha Matthew's low, slow voice practically purred. "I'm going to take so much pleasure in ruining... Higit pa

Author's Note
Fan Covers
Chapter 1 - Welcome to Sparta
Chapter 2 - The Glaze
Chapter 3 - Rejected by my mate
Chapter 4 - Going Rogue
Chapter 5 - Some Nice Strangers
Chapter 6 - Trusting the Enemy
Chapter 7 - Alpha Matthew
Chapter 8 - Becoming a Scholar
Chapter 9 - Professor Alpha
Chapter 10 - Alpha's Office Hours
Chapter 11 - Muscle Memory
Chapter 12 - Beer Me
Chapter 13 - Werewolf Hangovers
Chapter 14 - Old Town
Chapter 15 - Electrifying
Chapter 16 - Fashion Show
Chapter 17 - Electric Candles
Chapter 18 - Hosts of the Castle
Chapter 19 - Ruining You
Chapter 20 - Absolutely Insulting
Chapter 21 - Contingencies
Chapter 22 - Fight
Chapter 23 - Glorified Babysitter
Chapter 24 - Old Friends
Chapter 25 - The Initiation
Chapter 26 - Oh-So-In-Love
Chapter 27 - Barbie B*tch
Chapter 28 - A Chance
Chapter 29 - Two Separate Entities
Chapter 30 - Going Rogue II
Chapter 31 - Bearing a Mark
Chapter 32 - Glowing
Chapter 33 - Alpha Alter-Ego
Chapter 34 - Formalities
Chapter 35 - Two Unlikely Lovers
Chapter 36 - Haunting War Cry
Chapter 38 - Chess Game
Chapter 39--The Foretell Part 1
Chapter 40 -- The Foretell Part 2
Chapter 41 - A Second Chance
Chapter 42 - Brotherhood
Chapter 43 - The Ceremony
Chapter 44 - Epilogue
Author's Note - Prequel and Sequel(s)
Author's Note - Rebelling the Alpha King
Bonus Chapter - Graduation & Mia Meet's Matthew's Parents

Chapter 37 - The King

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Galing kay zero_gravity500

A/N: Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate. Those who don't--I hope you're having wonderful holiday's nonetheless! Don't forget to comment ^-^ y'alls comments make me soooo happy. Enjoy this little Christmas present <3<3<3

Slowly, Spartan wolves start to come out of the tree line. Bren and Jake's figures walking in human form in the center of their pack. That's when I see a third human form standing next to Bren that makes me frown and Matthew let out a loud growl—his eyes darkening over instantly. Lila stands proudly by Bren, her gaze narrowed at our wolves as we also slowly stalk out of the forest.

It doesn't take a genius to piece two and two together. Tyler and I had been trying to figure out for days how it was that Bren ever found out I was here. Now we have the answer. Lila must have gone running to him. Or at least, she somehow figured out he was looking for me. Seeing the two of them standing next to each other, you'd think they were mates.

"What. A. Cunt." Alexander exaggerates each word while rolling his eyes when he see's Lila. I guess he's very well versed about what she's done. Even Sage looks like she's going to lose it.

But not as much as Matthew. He promised to kill Lila if she ever came back to the Valley. I thought that maybe he was being exaggerative, however, seeing him now...I know his wolf will own up to his promise.

Bren places his fist upwards, and all his wolves slowly lay on their stomachs. Matthew takes a deep breath his eyes unable to return to their beautiful green. He clenches my hand and I look up at him.

Final negotiations, my wolf is pacing back and forth in my head as Bren and Lila start to walk closer to us.

I look up at Matthew, tugging his hand slightly. He doesn't look at me, his eyes completely zeroed in on our official mates. Matthew's voice echoes through everyone's minds, Hold. Our wolves drop to their stomachs, but their back legs are all eager to pounce.

"Let's go." Matthew's voice is strained, and I can tell he's trying to push his wolf back. This is going to be a testament for how much control he can have over his wolf. The two people he hates most in the world are standing a few feet away.

I hold my chin up as the both of us walk slowly towards Bren and Lila. Our combined aura's pulsating through us. I know they can feel it. I know that our pack can feel it. I try not to be afraid. Bren is an absolute monster, but I won't hide away timidly. After what he did to me, my wolf is praying to see his blood on the snow.

The closer we get to Bren and Lila, the more furious they seem to become. Lila's eyes trailing to Matthew's neck where I left my Mark. She doesn't seem nearly as fazed as I thought she would. Then again, I don't think she loves Matthew at all but even deep down—her wolf must feel something towards him. I narrow my eyes at Bren, keeping contact with him as I pull my hair up into a ponytail just when we finish walking.

Instantly he seeks out the Mark that he left only to be greeted by a white scar. His eyes blank over in black, jaw slacking suddenly when his gaze finds Matthew's claim. "That's not possible."

Matthew tries to hide his content smile, but it comes off in a devious smirk. The devious smirk that's had me wrapped around his finger since day one. Bren starts to tremble with rage, "What did you do to my claim?"

A growl starts bubbling in his chest, but I ignore it. "Bren," I keep my voice level like I'm talking someone off the ledge. "You have no claim over me or my heart. Please, go back home. We can avoid bloodshed today."

He meets my gaze but seeing Matthew's Mark has only infuriated him. I can see him losing control of his senses—of his wolf. I quickly glance at Matthew who's too busy staring Lila down.

"There will be some bloodshed today," Matthew's voice deep and definitive. His canines already itching out at the sight of his ex-mate. "I told you what would happen if you returned. Or maybe Bren here is interested in sloppy seconds."

Lila seethes as a hum comes out of her chest and her fists clench at her sides. "You're one to talk."

"What are you doing this Lila?" I ask her honestly, "You hated it here. What's the point?"

There's a hatred in her eyes that blaze like a wildfire. "I just want to see Matty burn."

My wolf takes that as a threat, and I feel my eyes go black. Our mate being threatened? Absolutely not. A snarl escapes my lips that causes Bren's nostrils to start flaring as he tries to compose himself over my reaction.

"This is your last chance," Bren says as Matthew turns to him. "Give me back my mate."

"I'm not your mate." I tell him gently, trying to reach his more reasonable side. I remember how honest and open he was with me when he told me he just wanted guidance and love. I know that deep down—that side of him is still in there but he's reacting the way I did when I first met Lila. He's acting how Matthew reacts when his wolf gets the better of him. The control Bren is supposed to have as an Alpha—as a wolf—is thrown out the window.

"Please Bren," I practically beg. "Go home. Your claim didn't work and it's not going to work. Do you not understand that?"

"You're lying." Pure insanity clouds him. He can't even look at me properly. "You belong to me. To Sparta."

He snarls while taking one step forward. In a split-second, I feel Matthew pushing me behind him, his shoulders tight ready to shift. The tension in the air suddenly escalates to a boiling point. I see it in Bren's eyes. In Lila's. I can sense it on Matthew as his wolf becomes defensive. This isn't going to be resolved with words. It's too far gone.

"How does it feel Bren?" Matthew's voice laced with pure riot. His devilish grin egging Bren on.

Matthew, I link him with caution. I realize very quickly how much Matthew wants to fight. His wolf is tingling for it.

Let him, my wolf hums in my head. His wolf needs it.

"How does it feel walking this earth knowing Mia Holms is the Valley's Luna, that her heart belongs to me," Matthew grins sinisterly as Bren's anger reaches colossal levels—canines coming out alongside his claws. Matthew's eyes twinkle his voice suddenly laced with his wolf, "And that I got to be Mia's first fuck."

That was the last straw. Bren suddenly launches himself at Matthew, both of them turning into their wolves in the blink of an eye. I watch as Lila shifts as well, her eyes zeroed in on my mate. Before she has the satisfaction of attacking Matthew, I shift and lunge at her. She falls to her side, growling.

The fighting between Matthew and Bren causes both tree lines in the forest to advance. River commanding our wolves while I watch the Spartan's flank. Lila slashes at me pathetically and in two movements, I have her pinned under me. I've never killed anyone, but I let my wolf take over. She bites down on Lila's neck, squeezing. She's threatened Matthew too many times for my liking. Only then someone rams into my side and I lose my place. Lila scurrying away.

There are wolves lashing out everyone. Snarls and growls echoing in the air manically. Mia on your left! I hear Tyler yell as he tries to advance towards me.

I dodge quickly as Jake greets me. I remember watching Jake train early mornings with Bren. I also remember tutoring him. We grew up together and now I'm watching as he tries to corral me. Bren must have given strict orders that I wasn't meant to be killed because Jake's movements are to harm and maim not kill.

Jake throws himself at me and I brace for impact. It never arrives as I look up and realize Clara is fighting him. All the anger she's been holding in suddenly unleashing on the Beta. She's clawing and snapping viciously. Her wolf taking full control as she successfully manages to bite down on his shoulder. Sage circling him waiting for the opportune moment to strike. I start to wonder if Bren's enforcer was Jake.

I start panicking as I look around over all the fighting wolves. I can smell blood and hear the sounds of bones being broken. My eyes finally find Matthew. There's a determination in his moves as he and Bren strike one another. No one trying to get in the way.

I look at the Spartan warriors and they're doing what they know best. Only a few of our wolves have successfully torn their ranks apart. I feel someone bite into my shoulder and lo-and-behold it's that bitch Lila.

End her, I tell my wolf as our eyes darken over in black. My wolf abides to my orders. We stalk Lila, dodging her snaps and advances. I pounce on her, rolling around the ground and feeling my teeth sink into the side of her neck. She let's out a loud whine and I pin her to the snowy ground, her blood melting away the first layer.

I snarl above her, her eyes widening as she watches me. I feel my eyes dilating as my wolf holds herself back for a split-second letting Lila realize this—I—will be the last thing she sees. I attack.

A shrill sound suddenly pierces the air. Every wolf stopping instantly as we all cower back within ourselves. My wolf starts going ballistic in my mind, whining and freaking out. It's like having a whistle only dogs can hear combined with a sensation of a hive of bees circling our heads. But the sound is inside my mind. As if my wolf mind link lost proper connection.

Everyone stops fighting, falling to the ground—trying to get away from the sound. It slowly fades away eventually. Lila's wolf looks up and staggers back. She limps away until she's in a sea of wolves putting more distance between her and the source of the noise.

I turn over my shoulder and that's when I see why she was so afraid. A small militia of Royal Guards is marching towards us in human form. They're wearing the Royal colors, sashes across their shoulders over their battle gear. Wolves banking on either side of them like attack dogs, and at the head of it all, King Aiden himself.

He looks different than when I saw him in my dream. The large crown I saw earlier is replaced with a gold banded crown that goes across his forehead with a small crescent moon. Instead of a royal tunic he's wearing leather gear like he's just entered battle. His golden eyes are the same except now they look like they're on fire.

The shrill sound comes to an end and is replaced by his voice as he mind-links everyone in the clearing. There will be no more bloodshed today. Anyone to disobey will face me.

Wolves are backing away from the King as he walks through the clearing like if Moses was parting the sea himself. Their heads and bodies instantly bowing down. I thought the King's aura was powerful before, in person, it's unbelievable. It does feel nuclear. It makes Matthew's aura feel like pesky bullet compared to this bomb. My wolf retreats far into my mind—especially when King Aiden's golden gaze lands on me.

A crooked smile takes over his face as he looks at me with recognition, "I said we would meet again, Helen."

The King keeps his eyes fixated on me the entire time as he mind links his wolves a few orders. I hear his voice in my head. It's not like the mind link. I have to give permission for someone to enter my mind through the mind link, but with the King, I can physically feel the way he forces my mind open to send me a message.

You've caused quite the commotion. This is as far as this goes.

My head sinks down in submission. He snaps his fingers to his Beta who hands him some clothes that he later gives to me. I only have to look into the King's eyes to know that he's asking me to shift, and I do so. I can sense Matthew behind me as I throw on the clothes. King Aiden turning his stare to his friend. As I throw on a pair of boots, I wonder if they're having a conversation as well.

King Aiden's eyes fall onto a few other individuals and before I know it, we're lined up together standing in front of his Majesty. Matthew shifts beside me just as the Beta hands out some clothes. Once he's wearing a shirt, some pants, and shoes, he reaches for my hand. From the corner of my eye, I can see the small scratches on Matthew's chest and arm. But then I get a glimpse of Bren when he shifts. His nose is purple and green—clearly broken and gushing blood.

"Your Majesty—" Bren is cut off by the King's incredulous golden eyes. I think that for a split second they actually glow in rage. Bren resorts to bowing his head down.

"One is missing," The Beta murmurs to the King. But he's already searching the clearing until his gaze falls on Lila. He narrows his eyes and Lila doesn't move.

"There, Ezra." The King commands effortlessly. Two wolves corral Lila and push her forward to join us. Her eyes wide and utterly fearful. Once she's beside us, standing in front of the King, he glares at her. In a simple word she's rendered useless, "Shift."

I don't think Lila had any control over her body—she instantly went from wolf form to her human form. Her nudity being the last of her worries as we all suddenly see the marking on her shoulder. The sign of the rebellion.

The King's eyes brighten like a predator has found its prey. A sinister smile curling his lips, "A rebel."

Ezra—the Beta—growls. His eyes darkening over. The King himself doesn't look fazed. Moreso excited than anything else. King Aiden steps towards Lila, who at this point, realizes there's no where to go. I glance up at Matthew his eyes are trained on the interaction. Bren on the other hand looks mortified.

King Aiden turns to Matthew, "Your mate, no?"

Matthew squeezes my hand, the notion not going unnoticed by the King. "Not anymore," Matthew replies coldly.

I was at the precipice of killing Lila. A part of me actually pities her in this moment. King Aiden stepping in front of her, a sadistic twinkle in his eye. He's much taller than all of us. Broader shoulders and large arms. I think I would have put her out of her misery quicker than this.

In a smooth voice, King Aiden says to her, "You know what happens to Rebels in my presence."

Lila meets his gaze—I have to give her props for at least trying not to fold under his golden stare. Her voice is uncertain, yet she manages a shaky, "Death to the crown, long live the rebellion."

Something inside her shifts as soon as the King narrows her eyes. His pupils dilate and the brown specs glow darker. Lila slowly clutches her ears. She sinks to her knees into the snow and starts screaming. The clearing progressively filled with her screams. Tortured and gruesome sounds.

I stare between her and the King. Unsure what he's doing but her screams are piercing. They're shrill and horrific. The kind you hear in nightmares. Every wolf in the clearing suddenly filled with absolute terror as she begs and cries. I turn into Matthew's body when I see blood trailing down her ears and eyes. He pulls me into his chest, his gaze never lifting from Lila as her shrieks muffle and then vanish.

He did that all with his mind? My wolf trembling in my head. Turning around, I see Lila's lifeless body covered in blood around the snow. I put my hand over my mouth to suppress a sob. We wanted Lila dead, but not like that. Not with so much pain.

If King Aiden meant to instill fear into all of us, it worked. No one dared to move.

"Ezra," King Aiden turns to his Beta as if nothing had happened. "Ensure the protagonists come to my tent. The rest are to be escorted to their packs. They are to remain under Royal supervision until this is resolved."

The King's eyes fall on Matthew and I. Matthew pulling me closer like he's afraid King Aiden may separate us. I let his body warm me and try to find comfort in him. His arms making me feel just a tad safer.

"Yes, your Majesty." Ezra's eyes glaze over, and I watch in fascination of how the Royal Guard works. A few of the members who were still in human form shift. Turning the Spartan warriors back on their heels towards their home. They do the same thing for the Valley and even the Sierra.

Alexander—his wolf a beautiful snow white that has blood dripping from his snout clearly like the light of day—turns for a moment to stare at Aiden. They seem to have a brief conversation before Alex glances at me. He nods at me as if to say, Goodbye, before he's whisked away by the Royal Guard.

King Aiden turns, his dark green cape fluttering after him as he gracefully walks away. Matthew, Bren, and I are escorted closely behind. I catch a glimpse over my shoulder to see Sage, Jake, and even Clara. I'm not sure who's being brought along, but after seeing the raw power of Alpha King Aiden, whatever decision he's'll be law. 

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