I Am The Alpha (Part 1/2)

By EllaCharlotte

3.4M 55.4K 3.4K

Erin Daniels is part of the East Forest Pack, not only that but she's the Alpha. In a male dominant race this... More

I am the Alpha
I am the Alpha - Part 2
I am the Alpha - Part 3
I am the Alpha - Part 4
I am the Alpha - Part 5
I am the Alpha - Part 6
I am the Alpha - Part 7
I am the Alpha - Part 8
I am the Alpha - Part 9
I am the Alpha - Part 10
I am the Alpha - Part 11
I am the Alpha - Part 12
I am the Alpha - Part 13
I am the Alpha - Part 14
I am the Alpha - Part 15
I am the Alpha - Part 16
I am the Alpha - Part 17
I am the Alpha - Part 18
I am the Alpha - Part 19
I am the Alpha - Part 20
I am the Alpha - Part 21
I am the Alpha - Part 22
I am the Alpha - Part 23
I am the Alpha - Part 24
I am the Alpha - Part 25
I am the Alpha - Part 26
I am the Alpha - Part 27
I am the Alpha - Part 28
I am the Alpha - Part 29
I am the Alpha - Part 30
I am the Alpha - Part 31
I am the Alpha - Part 32
I am the Alpha - Part 33
I am the Alpha - Part 35
I am the Alpha - Part 36
I am the Alpha - Part 37
I am the Alpha - Part 38
I am the Alpha - Part 39
I am the Alpha - part 40
I am the Alpha - Part 41
I am the Alpha - Part 42
I am the Alpha - Part 43
I am the Alpha - Part 44
I am the Alpha - Part 45
I am the Alpha - Part 46
I am the Alpha - Part 47
I am the Alpha - Part 48
I am the Alpha - Part 49
I am the Alpha - Part 50
I am the Alpha - Part 51
I am the Alpha - Part 52
I am the Alpha - Part 53
I am the Alpha - Part 54
I am the Alpha - Part 55
I am the Alpha - Part 56
I am the Alpha - Part 57
I am the Alpha - Part 58
I am the Alpha - Part 59
I am the Alpha - Part 60
I am the Alpha - Part 61
I am the Alpha - Part 62
I am the Alpha - Part 63
I am the Alpha - Part 64
I am the Alpha - Part 65
I am the Alpha - Part 66
I am the Alpha - Part 67
I am the Alpha - Part 68
I am the Alpha - Part 69
I am the Alpha - Part 70
I am the Alpha - Part 71
I am the Alpha - Part 72
Questions and Answers....
Character Index (based on from before any pack changes and deaths)
Announcement - Ps: there's a second part

I am the Alpha - Part 34

45.8K 850 68
By EllaCharlotte


I HAVE REACHED OVER 50,000!!!!! READS !!!!!! eeeeppppp :D and am soaring on What's hot #281!!

Thank you all so freaking much!!!! :) :) :)

This part is a bit longer then normal.... hmm wonder why? 

i was going to upload a few days ago but wattpad was out of action for over 35hrs!!! Did anyone else get bored of the sheep game and result it spamming wattpad's facebook wall??

In the end i was so bored i found amusement from watching the sheep fall of the cliff - for some reason is was quite amusing.....damn adorable sheep!!

Who hates amazon right now? :P

On a lighter note: IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!! woooooo

thanks to all the awesome wattpaders on facebook who were the first people to wih me happy birthday :) you guys are awesome!!!

So without further adue here is the next part to help you gain recomposure after suffering the side affects of wattpad deficentcy!!



that is all :)


Edited: 19/10/11


“Breakfast!!!” I yell loudly making sure everyone has heard me throughout the house. Within seconds there are loud footsteps and paw steps echoing around as they all rush for food, typical. I pile the last pancake on top of the massive stack on the kitchen side just as the all burst through into the room openly drooling at the food in front of them. I look at the mass of guys/wolves in front of me curiously before asking “Do you want me to put bowls on the floor for you? Or are you going to attempt to sit on the table and possibly break it?” Mitch starts howling with laughter as he looks at the contemplating wolves in front of him. I must admit they look fucking hilarious. “Those of you who want to eat normally change now.” I tell them before turning around to face the empty half of the room.

Images come flashing through my head from Seb and Calum; who have decided to stay in wolf form as they put their head between their paws to prevent themselves seeing the surrounding guys blunt naked. When they’re done I look over to see a grey wolf and a rusty brown wolf sitting in the middle of a circle of guys only wearing shorts. There are now nine shirtless guys looking over at me with goofy grins and smirks on their faces. “What you look like you just realised I’m a girl or something?” I ask a little annoyed.

A stream of images flow through my head of my ‘dance’ in several different angles and of my ‘seducing’. Are they fucking kidding me!? ...Kind of disturbed right now. A new image flicks through my head from Seb and Calum who must’ve been having a conversation in the Tribe link without me even noticing. It is of me standing over the guys as they grovelled for forgiveness. ‘I like the way you think’ I tell them in their heads before turning to the guys.

“Stop fantasising about me i can still kick your asses!!” I yell silencing them and their thoughts. Looking at Jack who is scowling at them all…. 3, 2, 1. There is an echo as they all get slapped in the back of the head one by one at wolf speed leaving them rubbing their heads and scowling at Jack.

I grab two large plates and pile eggs bacon and a pancake onto each of them before placing them on the ground in front of me and then standing up again. “Seb, Calum; breakfast” I call out and their ears prick up before they happily trot over to the plates. I laugh before turning to the others “Seb and Calum are my favourites right now” I tell them getting appreciative sounds from behind me and growls from the guys in front of me.

“Since when?” Matt scowls unhappily “I thought I was your favourite!!”

“Nah, you were just the one Jack was least upset about me kissing.” I told him matter of factly laughing to myself as I watch his face demount into shock, sucker. “Actually Mitch was my favourite.” I said simply smiling as he scowled more whereas Mitch’s eyes lit up like a child on Christmas, while his mouth was holding his famous grin.

“What! Why?” Sam asks gobsmacked by my declaration.

“He was a good pillow, he kept me warm.” I told them remembering when he had effectively made himself a soft toy when I was sick.

“Yeah while he got extra close without getting a slap from you” Matt said angrily sulking like a child.

“Mitch is always perving; I’m kinda used to it. Besides I’ve slept next to all of you at one point. I just like Wolves.” I shrug before looking over my shoulder at Calum and Seb who grin back wolfishly fluttering their eyelids to look extra cute. “Anyway do you guys want breakfast or not cause these guys seem to be happy to eat it all without you?” I ask seriously watching their faces morph into shock before they rush to grab the food scoffing it down like there’s no tomorrow.

“Damn Erin this is goooood!!” Jack calls out with a pancake in his mouth making him sound hilarious. “Thanks bro.” I call back before picking up a pancake and smothering it in maple syrup before taking a massive bite. Damn, they are good; they taste freaking amazing. The tangy smell of orange juice lingers in the air mixing with the heavy syrup and mouth watering bacon to make what I can only describe as heaven.

Once all the food is gone we begin to make our way to the lounge room. I sit myself on the floor with my back against Calum’s side; his head and paws resting next to my side and his tail wrapped around my other side and knees bent and feet flat on the floor where Seb is curled around them, while the guys all slump on the mass of sofas making themselves comfortable. I find myself once again in the middle with them all gathered around me. Time to talk... Yay.  

 Jack speaks suddenly breaking the uneasy silence that had fallen with the exception of Calum and Seb’s purr-like noises which almost sounded like humming wolves. “Last night.” His tone was hesitant along with his thoughts which were battling to find the right way to freely talk about it.

“Last night, I got incredibly drunk and did some shit.” I said strongly not caring about how awful it sounded, these guys are my Pack, my Tribe – they are my best friends.

“Really? We didn’t notice.” Jordan said his voice dripping with sarcasm. The other guys chortle as I let out a small playful growl.

“If I had a dollar for every wrong thought that has crossed one of your minds this morning I would be a millionaire” I tell them harshly. Well it’s true.

There was a chorus of “Sorry” all in funny sing song voices causing me to let out a laugh as they grin down at me.

“Erin?” Chase asks in a retarded voice

“Chase?” I ask in an even more retarded voice which would have left me questioning my own sanity if I was a normal person.

“What did you put in those shots you made?” He asks curiously and the guys all look automatically more interested than before as they sit forward in their seats.

What did I put in those shots? Oh yeah. “Why, you going to get me drunk again?” I ask cheekily batting my lashes at him looking up through my hair that has fallen partially across my face.

“No! I just want to know what the heck made them so freaking strong and they delayed for like a minute and bang – instant intoxication” Chase replied eagerly sounding extra dramatic.

“Well.” I start as they all lean in a little further, “Vodka…. Grenadine…. Some other alcohol. Oh and Herfel.”

“WHAT?!” they all yell at once.

“Herfel is the key to instant intoxication – didn’t you know that?” I ask after shedding my locks of wisdom. Herfel is an herb grown by Tribe healers for treating some types of wounds and sicknesses but I once discovered after getting my-self bashed up that it also if very effective of making you go on a high, such as alcohol would. Not like drugs, it doesn’t effect your judgement a lot, just makes you a little loose and drunk.

“Are you serious?” Jordan asks sounding hilariously baffled.

“Holy Crap! You didn’t know did you?” I declare before howling with laughter and leaning into Calum for support and he happily licks me in the face causing me to laugh even more. Do I seriously have that effect on Werewolves? The action of licking a humans face or Werewolf in human form is highly frowned upon by wolves. It’s in our nature.

“None of us knew; how did you know?” Jack asks obviously peeved at the prospect of not knowing.

“You know when I was in that accident - in wolf form, when I was thirteen?”


“Well they used Herfel to heal my wounds and they put in on my face, a lot of it. It was so much that it made my mind hazy and made me slightly drunk. I figured out it is effective and untraceable while having the same effect as alcohol and also being good for you.” I tell them watching as the look back in shock.

“Are you kidding?” Matt asks


“This is going to be very useful.” Mitch smirks evilly. Of course he’s going to use it to discretely get girls drunk slightly before he sleeps with them. I just handed the master of players a new tool, pfft like I care. The sluts deserve it. They are happy being laid and dumped as long as they can repeat the process. I don’t refer to them as the ‘slut herd’ for nothing.

“Oops. Perving boys are going to take advantage of some sluts and it’s all my fault!! How will I ever live with myself?” I cry out dramatically clutching my arm to my head. The guys take one look at me and burst into a fit of laughter.

“I love how you’re totally okay with that.” Jay smirks

“Yeah, well I’m no slut so I really don’t give a damn what you players do. It’s not like they wouldn’t sleep with you all anyway with or without the intoxication.” I state simply shrugging my shoulders. I got used to them being players four or five years ago when they started messing with girls and they never stopped.

“True” Jack smirks evilly. I fake gag/throw up to show exactly how that makes me feel. I got used to it, doesn’t mean I don’t find it gross.

“I think the pancakes may be coming back up now.” I tell them teasingly as Chase and I have a playful stare-off moving our heads side to side in a ‘bring it on’ way. I flick my hair back over my shoulders as if to say ‘it’s on’ and in response he beckons with his hands jerkily welcoming the battle.

“I think you’re just jealous Erin.” Chase tells me starting the war.

“Jealous, of you? I think you may have the wrong girl, see I have taste.” I tell him getting nudge from Seb who is in agreement.

“Nah, admit it, you’re jealous.” He replies simply. Wow he is totally going to win coming from that angle. Not.

“Of what exactly darling?” I coo sarcastically.

“Well you must be the only girl not to of had her chance with all this.” He tells me signalling to him-self as if presenting the winning prize at a show.

 “I think we all know it’s the other way around.” I state simply.

“Of course you’ve had something with all the guys around.” He answers. Did he just imply I’m a whore? One of these days I will bite his sorry ass because he’s pissed me off do much.

I pick up my phone pretending to receive a call then I look up at him telling him in a secretary tone “Mr Ace, you have a customer wishing to make a booking. How long do you think it’ll take and how much are you charging lately?”

Chase’s face contorted in confusion while the guys were roaring with laughter behind him. Then he got it. “Are you calling me a prostitute?”

“Man whore, prostitute same thing” I tell him shrugging my shoulders. This causes another outbreak of laughter from the guys.

“It’s not my fault they all want me. Besides if I got paid for every time I made a girl scream I would be a billionaire.” He smirks at me as if to say ‘I went there’.

“But honey are they screaming from pleasure or because the saw your face in bed next to them in the morning?”

“Only if I have a picture of you taped over my face.”

“We all know that cheerleaders go both ways.” I sigh

“But do you?”

“You didn’t know?”

“Know what?”

“That I’m engaged to Katrina!” I yell excitedly. They are all silent now not just Chase. “Well it’s more like my fist is engaged to her face.” More silence then they all break out in howling laughter.

“So you’re straight?” Really this again?

“Yes. Why are we talking about my sexuality?”

“I do believe we were comparing it to mine.” Chase smirks

“Oh, you mean the fact that we’re both straight like parallel lines. You know the funny thing about parallel lines?” I ask him

“What?” Chase smirks back thinking he’s playing along with my little riddle. Boy is he wrong.

“They never meet” I tell him smirking again. Chase scowls unhappily while the guys all laugh again. Jack is laughing with them but he has a smug grin in his face. Overprotective moron.

“Oh Erin you must be devastated!” Chase finally rebuts

“How will I go on?” I gasp playfully

“You know I’m the best, stop kidding yourself.”

“I already told you I think these two are the best.” I tell him motioning to my ‘pets’, who happily wag their tails and then turn to look at Chase smugly.

“I thought you prefer older guys not ones the same age.”

“I’m into wolves at the moment actually.” I tell him sweetly as Seb and Calum move in closer emphasising the point. I look at the two fierce looking wolves sitting with me and smile. “Yeah, much cuter and besides I think wolves are loyal unlike players.”

“Those wolves are players!” Chase declares automatically.

“Not in this form.”


“Well, you guys never let anyone touch you when you’re in wolf form and they’re in human.”

“That’s because it’s fucking demeaning, we aren’t stupid dogs.” Rick huffs aggravated that I would even suggest something like that.

“Well except me.” I sigh and absentmindedly begin moving my fingers through Seb’s fur while still leaning on Calum my hair pressed into his fur.


“Why is that anyway?”

“It feels nice.” Mitch shrugs while Seb and Calum nod in agreement.

“Not demeaning?”

“Nope, quite the opposite actually” Matt agrees looking jealously at Seb and Calum who stick their tongues out.  This is actually quite amusing. I feel more comfortable around wolves then humans, even wild wolves and they are more comfortable around me.

“Why are they your favourites anyway? Is it just because they’re in wolf form?” Rick pipes in ready to change forms if that’s the case.

I laugh and then tell them “No. It’s because while you lot keep perving they made me laugh and I kind of owe them for freaking them out last night.” It’s true I think I honestly scared them shitless even if it was in a seductive way. Never, ever again.


- vote for fluffyness, Chase getting owned and cause it's my birthday!!!

What about because i'll love you forever and maybe win the wattys?


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