H2O Just Add Water (OCxMermai...

By haydenchristsenswife

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Leah (you) was a loner until she meet Cleo Emma and Rikki they where on Zane's boat Rikki stole well kinda bu... More

Pool party
Catch of the day
Party Girls
Something Fishy
Young Love
Moon Spell
The Denman Affair
Dangerous Waters
The Camera Never Lies
Sink or Swim
The Siren Effect
The Big Chill
Under the Weather
Bad Moon Rising
Hurricane Angela
Hook, Line and Sinker
Red Herring
Fish Out of Water
In Too Deep
Love Potion #9
Dr. Danger
A Twist in the Tail


390 8 3
By haydenchristsenswife

Cleo's POV
I turned on my back and crossed my arms while looking at my ceiling in my bed, I heard a knock on the door as I looked at my door "Cleo, you're late for school, up you get" my mom yelled through the door.

I sighed as I threw the covers off of me and sat up I scratched my forehead and turned my head and looked at my calendar I rolled my eyes and huffed as I got up and walked towards it.

I grabbed my marker and crossed out what day it was because tomorrow is my birthday, I sighed and walked into the bathroom as I shut it.

I walked down into the kitchen while fixing my robe "what time at high tidey's?" Dad said as he opens the fridge "is that the sun coming up for a second time" he shut the fridge and walked towards be "huh, no it's my darling daughter" he fake gasp and looked at me.

"What's going on?" I asked eyeing them "what, a father can't admire his daughter?" He said I turned around and grabbed cereal as I pointed at him "you're not planning anything for tomorrow are you?" I asked walking over to the counter and sat down my cereal.

"Planning, me? Of course not" he said following me "you better not be" I looked at him dead in the eye "planning?" He scoffed and fake laughed as he took his coffee with him "what would we be planning?" He said.

Kim looked at me and shrugged, I looked at mom who looked away really fast and continued to do what she was doing.

Zane's POV
I was on my boat getting stuff ready "here you go man" Nate gave me something I grabbed it from him and looked at it "what's this?" I said "it's the thing you wanted, the sonar thingy" he said pointing at it.

I looked at him in disbelief "you said you could get side scan sonar, this is a fish detector" I looked up at him "what's the difference?" He said dumbfounded "it's the difference between night and day Nate, the difference between success and failure" I held it up and pushed it towards him.

"Hey watch it, I borrowed this from my dad" he said holding it up "if anything happens to it-" he started but I cut him off "that's not what I want" I shook my head at him.

"Well maybe you should've been more specific" he lifted up his hand and started to walk away "I was, you know I don't think you're cut out for this Nate" I told him.

"Oh yeah? Says who, you?" He squinted his eyes at me "what are you doing anyway?" He held up both hands at my boat "I'm on a hunt" I looked down at my stuff then back up at him "and if I find what I'm looking for, I'll rewrite the history books" I smirked.

He shook his head and started to smile "you ever think you might be losing it man?" He smiled and shook his head and started to leave, I watched him go as I scratched my forehead, and sat down.

Leah's POV
Emma and I where sitting down and drinking our juice we turned our heads and saw Lewis run inside all out of breath "hi Lewis" Emma said playing with her straw "Emma hi" , but when Lewis came in Reed was not far behind "hi Reed" I smiled at him "hey love" he said and hugged me.

"Wilfred, uh, just the man I wanted to see" Lewis said pointing at him "this is the place to fine me" he said putting his plant down "yes, I have a two part proposition" he held up two fingers, "try one to start" he told him.

"Right Wilfred, how much time have you actually spent on the waves since opening the business," he looked up and looked back at Lewis "try none" he said as he chuckled "but then what can you do? Business is business" he smiled.

"Hmm, well that's all about to change" he pointed at him "because you're about to hire me" he pointed at himself, me and Emma looked at each other and rolled our eyes, "and spend the rest of the day at the beach" he said.

"Lewis that's not a bad idea" he nodded his head at him "yes, get to it" Lewis pointed at him and walked behind the counter "what a minute you call that a job interview" Emma said looking confused.

"Uh, yeah, yeah it worked for me, Wilfred?" Lewis looked at her and pointed at Wilfred "got all the information I need" Wilfred shrugged his shoulders and leaned on the table while putting one hand on his hip "no you've got to do it properly" I said shaking my head at him.

"Yeah, you've got to ask him questions" Emma said leaning on the table "like?" Wilfred looked at the both of us "Lewis, why do you want to work at the JuiceNet Cafe?" Emma asked him a question.

I looked over at Reed as he rolled his eyes "I'm committed to providing fresh juice and friendly, service to the masses, and I need money quickly" he said I rolled my eyes and looked at Emma.

"Wilfred, I am prepared to work for as little as 30 dollars" Lewis told him, "a day" Wilfred smiled at him "and hour" he said putting his hands together, Wilfred started to laugh and put his arm around Lewis's shoulder "that's unrealistic Lewis" Wilfred said.

Emma and I looked at each other and smirked "really, um part two of my proposal will have to wait until I get some money, I'll get back to you" Lewis said, putting down the notebook and pen while walking away, I looked over at Reed as he took a drink of my juice and followed Lewis outside "later love" I smiled at him as he left.

Reed's POV
I followed Lewis outside after saying bye to Leah when I spotted Lewis he had run into Zane "oh sorry" Lewis said, I walked beside Lewis as Zane looked at the both of us and smiled "Lewis, Reed, Buddy's, just the guys I was looking for" he said grabbing us and walking,

"See I've got a problem" he said but I cut him off "well let me guess, you're self centered, your vain-" I was gonna keep going but Lewis cut me off "you're disgustingly rich" Lewis said I looked at him with a glare "and you also have a crush on my girlfriend and not even that-" but Lewis cut me off again.

"Did you just call us buddy" he said as Zane dragged us "Lewis, Reed, look in the past we haven't actually seen things, eye to eye, especially us Reed with Leah" he said, I looked at him and crossed my arms "no we haven't but I tend to see the glasses being half full" Lewis said pointing at himself while we followed Zane.

"And you tend to see the glass as something to hit people with" Lewis pointed at him "you are trying to be funny right?" Zane looked at Lewis confused as I also looked at him confused "I know it's wasted" he said.

"Guys look, how would you guys like a job?" Zane stopped as Lewis walked in-front of him "job?" He asked stunned "I need 2 scientific geek type to try and help me find...something" he looked at the both of us I licked my lips as he called us geeks "something? Could you be a little bit more specific" I told him.

He looked around and back towards me "a sea monster" I looked at him and tried not to laugh "Reed there is something out there in the ocean" he pointed at the water "and what I need is someone who knows how to use these" he pulled out a piece of paper and gave it to Lewis.

"Side scan sonar, 3-d reader modeling software, thermal imaging camera" Lewis read off the paper and looked back up at Zane as I took it from him and inspected it "wow you're really serious" I told him looking at the paper "yeah, so you guys want the job?" He nodded his head and asked us.

"When you say job, is there money involved" Lewis asked him with hope I rolled my eyes at Lewis.

"Make you're price" he said I smiled and looked at Zane this could be a good idea I mean for the money of course Lewis and I looked at each other and smiled as we walked off with Zane.

Leah's POV
Me and Emma walked out to JuiceNet cafe and spotted Cleo and Rikki looking at something "hey, there she is" Emma walked up and grabbed Cleo as I followed them smiling "last day as a 15 year old, let's celebrate" Emma told her walking over to the JuiceNet bar.

"Em, it's really not necessary" Cleo crossed her arms and shrugged her shoulders "it's you're birthday!? What didn't you say anything?" Rikki looked at her and sat down "Wilfred, wheatgrass smoothies all around please" I looked at him and sat down by Emma "coming right up" Wilfred told me.

"And you know what the best part is? I can come to your party this year" Emma smiled at her "well there's not going to be a-" Cleo tried to finish but Rikki cut her off "what's been stopping you?" She asked Emma.

"The past few years I've had a swimming comp, but this year, I'm ready to party" Emma looked at Rikki, "great can we change the subject now?" Cleo looked at us "Cleo you're not very happy about this huh?" I asked her.

"Cleo's dad throws the best parties, he does the works, German castles, clowns, ponies, of course we were just kids" Emma said, but I was to busy looking at cleo and her expressions "what a guy" Rikki nodded her head "I wish my dad went all out on my birthday, your dads just-" Emma got cut of by Cleo.

"Look, there's not going to be a party this year, so can we please just drop it" cleo looked at us and got up and left, "what do you thinks the matter with her" Emma looked at me "i don't know you just mentioned her birthday party and she snap" I said shrugging my shoulders.

Emma's phone started to ring she picked it up and put it to her ear "hello" she said, I looked at her as she was speaking, she smiled into her phone as I was wondering who it was "oh hi Mr.Sertori" she looked at me and pointed at her phone.

I nodded my head at her "yeah" she nodded her head and smiled "yep, cool, okay don't tell her, see you then" she said through the phone and hung up "See? That explains it, that was Cleo's dad, they are throwing a party for her"she looked at us as we nodded our heads.

"That must be why she's so down, she probably thinks they've forgotten"  Emma said.

"Ok, so do we tell her?" Rikki looked at Emma "no way" she smiled I also started to smile soon we all smiled.

Don's POV
"Love, can you come here for a minute please?" I called out to my wife and wrote something in my note book, "yeah" she said walking over to me "for the same money, we can get another balloon folder, or" I said I looked over at Kim then my wife as she leaned in to look at what I wrote down.

"A Chihuahua, dressed as a renaissance poet who can bark the whole of I Was Made for Loving You" I looked at the both of them and smiled as Kim smiled back at me "what do you think" I looked at my wife "oh, get the dog, the dog" Kim said in awe.

I smiled and looked over at my wife for an opinion "Don, do you think this is the best idea?" She said as she looked at me and grabbed the dirty cups from the table, I looked at her like she was crazy, then back at Kim.

"Bev, I know what Cleo wants, and she wants a humdinger of a birthday, just like last year, and the year before" I held up a picture of Cleo and her last birthday party.

"Don't we always have fun?" I looked at Kim as she gave me a weird smile "oh yeah, but you know" she shrugged her shoulders at me "Dad's parties are the best in the world" Kim said I smiled and held up my hand at Kim "See?
So what do you think, ballon folder or a Chihuahua?" I asked her and smiled big.

Reed's POV
"Man you weren't kidding, I mean this is, this is expensive gear" Lewis said clicking buttons on some gear "I told you I don't care about money Lewis" Zane said as he got in the boat and sat down beside me "I'm serious, now do you guys know how to use all this stuff?" Zane asked us.

"Of course, I mean why are we here" I said getting some stuff ready "I mean I just want to know what's this about a sea monster?" I stopped doing what I was doing and asked him.

"Well remember a couple of weeks ago, when I almost drowned?" I nodded my head at him "I saw this" he pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me I opened up the picture and looked at it when I saw it I panicked in the inside "looks interesting" I said as I handed it to Lewis.

It was a picture of a mermaid tail "keep it, it's a photocopy" he told us "the original will be work something one day" he said I looked up at him while giving Lewis a worried look "and what is it, is it some kind of dolphin?" Lewis asked him "yeah it looks like one I mean-" I said as I scratched the back of my head and took the picture back from Lewis.

"No way, you're not going to find that in any books Reed" he said pointing at the picture "and whatever it is, we're going to catch it and-" before he could finish I cut him off "hey whoa, stop" I said looking at him "you know what, actually on second thoughts where out, let's go Lewis" I said getting out of the boat.

"What?" Zane said  "Where out" Lewis said as he followed me "Reed, Lewis" he said in disbelief.

Leah's POV
"Oh no" I said as I walked in Emma's kitchen holding the paper Reed gave me "my tail" I said looking at the girls "see that's why we hang around with you guys, because all, all the other girls are school are like, oh no my make up" Lewis said sitting up straight and looking at us.

I walked over and handed the paper to Emma "well this is a valuable lesson, next time Zane's drowning, don't help" Rikki said looking at the paper and shaking her head as I looked at her "Zane's trying to track down a sea monster, and he's offered us a job helping him" Reed said, as Emma handed the paper back to him.

"That you guys should take" Rikki told her brother as she walked over to the fridge "that's interesting logic that, that could work" Lewis said looking at me, I shrugged my shoulders at him and leaned on the table "hang on, two steps back yeah" Emma said with her hand on her hip.

"Well, Zane's trying to track you down, and you guys know how not to find us" Rikki pointed at me with a stare then at the two boys "yeah and Lewis and Reed could steer Zane away from any no-go zones like Mako Island" Emma said smiling.

"This is good, keep you're friends close, keep you're enemies out in the middle of the ocean" I said smiling at Reed, "so when's he going?" I asked him while Rikki hand me a drink "uh, tomorrow" Reed said, but my smile dropped "you guys will miss Cleo's birthday" Rikki told them.

"Good, Cleo hates her birthday party, she's embarrassed by them" Lewis said, I took a sip of my drink "I knew it" I looked at Emma and told her "what? Why?" Emma looked at me confused "Em, how long's it been since you've been to one?" I asked her.

"A few years ago" she shrugged her shoulders at me "yeah, well Leah and I have been to all of them and believe us she has a good reason" Lewis said while Reed dialed someone on his phone.

"Zane it's Reed, we're back on let's go find us a sea monster" Reed waved bye to me as Lewis followed him out and took the paper.

Cleo's POV
I tried not to answer my phone but it kept bugging me I still had my eyes closed as I searched for my phone on the dresser I looked at it and answered it as I sat up with tired eyes "hello" I said with a tired voice "happy birthday Cleo" all three girls said through the phone.

I sighed and shook my head "happy sweet 16th sleepyhead" Emma told me through the phone "hm, thanks for reminding me" I said.

"So what's you get?" Rikki asked me "nothing" I said as I shook my head "well don't worry because I got you something good" Leah told me "thanks for the thought, now go away please" I hung up and threw the covers back on me.

Leah's POV
I furrowed my eyebrows as Cleo hung up "rude" I said through the phone "well that went well" Rikki said, I nodded my head and hung up the phone to get ready for the party I found this cute yellow dress as it was sitting in the back of my closet.

"Perfect" I smiled and sat my phone down to try it one.

Cleo's POV
I heard a knock on my door as someone opened it "breakfast in bed for the birthday girl" my mom came in "I'm asleep" I told her still in bed "it's you're favorite, pancakes with peanut butter, banana, and honey" I slowly turned around and looked at the delicious food.

I slightly smiled at the thought "can I stay in bed" I asked her "as long as you like" she told me and walked over to my bed, I sat up and but my orange juice on my stand I saw my mom walk over and look out my window.

I took a bite of my food and looked at my mom walk out "thanks mom" I said before she left, she smiled at me and closed the door as I stared down at my pancakes and ate some more.

Reed's POV
"Zane" Lewis said as we walked up towards him he turned his head and looked at us for a minute "glad you guys reconsidered" he said messing with some gear "well, we do love a good mystery" I fake smiled at him.

"Did you get the 100 bucks for us" Lewis asked him as he pulled out two 100's and gave it to us "right here, is the enough?" He asked us Lewis held it up and inspected it "perfect" he said, I looked at Zane and pointed at him "actually I-" i said.

But lewis knew what I was gonna say and put his hand on my mouth I pushed it away and looked at him "never mind" I rolled my eyes and got in the boat.

Once we where driving Lewis out of now where told Zane to stop "here? but this is nowhere near Mako, this is nowhere near anything" Zane said and looked around "that's the point, solitary creature, it doesn't want to be found" I told him pressing a button that showed the whole ocean.

"Think-I don't think Loch Ness monster, this is isolated" Lewis told him "right" Zane said confused "I'm, I'm telling you, there's monsters here" Lewis said as he picked up the scanner that kept beeping.

"I don't know, I was way over at Mako" Zane said looking around "hey, who are the geeks here?" Lewis asked him "you guys are" Zane said "you bet we are, and when it comes to, to monsters the paranormal, or anything technologically, who are you going to trust?" Lewis left him stunned I smirked at Lewis.

"now go and drop the anchor" I pointed at it and looked at him, Lewis and I looked at each other and smiled.

Leah's POV
"The girls and I had our presents in our hands as we saw the party "this is just how I remember it from when we were kids" Emma looked at me as I stared at the party "unsettling isn't it?" Rikki said "we'll get used to it I had to come to these every year" I told them as we walked in.

There where kids running around everywhere with balloons and there was a horse I looked at the party with a disturbance face "I rode my first pony at Cleo's sixth birthday party" Emma smiled looking at me "are we sure this isn't Cleo's sixth birthday?" Rikki said I chuckled at her.

"Poor Cleo's she isn't gonna like this" I said looking around, I jumped when a little boy came up and hit Rikki in the face with a balloon she got mad and took it from the boy.

"Rikki, this is supposed to be a party" Emma said grabbing the ballon from her and giving it to the boy "here you go" she told him I laughed at Rikki and her actions "I'm starting to see why Cleo didn't want to make such a big deal about this" Rikki looked at me.

"Yup, the only thing missing is Cleo's dad in a cowboy suit, sweeping down and slapping a party hat on you're head " I said as a joke but the next thing we know Cleo's dad slapped a party hat on Cleo and Rikki's head and then mine "girls, glad you could make it" he said.

I grabbed the party hat off my head and looked at him "is my little gal gonna love this or what?" He said in a terrible cowboy accent "are you sure that ballon animals and a pony are appropriate" Emma asked him.

"Balloon animals are ageless, she'll love it, you wait when she comes downstairs, she'll be ecstatic" he said with a big smile on his face I looked at him with and awkward smile, as he walked away "pew, pew, put 'em up" he made fake gun sounds "where's my horse?" He said to some little kids.

We all looked at each other and smiled weirdly.

Cleo's POV
I was putting my shoes on till I heard a lot of noise outside I stopped what I was doing and listened carefully I got up from my bed and walked over to my window.

When I saw what was going on outside my eyes widened "we're going to sing happy birthday she's going to be coming down in just a minute ok, so everybody, if you can sing" my dad told everyone "oh no" I said shaking my head.

And stormed downstairs.

Once I got out I looked at my dad angrily "Happy birthday!" Everyone yelled and clapped for me I walked over to them with anger "you knew?" I looked at Leah, Rikki, and Emma with a glare.

But they didn't say anything my dad tried to hug me but I pushed his arm off me "you said you wouldn't" I yelled at him and looked at the girls "how could you?" I said as I stormed away.

Leah's POV
I took my party hat off and tried to find Cleo "Cleo!" I said as I ran outside "where'd she go?" Her dad asked "um I think she just left something at my house yesterday" Emma said as we all looked down the street for her.

"Probably she'll be back" Emma said looking at the street then back at him "she better be" he said as we kept looking for her.

Cleo's POV
I swam as fast as I could as bubbles flowed in my face I was angry I kept swimming until I couldn't no more.

Reeds POV
"You ever think about life guys, like, do you find destiny or does destiny find you? Zane asked us as he's feet where propped up on the boat "hmm?" I said as I was to busy looking at the scanner.

"Like, things happen for a reason" he said "please stop" I told him looking back at the scanner "something weird happened to me, and when I find out what it was-" he said but he stopped himself and started to smile "well maybe right now, yeah maybe I'm on the brink of destiny" he said.

I listened to him speak until the scanner started to beep like crazy I looked at it and started to panic "what, what was that?" He said getting up "um?" I said "give me a look" he leaned over and tried to grab it from me but I wouldn't let go "give it to me" he held my wrist and looked at it.

"It's just a false reading" Lewis told him "look it's going-" but he cut Lewis off "that's it I just saw the blade" he said excitedly I looked at Lewis with worry I dint know what to do.

When one of the girls went right past us we almost fell off I was hoping it wasn't Leah, or any of them at that, but I already knew it was one of them.

"False reading huh?" He smirked at Lewis "feel that?" he said, Lewis and I stood up and looked around the water with worry "no" I lied "that was big and strong and, and weird, it was headed towards Mako" he said looking at what direction it was going.

"How do you know that?" I said pointed at the direction "you don't know that" I said putting my hand down while Zane was still looking behind him "destiny Reed" he said pointing at me kissing his finger and putting it up "this could be it" he said with a smile and started to pull the anchor up.

I looked over at Lewis and threw up my hands.

Cleo's POV
Once I made it not to far from Mako I stopped and swam up to the surface.

Reeds POV
We stopped in-front of Mako as Zane got up and threw the anchor back in the water "ok Lewis, turn the equipment on and let's do this" Zane said my eyes widened as I saw Cleo swimming towards a rock I shoved Lewis shoulder and pointed my head towards Cleo.

He looked very worried for her and swallowed a lump in his throat "so um you going under then?" Lewis asked him as we saw Cleo sitting on a rock "not yet" he looked at him "ok, uh do you want me to pull up a reading?" Lewis asked him pointing at his equipment.

"No I want you to do macrame" he said sarcastically I had the scanner in my hand as Zane got up "look I'll do it myself" he leaned over and tried to grab the scanner from me "no, no, I've got it" I said "Zane I've got it" I said as we fought over it.

I stood up and started to fight back "Zane I've got it" I yelled as I 'accidentally' dropped it in the water "hey" he said "oh" Lewis said putting his hand on his mouth "you idiot" he pointed at me "what me you where the one who practically reached over and jerked It away from me" I yelled back.

"You I can't believe you just did that" he pointed at the water "I thought you told me you knew how to use this thing" he yelled at me, at this point we where yelling now "I do" I said.

I looked over and saw Cleo leaving I looked over at Lewis as he gave me a thumbs up I smiled and got back to Zane "do you have any idea how expensive it is" he said my smile dropped as he looked back at me "I'm going to have to jump in there after it now" he told me.

He stood on the boat and jumped in the ocean I looked at Lewis and smirked at him.

Leah's POV
This party was not going well, I looked over and saw a little boy blowing and making noise in Rikki's face when she suddenly grabbed it and smashed it and threw it away.

"Girls, more fairy bread, bread pudding" he asked us offering something to eat as we shook our heads "no thanks" I told him "I don't understand what's keeping Cleo at your place" he looked at Emma "well you know how my Mum likes to talk" Emma looked up at him.

"But she knows this is all here, I mean, who can resist a pony" he said pointing at a party and a pony that Kim was riding "make it go faster, whip it" Kim yelled at the woman "faster" she kept telling her as Cleo's dad looked at us and smiled.

I looked at the ground and back up and Cleo's dad "um can I make a small point Mr.Sertori?" I asked him as he nodded his head, as he sat down beside me "I mean I've been to all of Cleo's birthday parties, and Cleo's kind of grown up lately she's not the same girl as, say Kim" I said pointing at her.

"Yup true, but all girls love ponies" he said nodding his head and pointing at me "does Rikki look like the kind of girl that would be caught dead on a pony" I said pointing at Rikki as Rikki  smirked at me "not really" he said leaning over and looking at her.

"Figure it out" I said patting his shoulder and got up and walked away as Rikki followed me.

Reeds POV
We made it to the shore as me and Lewis got out "this is rented Reed, rented" he said as I pulled the boat up "I'm sorry, how many times do I have to say that I am sorry, and keep bugging me about I just might not be sorry" I said looking at him as he wiped it off with a towel.

He glared at me "this better be cover by insurance" he told me I looked at Lewis and told him to go find Cleo with my head as he ran into the woods and I continued to pull the boat up.

Cleo's POV
I heard Lewis whispering my name I leaned on a tree and rolled my eyes "ow" he said "cleo" he said again I sighed "cleo!" I turned and faced him "all right, all right" I held up my hand and stopped him from yelling "keep your voice down" I told him.

He ran over and stood in-front of me "don't worry, meathead's not with me he's with Reed" he said pointing back where he came from "then why are you whispering?" I asked he shrugged his shoulders "and what are you guys doing here with Zane?" I asked him and leaned on a big rock.

"It's a long story, why aren't you at your birthday party?" He asked me "great did everyone know about my stupid party except me?" I crossed my arms "don't let it get you down" I sighed "easy for you to say, you don't have a dad who still thinks you're still six years old" I told him.

"No, but Leah does he treats her like a baby it's funny you should really see it" I looked at him "not the point but, Cleo I want you to meet me at the JuiceNet at 5:30" he said as he but his hands together.

"Hey geekaroid, where are you?" I heard Zane yell for Lewis he quickly pulled me down behind the rock "Cleo at the JuiceNet at 5:30" he told me as he got up and walked out "I'm here" he yelled "what are you doing?" Zane asked him as I rolled my eyes.

"Call of nature" Lewis said "well let's get out of here Reeds at the boat waiting, hurry before he does something even more stupid" Zane told Lewis.

"Oh you are a wonderful human being Zane" Lewis said as I sat there and listened to them bicker "happy birthday Cleo" I said to myself and sighed.

Leah's POV
My phone starting to ring as I was picking up some balls "hello" I said through the phone "Lewis" I said with worry "you found her" I said with relief and looked at the girls and her dad "and she'll definitely be there you're sure?" I said smiling.

I looked back at the girls as they looked confused on why I was smiling so hard.

Cleo's POV
I made it to the JuiceNet Cafe and saw Lewis dressed super nice "are you ready?" He asked me as he leaned his hand on a pole "for what?" I asked him with a confused look, but he didn't answer me and walked towards the cafe but stopped halfway.

"Come on" he gestured his hand for me to come I stood there and started to walk towards him "come on" he said again I looked at him and walked in "surprise!" Everyone yelled as they started to clap for me.

I had a big smile on my face as I saw my friends Rikki, Leah, Emma, and Reed in the front I put my hand on my heart and smiled big.

"Happy birthday Cleo" Leah, Rikki, Emma, and Reed said taking turns telling me happy birthday as I looked at them "you did all this" I said.

But they shook there heads and looked at Lewis "what do you think I needs the money for?" Lewis came up with a gift for me  "happy birthday Cleo" Lewis smiled at me, I looked at him with a big smile, and opened my present and pulled out a little balloon animal.

"I couldn't resist" he told me, I looked at him and laughed "thank you Lewis" I grabbed his shoulder and kissed his cheek, as he started to get shy and laughed I walked over to greet some more friends that told me happy birthday.

Cleo's POV
I walked in the backyard and played with my balloon Lewis got me, when I looked up I saw dad sitting their really sad.

My smile started to form as I walked up and stood beside him "I'm sorry dad, I had to get away" i told him and sat down I looked at him as he put his head down in silence "you know why" I told him "Lewis called me, how was the party?" He asked me playing with his cowboy hat.

"It was really good" I smiled big thinking about it "you didn't come" I rubbed my hands together "no" he said there was silence for a moment "you're not a little girl anymore, you're growing up, leaving me behind" he said looking up.

I looked at him and grabbed his shoulders "of course I'm your girl, I always will be" I said smiling at him "really?" He asked me.

I looked down and picked up a red ball "but maybe colored balls shouldn't feature so heavily in our relationship anymore" I said as I held up the red ball and threw it "what do you say?" I nudged him slightly.

"Deal" he told me, I got up and held out my hand, he took it as I smiled at him, he took his hat and put it back on, when we where about to go inside he stopped and put his hands on his hips.

"One last time" he said I looked at him and smiled "race you" I said as we both ran towards the ball pit and jumped in it with big smiles on our face.

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