jj maybank fanfics

By thedylanodaddy

22.2K 218 104

only jiara content. imagines inspired by jj maybank and kiara carrera from the show outer banks. every story... More

being close
needy for touch
the first
the second
the third & fourth
the fifth
thoughts, feelings and dreams
needy for touch pt.2
the sixth
the seventh
the eighth
hot tub
you can't plan your feelings
the tenth
you can't plan your feelings pt.2
not bad weird
uncharted territory
pretty please
never alone
can't stop thinking about it
terrified but excited
terrified but excited pt.2

the ninth

649 6 1
By thedylanodaddy

{Three weeks later}

After everything's that happened between the kook girl and the pouge boy, they both realised that they need each other. They complement parts of each other's personalities and how their minds works in such an unique way. It's like something clicked in both of them, that this is how it's supposed to be and how it's supposed to feel. So for the last weeks they've hung out a lot, talked and enjoyed each other's company.

One thing that has happened is that JJ has introduced Kiara to his best friends John B and Pope. It was a good meeting but quite short and they haven't met each other since. JJ was really nervous about them meeting, not because he was scared of them not getting along but because his friends would expose him. He knew that John B or Pope one hundred percent would say something whether it's on purpose or not.

One thing that hasn't happened is them talking about their almost kiss. They both think about it a lot, it pops in to their heads from time to time, especially when they're close or when something more intimate or flirty happens.

It's a scary thing to (almost) kiss someone, well at least when you have such strong feelings towards one another, which they definitely have. But those feelings are still unspoken. Even though they've talked a lot and hung out almost every hour of the day for the last weeks, they're still shy and keeps those thing to themselves. Despite that they're both completely comfortable around each other there's still this undertone of tension between them. Both try their best to ignore it because it's something that neither of them can explain or dare to think about. The push the feelings down and tries to think about something else or distract themselves from their thoughts. But for how long can the two of them ignore the feeling?


One night they where laying in the hammock together, looking at the stars. They had been chatting for hours, enjoying each other's company to the fullest.

Kiara grabs JJ's hand, playing and stroking it with her fingers. She drags her fingers along his hand and up on his arm. Her touch makes him get goosebumps.
Kiara loves the way JJ responds to her touch. He's so beautifully innocent in a sweet and playful way. He gets so quiet and shy but also really impatient like he wants more and more, almost like a child. Kiara gently strokes her fingers on his arm and he carefully watches her do it. He follows her every move, like he's enchanted by her touch.

"You're so cute."

JJ blushes, knowing exactly what she's referring to. He's really bad at hiding this side of him, it's something he's new too and he feels kinda embarrassed about it. But Kiara makes him feel safe, she doesn't judge him or make fun of him for being a little cheesy or childish.

This has happened a lot recently and it becomes natural and normal to them. Being close, always sitting next to each other and having at least a leg on their lap or a hand on theirs, stroking it or playing with it. They also compliment each other a lot, more than they think and more than normal friends do. It's usually small things about each other's personality or looks, but they always mean more than the other person thinks. This has became their way of communicating their feelings and thoughts towards each other. Although they would never admit it, not out loud and neither to themselves.

{Present day}

Kiara is on her way to meet JJ. She's just got out of work and is excited to spend some time with him. The drive is nice, music is playing on the radio and she feels happy.

Her thoughts go to the blonde and blue eyed boy, who makes her feel things she's never felt before. It's like she finally knows how it's supposed to be and feel when your in lo- When you have a close friend. That you really like.

Kiara pulls up to the chateau and parks the car. When she gets out of her car she hears voices from inside, they're talking and laughing. She locks the car and goes up to the porch. Through the window she sees JJ sitting in the arm chair laughing and pulling his hand through his hair. He looks so peaceful and happy, it makes Kiara smile and she gets a good feeling in her stomach.

"Her dad walked out just as I was kissing her goodbye but I got away just in time. I've never ran that fast in my life."

"Geez John B, you're living on the edge for this girl."

"Well it's worth it, promise me. I actually got a bl-"

John B stops right in his sentence as Kiara walks in.

"You got a what?"

"Uh uhm.."

"A big hug!"

JJ answers for his best friend, sending a wink to Kiara.

"Yeah it was a really big hug!"

Kiara chuckles at the two of them, Pope shakes his head trying not to laugh.

"Wow! Then it was definitely worth it. Would've done anything to get that."

"You hear that JJ-"

JJ throws a pillow in John B's face to shut him up. He then stands up, takes Kiaras hand and quickly goes in to the spare bedroom.

"Use protection!"

Pope and John B shouts after them, laughing at their own joke.

"Sorry about them.."

"It's all good."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I know it's just jokes."

"Uh yeah.. Of course."

They sit down on the bed, JJ pulls out an old laptop and turns it on.

"Wanna watch a movie?"

Kiara nods and pulls a blanket over her, laying down and getting comfortable on the bed. JJ puts on Shrek 2, cause last time they watched the first. He crawls up to Kiara and lays down next to her.

It doesn't take long before they're close, cuddling and holding each other. JJ has his leg on Kiara's legs and his head on her chest while they're playing with each other's hands.
It's natural and normal for them, even though it might not be from an outside perspective cause they're just friends. Right?

Despite that, JJ can't help to feel butterflies in his stomach. He feels nervous and excited around Kiara, especially being this close. It's something he never dared to dream about cause it felt so far away from reality.

Kiara moves her hand to JJ's hair and starts playing with it, dragging her fingers through it and massaging his head. JJ gets a bit shocked at her actions but quickly melts into the feeling. He feels safe and calm, making his nervousness fade away and he becomes sleepy. He's fighting for his eyes to stay open, to focus on the movie, but it feels too good. He's so relaxed and he slowly falls into sleep.

Kiara keeps watching the movie and playing with his hair for a few minutes until she hears light snoring.


JJ is deep in sleep, his body is warm against hers like a soft and cosy blanket. She lets him sleep, through almost the entire movie.

It's now the end of the movie and Kiara stops playing with JJ's hair for a second to reach for her phone. It makes her switch lightly in her position, which wakes him up.

"Why'd you stop.."

JJ mumbles with a sleepy and low voice, he has a slight annoyance in his tone.


JJ takes Kiaras hand and places it in his hair again.

"Keep going."

He sounds like little child, making Kiara chuckle.

"But you'll just fall asleep again."

"No I won't."

"Yes you will, you've already missed the whole movie."

"No I haven't."

"Yes you have, it's the end scene now."

JJ lifts his head and looks at the computer screen. He groans loudly and collapses his head on Kiara's chest.

Kiara chuckles and closes the computer.

"Sorry Kie.."

That nickname, she loves it. It makes her stomach fill up with butterflies.

"No worries."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, it's getting late anyways so I should head home."

Kiara shifts in her position, making JJ leave her chest and sit up.

"Oh ok."

JJ feels a bit sad while watching Kiara gather her stuff. He doesn't want her to leave. He wants her to stay with him, lay in bed and fall asleep with him as they hold each other close. But he's too scared to say anything. It's too risky.

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

Kiara looks up at JJ who's sitting in bed.

"Yeah, I get off work at 12am so I'm free after that."

JJ nods and smiles. Kiara stands there just looking at him. He looks so cute and cosy, his hair is all messy and his cheeks are slightly red and warm from laying so close to her. She doesn't want to leave. She wants to crawl back into bed with JJ and cuddle until they fall asleep.

"Are you leaving or?


"You had to leave?"

"Uh yeah, sorry. Just thinking."

"About what?"

"That I really don't want to leave."

Kiara surprises herself with her words. Not that they in any way are a lie, but because she didn't want to say it out loud. She didn't mean to.

JJ drags his hand through his hair and smirks, his cheeks turn red as he looks away. It's quiet for a while, they're both too shy to say anything.

"JJ! We're going out to the bonfire, wanna join us?!"

John B breaks the silence, shouting from the living room.

"Uh- Maybe later!"

"Suit yourself!"

"I better get going."

Kiara walks towards the door, making JJ quickly stand up. He fumbles a little, finding his balance.

"So uh- I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye then."



Even though they'll meet again tomorrow, which is just in a couple of hours, it felt like an eternity.

And it was an eternity. Kiara slept badly that that night, her mind being full of thoughts of the boy, wishing time would move quicker. Her alarm went off around 5am. She reaches for her phone and turns it off, feeling her eyes being heavy and her head hurting from the lack of sleep.

She has the opening shift at the restaurant which means she has to put down all the chairs, wipe all tables, go through the cash register and put out the breakfast menus on all tables. All this took way longer than it should, than it usually do. Her mind was on the blonde pouge boy all morning and her eyes were constantly looking at the time, which is moving painfully slow.

Kiara sighs loudly as she puts down the last chair.

"You sound happy."

Kiara turns her head to the entrance and is met by her dad.

"Just tired that's all."

"Have you put out the menus?"

"Yeah, just gotta do the register and then I'm done."

"I'll do that, you just take the empty bottles out the back. Forgot them last night."

Kiara smiles and nods at her dad. He knows how much she hates doing the register, it takes forever to get right and to get done cause everything is done manually.

Kiara grabs the bottles, puts them out back where the rest is and yells a goodbye to her dad before leaving.

15 more minutes to spend with JJ. She smiles to herself, thinking about him. He's so sweet, kind and goofy. She loves how he can be absolutely careless and confident, joking around one second and the other he becomes shy and nervous. He's like a puppy in human form.

Kiara drives down the main road, listening to some music with the windows down. Her her blows in the wind and the suns warms her skin.
She turns down the road to where the chateau is, it's a shaky road, full with holes and bumps.

She parks her car behind John B'a van and gets out. She hears voices from inside, sounds like two people. One is definitely JJ but the other one?

Kiara walks up on the porch and sees a blonde girl sitting on the couch with her back facing the window. Kiara's stomach twists. He has a girl over, of course he does. Her mind fills up with every possibility, that they're dating and are in love with each other but they might just be friends. Right? Kiara's stomach twists even harder at the thought. She wants to leave, to run to the car and drive off. But she doesn't.

She goes up to the door, knocking on it before slowly opening it.

"Hey Kie."

She's met with JJ's warm and comforting smile. The girl stands up and turns around.

Every thought and feeling she had just disappears. She lets out a sigh of relief and it's louder and more noticeable than anticipated.
JJ notices right away.


Sarah goes up to Kiara and hugs her.

"Didn't know you were hanging out with pouges!"

"I uh- It's usually just JJ. What are you doing here?"

"I'm waiting for John B, he's out fixing the boat."

"Oh right."

Kiara had completely forgotten about Sarah and John B. Sarah is her best friend but lately they haven't seen each other that much because of the two pouges.

"So this is why we haven't hung out in a while?"

Sarah gestures to JJ, raising her eyebrows with a mischievous smile on her face. Kiara is quick to answer, perhaps too quick.

"Yeah we're friends."

JJ's stomach falls, a long drop. He knows that they're nothing more than friends but hearing Kiara say it, hurts like hell. Kiara doesn't notice the sudden change in JJ's face but Sarah does.
She gives him a comforting smile, letting him know it's alright.

"Well I'm gonna go see if John B is done with the boat. It was nice seeing you again Kiara, I've missed you."

"I've missed you too."

They're now left alone, both standing awkwardly in the living room. It feels tense between them, like they're both on their guards. Kiara feels bad for jumping to the conclusion that he had a girl over. She knows he's allowed to cause they're just friends, nothing more.

"So what'd you want to do?"

JJ breaks the tension, looking at Kiara with his puppy-like-eyes. That look makes Kiara want to hold him as close as possible, he's so addictively cute and cosy.

"Don't know, I'm quite tired."

"Didn't you sleep?"

"I did, but only 2 or 3 hours maybe."

"Oh, why's that?"

Kiara looks down, feeling stupid for not being able to sleep just because her mind is filled with JJ. But it's so comforting and it feels so good to think about him, no matter how frustrating it sometimes can be and despite her lack of sleep.

"I uh.. Had a lot on my mind, I guess."

"Like what? Has something happened?"

JJ sounds concerned which Kiara finds really sweet but she can't help but to chuckle a bit. It's such a silly reason to not be sleeping.

"No I just- Forget it. Let's do something."

JJ wants to know why but leaves it.

"Wanna watch Shrek 3?"

Kiara chuckles, thinking about yesterday's event.

"I promise not to fall asleep again."

"Can't promise I won't."

"I don't mind."

His tone of voice changes, it's low but clear. He sounds sincere. Kiara blushes, she can't help it. His voice and words wasn't anything she expected.

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