Love Me | MarkNoHyuckMin


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Jaemin, Mark, Jeno, and Haechan end up going on a blind date due to their friends hoping something will happe... More

Character Profiles
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
I need several moments
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four
chapter forty five
chapter forty six
chapter forty seven
chapter forty eight
It's been way too long
chapter forty nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
chapter fifty three
chapter fifty four
chapter fifty five
chapter fifty six
chapter fifty seven
chapter fifty eight
chapter fifty nine
chapter sixty
chapter sixty one
chapter sixty two
chapter sixty three
chapter sixty four
chapter sixty five
chapter sixty six
chapter sixty seven
Peace offering
chapter sixty eight
chapter sixty nine
chapter seventy
chapter seventy one
chapter seventy two
chapter seventy three
chapter seventy four
chapter seventy five
chapter seventy six
chapter seventy seven
chapter seventy eight
chapter seventy nine
chapter eighty
chapter eighty two
chapter eighty three
chapter eighty four
chapter eighty five
chapter eighty six
chapter eighty seven
chapter eighty eight
chapter eighty nine
chapter ninety
chapter ninety one
chapter ninety two
chapter ninety three
chapter ninety four
chapter ninety five
chapter ninety six
chapter ninety seven
chapter ninety eight
chapter ninety nine
chapter one hundred
chapter one hundred and one
chapter one hundred and two
chapter one hundred and three
chapter one hundred and four
chapter one hundred and five
chapter one hundred and six
chapter one hundred and seven
chapter one hundred and eight
chapter one hundred and nine
chapter one hundred and ten
chapter one hundred and eleven
chapter one hundred and twelve
chapter one hundred and thirteen
chapter one hundred and fourteen
chapter one hundred and fifteen
chapter one hundred and sixteen
chapter one hundred and seventeen
chapter one hundred and eighteen
chapter one hundred and nineteen
chapter one hundred and twenty
chapter one hundred and twenty one
chapter one hundred and twenty two
chapter one hundred and twenty three
chapter one hundred and twenty four
chapter one hundred and twenty five
chapter one hundred and twenty six
chapter one hundred and twenty seven
chapter one hundred and twenty eight
chapter one hundred and twenty nine
chapter one hundred and thirty
chapter one hundred and thirty one
chapter one hundred and thirty two
chapter one and hundred and thirty three
chapter one hundred and thirty four
chapter one hundred and thirty five
chapter one hundred and thirty six
chapter one hundred and thirty seven
chapter one hundred and thirty eight
chapter one hundred and thirty nine
chapter one hundred and forty
chapter one hundred and forty one
bonus: chenji, xiaokun
bonus: tenyang continued...
bonus:renwinsung ft. johnjae
Facts :)
get to know me!!

chapter eighty one

348 14 142

I wanna take you out on a date
Well, a prequel date because the one
I actually wanna take you on isn't
suited for this weather
So because I have a future plan, you
can choose what we do for this date

Should I even be surprised you
already have a plan?

I like being prepared

Only yes or no is allowed as an
answer to this question. Would
you like to re-do and improve
our time at the pet cafe?

I'm gonna break your rule. We can
do that anytime so if you don't wanna
do that today, then it can wait

Do you actually not care or are
you just saying that?

I don't lie
I mean it, we can do it another
time if you don't wanna do that
Especially because it's your place of
But if YOU really WANT to then we
I am not making the decisions here

So if I said I wanted to go
ice-skating, you wouldn't give a

No fucks given
Ice-skating also sounds great

I'm assuming you wanna pick
me up

Even if we're in your car, I'm not
letting you drive unless that would
make you nervous

It doesn't
Does it make you nervous?

Depends on the day I'm having
So shall I pick you up or...?

I await you my princess

I love you for that

"For that" ouchhh


So sympathetic of you

Hey, are you good at ice-skating?

I'm decent at it, why?
Are you scared or something?

Or something

"I should've known."

Jaemin grins. "It's cute you thought I'd be scared."

"How was I supposed to know?"

Jaemin shrugs. "You weren't."

Jeno sighs and continues letting Jaemin lead them around the ice rink. He wasn't lying when he said he's decent at it, but he does feel way calmer knowing he's with someone who knows exactly what they're doing.

"How are you so good at this anyways?"

"I didn't like to stay home much when I was kid. I always wanted to be doing something. And then it felt nice when I didn't have to think so if I felt trapped inside my mind, I would go do something. Jisung would join me sometimes but he doesn't like everything I like so while I'm doing an activity by myself, I have time to get good at it. I was determined to become good at ice-skating because it hurt like hell when I fell down. Plus, I was tired of my parents going in circles around me."

"Oh, so it's a family thing?"

"Not everything. I love snowboarding but my mom hates it and my dad gets tired."

"When did you get into cycling?"

"At first, it was just supposed to help me clear my head and then I just saw pretty stuff I wanted to take pictures of so I started doing it more. Taking pictures is still my favorite thing to do. I especially love taking pictures at night. Some people said it's hard to do, but I learned how to do it properly so it's fine for me. I also like cooking. Baking is fine, but if I wasn't so nice, I'd definitely charge Jisung and Haechan. What?" Jaemin asks when seeing the way Jeno is smiling at him.

"Nothing. You're just cute when you talk."

Heat rushes to Jaemins cheeks, not really affecting his already slightly rosy face. "You guys like making me blush, don't you?"

"It's not our fault you get even more adorable when you're embarrassed."

Jaemin looks away, trying not to let Jeno see the smile on his face. Jeno sees it anyway, but doesn't comment, satisfied with the boys reaction.

Jaemin looks back at him after a moment. "Can I ask you a question?"

"You can ask me anything."

"When did you realize you liked me?"

"I don't know, actually. I think I've just been liking you more and more all this time. Remember that Halloween party?"

"So that wasn't because I was wearing tiny skin-tight shorts?"

Jeno narrows his eyes. "What are you trying to make me think of, Princess?"

"Nothing, Princess."

"Seriously though, I think I liked you then. Yeah", Jeno nods, "I'm pretty sure that's why I was being weird. And I'm also not going to pretend you're not attractive as hell."

"Oh", Jaemin says in understanding.

"When did you realize you liked me?"

"It actually didn't resonate with me until I got mad at the nickname. Or lack thereof. It's a stupid thing to be upset about, but I was upset. I would've cried if you stopped calling me that and kept calling Haechan and Mark by nicknames."

"Well, I get it. I was gonna lose my mind when you kept calling me Jeno."

Jaemin giggles. "Sorry about that. I felt like getting revenge."

"Very effective." It goes quiet as the two just continue to skate around, tightly holding holds. "I have a question about this date of ours you have planned."

"I'm not telling you what it is."

"I figured. Is whatever you have planned a spring activity?"

"There are a few different components to the date and basically all of them are best for warmer weather. Well, okay, one of them doesn't matter, but it's kinda like the least important."

"How long have you been thinking of this?"

"A while. I know it's not special all the time but, for us, I want our first date to be special. And basically, once I get an idea into my head, it doesn't leave. I spent three years waiting to take Jisung to an amusement park and I didn't let him pay for any of it."


"I only let him buy souvenirs, but if it was for himself, I bought it. I had actually to steal his wallet which, I think, is the meanest thing I've ever done to him."

"To him? Have you done something meaner to someone else?"

"It's not that bad, it's just mean in terms of me. Like, everything I do is mean to you. I would snap at Haechan or roll my eyes at him because he encouraged normal reactions from me."

Jeno frowns. "Normal?"

"Princess, we both know the way I act isn't normal. Being nice and polite is good, but no one does it to my extent. Haechan just developed patience for me this year. What I do depends on how I feel and who I'm with. Like I'm not always super careful with Jungwoo and Ten, but that's only when it's just us."

Jeno opens his mouth to ask a question but stops himself, wondering if it's a good idea. "I wanna ask you something but I don't wanna make you uncomfortable."

"Try it."

"Why are you only like this with me? Trust me, I love you being you and I don't care whether that means bickering about princess etiquette or you being polite, but I'm just wondering why I get to see what other people don't."

"Because I tried to push you away", Jaemin admits, not looking at him.


"I'm polite so people will like me. When I'm more relaxed and do something like argue over princess etiquette or whatever the fuck it is, I'm letting you see the reasons someone wouldn't like me if they got to know me. As much as I try, I can't be like this all the time. If you annoy me or I wanna be sarcastic or argue for fun, sometimes I'll give in and do it. For some reason, with you, I don't need that much reassurance to know you're not upset with me. I just trust that the way I act with you is okay. And by doing this, I'm hoping you'll like it, so I'm glad you do."

"I'm glad you like me too."

Jaemin smiles and leans in to kiss his cheek. "Anymore questions?"


"Ask away."

"Remember that day at the pet cafe and I took you home and thought you were mad at me. What was going through your mind then?"

"I was happy when you went into the bathroom to comfort me. I wanted you to. Not just because I was overthinking about everyone else but because I wanted to see you care about me. And you showed me so much care. You didn't leave me alone, you got me food, you gave me so much affection, everything you did was perfect. That's why I cried."

Jenos face scrunches in confusion. "I don't understand."

"You did everything I wanted you to do, but I was scared that I wouldn't receive that treatment again. Being cared for the way I want to be always makes me emotional but I worry about my relationship with you a lot because I want something to happen, and sometimes, I'm scared it won't."

"I worry about that too. When my coworker was teasing us, I didn't care but I didn't wanna make you uncomfortable. I hold back just so I don't make you uncomfortable, but I don't care that much. I know we're not at the same level as the others but as long as we like each other and are doing something about it, I'm okay with the way we are. I just don't want us to be just friends. You are, but I don't think of you the way I think of Lele and Doyoung. Which is good 'cause I would get killed for it."

Jaemin chuckles. "Jisung wouldn't kill you."

"You sure?"

"He wouldn't kill you for romantic feelings. When I became friends with Lele, while Jisungs feelings were developing, he asked me if I liked him and told me to be honest because he'd back off if I did."

"Yeah, but he doesn't love me me the way he loves you."

"But he loves you." Jaemin brings Jenos face into his hands and lifts his head so he can look into his eyes. "Only stupid people wouldn't."

Jenos hands cover Jaemins own, liking the way it feels and loving the way Jaemin is looking at him right now. He's not sure when he started wanting the males attention, but he can't deny how much enjoys when he gets it.

A smile stretches across Jaemins face as he admires the male, thinking he looks so damn good like this. Even if he's not gonna do anything yet, he allows his eyes to trail down to Jenos lips, making sure the boy knows exactly what he's looking at.

It's at this moment that Jeno realizes how dangerous Jaemin is. Because he makes him feel the way Mark and Haechan feel, but the thing about Jaemin is that he also causes anticipation. This isn't Jenos first time thinking about kissing Jaemin, but it's the first time realizing how much he actually wants to kiss him.

The way Jaemin's looking at him makes him think he knows. The way he's looking at him makes him feel like he's transparent, and he's not sure how he feels about that. Especially when Jaemin starts leaning in closer, sending panic through his whole body. He's sure the emotions in his brain are running wild while an alarm blares. 'Cause that's what it feels like.

Jaemin holds eye contact with Jeno as he leans in closer and closer, his smile never fading, only transitioning into something more mischievous. His gaze flickers down to Jenos lips yet again, keeping track of his target. He hears Jeno let out a little gasp he's definitely going to tease him about later right before his laps land on the corner of his mouth. Right before Jeno can do anything about it, his lips are gone and he's giggling.

"Do you want another kiss?" He asks, eyes twinkling.

Jeno nods dumbly, not thrilled to admit how much he wants another kiss from the male, already hating that his face is betraying him.

Jaemin grins. "You'll have to catch me first!"

And then he's gone, leaving Jeno dumbfounded and left with nothing but his rapidly growing feelings.

Little Sis

Little Sis


Little Sis
How was your Christmas?

As depressing as it always is
without you and Kade
And if you bring up Mom, I'm gonna
change the subject

Little Sis
I'm sorry
Both me and Kade shouldn't have
argued with you but I can only
apologize for myself
I'm sorry
I hate spending the holidays
without you
I got you a gift

I got you one too
I always get you and Kade one

Little Sis
Should I tell you the stupid shit
Mom said?

What now?

Little Sis
On Christmas or your birthday,
I always ask if she's gonna give
you gift and she always says
that if you want it, you're gonna
have to come here and apologize
And she expects gifts from you
I know you weren't the happiest
when we were younger but I
didn't understand
I still don't tbh
Mom treats me like a kid

You mean all this time you never
knew why I left and why I cut off
contact with Mom?

Little Sis
Mom told us that you were being
fake and wanted to go listen to
the devil with Jisung

Jesus Christ
Would you like me to explain what
actually happened?

Little Sis
Can we meet up somewhere to
talk and eat?

Of course
I don't stay mad at you and Kade
I love you two

Little Sis
We love you too
Even if we do stupid things like
argue with our brother instead
of be happy at the chance to
see him

I hope you know I'm going to hug you

Little Sis
I want a hug today

After choosing a restaurant to meet at, Haechan gets dressed and hurries out of his apartment, excited to see his sister.

"Haechan!" The teenager exclaims, running at him.


"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"Oh, late Merry Christmas", she says, holding out the gift.

"Merry Christmas. Let's go inside. I'm paying."

"Can we get dessert?"

"You think I eat out and don't get dessert?" Haechan asks, glancing back at her right before picking a table.

"Oh yeah, you had cookies a lot. Does Jisung still call you that?"

"Yep. Jaemin started calling me Cookie too."

"Dad told us you're dating him. And two other guys."

"I am." Haechan glances at her. "How do you feel about that?"

"Does it matter? Whether I approve or not isn't gonna make you like them any less and you've never been swayed by disapproval."

"Yes, I'm Mom's rebel."

"I don't care, Haechan. I just wanna meet them. Can I threaten them?"

Haechan chuckles, finding his sister adorable. "Yes, you can."

"Did Dad threaten them?"

"Nope. All the threatening was Jisungs doing."

"Does he still have a boyfriend?"

"Mhm. They're happily in love."

Alyssa nods. "Open your gift!"

"Open yours too."

Haechan unwraps the box and finds a bunch of things inside it. A beaded bracelet he knows Alyssa made herself with his name on it, a black braided bracelet, a silver chain necklace, a Starbucks giftcard, a bag of KitKat minis, stickers, a jacket, and a handmade card.

Alyssa squeals at the sight of the video games, Skittles, M&M's, necklaces, chokers, and merch from one of her favorite YouTubers.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome", Haechan says and takes notice of the necklace dangling around his sister's neck.

"Where'd you get that necklace?"

Alyssas face betrays her as she blushes, causing amusement to seep into her brother. "Um, my friend gave it to me."

"A friend?"

"Maybe I like them."

"What's your friends name?"


Haechan eyes widen as he lets out a gasp, only adding onto Alyssa's embarrassment. "Okay, okay", Haechan says, not calming down his excitement at all. "Am I allowed to make a big deal out of it or do you want me to stay calm?"

"What happens if I let you make a big deal out of it?"

"I throw you a party and bake you a cake."

"If I let you throw me a party, will I get a gift?"

Haechan narrows his eyes at her. "Yes, you will get a present."

"Who will be at the party?"

"Me, Jisung, his boyfriend, my boyfriends, Dad and Kade if you want, and I'd also love to meet Veronica at this party."

"Are you gonna threaten Veronica or something?"

"Depends. Is she fruity?"


"Was that necklace a platonic thing or was she trying to give you a hint?"

"I think it was a hint."

"Then I'll wait until you actually get together and then I'll actually threaten her."


"Please", Haechan begs.

The girl rolls her eyes. "Fine. Oh, what are you doing for New Years Eve?"

"Dad didn't tell you?"


"All Chenle, Jisung, Mark, Jeno, and Jaemins families, plus Dad and I are gonna get together and like have dinner and celebrate or whatever. Wanna come?"

"I can?"

"Why wouldn't you be able to?" Alyssa shrugs. Haechan sighs. "I'd invite Kade too, but I have a feeling he'd tell Mom and I'm not starting a new year off with her presence."

"Oh, yeah, what even happened?"


My Love #1







My Love #1

I'm so glad my homophobic bitch
of a mother has two queer kids

Wait, is your sister okay?
Like being with your mom?

Oh, definitely
I may hate my mother but if I have to
show up in person just to tell her
homophobic ass off and annoy the
shit out of her so she'll leave my sister alone, I will do it
But like Alyssa said she's fine
Apparently my mom is trying to
pretend to be supportive and keeps
asking Alyssa about girls
This is my mom's logic:
Girl likes boys = straight, girl likes
girls = lesbian
Only straight, gay, and lesbian exist
to her

My Love😍
Love when people act like I don't

Mark :)

My Love #1


Jaemins phones rings, prompting him to look down at it. His throat feels like it's closing as he stares at the caller ID. With a shaky hand, taking quick, deep breaths, he presses 'Answer' and then places the phone on speaker.


He gulps. "Hi, Grandma. Is Grandpa there too or is it just you?"

"We're both here. How are you, dear?"

"I'm good, how are you two?"

"We're fantastic", his grandpa answers with his usual cheer. "Are you still single?"

"N-no." Knowing he won't be able to focus, he pulls over as soon as he can.

"Why haven't we heard about this? What's her name? Or is it a he?"

"I-I'm...", His heart beats faster as he loses more air in his lungs. His panicked eyes search around the area for anything to distract him. He racks his brain for methods to help anxiety attacks but he can't remember any of them.

People passing by outside shoot him weird looks, making him feel worse but he can't do anything about it, he's too busy trying to remember how to breathe. He leans back against the seat, only now realizing that his grandparents are still talking.

"I thought we taught him to be better than this."

"He probably got distracted. I didn't hear anyone hang up."

"Why isn't he answering? Jaemin? JAEMIN!"

"I'm here. I'm sorry but I just...", He takes another breath, forcing himself to talk. "There's an emergency. I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you."

"Good. Call us back soon."

"Okay. Bye."

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

"What?" He says, barely being able to remember anything.

"Is this a joke, Jaemin?"


"What's wrong with you?"

"Sorry, Grandma, I'm just in my car and I'm distracted."

"Oh, are you alright?" His grandpa asks.

"I'm...I'm fine. I just need to call you back. I'm sorry."

"Okay", his grandma says, "but we'll talk about this later."

"That's a joke by the way."

"Not completely."

Jaemin doesn't say anything else before he ends the call. He continues to sit there, just thinking. About everything. He was right to assume his grandma hasn't changed, he's always right. But he knows that if there's nothing beyond the attitude expressed in the call, his parents won't notice a problem. He continues letting out deep breaths until he feels free of most of the anxiety that has taken over him. Eventually, he feels normal enough to continue the drive to his apartment.

Before he even gets out of his car, he starts a video call with his boyfriends, just needing one of them to answer.

"Hi Baby, what's up?" Haechan asks, expression immediately changing when he notices the way Jaemin looks.

"Princess, what happened?"

"Are you okay?"

"Whenever you can", he starts, wanting to cry all over again. "Can you come over please?"

"I'm coming right now."

"If you're busy, d-don't. I can wait."

"I'm coming", Mark says this time, once again getting agreement from his boyfriends.

It doesn't take long for them to show up and get greeted with a distressed Jaemin. As soon as they're all inside and he shuts the door, Jaemin immediately hugs the person closest—Mark. He buries his face in his chest and inhales his scent and warm feeling, relaxing him the way he needs.

"Jaem, are you okay?"

"Not at all", he mumbles. "I talked to m-m-my grandparents a-and my-y gr-randma, she—I already...started freaking out...'cause I don' like c-calling them and I had an...anxiety...attack and I couldn't breathe so I had to get off the phone and I hear-d-d her t-t-talking...a-about me. And she said...I'm supposed to be better."

"Oh my God."

His boyfriends crowd around him, trapping him in the tightest hug they can manage, all doing whatever they can to help him feel better. Jeno caresses his hair, Mark tells him soothing affirmations and Haechan kisses his forehead, repeating the words "I love you".

Jeno feels like crying, seeing what a mess his grandmother made him. It breaks him that he can't physically crush Jaemins pain into pieces that can't affect him ever again. He wishes he could shield him from all the bad things in the world. An immense rage runs through Mark, his boyfriends and the knowledge to keep talking being the only things stopping him from getting Jaemins phone and giving his grandparents a piece of his mind. Sadness, anger, and guilt all take over Haechan, the information making him come to a conclusion he hopes isn't true. And if it is, he wants to slap himself for every rude, snappy thing he's ever said or done to the upset male. He wonders how Jaemin was still friends with him and how Jisung hadn't beat him up. He knows he'd deserve it.

Before he knows it, he's crying too. When he looks up, he sees that Jeno is in a similar state but obviously trying to hold it together. A tear escapes Mark's eyes as he watches his Haechan and Jeno crumble in front of his eyes. He tries to keep his face blank, ignoring the cracks in his voice as he now tries to calm them all down instead of just Jaemin.

After a while, they eventually quiet down and break apart, all lost in their thoughts. It's not exactly the best idea but none of them know what else to do with the way they're feeling.

"This is why", Jaemin speaks up, interrupting their silence.

Mark, Jeno, and Haechan exchange a look all knowing what he's referring to without him specifying.

Feeling ready to talk about it and wanting to, Jaemin continues, "People pleasing tendencies developed when I was a kid. As I spent time with my grandparents, more of their words affected me."

"What did they say?" Haechan asks, softly.

"It started off fine, I guess. My grandparents just wanted to teach me manners but by the time I was ten, it didn't feel like learning just manners, it felt like learning who I was supposed to be. 'You shouldn't say comments like that, you should do this, you should smile, be friendly, don't be a jerk'. And I didn't understand because I was already friendly and I already do smile. And then it became things like 'You wanna make me happy, don't you? You want them to like you, right? Don't make me mad, don't make them mad'. Everything was about how other people felt and I'm scared if I do anything wrong, people will hate me. And I'm trying to learn not to care but it's hard when that's all I've been taught by them."

"Do your parents know?" Jeno asks.

A tear runs down as his face as he looks down. "Yes and no. I told them once and my mom talked to them but then on another visit, my grandma made another comment and was like 'You don't need to tell your parents about this, right? I'm just trying to help you'."

"Oh my God", Haechan says, lunging forward to hug the boy.

Haechan squeezes him as tight as possible without hurting him. He tries to keep himself calm even though he wants to cry all over again, having gotten the confirmation he never wanted.

While being crushed in a hug, it helps Jaemin feel better to explain, but no words escape when he opens his mouth.

"What do you wanna say?" Jeno asks having noticed, making all the boys look at Jaemin.

"I, um, I can't help being polite, you know, I don't wanna be rude to anybody so I'll still be like that but I wanna do it less...less forced?"

Jeno nods. "We want you to be you. Not the you your grandparents told you to be. And if there's ever a chance I meet them, keep me away from them. Especially your grandma."

"I wanna talk to her actually."

"I don't think that's a good idea", Mark says.

"I think they deserve his wrath, though, don't they?"

Mark looks at Jaemin and finds himself nodding. "Yeah."

When you think you're a nice author but accidentally have your characters constantly going through something:

Well now we know why Jaemin is the way he is

Now let's back up, I love NoMin so much
Everything about their prequel date was perfect to me
I fangirled over it so hard, tell me you did too

Next, Alyssa (we're not gonna talk about Kade because he doesn't deserve it), how do we feel about her?

Ready for more chaos?

OH! From what you've read so far, who are your favorite parents?

And I forgot to ask last chapter but opinions on Jiho, Donovan, and Kaley?

I love you!

Attempted editing❤️

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